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Design of Slabs on Grade The AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE : i Was founded in 1904 as a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to pubic i service and to representing user interests in the field of concrete. It gathers and of distributes information on the improvement of design, construction, and mainte- ! nance of concrete products and structures. The work of the Institute is done by . | individual members and by volunteer committees. i The committees, as well as the Institute as a whole, operate under a consensus format, which assures all members the right to have their views considered. Com- 7 mittee activities include the development of building codes and specification sian- dards; analysis of research and development results; presentation of construction : and repair techniques; and education. Anyone interested in the activities of the Institute is encouraged to seek member- ship. There are no educational or employment requirements. Engineers, archi- tects, scientists, constructors, and representatives from a variety of companies 7 and organizations form the Institute membership. Ail members are eligible and encouraged to participate in committee activities that relate to their specific areas of interest. Membership information, a publications : catalog, and listings of educational activities are available. american concrete institute. P.O.BOX 9094, FARMINGTON HILLS, MI 48333 international’ —=_— at ot a le I I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Tenth Printing, August 1999 Design of Slabs on Grade Most ACI Standards and committee reports: ‘e gathered together in the annually revised C1 Manual of Concrete Practice. The several alumes are arranged to group related material ‘gether and may be purchased individually or ‘sets, The ACI Manual of Concrete Practice is so available on CD-ROM. ACI Committees prepare standards and reports in the general areas of materials and properties of concrete, construction practices and inspection, pavements and slabs, struc- tural design and analysis, structural specifica- tions, and special products and processes. A complete catalog of all ACI publications is available without charge. American Concrete institute P.O. Box 9094 Farmington Hills, Ml 48333-9094 ACI Certification Programs Xe final quality of a concrete structure depends on \alified people to construct it. ACI certification pro- ams identity craftsmen, technicians, and inspectors 20 have demonstrated their qualifications. The follow- 3 Programs are administered by ACI to fulfill the grow- 3 demand in the industry for certitied workers: Conerete Flatwork Finisher Conerete Flatwork Technician Conerete Field Testing Technician—Grade | Concrete Strength Testing Technician Zoncrete Laboratory Testing Technician—Grade ! ‘onerete Laboratory Testing Technician—Grade ll Concrete Construction Inspectorsin-Training Conerete Construction Inspector Conerete Transportation Construction Inspector-in-Training Concrete Transpertation Construction Inspector 38 document may already contain reference to these 3 ceuttication programs, which can be incorporated > Project specifications or quality control procedures Jol, suggested guide specifications are available on vest from the ACI Certification Department, Enhancement of ACI Documents The technical committees responsible for AC! committee reports and standards strive to avoid ambiguities, omis- sions, and errors in these documents. In spt of these