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ry a | VU caems 1 What are the “simple things” inlfe? Check (¥) the ist. 1 ride a bike 2 havea per 3 have money 4 go shopping 5 eat fast ocd 6 go swimming 7 spend time with family 8 spend time with friends 9 have fashionable clothes 10 have the best cell phone 2 Which things from the list in 1 are the most important to you? 3 What do happy children eat every day? Read the article quickly and find the answer, Fashionable clothes, new cell Phones, and vacations: do they make PS you happy? What are the most {important things in life? Researchers in the United States asked 5,000 teenagers, aged 13-15, this question. The answer is “the Jenny Hammond simple things are most important, Friends, a good home life, and sports make young teens Pappy. They say these things are more important than money Fin very pleased that alot of teens understand what is ood for them and what is bad for them, What about the Internet? Do Facebook and YouTube make teens happy? Do happy teens spend lots of time onlin.? The researchers asked about this, and they learned someth very interesting, Teens who use the Internet for only hhoura day are happy, but teens who spend lots of tine aren't very happy. This is because they don’t have time fey bec 4 Read the article again andl answer the questions nnn 1 According the vt, which of thse Is mportant for teens? | - han you ancver mutiplechoiee. | B ents inosione.tawdtia quesionand. | © amity te ook fortho answor in tho toxt. | : Then read tho diferent answor | i¢08 and choogo the one thal 2 What point does the writer make about happy teens and choices and che a 1 Sl Py Is closest tho onaver you found! A They spend all their free time online. In the text. 7D B They never use websites Ike Facebook and YouTube © They sper only ate of Ue ree tise online 5 Why are some teens unhappy? 4+ Whats true about some older girs? AA They don't eat as food every day. A They don ike how they look B They don't want to share a bedroom, B They have problems with their friends, They don't know some food is not healthy, © They worry about their parents, Match the two parts of the sentences. The words in bold will help you. {ike to spend Let's have My sisters share On Saturdays, | usually meet Every morning, I ride Helen doesn’t play my friends at the mall, time with my brothers and sisters. a bedroom, but | have my own. Sports because she doesn't like to run. fast food for lunch: burgers or pizza? ‘my bike to school with my friends. eee ce 6 Be the detective! Tanya and Tina are sisters. They y share a bedroom. But today there, isa problem. Read the conversation. Do you kn low how Tina knows ‘Tanya is lying? other activities that can make them happy. For exarn iple, they don’t play sports, ride their bikes, or meet their friends at the mall. But isn’t only activities with friends that make teens happy. Teens who have their own bedroom are happier. Maybe when they share a bedroom with a brother or sister, there are ots of fights! Food is important, too. Those who don't eat fruits and vegetables every day or those who eat alot of fat food are usually less happy. Are you eating something bad for you now? ‘Stop! It's bad for your health and your happiness, So, who is happier - girls or boys? Girls aged 13 are the happiest, but girls aged 14-15 are the least happy. The researchers say the older girls are unhappier for two reasons. Fist, their parents are concerned about their friends and they don't want them to go out a lot, Second, the older girls start to worry about how they look. Boys don't usually have this pressure, ‘What about children in your country? Do you think they agree with the American children in the study? VU warm a 1. Use the words below to complete Sam's blog entry about his family tree. aunt brother cousins father grandmother married mother parents sister uncle Hi Im Sam Jones, and this is my family tree, Jet 's my grandtather and Vera is my '_ He isnt They have two children, John and Mary. Jahn is. ‘and he doesn't have any children. Mary is my and David fs my Upave one ® ‘and her name is Kate. We don't fight and she says mm a good”. A My dad's are Fred and Mavis. Susan s my? ___~she'smy dad's Ia sister, Aunt Susan and Uncle Tim have two children, Bob and Gina. They are my" - 0 ob ‘Well, that's my family. Tell me about yours! ies ou pk a —e Mavis John Susan Tim 1 This 1s me, Sam! 2 Sam Kate Bob Gina 7 a ‘ 4 2 Look at Sam's blog entry and family tree in 1 and circle the correct words. : 1 Sam is Fred's child / grandchild. 5 Mavis is Sam and Kate's grandma / grandpa. 6 2. Bob is Tim and Susan's daughter / son. 6 Gina and Kate are Fred's granddaughters / grandsons. | 7 3 Sam's first name / last name is Jones, 7 Sam's father is Mr. / Mrs. David Jones. Eis 4. David is Mary's husband / wife. 8 Joe, Vera, Fred, and Mavis are Sam’s cousins / grandparents. | 3 Complete the conversations with the words. he wri | sim group guest guy neighbor penpal teenager int | ' 1A: Do you know that. at the bus stop? fb B: Yes, he’s my _________. He lives in the house next door, a 2. A: Do you have a lot of friends, Sarah? a B: Of course, Grandpa! I'm a__-_____! havea big of friends, a 3. A: Can you come to the movies on Friday? 