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Pras Sania Shevchuk Spit tanks ro Fondeione Kuo Porn, I) for hlpng ws wich che pape eon af he bole We enjoys exploring ‘neared ph a journey da i surely the hips ewan a cl ‘More an ifoing, pss, we hope chi bok wll slate and provoke both theo! and mpi ingory ito one af the cata Gustine of fat eie: how to encourage not only more decries, but betes, higher ‘qi oe Notes 1 Se The Whi Hoa, The Naw Sacatiy Sef he Usd Son ible 2A ear Boog in Bs Wn Eger ety Some Heep Cot Bet pte 2 0) tea hapowe coins 4 Relat id re 000 cinta eal 6, dnd eens we mcs Al iy es nl ed Fen vad Mal Scignn, Te Bf of US Poa Aone sD ing 190-2009 nk rb nese ofc 1 Hybrid regimes, the cule of Jaw, and external influence on domestic change Amichai Magen and Leonardo Merion AIneeduction [A the beginning of te rwengy-fn century, emo st of phenomena ate Challenging our andemeanding of demociy ad emotrateton. Fi, ‘tamitlon ftom autbosearan reper ito some fom of democcy ts linger utdentond to eonrirue the ase prevent o importa change in oriwide democeatintion procanes Second, cmtenpassy proces of “benstic polit change se unfacing within radial ransomed ite ‘sional environmen compared to even ewo decades ago (German 20055 ‘Whirehed 2000, Ashe Fred Hos organization bas been undelinng in repos vee the lst decade che sl, closed authottrian regi has Bem some thing ofa uy Whale in 1974 ~ the es ha bt the launch of che ‘etd wave of plabal democatzaion with the Pogue Ren dr (Cats (Huncngton 1991) ~ the namie of denies om te planet od str mere 39, at the end of 2006, ou of 193 independent count, 123 eked s electoral demacaces(Peedom Hote 2009. This fc he fie time i human history, democracy bad become aoe oly nies spin, ba she predoinant frm of goverment nthe worl snd he ‘yf enjoying bond international legitanae (MPa 2004 Gershman 2005; Sen 1999). The eamph of democracy, tev, sf a let) proven steadier shin many would ave expected, wih ese of eusght Erakdowas and zeveront en soca, and fete of Teves wav’ £0 soc gel bel thay (Dimond 200; 2009) "eta eis fscaton i stabs eo thi seeming sanguine stay Foe 1 ovr ahora regimes have diappeeed foc many pst of the ‘rot they fave typically ben zeplaced~ particulary since te end ofthe old War” noc byhigh-qaligy, ben dence, Ba by by egies {bat combine democre and sittin ements Sodwided oo 2 ‘reiouum beemee iera democracy onthe oe side, ad ceed hort ta egies, on the other side, these ‘ey 20" eatis (Crates 2002) — ich Cosy ausber g many ar 38 cmon, eouhly tid of the words fea — represent lath the sew fences of democracaion sey and 2 Anite Mea ear Maine ‘novel calege flo and intenatins fees concerned ko promote ‘Recon af ied efsctivepvermene aceon counties. The {ikanfrable cexnce nso may cutee around the wo fon the Ue nd oaaly demos proedares and, co the che ba abuse of ‘indaetval cil tad ples, high eves af minal nd lence, lem coir, tod Bounserng soiononomc srcte, in ote ‘Sori begining so motivate sclie eo cose expicythe slat Toe twr-lectoral cesions of demorcy, Idee, sme of he es sen ‘oeemporry gusto fo stidents of demrratacion, development std Intron ase ~ wheter seemic aid pracitanes or pleats re lange hve to do with lec beskthrougs, othe cooslidation oF te ate procedral rules neesry forthe exiaesce of ecto deme [ithe the new quot ar foaued gn the content of democratic govern- Ian, ndentanding tbe marae of hybrid regunes, che djamics of hee {oiutane or change and, fom a mre practical pepe the condions fu dynamics chat auld encourage the