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Nowadays, since a lot of countries way back 2020 are in quarantine and Philippines is
one of the countries that reported high postive cases because of the virus popularly
known as COVID19 resulting to limited business operations or worse, establishments
are closing, This affects employees being retrenched, hence, and increase in high
unemployment rate. This also put preassure to a lot of people from different countries,
that is why since the virus spread all over in the philippines a lot of businesses are
closing because they are getting bankrupt that is why a lot of workers that are working
to that business does not have any work. That is why they do not know we’re they can
work to feed and help their families.
Many people lost their job that is why they need to think about new strategies to help
and feed their families and gave them their needs in daily lives that is why a lot of
people started having an online selling which is they will gonna sell through online apps
like facebook, they just need to have a live on their facebook accounts so that a lot of
people from different places can view or watch their live selling so that in this kind of
way they can still earned some money, but some of the people that have a savings
money they invest their money to create their own business that is why knowing the
trends to produce new strategies in their business is important so they can sell a lot of
the products that they will gonna released.

It will help the readers so that they will have more interest in doing business they will be
able to know new strategies to facilitate the sale of their produce several changes have
occurred as a result of covid 19, one of which is that many people have lost their job,
vendors, sales have been particularly impacted, thus they have developed techniques
that they can use throughout the pandemic.

online stores and online selling will be taxed according to the government because
since the started pandemic many people have stopped selling their products because
they will just gonna be bankrupt. Taxation of online selling / stores will start according to
the government because of the pandemic

After this research ,those who will listen or read this research are expected to learn a
faster and new process of selling product also learning the pros and cons of every

Background of the study:

If they want to become a business owners or they are willing to have a business, of
course the most important thing to do is to have some ideas to look for the new trends,
the trendings that a lot of people can recognize or can buy the products that they will
gonna released so they cannot be bankrupt, because a lot of people wants to be
engaged by the new products that a lot of different brands gonna released that is why
them as a person who wants to start a business or some people that have a business
should look forward for the trendy things so they can sold a lot of their products.

They just need to take a little idea for the new trends and make it more creative yet
trendy as well so it will have a huge impact to some other people, because if they make
it more creative, the products that they want to released, they need to be patient
because it takes time to create a new product it is need to process and have a good
plans for the product. So they cannot be dissapoint their customers.

It needs to be into the stage that some of the people needs to achive their high
expectations, so they need to meet their expectations or exceed more their expectations
to the products.This helps how to manage customer service and how efficient their
salespeople are. Because the main goal is, they need to encourage them to buy the
products so they cannot be bankrupt.

Settings of the study:

Figure 1: Pasig Public Market

The study will take place in pasig public market

Pasig was a part before of Rizal province and served as its capital. However in 1975, it
was carved out of Rizal and became part of Metro Manila when the Metro manila
Commission was created by President Ferdinand Marcos through Presidential Decree
824. We choose to make a research in pasig market
Because if you have more competitors you can initiate your strategies properly/more
better and improve your strategies.

Theoretical Framework:

This research was based on the study by Kotler (2012) of low-level business strategies,
which found that most people who find it difficult to think better plan based on trends for
starting a business.

Where he stated, "To determine the problem of low business strategies and the
methods of business, how to teach them, so they can be better business owners of the
economy." On the other hand, Kotler (2012) believed that there were factors
contributing to their slowness in generating strategies based on trends that needed to
be understood in order to help them start and grow their businesses.

He stated that "The science and art of exploring, creating, and delivering value to
satisfy the needs of a target market at a profit" Marketing identifies unfulfilled needs and
desires when generating strategies. Drucker (1986) believed that if an organization
takes an action, no matter how intentionally socially responsible,
It assumes responsibility for its outcome in the future. As an example, Walmart’s low-
price strategy that seemingly benefited low-income customers led to unjust competition
that forced many small businesses to close down and the unethical treatment of its
employees caused by the cost-saving goals.

Porter (1985) called the generic strategies "Cost Leadership" (no frills), "Differentiation"
(creating uniquely desirable products and services), and "Focus" (offering a specialized
service in a niche market). He then subdivided the Focus strategy into two parts: "Cost
Focus" and "Differentiation Focus." Rather, business owners can use trend analysis to
improve their businesses by using trend data to inform their decision-making.

Conceptual Framework:


Figure 2. Conceptual Framework of the study.

The figure describes how to do and how this reserach will be done. First it will begin in
the input profile of the respondents including age, sex, social media. Second is how to
get information through interviews, surveys, and social media monitoring. The third one
is what will be the outcome of this research and knowing different trends to produce
new strategies in business.

When the virus spread in the country, online selling was one of the sources of the
business to attract the people and they still pay had to pay their taxes. Online is one of
the way to buy our needs.

1. How they can improve their selling skills to pay their taxes?
2. What strategies are they need to do to win over their competitors?
3. How can customers be sure that the product is clean or in a good conditions?

Statement of the Problem:

The answers in the following questions are based to the opinion of the students.

1. What are the commonly trends to produce new business trends?

2. How many people are interested in learning and discovering the right selling?
3. How does the competion of business affects the discovery of a new strategies on
a business?
4. What are the expected outcome of a new trends or strategies in a business?
5. Where is the right place to construct a business?

Significance of the study:

This study sought tto offer insightful details on the potential for trends speak as an
inquiry-based learning method to park ideas, as well as the importance of this
techniques for idea development in the field of business and economics.


Business Owner- these are the person who can get help to make their sucess
expectations to happen in their business, the strategies can help them to make or
produce a better strategies in depends on their business or where their business

Working Student- these can help them so they can know what are the business they
can go so that they can get a better outcome to their business this is important to them
since they know what are the trends are kniw what are the trends are more popular in
the market they can easily make a strategies that they can apply in their business

Aspiring Business Owners- this can help them to prepare in their plan because this is so
important in the plan making so they can have a better outcome and they can meet their
expectations or even more surpass it these are the one of the most important part in
making business because without this, they can be bankrupt easily.

And for the fiuture researchers, could use the findings of this study as the foundation for
addition tactics and related enterprises.

Presentation of the beneficiaries:

The people that will mostly benefit in this research are the one who manage tehir
business and want to make their own products, grow by using different strategies, and
the one that are planning to start their own business they can have their knowledge in
building a different strategies that is best for their business.

Scope and Delimination:

This research was conducted to know how can they know the right or new sales
knowledge to grow a business, this should also be studied and given time to know the
things that can be done and things which cannot be done.

The participants must be all people or students, it is difficult to find a job nowadays,
because of the pandemic so they need to have a strategies in life to get out and find a
bsuiness that will be popular and liked by people and these ideas will help all people
who wants to create business and earned some money.

Definition of terms:

New strategies to facilitate the sales of their products and business. This is about the
strategies on how they can easily increase their sales on their products or business,
with this same strategy they can bundle the things they need in the product so that their
business income will increase even more.

Because every single seconds, minutes, hours, days, week, and years are important
this should not be wasted because if they waste their time they cannot do the things that
they should do, they should sacrifice their time and life to the things that they want to

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