5 B: Sorry, |havea_______at home. My 7 from Sweden is staying with us this week. wy GRANVIMAR q Simple Present ang Adverbs of Frequency T Read about the uses of the simple present and adverbs of Simple Py resent, frequency, for habits and things that happen regularly MTisten to music ever YU evening, in washes hj s Car on Saturday ‘morning. {or things and situation 's that are always or Usually true You have three children Dulan eats a lot of fact food. for facts and general truths Flowers grow in the spring, The earth goes arount the sun. Adverbs of Frequency Adverbs of frequency are ae ike alvays, sometimes, usu Often something happens, We often use th but after the verb t0 be. fusie never watches TV the 3 Complete the sentences. Use the simple present, fcnuauene (your cousin / ive) in San Diego, California ~ (you play) any spots on weekends? _ — (not share) a bedroom with my brother i {not meet) at the mall every day patti effec wear] very fashionable clothes, oe Seas eee ga a lot in May? SEES eee rece eee ae (not make) children happy, eYaunnane in k. Use the it in your noteboot — * ste praset anit tment itary ian in the correct place. ae the Internet café / open / at nine o'clocl : 4 ly ever igry (hardly aunt / get / sad or ang : a grandparents / play / video games fre i ve / talk / to his sister on his cell baie ; i be / cold in Canada in the ene ninaes 7 {ride / their bikes in the park aanuns _ | Vumemaa Word Formation 1 Complete the chart, Flin the missing words (1 8), (Verb Noun | Adjective : riend 4 2 : |happy [interest linteresting /3 eal es [ee heatth ‘5 [nig | marta 2 Complete the conversations with some of the words from 1. 1 A:Doyoueat_> ____ food, ike fruit? B:Yes, Ido. 'm also very_________and 1 play a lot of sports 2 A: Where do you . Jane? B: Next to the park in Clayton. I's a very nice 3 Asis Mr. Granger 2 B: No, he doesn't have a wife. No one likes him. He isn't very 4% A:Here’s a(n) B: Well, . Hike ita lot. and he never says hello! question: What's the most important thing in life? is very important. It makes you smile and feel good. Prepositions i 3 Choose the correct answers. 33 Rea 1 Our neighbor has a big dog, and 'm afraid it. 4 Sandra isa ne person. She's friendly —_everyone.| is he a by b from © of a at b for ¢ with =f situe 2 Vegetables are good —you. They make you heathy, 5 Are you interested football and basketball? | 1 a for bon © with a by bin em plan 3. 'm worried —_ my friend. She's very sad. 6 I'm ready __ the party. Let's go! has « a about bin © to a at b for cwith Fe } Collocations and Expressions oes R 4 Cross out the word or phrase that cannot be used with the verb in bold. ey 1 make somebody angry -—shappy sad surprised a 3 make funof friend alaugh your bed at 4 have afun —atalk fight’ a laugh | 5 have funeh fun party time Mai Com Use 5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of some of the collocations in 4, | a 1 I don't like John because he's mean andhe_____________ other people. fos | 2 Let's {want to tell you about my new rend, tose 3. Broken Heart is a very sad film. It always 2 a 4 I can’t go to the movies with you. I'm studying and I don’t ei 5 Johnny, please don’t use my laptop! You know it. 6x 6 I don't want to with you, so please clean your room! oS a 1 Match these words with the descriptions, VW GRAMMAR 2B Present Continuous and Stative Verbs | 1 Read about the uses of the Present continuous and stative verbs, | Present Continuous * for something that is happening now, at this moment My sisters are playing basketball in the gym now. * for temporary situations Joseph is taking the bus to work this week, Time expressions: now, right now, at the moment, today/tonigh, these dys, this week, at present, nowadays, and for now. Stative Verbs Stative verbs describe states and not actions, We do not usually use them in continuous forms, even when ‘Ne want fo talk about something that is happening now. Here are some common stative verbs: + sense verbs: feel, hear, see, smell, taste © thinking verbs: know, notice, realize, remember, think, understond ¢ verbs that express emotions: dislike, hate, like, love, not mind, prefer * other verbs: appear (~ seem), be, believe, belong, cost, forget, have (= own), hope, look (= seem), ‘mean, need, own, seem, sound, want vill knows the answer to the teacher's question. Idon’t own a house or a car. 2 Read these sentences. Do they both talk about ‘something that is happening now? Which verb forms do they use? Why? 1 realize that you are angry with me. 2 Mom and Dad are getting ready for a party. [Read'1.3-1.4 of the Grammar Reference before you do the tasks. * 3 Read these sentences. Do they express something that is happening now (HN) or do they express a temporary situation (TS)? Look! Those puppies are playing with a bal. These movie tickets cost $12 each! = We understand your problem. = I'm living in Los Angeles for now. = Ryan is having a talk with his teacher at the moment. = Your parents are watching television, —_ Alice is working at her uncle’ restaurant this summer. = & They dislike sports like boxing. = anune so 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form ofthe verb, Use the simple present or the present continuous. 1 (you / read) a book now? {not believe) your story My Uncle Ken (tay at our house for now ' {not remember the name of the movie ight now. (the students / learn) about Arica atthe moment? Kim and Fran (rot talk) to eath other these days, aan rank worn Boston this eek? Hiss hall [isdred Ssisuc lode She Dam nun 1 Match these words with the descriptions. 1 selfish ‘a "She says bad things about people.” 2 popular b "She tells me what to do all the time.” 3 horrible ¢ "She only thinks about herself!" 4 bossy "Everybody likes her." 2 Q Listen toa short extract from the recording. Does Clare fee! sad or angry? & | ; TOAD *) : In this task, you need to listen 3 © Now listen to a longer extract from the recording and answer carefully to a conversation and question 1 below. Did you change your mind? ian anaivel sane GusstiOns It's important to listen to whole sentences and paragraphs 4 Q Listen to Clare talking to her friend Dan about her sister. For before choosing the answer each question, choose the right answer, A or B. you think is correct. 1 How does Clare feel about her sister? cerca A angry B sad 2 Danis A older than his sister. B_ younger than his sister. 3 The oldest child in a family wants A to be bossy. B tobe first. 4 Dan's sister is A lazy but fun, B selfish but popular. 5 Dan thinks that Clare's sister A. understands how she feels. B doesn't understand how she feels. | | U carn 1 Discuss these questions with your partner, + Doyou have any brothers or sisters? Are they older or younger than you? + Isyour brother or sister bossy? | Cuvee two other adjectives to describe your brother or sister. Explain your choices. 