easfomarin of hybrid regimes fovo subentve demoescis of tesionably high quaity (Diamond and Marino 2005 “Thie new questions in democraiation sre, moseover, we ody, dese aginst a ineetonal ackdrop radially difereae Foe the one ‘hac gided the eanlopns fhe 1970: an 1980s and, ose dere, ‘he consldaionins ofthe 190s lnded, with he ish of wo decades ‘mow, nr aaltical ods of democratization hive ben challenged ot yy she pela of hybnidtegumes ~a phenomenon tie highs {he aban of coocepiing dentocrataston s+ shor, enidiectoel Inver! teen we lly dein, sable regi per br by ara ‘tafe outnacional evironmets, «od 4 pled rcogsian af ce itaponance of the nteratons dimensions of demoerstzaton (Pian 1981; Whiceead 1996s; Burnel and Calvert 2009) "Twcnry yus ago democai anions wee slcivly inioqent,Bipo- lacy dncorgea the nko invtaiy nberene i demacaic experiment oy and he notion eae steady auchortaian fue helped foster the ‘Stadion of sub nee fr econamc moderniaten se cared ‘sbvtantalfillowing(Whiehen! 2008), The nl ofthe Cad War noe ely ‘ipanded deoctatc prices into the former Commune wos, ie a ‘lamcated cel eioale for tolerating sutocaces inthe not-Conscust fone, the withawal of westemsepport or Apartheid Sou Ate demon Sted. With she number ef ew democracies going mpl in he 1990e {nd 1990, demcratzatin ao oly bean oe peceiel 8 the ner "oal norm ther tun the excepon, aso pecptted an unprecrented Suge in cemacney promodonactty by de main western powers nth 1994; Carters 1999; Youngs 2004) At the hued ee ofthe peta of Jceventin io counces from Hai eo Sera Leone, om Basia “iaegovina o Ea Timor and Aghanisan~ weakening noms sate soet- ‘enn camped withthe growing inkage made bythe United Sees US) in - 4 ad gis 3 pris Berween feeds ap Scuttle lav the peolfraion ofthe Ue of cniary force aed the exnblitimene of new feof iatreatoan (rusechip renovator ue snd tal dere etd rot verenty een andr the mow dice preconir conde. The Gploymene of no serine mechan 0 pret and poms democracy it flo expndel ve th sme period. Weld Bask gues ite» ened Ince in inertial dernoeay promotion expenditure eeween 1991 and 2100 on eanual nese of sppaiacly USGS blion (Word Bank 2000 fesitsien building for democratic goveance now account fr 40 co 45 rent of che United Nene Development Progimate (UNDP) wari Edge (Dewi 2008, nd mae eins ogeieatons, NGOs ad essa tina networks now wild more routes han eet ef in edt ree ind promoce good governance and. democracy trough sanctions {id poste ioe, scaliacion techniques, moieing ad feporing ‘Siupheer 2005: Ruse and One 2001) ‘Nor supsogly, cineenporty denccatinson scholaship dips 2 rowing iowest in bath Wesen demacrcy rometion policies aed the Ferational diesions of demcateaton ‘nore bendy uel 2003, esky and Woy 2005; Pevehouse 2008; Cartes 2004: Yourgs 2008) Sill real questions of rheoncoaeptalntion sod mesuement bound Jn the id, Do interatonal facto, ocudiag the democracy omecion pices of wexern ator play signin oe necting oe cara Jing demacrac developmen domestic sre? Tt he ant bow co {irene secs ~ eral incenie, financial and foci iwc ‘euon techniques, diplomacy oe cemantrasoneffsces ~nluence domestic ‘isomers improve ldo, democratic accouablity, galt ad ‘eiponivenets? How can the in lunue of eer) aces be concealed tos era? What combioution of dns convons and eign ter ‘eovion it motiely ro led eo the ernferaion of liber, lene {es coenpe pocodea democracies ins fe fea ete gover emocracies?" Whar are che paca of external inuece on domestic ‘lange, and whar dacs the nero interasonbecwnen