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Q.1. What is the belief at Pashupatinath about the end of Kaliyug?

( Chapter: Kathmandu) (Marks 2)

Ans. The belief at the Pashupatinath temple about the end of Kaliyug is that when the small
shrine will protrude completely, then the goddess will emerge out of it. The goddess will bring
an end to the evil period of Kaliyug.

Q.2. What did Gerrard tell the intruder about himself? Was he telling the truth? Why? Why not?
(Marks 2)

Ans:- Gerrard told the intruder that as a child, he was stolen by the gipsies and now in his
thirties, he was all alone in life. He was not telling the truth; he was just being funny as he
wished to make it clear that he was not afraid of a gun-toting criminal. In fact, Gerrard had
already started concocting stories about himself.

Q.3. Why is the author deeply embarrassed the next day in school? Which words show his
fear and insecurity?
(Chapter: House is Not a Home)
(Marks 2)

The author was deeply embarrassed the next day in school because he was not wearing the
proper dress. He had lost everything in fire. He was still wearing the dress he had worn to church
that morning. He had no shoes. He was wearing the tennis shoes that he borrowed from his aunt.
He was totally embarrassed by everything. He had no books or homework, and his backpack was

Q.4. How did the Happy Prince discover true happiness? How did he spread it?
(Marks 3)


The Happy Prince had lived a very comfortable life as long as he lived. He had never
seen sorrow as it was not allowed to enter his palace. Hence his courtiers called him the ‘Happy
Prince’. However, after his death, his statue was put up on a high column and he got to see the
miseries, sorrows and sufferings of the people in his city and decided to do his bit to lessen them.
That is when he discovered true happiness and from thereon he spread it by sacrificing all that
he had.
For example, he had the ruby in his sword hilt sent to a poor seamstress to help her get over
poverty and buy food and medicines for her ailing son. Again, the Happy Prince sent one of his
sapphire eyes to a poor playwright in need of warmth and food so that he could complete his play
for a show. The other sapphire was sent to a match girl who was crying because her matches
fallen in a gutter and she feared her father would beat her for not bringing home any money. And
whatever leaves of fine gold the Prince had, distributed among the poor to bring them succour.
Thus, the Prince donated all that he had to end misery and poverty in the city. This is what he,
and for that matter any prince on the earth, should have done, for the true purpose of life is to be
happy by spreading happiness.

Q.5 . How did Behrman save Jonsy’s life?

( Chapter: Last Leaf)
(Marks 3)

Ans. Mr Behrman understood that Jonsy had loved the old ivy vine and was waiting for the last
leaf on the vine to fall. Then she would lose all hope of wanting to live. He waited for the night
when everyone would be asleep. He took a ladder, climbed up the wall opposite to Jonsy’s
window and painted an ivy leaf on the wall, next to the vine. He did not care for the rain, winds
and the cold. The next day morning, when sue pulled up the shade of the windows and Jonsy
spotted an ivy leaf still clinging to the vine, she changed her mind and got hoped to live and get
better. Behrman had influenced and given courage to Jonsy through the picture of the ivy leaf
and that is how he saved her life.

Q.6. Describe the last meeting between Sergei and Luslikoff. How did Olga help Lushkoff to be a
real man?
(The Beggar)
(Marks 3)

Ans. One day, after two years, Sergei came across Lushkoff standing at the ticket window of a
theatre, paying for a seat. He was wearing a coat collar of curly fur and sealskin cap. Sergei
recognized him. Lushkoff told him that now he was a notary and was paid thirty-five roubles a
month. Sergei was pleased to hear this. He congratulated Lushk off for standing on his own feet
in life. At this Lushk off disclosed something to him. He said that it was not because of him, but
his maidservant Olga that he had reformed himself. When he used to come to his house to chop
wood, he could not do so because he was weak and inexperienced. Then Olga would take pity
him and chop the wood for him. He told Sergei that he never chopped a single stick. It was all
done by Olga. Her kindness transformed him. He stopped drinking and started earning his living
by hard work. In this way, Olga’s kindness had changed his life.

Q. Q. Write down a paragraph on Delhi air pollution. Give some suggestions to better the situation.
(Marks 5)

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