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💎🏆 Conversation Report 🏆💎

Extreme weather events

~ An infrequent and often dangerous weather condition


~ A cyclonic wind formation


~ Describing an animal which consumes meat.


~ An animal which consumes meat.


~ An animal which consumes only plants.


~ An animal which eats both meat and plant based foods.


~ Shocked in a negative way. Disgusted.

"I was appalled at how I was treated in the restaurant"


~ To kill an animal for food.


~ The lifestyle or dietary choice of only eating or using products without any sort of animal


~ Somebody who consumes fish as part of their diet.


~ Someone who works in politics.


“Humans do not need to eat meat, and therefore shouldn’t.”

Discuss this statement in as many words as you like.

To my point of view, I personally disagree this statement. Although there are many
concerns of those humans who do not have a desire of consuming meat, they should not
stop absorbing the necessary nutrition from the carnivore diet forever.
From my perspective, people should eat less meat diet instead of avoiding
consuming those products. It is because meat provides rich protein and B vitamins for our
body. However, being vegetarians or vegans, it’s hard for them to gain those significant
nutritional elements from the plant-based diet. To my mind, the belief behind them is that
they want to take actions to protect the environment of our world and to decrease the
damage of the CO2 emission for the issue of global warming. They also recognize the
animal’s welfare and the health problem. In fact, I believe what they suggested or advocated
are good for saving the earth, but I think they can promote those ideas in terms of saving
energy, reduction pollutions from vehicles, and planting more trees rather than being too
extreme in their daily meal.
To sum up, this statement is not suitable for everyone because each person has their
own ethical desires and choices, we should respect what they determined. Bear in mind that
everyone should think twice before deciding to do so instead following the social trend

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