efforts, the users of ACI documents occasionally find information or requirements that may be subject to more than one interpretation or may be incomplete or incor- rect. To assist in the etfort for accuracy and clarity, the Technical Activities Committee solicits the help of indi viduals using ACI reports and standards in identifying and eliminating problems that may be associated with their use. Users who have suggestions for the improvement of ACI documents are requested to contact the ACI Engi Reering Department in writing, with the following infor mation: 1. Title and number of the document containing the problem and specific section in the document; 2. Concise description of the problem; 3. If possible, suggested revisions for mitigating the problem. The Institute's Engineering Staff will review and take appropriate action on all comments and suggestions received. Members as well as nonmembers of the Insti- tute are encouraged to assist in enhancing the accuracy and usefulness of ACI documents. Ew ew aw ee were ee se SET SSE OE Se ee lL = lat DESIGN OF SLABS ON GRADE ‘eons inches to centimeters = multiply by 25 ounces to grams ceeeeeeeee mntiply by 283 centimeters to inches multiply by 0.4 grams to ounces fics multiply by 0.035 feet to meters multiply by 25 pounds to kilograms ............ multiply by 045 meters to feet... 1 multiply by 33 kdlograms to pounds multiply by 2.2 ‘TEMPERATURE, ‘VOLUME 1 uid ounce = 29.57 ml 10 ml = 0.34 Doz ‘ce E23 LFe 8x'Q +22 1 quart @2 0 oz) = 94635 ml 11 = 1.06 US qt 1 gal(128 Moz) = 3.791 3.791 = 1 US gal ounces to milters . + multiply by 30 milliliters 10 ounces - T2222) multiply by 0.03 quarts to liters. fesse snuiply by 0.95 Titers to quarts - fesse mnuhiply by 1.06 Lin? = 1639 cm? 119 = 1,728 jn} = 7.481 pl Ly? = 27 i? = 0.7646 on’ ‘WEIGHT Loz = 283g 11 = 045 kg 10g = 0.35 oz Lkg = 2.201 1 deg Fin. = 0.22 deg Clem SPECIFIC WEIGHT 1 To water = 27.7 inch? = 0.1198 gal £0 water = 62.43 Ib 1 gallon water = 8.345 Ib WATER.CEMENT RATIO Muhtply WIC by 11.3 to obtain gallons per bag AREA Lin? = 6452 em? i ! J ACI COMMITTEE REPORT = ee eee Se eee ree iat nein Pores Ee ‘AS2—Example with sroount of steel and slab joint specing predetermined FE ‘The thickness of the slab, the joint spacing, and the amount of steel have been set as follows: ‘Thickness = 6.0 in. Amount of mild steel = 0:36 sq inst, which is 0.5 i percent. I Joint spacing = 80 ft ‘The slab is assumed to dry on the top surface only; therefore the volume:surface ratio is 6.0 in. 0.00646" am xporaion,prcrt STM COT, oe 1 oe peemeeiae IEICt fx -42-—Peison of member epeson fom prin ] 8 Gon Rlemncet fone For complete shrinkage compensation, the amount of 1 ‘expansion will be equal 10 the anticipated amount of Which must be determined fizst. For this ex- ample, the shrinkage is assumed to be equal to the prism expansion. i Prism expansion = 0.046 percent oe = 0400046 infin This expansion, as determined by ASTM C 878 fom 1 sts of the concrete mi, i used with Fig. AS2 to determine member expansion, Member expansion = 0.028 percent or 0.00028 inn. This is to be combined with the joint spacing to I Le determine the total slab motion as well as the required thickness of the joint fille. The design assumption i made that all motion occurs at one end of the slab. ‘Motion = 0.00028 x 80 x 12 = 0.269 in. = 054 in. ‘ACI 223 discusses these features in greater detail. ‘AS3—Design example selecting reinforcement where thickness, joiat spacing, and prism expansion are known ‘The following data are known: ‘Thickness = 