exteral sd dome tic vaibles lok ike in ely? "This volume apprsches these compler questions using new chest insighswod empl dat. To engage with he chanes ined above ina ‘oneptully and metbedologalyinfvmed maine, we eck te deus change ina ete diversion of ibe substantive democacy ~ he le of law sandon the inceraction between xia an mes wes ag aed poceses shaping sch change In alert ge as ea ass posible ia Social scene to ering causal ink Berween domestic and external for, ‘we consciously focus un the iencton between 8 defined snterationl Sion the seks to promote rule of law slgone in tied county he utopen Usion (EU), and four courrier wich « diferene,yr compare, ‘sory of scored inerictios with the EU and bee donee pail ‘tasfcmations ~ Romania, Task Sebi apd Uline iste pid singe 4. Ari Mager ad Lan Mri ‘heead othe Cold Wa elo), pirical she value presents he reas eign each on the noence of ertecnly den ue few promenon Sues ins group of subj ounces where: (I) the sees deployed “nat fr ise exec (2) sl elo gol ae oug t (Ghee scegis rsa ny fers = recone, ppocntes elite sola wd immediay of icencves for compa, “Fans we supose texting lier on HU ifsner om candidat comes (iy 20 Linden 2002 Peidham 2005; Suds, Carnes and Kaylee S006) Sehiemeenig and Sedelmeier 2005; Vahuove 2005), 2008 ‘beyond enlaigement to cpu memberup wth aon-mermbenip EU sce. doings, we sto park the sil poly cones aed peti andestod notion fecal duce on domes democratic ern recess; fomerain where ado what xe, a all, uch nunc sn Err cece under what condins ete infveace mor likely, and sith what corequnes fr democratic quality in theese say counties. By aking the quent viva fue examples of ard ese ttgete by the EU for tansoracve engigemene (Youngs 2003), we sec 0 dei Iesons of break appiion for scholars (6f democetc development, Compective pli, ternal veto shery ab ieration lp Stud as wl x psctsorers Gn avon sid agencies, NGOS, ery end Inultistent! demiopmen ergansatons "The remainder ef ths caper addesns che notion of bid seine, rowing on O'Donnell igh that + ajo ctor ming fren awed emocecis is the ‘Semocatie RuletLaw’ (Oonwel 1998, 2003. Hing nid thee conceal foundation, we Meneiy the saps in exsing thule of extern lace on democratic Seveapmentin scion se ‘Sita ou fc en the BU sr 2a prion ent, ed at oat ‘ae sidy sli, hope 2 of hi volume een ses oat ia gree deal ‘heen fnmevrk unkig this compare std Hybrid eegimes: definition and challenges “Tar the diction bewoennea-democacy and democracy cou Be once Chale in ems of ged, ier hn ae icone od ha ality thee always ented gy ats berween on-demorracc sable regimes of ‘ifsc sorts Ge eg Lins 200, and Broke 200) ad consolidated bea “decay, ms lend event to poll campus Inthe le 19605 (ner 1970; Dab 1971 ander (Caller an Adzock 19) The agit Sd spctnum ef thr gay ae, weer, ine bth gly expanded ince he Shen ofthe tied ware of demacaiaon in 1974 (angen 1991) [Ate ne derocraerwee ey but hey were largely bel dears ‘Garces ao only by fe hr and comedve seins, but by rteton ‘fsa politi feeds a exon degre of scout abd rea {ven cena, od the rl of nm Democracies were concent ‘vse Bare, North Armee ans number af thi fs clonic hey eid its 5 sss # cer minority, but chy were nei all ol dectcie (Mrtno 2k Damen aod Merino 2009. "One of che most stiking characte ofthe eed wave, atic in in ae peri in the 19905, as been the unprecedented gnowth ithe ‘umber of hyd reximes poi regimes cha dope the frm of elector Chemoctngy wit sepa, wemingly oscelly compte, cco), bat {lc oil che sarenrve conteae