Air and Water, Sulfur and CarbonatesQP

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1 Give one adverse effect of oxides of nitrogen on health.

.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

2 Oxides of nitrogen are produced when oxygen combines with nitrogen during thunderstorms.

State one other source of oxides of nitrogen in the air.

.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]
3 The table shows the mass of air pollutants, in nanograms, in 1000 cm samples of air taken over
a four month period.

mass of pollutants in 1000 cm of air / nanograms

oxides of sulfur carbon

month ozone particulates
nitrogen dioxide monoxide

April 108.2 0.6 1.3 24.6 17.8

May 121.6 1.8 1.6 23.2 19.2

June 126.7 1.6 1.9 22.8 20.0

July 163.9 4.5 2.2 20.1 22.0

Answer these questions using only the information in the table.

(a) Name the pollutant that shows a decrease in concentration between April and July.

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) Name the pollutant present in the lowest concentration in May.

........................................................................................................................................... [1]
(c) Calculate the mass of sulfur dioxide in 250 cm of the sample of air taken in April.

............................ nanograms [1]

[Total: 3]
4 The table shows the mass of air pollutants, in nanograms, in 1000 cm samples of air taken over
a four month period.

mass of pollutant in 1000 cm of air / nanograms

oxides of sulfur carbon

month ozone particulates
nitrogen dioxide monoxide

August 106.0 3.0 2.1 29.5 18.5

September 147.5 5.5 2.4 21.1 35.5

October 179.3 3.5 2.0 20.3 22.5

November 214.0 3.6 2.6 12.8 29.4

Answer these questions using only the information in the table.

(a) Name the pollutant that shows a decrease in concentration between August and November.

........................................................................................................................................... [1]
(b) Calculate the mass of oxides of nitrogen in 250 cm of the sample of air taken in August.

................................... nanograms [1]

[Total: 2]

5 Identify the word that best describes copper(II) sulfate.

Draw a circle around the correct answer.

acid halogen polymer salt


[Total: 1]

6 Name the two products formed when ethanol undergoes complete combustion.

1 ..............................................................................................................................................

2 .............................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

7 Give one adverse effect of carbon monoxide on health.

.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

8 Carbon monoxide is produced by the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels.

State the meaning of the term incomplete combustion.


.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

9 Methane is an air pollutant.

State one source of methane in the air.

.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

10 State the role of iron in the Haber process.

.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

11 Ammonia is produced in the Haber process.

The equation for the reaction is shown.

N2(g) + 3H2(g) → 2NH3(g)

In the Haber process, a temperature of 450 °C and a pressure of 200 atmospheres are used in the
presence of finely-divided iron.

A larger equilibrium yield of ammonia would be produced if a lower temperature and a higher
pressure are used.

Explain why a lower temperature and a higher pressure are not used.

lower temperature ..................................................................................................................


higher temperature .................................................................................................................

.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

12 Oxygen and nitrogen are useful gases that can be obtained from air.

(a) Name the process used to separate oxygen and nitrogen from liquid air.

........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) State the property of oxygen and nitrogen that allows these gases to be separated using this

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 3]

13 The graph shows the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere over a 60-year period,
measured in parts per million (ppm).



concentration of
carbon dioxide
/ ppm 360



1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020


The data shown in the graph is of global concern.

Explain why.






.................................................................................................................................................. [3]

[Total: 3]

14 Iron rusts when it is in contact with oxygen and water.


(a) Explain how sacrificial protection prevents rusting.




........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) State one other method of rust prevention.

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 3]

15 Air is a mixture of gases.

State the percentage of clean dry air which is oxygen. Give your answer to the nearest whole

...................................... % [1]

[Total: 1]

16 Name the process in the carbon cycle by which plants remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

17 State one use of water in industry.

.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

18 Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas.

Give one effect of an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

19 Carbon dioxide is a gas.

Which one of these processes does not produce carbon dioxide?

