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Exercises I: Subject Pronouns and Verb “to be”

1. Completa las siguientes oraciones con el pronombre personal correcto - I, You, She,
He, They, We, It, Who (p. ej. The children are going to the movie theater = They are
going to the movie theater).
a) The people are reading. = __They__ are reading.
b) My father and I love this team. = __he__ love this team.
c) The car is missing a tire. = __It__ is missing a tire.
d) The dog looks sick. = __It__ looks sick.
e) The police came here yesterday. = ___she___came here yesterday.
f) My sisters and I always laugh when we're together. = __we__ always laugh when
we're together.
g) My aunt is 80 years old. = ___she___ is 80 years old.
h) My friend's uncle likes to travel. = ___it____ likes to travel.
i) Holly's boots are dirty. = __they__ are dirty.
j) The (male) singer is very handsome. = __He__ is very handsome.

2. Use el pronombre personal correcto.

a) __he__ dreaming. (George)
b) __it__ is green. (the blackboard)
c) __they__ are on the wall. (the posters)
d) __it___ is running. (the dog)
e) __we__ are watching TV. (my mother and I)
f) __they__ are in the garden. (the flowers)
g) __she__ is riding his bike. (Tom)
h) __she__ is from Bristol. (Victoria)
i) __she__ has got a brother. (Diana)
3. Completa con la conjugación correcta del verbo to be (am, is, are) en la forma
afirmativa. Si quieres, puedes usar contracciones (‘re, ‘s, ‘m):
a) I am an English student.
b) You´re a good person.
c) We´re singers.
d) He´s a teacher.
e) They are angry.
f) The car´s black
g) Dan are happy
h) Lissa is tall
i) The movie is funny
j) Lissa and Martha are nice

4. Ahora, re-escribe las oraciones anteriores, pero esta vez usando la forma negativa del
presente del verbo to be (am not, is not, are not). Si lo deseas, puedes usar las
contracciones (isn’t, aren’t).

a) I am not an English student

b) You are not a good person
c) We are not singers
d) He is not a teacher
e) They are not angry
f) The car is not black
g) Dan are not happy
h) Lissa is not tal
i) Them ovie is not funny
j) Lissa and martha are not nice
5. Corrige los errores.

a) I am at school.
b) We are happy.
c) It is a toy.
d) He is surprised.

6. Complete las siguientes conversaciones con el Verb TO BE Conversation 1:

A: Where _are_ Sylvia from?
B: She _is_ from Nicaragua.
A: _Is_ she a student in this school?
B: Yes, she _is_.
A: _Is__ she in Level 3?
B: No, she __is__. She’s in Level 2.

Conversation 2:
A: Hello, how__are_ you?
B: I _am__ fine, thanks. What __is__ your name?
A: David Medina
B: David, I think you __are__ in my English class. Nice to meet you.
A: Nice to meet you, too

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