2 Look at the questions. Which questions can you answer with Yes or No? Match the questions to the answers. What is your favorite sport? Do you take tennis lessons? When is your lesson? How much do your lessons cost? ‘What is the name of your coach? Yes, | do. On Saturday afternoons. Do you have to buy any special equipment? Her name is Mary Porter. 3 Follow the instructions and complete the task with your partner. One of PRD ( you will be Student A, and the other will be Student B. Use the words and e a phrases in the Language Bank to help you. | For this task, itis very important to form It's at five o'clock. Each lesson costs twenty dollars. Tennis. I love it. Yes, you do. You need a racket, white shorts, and a Tshirt. aaonuna ~eaoce i Student A: Look at Card 1A on page 154. It gives some information about | questions correctly. free-time activities and clubs. Student B doesn’t know anything about | Practice asking and these. He or she will ask you some questions about them. ‘answering questions with a friend, Make sure you know how to form both Use the information to answer the questions. | | Wh- questions and Yes / \ Student B: Student A has some information about free-time activities and clubs. You don't know anything about these, so ask Student A some questions about them. Use the questions on Card 1C on No questions, especially with the simple present. page 156. Nts gece ee see 4 Now change roles. Student B: Look at Card 1D on page 156. It gives you some information about cooking classes. Student A ‘doesn't know anything about these classes. He or she will ask you some questions about them. Use the information to answer the questions. ‘Student B has some information about cooking classes. You don't know anything about these classes, so ask Student B some questions about them. Use the questions on Card 1B on page 154 ‘Student A: 5 Work in pairs to discuss these questions. ‘+ How do you spend your free time? + Doyou prefer energetic activities (ike sports) or quieter activities (like drawing or making things}? + Do you take part in any after-school activities? What are they? eh JANGUAGE!BANK® Wh- questions Yes /No questions | Where Is ..? Do you have ...? i What day is ..? Does he do ..? i What time can | Is there ...? Are there ...? | What isthe name of ..? Gant...? ‘When is the Who can ...? How much does it ..? Why is...? Information Sheet: Filling Out Forms Filing out forms is something we often do. Someone asks US © Fino form when they need information about us. You usually ow the information you need to write because It's personal information about you. But i's important to understand what ow to write It. information you need to write and he Il out a form. Then you Title ‘Add Tele 1 Look at the different kinds of information (1-10) that you often give when You fi match it with the correct information (a-). i 1 Date OO 6 Tite Oo a United States March 20,2017 | | Whe 2 Name @) 7 Telephone Number b 43601 g 897-445-3260 Why 3 Address ©) 8 Gity,State ¢ 11/22/01 hi Katherine Jones lwa 4 ZIpIPost Code L) 9 Country oO d American i Toledo, Ohio 5 Date of Birth 0 Nationality a Miss j Spark Steet @ Inps regu 2 Which words in a-j in 1 have capital letters? Why? 7 Tosh 3 Now look at the questions below and match them with the information in arin 1 that answers them. freqe 1 Where do you live? 5 Are you married or single, male or female? — | and 2. When were you born?” — 6 Whatis your name? — 3 What nationality are you? — 7 What's your phone number? — _ 4 What is today’s date? tee yout ene Yor 4 Read this writing task. Then answer the questions below it, | come You are joining a gym and you need to fill outa form. Complete the form with all the necessary information. fe ee PAR i tle | [Bat ‘Address | Number/Street p | Ad City, State — ZIP/Post Code Telephone Number Date of Birth Teley PART 2: FURTHER INFORMATION ‘When do you want to come to the gym? (Please mention days and 125.) ‘What do you like doing at the gym? Why do you want to join a gym? 1. Look back at the kinds of information in 1. What information do you NOT need to write in P: in Part 1 on this form? 2 Check () the words that you could include in your answer to the questions in Part 2 C8pm Omachines fiat Ciciasses CO mornings Corian Devenings rome O keep fit O3saturday 5 Read this form that Mario Luca filled out in answer to the question in 4, Now look back at the words you checked. Were you right? Mario Luca 3100 fesidents Avenue Silver Spring, Maryland ‘Numberitreet City, State zi Date of Birth | When do you want to come to the eym? (Please mention days and times.) henday and Wednesday evenings (after 8 pm) and Saturday mornings (8-10 am) What do you like doing at the gym? | usually use the machines and weights. | never take classes. Why do you want to join a gym? L want to keep fit and meet people, { moved to he USA from Rome six months ago and I want to make some new friends! {mn Part 2 of the form, Mario uses the simple present to talk about his habits and thi regularly. Find and underline five examples of the simple present in the model. To show how often he does something, Mario uses adverbs of freqency. Find the two adverbs of frequency he used in the form in 4 and circle them, Adverbs of frequency always, usually, often, sometimes, Read this writing task and copy the form into your notebook. Then use ‘2"evs never the Plan and the Language Bank to help you fill out your form. When Free-time activities you have finished, check your work carefully. go sherphg You ae ata summer camp in Boston and you nee toil outa form. got te maltne movies Complete the form with all the necessary information Play video games/sports eareE: SUMNER CAP reed booksimagazines spend a lot of time online surf the Internet Emenee) Title Name wateh TV Date of Birth Nationality ‘Summer camps ‘Address Number/Street enjoy free-time activities ais have fun City, State eam how to speak better English ZIP/Post Code eam something new Country make (new) friends E meet peopie Telephone Number understand English (more easily) Prem he = Do you play any sports? (Please give details.) | What