Tick one box.

the reaction of hydrochloric acid with calcium carbonate

respiration in animals and plants

the reaction of hydrochloric acid with magnesium

the thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate


[Total: 1]

20 When propene undergoes incomplete combustion, carbon monoxide is formed.

(a) What condition is needed for incomplete combustion?


........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) Give one adverse effect of carbon monoxide on health.

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 2]

21 Rust contains compounds of iron.

State two conditions needed for iron to rust.


.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

22 Rust contains hydrated iron(III) oxide.

Describe and explain one method of preventing iron from rusting.


.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

23 Filtration and chlorination are two stages in water treatment.

State the purpose of each stage.

filtration ...................................................................................................................................


chlorination .............................................................................................................................

.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

24 A student uses anhydrous copper(II) sulfate to test for the presence of water.

(a) What colour change is seen if water is present?

from ................................................................... to ............................................................


(b) The purity of a sample of water can be assessed by measuring its boiling point.

How is the boiling point of water affected by impurities?

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 3]

25 Water is essential for many industrial processes.

State one use of water in industry.

.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

26 Oxides of nitrogen dissolve in rain water to form acid rain.

State one adverse effect of acid rain on buildings

.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

27 Oxides of nitrogen are formed when fossil fuels are burned.

What type of chemical reaction occurs when fossil fuels are burned?

Draw a circle around the correct answer.

combustion cracking fermentation neutralisation


[Total: 1]

28 Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas.

State one effect of greenhouse gases on the environment.

.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

29 Iron is a typical transition element.


• acts as a catalyst
• forms coloured compounds
• has more than one oxidation state.

Name one major industrial process that uses iron as a catalyst and name the product made in this

process ...................................................................................................................................

product made .......................................................................................................................... [2]

[Total: 2]

30 Name the toxic gas produced by the incomplete combustion of butane.

.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

31 Ammonium nitrate is present in many fertilisers.

Which one of these compounds is also present in many fertilisers?

Tick one box.

barium hydroxide

potassium phosphate

sodium chloride

tin(II) sulfate


[Total: 1]

32 State one use of chlorine.

.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

33 Describe a chemical test for water.

test ..........................................................................................................................................

observation ............................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

34 Ammonia reacts with nitric acid to form a salt which is present in many fertilisers.

Name the salt formed when ammonia reacts with nitric acid.

.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

35 Oxides of nitrogen are atmospheric pollutants.

State one adverse effect of oxides of nitrogen on health.

.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

36 Carbon dioxide is formed:

• when an acid reacts with a carbonate

• as a product of the complete combustion of carbon-containing substances.

State two other sources of carbon dioxide.

1 ..............................................................................................................................................

2 .............................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

37 Biogas is made by fermenting animal and vegetable waste.

The table shows the percentage composition of the gases present in a sample of biogas.

substance present
present in biogas

carbon dioxide 36.8

hydrogen 0.6

methane 54.5

nitrogen 6.5

water vapour

other substances 0.1

total 100.0

Deduce the percentage of water vapour present in this sample of biogas.

.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

38 Biogas is made by fermenting animal and vegetable waste.

The table shows the percentage composition of the gases present in a sample of biogas.

substance present
present in biogas

carbon dioxide

hydrogen 1.0

methane 61.5

nitrogen 8.5

water vapour 2.2

other substances 0.1

total 100.0

Deduce the percentage of carbon dioxide present in this sample of biogas.

.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

39 Biogas is made by fermenting animal and vegetable waste.

(a) The table shows the percentage composition of the gases present in a sample of biogas.

substance present
present in biogas

carbon dioxide 28.5

hydrogen 1.0

methane 62.0


water vapour 2.4

other substances 0.1

total 100.0

Deduce the percentage of nitrogen present in this sample of biogas.

.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

40 Ammonia is used in the manufacture of fertilisers.

Name the three elements present in most fertilisers which improve plant growth.

1 ..............................................................................................................................................

2 ..............................................................................................................................................

3 .............................................................................................................................................. [3]

[Total: 3]

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