6 i Joint spacing = 100 ft Prism expansion = 0.0006 in.fin. (ASTM C 878) In this example, the amount of reinforcement will be selected by the subgrade drag equation (Chapter 6) using ‘an assvmed friction coefficient of 1.5 and an assumed steel stress of 45 ksi. AR EL ws, = (1S x 100-x 75)/(2 x 45,000) = 01125 59 in. per ft ‘This is 0.1736 percent (0.001736). From Fig. AS2, the member expansion can be obtained: ‘Member expansion = 0.050 percent = 0.00050 in in. a joint spacing of 100 ft, the slab motion (expansion) is thea 10,00050 X 100 X 12 = 0.60 in. ‘Use a joint material which will compress at least rwice this amount 2x0.60 = 12 in ‘or & material that will compress at least 0.6 ip. at each ‘end of the 100-f length. If reinforcement (say wire) spacing is t0 be 12 in. on center, then use (0.001736 x 6 x 12 = 0.125 sq inJft. This would be D14/D14 wire, Other options could be D18/D18 at 16 x 16 in,, or D20/D20 at 18 x 18-in. spacing CONVERSION FACTORS LENGTH Linch = 2.54 cm ‘Vem = 0.39 inch 1 foot = 0.308 m }m = 3.28 feet Limile = 1.61 km 1k = 0.62 miles q Peers creer cetera cede ere CE perce eee eee Pee Cee Cee ee eee eg eer eer vo DESIGN OF SLABS ON GRADE ) Total design shear stress = YR , (:300)58)(1000) 48,33 v= ja” @ADeH fa 48,33 < 82. psi OK 2) Short Direction 4) Expected Shear ye seeraot esosstcossee® 7 30s) V, = 1.235 Kiet. b) Total Design Shear Stress yx $4:235)020)0000) a 52.78 psi ACH ia 52.78 < &22 psi OK Shear stresses are OK ia both short and tong directions. ‘Ad 3—Desiga for center Hi ‘A. Calculate Design Moments 1) Long Direction My = Ag, [Bleq) 2 + C) A no oh eras rr rae A= rey (120°, 14.50) este 208 0.384)" A, = 1612 Ose ss «= 40 B=10 6-0 My = (1.612) (4.0) = 8,97 fi-kips/ft. 2) Shor Direction M, = [G8 + 960] Me M, = (8 + 4060] 897 = 9.27 fist B. Calculate allowable moments and compare with design moments 1), Long Direction 2) Tension in Top Fiber (12 58) , My = Sy [(PUA) + fl + Pe (1258) 7M, = (85,102) [(461.74104) + 0.329] + (461.7)(4.18) 16808 in-ips 12 St 24.15 > 897 OK +) Compression in bottom fiber (12x 58), Me = Sp lf, (PAA) + Be (023.38), = 10,569 (1380 - 661.17 4106) + 461.7)6.18) aM, = 34935 inckips(2 x $8) = 2146 icxipet 2146 > 897 OK 2) stom direction 2) Tension ia top ber (zx 120), M, = 65,861 ((656.18136) + 0325) % (656.1)6.80) = 24S fekipett 2608-55 (nM, 29,882 in-kips/(12 x 120) = 20.75 fekipstte 20.15 > 9.27 ftekipstit b) Compression in bottom fiber (2 x 120), M, = 19,198 (1350 - (656.8156) + (656.1)G.80) ‘aM, = 26,862 in.-kips/(12 x 120) = 18.65 fekipstt 1865 > 9.27 OK ‘Moment capacities exceed expected service mo-ments for center lft loading in both long and short directions. By observation, deflection and shear cal-culations are ‘vithin permissible tolerances. For a detailed calculation of each, see Reference 11. ‘C. Tendon and Beam Requirements 3) Long Direction: Use nineteen Yrin., 270k strands in slab, Two spaces at 3 {¢2 in, om center and 16 spaces at 3 ft 1¥Ja. on center beginning 1 ft from each tdge. 5 beams, 12 in, wide, 26 in. deep evealy spaced at 14 {13 ia. on centers. 