other activities do you like doing in your free time? DOWNLOADI(E) What do you want to do at summer camp? Le eee ee What information you necdto | ma | wits, and donit forget touse | Part 1: Give all the information you need to give. Faplal eters where necessary. | Part 2; Answer the questions. Use the simple present and Remember to yse the simple adiverbs of frequency where necessary resent to talk about your habits and adverbs of frequency to say \ how often you do them. — {_ andthe things you do regulary, eee a7 _@nmmoma 10 Vocabulary Choose the correct answers. (My uncle and aunt have three children, They're my. a grandchildren b cousins © parents David doesn't eat any red meat because it’s bad for his a health b activity ¢ life ‘One of my girlfriends at school is the — of Mrs. Riddell, the French teacher. a girl b husband © daughter I'm very worried the math test on Friday because I'm terrible at math! a about b for © to ‘Our street is a very friendly place, and we know all our — well a. teenagers b guests © neighbors, ‘The students make the teachers when they don't listen in class. a angry b active interested We visit my every weekend because he lives on his own. a aunt b grandpa © mother I need to do my homework tonight so that I'm ready — the lesson tomorrow. a at b to © for Mr. Wells, I'd like to ask you some questions about the history test. Can we have after school? a a fight b atalk © alaugh That's Bob, my new neighbor, but | don't know what his — is. a lastname b family first name Grammar Choose the correct answers. _— to school on Saturdays?” "No, we only go to school on weekdays.” a You go b Are you going © Do you go Kim and Daniel — in restaurants, They always cook their meals at home. a never eat b eatnever are never eating 3 “How often do you get science homework?" “Only —a week ... on Fridays.” a every b once © twice 4 Lisa works all over the country. — in Dallas, Texas this week. a. She works b She usually works She's working 5 ‘I'm sorry, I'm using your pen by mistake." “That’s OK, |__at alll” a not mind b don't mind © am not minding 6 Inthe summer, we tennis in the park with our, friends. are often playing b often play © play often 7 "Which number is Mark's house?” “Im not sure, but it's number 27.” a do you think b I think ¢ I'mthinking 8 Jonathan TV at the moment. He's in the bathroom. a. isn't watching b iswatching © doesn't watch 9 "_to Jeremy?" “No, it’s mine.” a Is this book belonging b This book belongs © Does this book belong Listen! The birds in the garden __ really loudly! Can you hear them? a sing b dosing © are singing 10 KS AW PA LOL 1 Bb his sonia PACE room? What Is unusual about it? Who do you 1 Look at the picture, What do you see In the thing about the girl's style or what she is like? think the girl Is? Does the room tell you any! 2 Work with a partner. Describe your room, What does “your space” show about your style and the things you enjoy? lass survey, Answer the questions about your home and then compare your answers with the class. «Where do you spend time with your friends? # Who straightens up your bedroom? ‘= Where do you spend the most time? + Do you share your bedroom? + Where do you do your homework? ‘= Where do you watch TV? 2 Choose one of your answers from 1 and tell your partner something more about It, 3 Why's it a bad idea to study on your bed? Read the article quickly and check your answer. Can you imagine what houses were like one or two hundred years ago? They were usually small, but families were big! Lots of members] of the same Family - grandparents, parents, and children—shared one house. There wast ‘lot of space, People often cooked, ate, and slept in the same room. Now, however, houses are usually bigger, and teenagers sleep in their own bedrooms or share with a brother or sister. It's their J space, andit shows their style and the ‘things they enjoy Teenagers live a lot of their lives in their rooms. They sleep, study, hang outwith friends, talk on the phone, listen to music, and are alone with their thoughts and dreams for ‘the future Are you a teenager? Do you want to fix | Lup your room? Then read on. Remember t think about all the different things that you {you will be happy to spend time there. A beat bagis perfect for sitting on when you list ‘to music, read, watch TV, or play video games. ‘ ; Net, make sure you have a good ss study area in your room. Don't study on your bed! It’s ‘uncomfortable! You n a well-organized DOWNLOAD(@) In this kind of task, you must dacide whathor ‘or not a sentance says the samo thing as the text, Read each sentence and the information in the article, Mako sure you read enough so you ‘can choose the correct answer. For oxampla, to answer question 1, you need to read the second paragraph. The fist part of the fist sontence says Now, however, houses are usualy bigger, {and teenagers sleep in thelr own bedrooms. The sentence in question 1 seems correct, but if you continue reading you might change your mind. pace that has a desk, a lamp, a comfortable chair, ‘and a bookcase. A desk with drawers makes it easier ‘to keep the area neat. Put the bookcase near the desk so that your books are nearby when you do your homework, Then, make your space personal. Photos of family ‘and fiends, sports trophies, school certificates, posters of your favorite stars, colorful cushions, and rugs all look great in ateen’s room. Finally, use your imagination! There are many great themes you can use to decorate your room. Are you ‘a music fan? Try black and white, Are you a football fan? Go for your team’s colors. Do you love the sea? Choose cool blues and greens. It'seasy to create your own fantastic space. Just remember to keep it neat and clean! ‘44 Read the article again. Are sentences 1-6 (A) Right or (B) Wrong? 