of conidtd ial demas odo Sownly ambiguesly (Kal 1995: Diamond 2002; Levey aed Way 2002), [As Dimond (2002) observes, che erm “ybed eg” biel «genesis ‘Geegory contin a last four aisinerubeype of regimes, The eegry kaon democratic regimes thas contin sme en of eral competion ‘in sal be divided ito campeitve (ery dexcbed “cmpeitne Suchodtarian or ‘electoral suber!) or ancompeive (hegemonic Subosaanisn) (Diamond 2002; Sched 2006) This lever sete (ier or misma democracy sx thi sage of diinsed foems of lemony, ands resid! cory of abigua fies pastored on the ‘ay beder betwen orl storie tod lca dey ‘Wheres meine uiaartip fae fed pimatly on concep end cepliing the pelfencion of cecal autorun (Brownie 2007, ‘Shadi 2008), eae ciel eancred with he ate oo sbeypes hyd pis. Clty these prt demoencie are moray and patel pte los: Tey ge demctcy shad sae by ting to deer on pple ei fate expecains fer ei puriiptary goverunes blo he diinton ewer genuinely fie sais nd suhaaranim, and inp bad el ede is omer by emi leptiminng the. The Sanacnccontene at bese nel, te at wont they display seins problems of cape, nag ate of {ric ad politcal feds and wat nfssinenes Bari ithe soe mp Jey and stale of thes prolierton shih Bought the pln af yd regimes othe fren plc and academic ateton While the enstlogies’ of ehe 19704 and 19608 invited the conditions and modes of tansiten fom dite to demoeiy, the ‘onsolidlogiss ofthe 1990s canceneaeed on sngiing imo ees, cendicon and madels ofthe conmliatinof young democracies, Mos ‘eet the questions of whether democracy it woskng, how poo ot Td a democracy alo the conceal ue fds ayes of democracy Glib demoraces, defective democracies and so 60) bebe ese hae pram el dnc hy snd democrataion sad. (ect and Cease 2004, 2. we sow koow wha hybid regis ae at how widexpen thy bre become, the neat queso st what determines wheter sch regime ence Jt ful, higher quality democices, remain stuck ia a gesy zone of ‘ibe, minal eletealiam,o ctlide eo ough stbeieanm? (6 Akh Mae a are Mie Wha, in ober wont “democricsubzeance’ sing fan wha bas beee vainly seers o as ‘erocrary with ajc (aller sod Liey 1997) “bea Zskasia 1991), ‘elgueie (© Densell 1999), ‘lienteli’ (Kieschelt 2000), o¢ simply “pseuto' (Diamond 2002) emacacy? What scouts for the emergence etdstion oF wlkng of such ‘Abstance? And Boal, fom 1 democracy promocion poise of em, what fevon can and shouldbe ken by desi and enteral former Yo bet Encourage unions frm hybrid regimes 2 sobieamive, higher quality Seneca? Th appichiag these qustions we encoun a gap io kaowlge that we hope a ast par tol nei ole. As psi a ase (ari democrcie acount fo an nceting portion of ae regimes fa he ion share of gis tasitiens {ba) »wehave ltl in: fracon as to the fits tha would lend pati democracies to eter slide down to auorcy or move upc fll democracy the demi sant of he bee ofthe pal demacrace dade our undensaing the for alceng eaten ue of partial Semecrry ein poly Saleatood (pein a 2005, pp. 996 and 364-5, ‘To approx the double conundeum of understanding the dyamics of change ay frm hybrid egies, and the role tha external coe may Psy in such tansformaton, we fst identify key dimeasion of demectc substance that is mising fom hybrid regimes — the ‘semocratie Rule Faw" ~ and then proceed vo begin addrening the tpi of interaconl Faflomes on domes democrat dewlopmen. Democratic substance an he ral of law “Tiarstios fom bybid segs to more substantive, highee quality democ- racy can be explore log eer these aes (Molino 2003, Whiten 2002) impesced by