2) Short Direction: Use twenty-seven in. 270k strands ip slab. Two spaces at 4 ft 6 in. and 24 spaces at 4 ft 6% in. on center beginning 1 ft from each edge. 9 beams, 12 in. wide, 26 in. deep evenly spaced at 14 ft 10% in. on centers. CHAPTER AS—EXAMPLES USING SHRINKAGE. ‘COMPENSATING CONCRETE AS.1—Introdue ‘The following examples show two approaches for the design of a slab on grade vsing sbrinkage-compensaticg, Concrete, The material presented in this appendix is dis- Cossed in greater detailin ACI 223. Sab design using this material is divided into three parts. “The fits partis the selection of slab thickness, which ‘can be done, for example, using Chapter Al, A2, or A3. This follows the assumption that the slab is being designed to remain essentially uncracked due to external Toading. ‘This is followed by design of the concrete mix and the reinforcing steel to compensate for subsequent dry ing shrinkage. Since the net result of initial expansion and later shrinkage is to be essentially zero, no prestress is to be considered, “The second part of the process—selection of the ap- propriate amount of reinforcement—is a critical part of fhe design. The reinforcement can be mild steel as T justrated in this appendix, or post-tensioning tendons. [ACI 223 recommends that the reinforcement be placed in the top 5 to % of the slab. “The thied part of the design may be one of two pro- cedures, One fs the deteroaination of the required prisms ‘pansion to ensure shrinkage compensation, whicb leads Gike design for properties of the concrete mix. This is Shown in Sec. A5.2, The alternate procedure is used rs 2e0R-54 ACI COMMITTEE REPORT Nz = 050 2796879. 9.99 Strands (each (158) (0.153) . ection) 3) Total number of tendons Nz (Long) = 844 + 9.92 = 1836, use 19 tendons Nz (Short) = 16.72 + 9.92 = 26.64, use 27 tendons 4) Design prestress forces Since maximum moments occur near the slab perimeter, friction losses will be minimal at points of maximum moments. Therefore, a5- sume total prestressing force effective for structural calculations. Long direction: P, = (19) x 24.3 k = 461.7 Kips ‘Short direction: P, = (27) x 243 k = 656.10 Catate design moment ‘Um deston Mw PE ee 73s 14.5 Qs x 50°" (0.338) T2q20P™ (2280 "* M, = 281 fu kipst. 2). Short direst M, = 5 hes en 57-151 ( M, = 26° lag ¥ 5.07.75] @.81) = 3.65 ft-kipst Mee ‘AM2—Design for edge lft continued; service moments ‘compared with design moments Fata lite save ome and om ¢ with design moments 4) Long Direction 1) Tension in bottom ffber (12x 58), M, = Sy [(P/A) +] -Pe (12x $8)/ MF, = 10,508 [(461.716104) + 0329} (461.7)(4.18) pM, = 2710 in.kipsi(12 x 58) = 3.89 ft- feipst. 3.89 > 2.81 OK b) Compression in top Ther (12 x58), M, = S; Uf, PUA] - Pe (12 x 58)%, M, = 33,702 (1.350 - (461.71 a104)f- 61.7) (4.18), M, = 39,776 ia kips/(12 x 58) = 57.15 fekipsit 5745 > 281 OK 2) Short Direction 2) Tension in Botom Fier (12x 120) » AM, = 19,198 {(656.1/8136) + Sag eeu.) zt ip 4 peu ‘le pM; = $371 inkips(12 x 120) = 3.73 fe ‘py 3.73 > 365 OK Compression i Top Phe (2 x 120) , M, = (66,861) [1350 - Gstumiion’ (656.1).80) pM = 82377 in kips(12x 120) = 57.21 “ekipet 5721 > 3.65 OK G, Deflection Calculations 1) Long Dizection 2) Allowable Differential Deflection apa 4, ASCOMODS IE 191 8 66 = 66.48 ft < 120 ft, so 68 governs Bae = 22 ‘= 0597 in. b} Expected Differential Deflection Dorcel OI isso@y-sery 20)" 14. 50)°44 (5.0% (0.338) 15.9026)" @280)o" A = 0296 in. 0.296 <.0.997 OK 2) Short Direction 2) Allowable Differential Deflection [1,300,000 = 387,791 Bey 4) 6 A = 77.64 > $8 ft, so 58 ft governs Batow = (12 8)/800 = 0.870 in. 