1. Some teenagers share their bedrooms. A Right B_ Wrong 2. Teenagers spend all oftheir time in their rooms. A Right B Wrong 3 It's important for your room to be comfortable, A Right B_ Wrong 4 When you study, your books should be close to your desk. A Right B_ Wrong 5 Posters don’t make a room more personal. A Right B Wrong 6 Themes for a teen’s room must always be colorful A Right B Wrong Complete the sentences with these words. clean colorful comfortable neat peter personal uncomfortable well-organ’ 1 This desk has drawers and it's exactly right for me. Ws__ 2 Wow! The walls are pink and yellow. It's a very room, 3. Wenneed a new sofa, Mom. The one we have is very 4 You really should wash your car, Jack. It isn't 5. Mary's room is very ‘no books or clothes on the floor. 6 This is a___ place for everything, 7. I don't want to sit in this chair because it isn’t There are __ kitchen, There is a 8 My room is my share it with my sister. space. I don't Play a game with a partner, Tell your partner to choose a picture from the text. Then ask your partner questions to find out which picture it is. You can only ask questions with a yes or no answer. When you think you know which picture it s, tell your partner. If you are right, you ect ‘one point. Then change roles, Use the questions below or ask your own, + Is there a bed? + Are there any books? ‘ls there a computer? « Are there clothes on the bed? «ls there a bookcase? + Is the person studying? «Is the person listening to something? + Is the room neat? Hl y VOCABULARYAI| 4. Complete the sentences with both words. 1 Circle the correct words. living room / bedroom bathroom / kitchen kitchen / living room bedroom / kitchen 2 Work with a partner, Ask and answer questions about these things in your house. bathtub blankets closet coffee table glasses pillows plates sheets shower sink sofa towels TV Where's the TV? It'sin the Where are the They're in the living room. blankets? bedroom. 3 Look at the picture and complete the text with these words. bed bookcase chair drawer furniture guitar laptop room This is my *___ Yes, I know. it’s messy and my jeans are on the ?___ I try to keep it neat, but I'm really busy with school, sports, and music, All ofthe $________is rrew, but | didn’t choose it. My mom did | think the colors are boring ~ beige and brown ... yuck! But I like the red *_____Isiton it when | play my § The black chair in front of my desk is comfortable, and that’s where I do my homework. I keep all of my pens and pencils in the ® there. | put my books in the?_________in the corner. | have a . ‘and when tm in bed, I watch DVDs on it ‘My bedroom is OK, but I think it needs some posters on the walls and some more color! 1 live stay ‘My cousins Timothy and Samantha ______ in Chicago, but every summer they with us at our cabin on the lake. 2 house home Bob's ______ isa small apartment in the city center, but his grandparents live in a nice with a bie yard inthe countryside 3 celling roof Yesterday my dad was very busy. First, he painted the walls and the ‘Then he fixed a hole in the "because the rain was coming in, in the dining room, 4 ¥ GRAMMAR a Simple Past and Used To Read about the uses of the simple past and used to. Simple Past * for something that started and finished in the past, often with a definite time expression She painted the walls in her bedroom yesterday. + for past habits and things that we did regularly in the past I played video games in my room on Sunday mornings, + for things that happened one after the other in the past ‘Kevin walked into the kitchen, washed his hands, and made a sandwich, Time expressions: yesterday, yesterday morning/afternoon/evening, last night/week/month/year/winter, the other day, five minutes/days/years ago, in 201 1/August, on January 7th/my birthday, on weekends, ‘on Mondays, on Sunday mornings, every five or six weehs/months/years. Used To * for past habits and things we did regularly in the past, but that we no longer do We used to do our homework right after school. + for situations or states that were true in the past, but are not true now Stella used to have a sink in her bedroom! Notice how used to becomes use to in negative sentences and questions. Tina used to spend a lot of time in her bedroom. David didn’t use to live in Wates. Did the boys use to fight a lot? 2 Read these sentences. Which one is wrong? Cross it out and explain why it is wrong. 1. Did you used to share a bedroom with your sister? 2. We didn't use to live in Boston, but we do now. [Read 2:1-2.2 of the Grammar Reference before you do the tasks. Complete the sentences. Use the simple past. 1. Mysisters (clean) their bedroom the other day. 2 (Alex / buy) new pillows last week? 31 (not choose) the furniture for my room. 4. My grandmother (make) breakfast for her family on Sunday mornings. 5 We (go) into the store, (look) at the paint, and (think) about what color to buy. 6 You (not eat) healthy food when you were younger. Complete the sentences with these verbs and the correct form of used to. (Taiink’ ‘keep play spend study visit the guitar very well, but I do now. {a a lot of time with her friends on weekends? Claudia ——___________— The baby _____________mrlk every two or three hours, but it doesn’t now. his grandparents every summer. He loved it! for tests on your bed? their rooms neat when they were teenagers. ‘Steven — yoy aanune Peter and Angela — wt i lO ween Phrasal Verbs 1c i cm cle the correct words, 1 Lget away / up carly every day to go to school, and | don’t tke It! \ 2. Sunday isthe best day because in the | | | ‘morning I can sleep in / on, 3 Istraightened down / up my room because ry things were everywhere, 4 Grandpa's family were farmers and he grew bby / up on a farm, 5 Itwas very dark in the house, so I turned ‘on / in the lights. 