the violence, HnetRiceney,inecrivenest, nega, ‘evrptin and fequent winlaten of ci fdas hat chrtre m5 ‘Eemally democrat sates ~ in Latin America, Ast, Af ad the emer Sovee Boe scholars have cece sited the fal poine of demecrie hoot in an acemps wo iden what 5 musing fom Soc egies. AU he tame cin, he growing interes of development ccononcs over the st ‘ect tees of publi ec od account, paca stbii, oven iment fecvenes che ral flaw egulatory quay and conc crop fon ll under the aoton of god governance’ ter than he more rey poli! emocacy) ae also focsing new actentin onthe selon AUimersoot of demecracy (Kavimann, Keay and Mats 2006; Jomo sad ise 2006, Duy, Kees spd Lueig 2000, The quest Ins ed emo ‘uti tory to expand the dacsion cf demerenticsubwane, cul tad rT 4S - yd ins 9 oq ler concepuniaions fr confxing te” democracy with nee Seton (Kr 1995s ODenal 1958). "Ac bate minimum democracy requis: sovertign elected intcsons casera ll sliage fs, competitive, and ecuring elise ple nso polital pares aod a plulity of sures of itormaton (Dahl [gris Sebmeesod Kad 1995), The tsi condos fr doc, n othe sword inva intetnolian! gursees fe argon in pie conte ‘Suon fer power In cont, when we apprwch the ine of democratic ‘Nbeasce what mats a goed democracy ~ we cn Mee eight dimer Sion an which an empiral deceiaaton of quay ean be made (1) the fhe fla 2) Parsicipation G) Comprion (1) Elena Accaneabliey (6) ernstninal Accountability (6) Respnsienes co she neds ine. ‘ota expectations of cnn (7) Fedor (consisng of oie, cl and ‘Scoecnami ight) (8) Eguleysitdary (Dato and Morin 2005) Prina ne pa emong the dmesins of democratic quality heal of Jaw (© Donaell 1998; Braton and Chang 2006, Thier 207). AS Lin and Sepa seminal werk on demecre conoliscon laces, the degree 0 hich she ral of lew exis is given poly tele the ene democratic [ply of tha negie (lina and Span 1996) Indo, he ale of ls may be Ueto mc funda wpon which rey oie dimension of democratic ‘yy lite rts Daman and Moding 2003) Hence, sey of ae OF law efoem dynamics fe dxper and brad procenes of danstic mecrase development ad an ingie tt che fone of intraoral sors on changes inthe quay of dere of aw moves che esearch geod Ieyood the procul, mcr-democacy aes oq which cancers so mich of oneempaary demecy promotion lett ‘Anyone concerns uphold he rae of nw A home of to peomae ie ahead, oweves i conoted wth ana pro calenge of concep ‘Be tem. Concptiliaon inane te werieaton of the ater tha te constitute of de eoncepe under consideration. Such Ufnton = tte a soce the speciicarion othe seing ofthe concep othe epicenter found whidh al subsequene dasons regarding theory, ce allecion and analgsis aeeaken.Actoedingly he steabutes tate Cons tive ofthe coocpe under consideration het be dhe cal, which trea eithe minimally no ith sich overburden dsl tae the ‘aocepe synonymous wth ‘ll hinge bright and besitos fenderng i flee aalyoel we” Yer, eos degre peraps unpuliele nsecilacence phrsolgy the sr tale few vlaeae co oversching al abun. Mores chan the “demccay'cven~ which el has gine hegemonic interatinal endone iment the ideal of te rl ofa is advocated eal nivel an, jst 8 Imporactiy, sever seis ejeced. Arise hae of deep cevages — herwen east and west orth ad sou, nic nd oe sam, Lia sd oleracea Taman observes thet pens tobe desea {greene taveing all ul lines, on oe oie, nd ae poi alte that 1 Anis Mage an Lear Mie he le fle” good for everyone’ Tiras 200, 1). Norwthstanting {is perstenss sae, Bowen, he ern aid bya ext ry eaence f undecandings. Ofte, ie seems