'b} Expected Differential Deflection Aye .08% 15.9026)" (2280) 4 = 0236 in, 0.236 < 0870 in. OK ‘Deflections for edge lift bending are much Jess than allowable fa both long and short directions. Hi, Shear Calculations 1) Long Direction a) Expected Shear WP @PO EPH PE 30m (120° (26) 2 ¢5.0)°2*(0,338)°° 30a4som ¥;, = 1300 kipat b) Permissible shear stress vgs LSE = 15/5505 = 82.2 psi a- as Ye WP ad le pce perimeter of W occurring at the ell occu icing at the perimeter of primarily montmoriloni DESIGN OF SLABS ON GRADE ea ec eset rr SE EERE B5zq S BESE ERS jaa Secs Sees DeoRs2 ACI COMMITTEE REPORT 4 slab for center lift, Swelling co Table A42—PTY table for different soll 70 percent clay | i i mn in primarily montmorillonite clay ‘Table A4.1—PTI table for differen 1 slab for center soll 60 percent clay —_™. = oie oe DESIGN OF SLABS ON GRADE 360851 I ty | Hp Fig, A4.14—Variation of constant soll suction with Thomthwaite index ae Fig. A 4.1.5—Beam layout for apartment house example 2) Short direction; assume 8 = 10 ft ZL = 58. < 6. Therefore 58 ft governs. Bane = (12 x S8Y/1700 = 0.409 in. SHAS 5.0% (0.336) 12 (0.403) (2280) x= 1221 d= 12.21)" = 18.97 in, 18.97 in. < 26 in. Use 26 in. for trial depth. B. Check soll bearing pressure under beams 1) Allowable sol pressure “wine, ™ 3,400 pst = 3.40 ksh 2) Applied loading Slab = 120 x 58x 0.333 x 0.150 = 347.65 kips Beams = 9x 58 x 1.0 x 1833 x 0.150 = 143.92 Beams = 5x 111 x 1.0 x 1.833 x 0.150 = 15259 Perimeter = 2.280 x 35 = 811.68 Live Load = 0.040 x 58 x 120 = 27840 Total 1733.84 Kips. For 1.0-ft-wide beams, the assumed spacing on Fig. A4.1.5 provides 1077 sq ft of bearing area. The soil bearing pressure is thea: w = 1733.84/1077 = 1.610 kipsisg ft 1.610 < 3.46, so soil bearing pressure is OK for the assumed beam layout. C. Calculate section properties for full slab width Short Direction Beam depth, d, 6 Beam width, , ia. 2 Number of beams, 5 9 ‘Total beam width, nb, in. © 108, Slab thickness, in. 4 4 Moment of inertia, tin! 208281 387,791 Section moduli, i? Sy 33,702 66,861 5 10,509 19,198 Cross sectional area, in? 4.106 8,136 Depth to neutral axis, i. 6.18 580 Allodable concrete stress, ksi Tension 0329 0329 Compression 1350 1350 Tensile cracking stress, isi on 04m D, Calculate minimum number of tendons re-quied 1) Number of tendons required for minimum av- ‘erage prestress of 50 psi. Stress in tendons immediately after anchoring: Se = 0.7 f,, = (0.7) (270) = 189 ksi ‘Stress in tendons after losses: fy, = 189-30 = 159 ksi ete (min. 2 (area sia) T1000 x (eff. tend. stress) x (area tendon) Nj(long) = 660 psi) (4103 in2) (1000 ibfkip) (159 ksf) (0.153 in) = 844 NzlShort) = ——50.psD (8136 in) (€1000) (159 Bsi)-(0.183 ind) = 16.72 2) Number of tendons required 10 overcome slab-subgrade friction on polyethylene sheeting ‘Weight of beams and slab = 643.76 kips =050 —— 2) _ aid G) Cendon area) ‘Aci COMMITTEE REPORT baa 1 L Fig, At.13—Clay ype classification Fig. A412—Thomthwaite index versus edge moisure variation distance ‘ = 5.004 ¥,, = 0.338 in, 3) Long Direction: L = 120 ft; assume p ~ 10 E. Assume spacing of stiffening beams as sketched fh Governs 5 - 8 = Of in Fig. aes. Beane © 222 « o424 in, ‘A42—Design for edge ttt T700 A. Calculate approximate depth of stifening beams ra 36 x = A205 coy of (0-336)0% ie ibaa 120.424 can0pe ae OF EM CL 12 A (Py = 15.20; d = (15.20); = 24.54 in, say 26 in, Sree terete epee eereeeree .. eee fom tome teeta | “2 pus ‘¢¢ = 4d ‘Kep waoted 59 40} yyy Pus Spy seine uj Bonejodovey apr] opy “AO =“? poe'ce = “ups osind gp 09 Cpuadde sen eh Say POE T'py Solqeg. ar Sumeodsanny ry s21u35 uowye4 ¢°p = Joa pue 9 § = 0) ‘fons renuaraynp parewnsg (g comumpreen qIUOM/TH 9279 257 O4"0 < SLO a sco= 5p SO= PA oouy" = 50 PA 20g samiou Jo Aypopen poveumest CL ee ay py “Tig org ‘angen noyons waes00D (9 “>yuoypounuou! tou feo edbomed ‘erry iy mor yesoum dep jedomg (s 99 | 19% wo- 2. 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