6 We stayed at / in last night and watched a good movie on TV. 7 I'm doing my homework, so | can’t talk now, Ill call you back J by later. i 8 My friend Tom dropped by / for today and we played a video game. | Collocations and Expressions { 2 Choose the correct answers. | | 1 |__very nice photos with my digital camera | a make b take © do | | 2. The washing machine is broken, How can |__ the laundry? a put b do ¢ clean 3 Don't forget to__ your phone when you go to bed. Be | a charge b fil © change i 4. May Luse your phone? I need toa cal. \ a have b get © make E 5 |__ my bed every morning before | go to school. a make b take c do } 6 After dinner, my dad always the dishes. i a puts b makes c does Prepositions 3 Complete the conversations with these prepositions. at by for in on under 1 Ac Is Michelle doing her homework? B: No, she isn't. She's talking 2. A: Tony isn’t____ school today. B: Why not? Is he sick? 3. A: Oh, no! Look at the window! B: I'm very sorry, Mom. I broke it 4 A: My neighbor is moving to Florida, B: Oh, is that why his house is 5 A: Let's have lunch, B: Sorry, I can't. 'm_____a hurry, 6 A: Don't worry, Dad. Everything here is control. B: Are you sure? { the phone, q 1. Read about relative pronouns. Relative pronouns (ivho, that, which, whose) Introduce relative clauses. Relative clauses give us more information about the subject or the object of a sentence, We use: ‘* whorthat for people That's the woman who grew up on a farm, That's the woman that grew up on a farm, + thatiwhich for animals and things The photos that ! took are beautifull The photos which I took are beautiful! * whose for possession The man whose house is for sale dropped by this morning. 2 Read these sentences. In which sentence could we use that instead of the relative pronoun? 1 The girl whose phone | used is very nice, 2. That's the window which Tony broke by accident, {Read 2.3 of the Grammar Reference before you do the tasks. Circle the correct words. Thats the boy whose / that digital camera | used. People that / which lve on farms usually eat heathy food. The girl who / whose phone | fixed isin my class at school. My cousin did the dishes that / whose were on the table This isthe movie which / who we watched lastnight. ‘What is the name of the man who / which sold you the house? My friends and I believe that teenagers whose / that have thelr own room are very lucky. There's the cat that / who doesn't have a home. eYannune Match 1-5 with ave. 1 Mybedroomis the place (©. 2 Uncle George isthe person () 3 The woman Q 4 Theres the dog, 9 5 Thats the teacher 1) ‘a who helped me paint my room. that lets us play video games in class! that I like to spend time in best! d_ whose name is Hilda painted our kitchen. which belongs to my neighbor. LISTENING ©} Lssten to Joe talking to his frlend Helen about his room. Answer the questions. 1 What does Joe want to do? 2 What two colors does he tke? 3 Which color does Helen preter? 4 Which color does Joe choose? Usten to the rest of the conversation. Who suggests these Items? Circle the correct names. 1 some bean bags Joe / Helen 2 ablue rug Joe / Helen 3 aredchair Joe / Helen Check (¥) the items you think Joe will buy. + arg Oo + achair Oo + abeanbae © Q Listen to Stuart talking to Jenny about shopping. Which item will each person get? For questions 1-4, write a letter A-D next to each person. PEOPLE ems 1 Jenry C2 A sheets 2 Stuart CO B poster say O © bookcase 4 May © D_ bean bag Gaia In this task, you need to listen to ‘a conversation and then match different people and things from two) lists. But be careful: The speakers will talk about lots of items, and | they may talk about the same item more than once. To match the iter | correct, you need to lston to tne whole conversation. v 1. Discuss these questions with your partner. + Do you want to fix up your room? How? What colors will you choose? + Would you like to buy some new things for your room? Describe them. *\Who would you talk to about fixing up your room: a friend? your brother or sister? your parents? What's your opinion about these Items? Circle the best options and then tell the class. more expensive: laptop / tablet 1 2 more interesting: TV / books 3. more fun: playing football / making things 4 more weil: a desk a bookcase CBO WNEORB TG In this kind of task, you must choose Follow the instructions and complete the task with your partner. between two different options. One of you will be Student A and the other will be Student B. Use comparison to talk about the Use the phrases in the Language Bank to help you. advantages and disadvantages of each option. Don't forget to ask your Situation : partner why he or she didn't choose ‘Student A wants to buy something new for his or her bedroom. Student A the other option. J would like Student B's opinion on what to buy. Pee ea ea Student A: Look at these pictures and use the information on page 155 to answer Student B's questions. Student B: Look at the pictures and ask Student A these questions to find out more about the situation. * What are the options? + How much does each option cost? + What are the advantages of each option? + What are the disadvantages of each option? Using the information you have learned, give Student A your advice on what you think the best option is and why. Explain why you didn’t choose the other option. Now change roles. Look at the Extra Practice on page _155 and follow the instructions. Work in pairs to discuss these questions. ‘ How important is it to have a neat, well-organized room? ‘+ Would you rather spend time in your bedroom or outside? + Is it better to spend money on books or music? ay es ‘omparing the options I think that. Is beter because .. tis more expensive/comfortable/usoful (than...) Id choose ... because. f ‘Asking about the other option t So, why dont you think the other option Is a good Idea? “why didnt you choose the other option? Talking about the option you didn’t choose The other option isntt such a good idea because .. \ I didnt choose the other option because ... Note: Using Correct Punctuation and Spelling When you write a note to someone, you must use correct punctuation and spelling so the reader can understand what you are saying. You must use: + a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence. + a period () at the end of a sentence, ‘+ a. comma () to separate items in a list, and before the word but. * correct spelling, ——————— 1 Read this note and add periods and commas where necessary. 