there a aimee a Tt eocpron of che rule of lw as hee ae pone delending i Two 1999, 152, ‘res ds mean, at vme thers would ave it that che concep of the cule law bs ben ede reatingless by tealopcl abuse and ger (rewase? (Shia 1987, 1), We submit tae das ot. But niher dos i mez cht anything gs, ad ha any given dion iss good as anothes, ‘Rae, bese conespealstion i bod intimately connected with hey fin i logit en ded evelweng ei ha iim ase interna of the uefles ofthe thon i help o frm schol ac at leety co detetmine what arbuts muse be ince in x dfincon af the ‘leo lew while obering the athnologislseaubiity of eoiing the emer of tclng too lide, or too much, lative 0 thee theo bale Kaplan 1964, 31-9. Tewtfing te constatvesebores of the ae of a epee cha lenge les so Becene of the ene ‘eee coneste’ tare than by Wire of is evaving wae, athe loose re mae of by pacions “has fo difenedniplies Radin 1989)? For Dicey, who coined ad popularized the pine, ee conceperpescate ope of the two legs vpn Shick the onwtiutioa oder of Englind coosineny ested nce the ‘Norma Conus of 1066 (Dixy 1908). For Neuman, 2 Weimar Repeblie jusandenrber ofthe Fanare Sehol wring inthe 1920, ston fe feof the wo detning chante ofthe modern ante; te ele of Tew being fn perpeu ieconclable euggle wth the er sate oct Tae dace snesgney (Neurana 1988). Wheres in ehe mle slabeewenieth cenauty Haye (1944) perceived ee uo aw ate ese thal fegued agains the otaranrendenis of sate oils by the Ite 1980 Hayek scp vk he tle fw In hi asl on Reyes conmitad tpt ad parcel ofr cll forte US ad he lnceccanl Finacial eecioce Fe) to pare bert maker economy and develop ‘mene policies | Ti cantemporary st, Kleinfeld (200) observes, he phases comely landed by polecany, pacino and shal to mpl 2 least ve stouinge ea ave in fice tinct, but seer cll ferent by ese ‘Tho invoke the ser 1) government Boand by law (2) egal bee the Tan ©) law ad nat (2) poseable, cient fast, and ©) public power ‘opectlal of fundamental righ. The destionl challenge is free ‘impound! by the dep dgonneca between the difen communis few raking ae of the pre, abd the illu cntets from within ‘which hey ope "Takings step bak fm tis confnion, we an divide conceptions ofthe rule of law into 0 brad types: thin and thick. This basi poly ‘eerejpon roughly to what Cg (197) calls cma” and substance, Hold gine 9 “cai (199) neg’ and Posie nd Dworkin (L985, 11-13) eae Tale bok’ versa righ concept of he ral a aw “Phin oma oe nepatve onceeions of ee ele of lw dems theese ti septtion of lw fom polis (or aurnomous lw), abd focus onthe (einatl cpdiions acer fr Law co restr sherasbaasess inthe ‘ite of power’ Reversing, no actually aing, Leviathan is heen (Ge bisrrcaly egal conoxe wih whic de concept of the ule of aw necged Hence for Dicey: ‘de rl ofa comeasted with every system of [overemetc bse! onthe eet by pesos in sthoryof wase, ebay, ePoacreomey powers of cose v9 tha individual coud ely oni by be steep fora dice bea ol etablshed in the acy legal manner before ee ondnary care of ee ln (Dey 1908, 188), Resining dacreionry vie of power slay at the heart of ayes dein of she coenp, Srpped ofall echoiate’ we Hayes power ormolion pat this means dat government ia al its actions i bound by rls feed ed angounced bread rule which mae i pet Frese with Sie cereiry bow the authoety wil se i contcie powers ia ven SSeumeencs, and co pln ones individ fis on the ss of hs Keowiedge ae 194, 38 Sich conspion ~ sommes dabed goteamene by lw, aot by ma!

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