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1. Antiviral: Is a type of drug used to treat infections caused by viruses. Like

antibiotics, there are specific antivirals for different types of viruses.
2. Arthralgia (joint pain): Joint pain can be discomfort, pain, or swelling arising
from any part of a joint, including cartilage, bone, ligaments, tendons, or
3. Caged: Immobilize with chains, shackles or any other way, to deprive a
person, animal or thing of their freedom of movement.
4. Chills: They are shivering and cold sensations that are caused by the
involuntary contractions and relaxations of the muscles and these muscle
contractions are a way in which your body tries to warm itself when you are
5. Clade: The entire group of living and extinct species that all descend from
some common ancient ancestor
6. Disease: any harmful deviation from the normal structural or functional state
of an organism, generally associated with certain signs and symptoms and
differing in nature
7. Fatigue: Extreme tiredness resulting from mental or physical exertion or
8. Germs: A microorganism causing disease
9. Infected: That contains a pathogenic agent and therefore transmits a
10. Isolating: to separate something from other things with which it is
connected or mixed.
11. Mutation: Mutation is an alteration in the nucleic acid sequence of the
genome of an organism, virus or extrachromosomal DNA.
12. Outbreak: is a classification used in epidemiology to refer to the sudden
appearance of a disease due to infection in a specific place
13. Range: The full extent or distribution of something.
14. Rash: An area of the skin that has changes in texture or color and may look
inflamed or irritated.
15. Scar: a mark left where something was previously attached.
16. Secretion: A process by which liquid substances are produced and
17. Strains: set of microorganisms belonging to the same species and that come
from a single cell or particular sample.
18. Symptom: A physical or mental feature wich is regarded as indicating a
condition of disease
19. Vaccine: A substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and
provide immunity against one or several diseases
20. WHO: (the United Nations’ World Health Organization) connects nations,
partners and people to promote health, keep the world safe and serve the

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