2 Read this note and find four spelling mistakes. Cross them out and correct them. Then change lowercase letters to capital letters where necessary. Hi Robin! Hi, Neill new room is lovely tt has 4 big dad painted the walls purple | wart to {Ws not a very big room but | love it window a bed & desk and & bookcase My | pt some posters and photas on the walls 1 it has a big living room kicher, room, there's @ our new house is great! fad & dinning room, next to the living tatyoom and there are three bedrooms, my bedroom is toetuocen my parents bedroom and my sister's bedroom. ny favorite place is the garden behind the house 5 : ane ‘eport because | can play with my dog there. i | ae li Darren Read this writing task and answer the questions. Read this note from your American pen pal Bob. 1 What do you have to write? ss tcan fic up my room and t need some 2. What does Bob need help with? room. Can you help we? t don't od to change. My mow says ideas, You have a great itor what me fenow what color to paint (0 3 What do you have to tell Bob? Write a note to Bob and give him some ideas. ‘Write your note. (50-80 words) & Read this note that was written in answer to the task in 3 and answer the questions. Bob 1. Has the writer used correct punctuation and spell Hi, Bob! tes great that you are going tie up your Forth | i the colors of| 1 hin you should paint your room your oorite taon | dont drink you need to change | aging, but you ned to bay ookaase 2 Pat | rar hooks in. | also think you need a lamp on Your srk because you do your homework at right Good luck! | sally 2 What colors does the writer say Bob should use? 3 What does the writer say Bob should change? 4 What else does the writer say that Bob needs? 5 The writer in 4 uses a relative pronoun (that) and linking words (but and because) to make her sentences longer. Circle the correct words In these sentences, 1 Mom is the person who / whose cleans our house, 4 Helen is the friend whose / which room | love. 2 Tell me about the things that / who you have In 5 My room isn't very big, because / but it's my your room. space, I love itt 3. I don't like sharing a room with my brother 6 The thing who / that | love about my house is the but / because he's very messy. big living room. 6 The writer in 4 uses two prepositions of place to say where things should be. Look at the pictures below and put a check (¥) next to the ones that appear in the note in 4, Now look back at 2 and put a check (7) next to the prepositions that appear in the note, MIMS Ge Basle Beginnings Hi... V'm fine, thanks. I'm really happy. f Endings Bye for now! Visit me soon! Write soon! Prepositions of place c behind near z between next to in on in front of under There's a desk * ___ the window, ?__ the wall Linking words 3______ the desk, there are some pictures and a clock. and pees. - There's a bookcase #______ the desk, and there are some books but 5_______the bookcase. There's a rug § the bed, and Retath there's an orange box 7 the bed. ®___ the desk ia ne dl Ligeti, and the bed, there's a chair. who whose 8 Read this writing task. Then use the Plan and the Language Bank to, yy), ; i ings in my room help you write your note. When you have finished, check your work bas ‘amp carefully. bookcase picture Read this note from your American friend, Jack, chair poster clock rug a curtains wall uy new house? What is your room lke? ve VHhow‘are you? Do you like yor = rell'me all about itt ns and anover is ue Cm 1) ( ) Write a note to Jack and answer his questions. | Remember to use prepositions |. ofplace to say where things are. |) Dont forget to use linking words arid relative pronouns to make Write your note, (50-80 words) Plan Beginning: ‘Say how you are. , Main Paragraph: Write about your new house, and give det Heino and _ergheailiers \. check your spelling. End your note in a friendly way. Ending: Vocabulary Choose the correct answers. 1 [ike to keep my room —_ so that I always know where everything is, a colorful b neat © comfortable 2 Mom and Dad both _ up in the countryside, but now we live in a town. a grew b turned © got 3 Inwinter | often put an extra on my bed to keep me warm at night. a sheet b blanket © pillow 4 My best friend Julia usually with me on Saturday nights. a lives b drops by ©. stays 5 Oh, no! | forgot to my phone, so now I can’t use it! a fil b make © charge 6 Hi, Georgia! Did you find my cell phone? I think | left it in your room __ accident, a by bin © with 7 We bought Jake a for his bedroom, but it broke the first time he sat on it! a drawer b_ bookcase © chair 8 I left a message on Daisy's phone and she called me — half an hour ago. a. back b under in 9 Laura, please put some clean in the bathroom for our guests to use, a plates b towels sinks, 10 This sofa is old and _.. Let's buy a new one. uncomfortable b personal ¢ well-organized @©nfommea Grammar Choose the correct answers, 1 Dad work, a didn't buy b used to buy © bought 2 We have a guest room in our old house, but now we have two! a. didn't use b didn’t use to © didn’t used to a new laptop last month, but it didn't, 3 |___my homework in the living room, but now 11do it at my desk in my bedroom. a did use to do © used to do 4 Mom, — to watch TV in your room when you were young? a. you used b did you used © did you use 5 Jack, please wear the clothes are on the chair in your bedroom, a who b that © whose 6 When we were young, we always outside, but nowadays things are different. a play b use to play © used to play 7 "Did you see Fix Up Your Room last night?” “No, I_watch any TV last night. Was it good?" a used to b did't = © didn’tuse to 8 The woman __home we bought moved to California last year. a who b that © whose 9 “Carrie, ____to share a bedroom with Eve?" “No, we both had our own rooms.” a did you use b you used © did you used 10 This is the table 1 painted last weekend. a whose b that © who Vocabulary 1 Complete the sentences with these words. You will need to use two of them more than once (© charge do have make share pend tnke People who are not hind to animals — me very angry. 1 2 ae ____a photo. 3 —— my phone, Can | use yours to call my parents? 4 —— the dishes tonight because she is tired. 5 — your time on Saturday and Sunday? 6 We lned in a small house, and | used to —— a room with my sister. 7 8 8 Could you all stand closer together, please? | want to Horgot to _ Nolen doesn’t want to How do you __ "don't know if the store is open, sotll________a call to find out. ‘know my mom’s not happy with me when she says, “Let's Joanna will _ 10 Idon't atalk.” a lot of friends at her new school. time to go out because ! am studying for my exams. Circle the correct words. Very Long Flight Ben and Laura are ' brother / cousin and sister. They ? live / stay in Australia and this is their first time on 2 Plane. They're flying to Los Angeles to visit their aunt / uncle. Her name is Carol and she's 37 years old. She's their dad's sister. Yesterday they got ready ‘.to / for their trip. Ben isn’t * perfect / neat and he can never find the things he needs. He was * in / at a hurry, too, He forgot to take clean socks, but he doesn’t know it yet! Laura, on the other hand, * clean / well-organized. She made a list and used it to pack everything she needed into her suitcase. She had ~ everything ® in / under control. At the moment, she's reading a book and Ben is looking out of the window. It takes a long time to fly from Australia to Los Angeles, and Ben is not ® comfortable / personal in his seat. He isn’t having "a fun / fun, He looks at the time ... Oh, no! It’s another 14 hours before they land! Read the first sentence. Then choose the sentence, a or b, that means the same. 1 Hans spent the first ten years of his life in Germany. 3 Marcusis staying with us for a few days. a. Hans grew up in Germany. a Marcus is our guy. b_ Hans dropped by in Germany. b Marcus is our guest. "2. Jason and Angela are married. a Angela is Jason's wife. b Angela is Jason's husband, ‘4 Ingrid wants to know more about her family history, Ingrid is afraid of her family history. 'b Ingrid is interested in her family history. offee table glasses laundry plates sheets shower sink towels “1. The children watched TV and ate a pizza inthe living room, When the y finished, they left their dirty on the 2 Take the tothe kitchen and put them inthe please. Lean wash them later. ) 3 Can you get the ‘yy. this afternoon, “4 Mom, where are the from the bedroom, please? | want to do the ? They aren't in the bathroom and | want to take a after my tennis lesson, READING Which of these do you think is a real sport? with a partner, 1. Skate-race: This is like a running race, but the competitors use their skateboards, There are short races of 100 and 200 meters, and long races of 400 and 800 meters. There is also a 4 X 100 meter relay : race, Headis: This is a combination of heading a ball, like we do in soccer, and table tennis. The players only use their hheads to hit the ball over the short net on the table. ‘Swimbasket: This is a sport that combines swimming and basketball. It’s similar to water polo because the players swim and throw a ball, but they don’t throw it into a goal to score. Instead, they throw it through a hoop like we do in basketball, Match the sports that are the same or very similar, Do you know how they are different? football pool snooker soccer Look at the photos of snookball on these pages, What sports do you think itis like? In pairs, write a short description of the sport. Then quickly read the article and check your answer. ‘While Iwas visiting my me to play anew sport by Jenny Hammond \ a ots of fun because you play oP lay reg ‘When you play’ hie bal The white bal” Jn snockbal you fellow sinter alls. Then, with skill an e jo players, but eraly its game fortwo layers Py ea oe can easily play onthe hue for Pe balls lok like normal oe ‘A ipa, but they are ager anal pe white ball is atathesi me colored balls, which makes interesting! questions asked Guy some @ aster the BN ees what hea} me Tuck, a co yhe wanted to surprise me e's a strange sport, acre wi a ation of snooker and soccet Sor Snooker table and yoo ol), you use a jooker (oF P seal aa one of the colores a ‘You kick the white 7 Jored ball falls into a pocket. a Ws) er, he invited en pa Guy tis summer, he invited ee Petal anything abourit be ‘And Iwas very surprised! ayitloveittItsa a its called snookbal. 1's ck the balls into the pockets Jong stick that is ee acaeto — 2 or ore ofthe aed snookball,, re ersted in noob \ toate teen D> "$500 adey. onifveurecy >) about it, ou con buy 9 é Y 1 bals for $4,500! b 5 table an ) ee Fe complete the conversation Inthe article, For Items 1-5, Gn Le choose the correct letter a or b. 1 a. Temas about six or seven months a6 In compltesne-conversation arted about five years agO. tetas, the information that is kal Sa missing in each biank is usuelly the answer © a question. To ing TV and there was find the answer, fist look at the about snookbal question or comment before | leamed that two Fre Seen blank and try to think of eer | ogical answer, Then look a Veg eased the answer choices and find the No, it isn't very popular. \ romatnaeen seg ‘Alot, because the equipment is expensive. Yes, it costs alot to play snookball Sno‘ 10 one know about it. Tewas a new sport and 1 ‘a program about It. Iwas a very good TV stiow b Iwas wateti b rnchmen Invented the sport. BS. Match te words in bold with their meanings When you pay a sport, you mus follow the rules. hit with your hand or something else “tock the ball very hard and score @ goal think something ill happen {want to invite you tomy birthday party next week hit something with your foot You must use a cue to strike the bas on the table do or act according to (something) {dont have skis, sot rent them wien | go skiing arelona isa great team so | expect Ito win pay money to use something ask someone to go somewhere 16. Work with a partner, Write down the names of sports in English. You have one minute! The winner will be the pair with the most sports. ” When aid you start playing snookball ‘0 How aid you find out about ie ; ? nat does i cost t0 Play? 12 Wall good luck with it. ROPE you become 2 ssnookball champion?

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