Entregable N1 (Ingles Tecnico)

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Nombre y Apellidos:



Ingles Técnico


Rubén Tavelic Inga Herrera

Why it is important to use PPE

Making the workplace safe includes providing instructions, procedures,

training and supervision to encourage people to work safely and

Even when safe mechanical controls and safety systems are in place, some
hazards may still exist. For example, the danger of lung disease:

 the lungs (e.g. from breathing contaminated air);

 head and feet (e.g. from falling objects);

 the eyes (e.g. from airborne particles or splashes of

corrosive liquids);

 the skin (e.g., by contact with corrosive materials); and

 the body (e.g., from exposure to extreme heat or co

When selecting and using PPE, it is advisable to

- Choose products to protect against residual risks that are suitable

and conform to established standards. Suppliers can advise on this.

- Choose equipment that is well adapted to the user, taking into account the
size, shape and weight of the PPE. If users are involved in the choice, they
are much more likely to use it.

- Ensure that more than one item of PPE can be worn at the same time
(e.g., safety glasses can disrupt the respirator seal, causing air leakage),
and provide training so that people know how to use them (e.g., how to
remove gloves without contaminating the skin). Explain why they are
necessary, when to use them and their limitations.


Contact with toxic chemicals

1. Noise

2. Hot or cold surfaces

3. Crushing or Grinding

4. Projectiles (Falling/Flying Objects)

5. Ultraviolet (UV) or Infrared (IR) Light

According to the UNE-EN 397: 1995 standard, a protective helmet for
industry is a garment to cover the user's head, which is essentially
intended to protect the part of the user's head.

head covering, which is essentially intended to protect the upper part of

the head from injuries caused by falling objects.

of the head against injuries caused by objects falling on it.

In order to achieve this protective capacity and reduce the destructive

consequences of blows to the head, the helmet must

the head, the helmet must be equipped with a series of elements that will
be described below, whose joint functioning is

described below, whose combined operation is capable of fulfilling the

following conditions:

- Limit the pressure applied to the skull, distributing the impact

force over the largest possible surface area.

- To deflect falling objects by means of a suitably smooth and

rounded shape.

- Dissipate and disperse the impact energy so that it is not transmitted

in its entirety to the head and neck.

to the head and neck.

Hearing protectors

Hearing protectors are personal protective equipment which, due to their

sound-attenuating properties, reduce the effects of noise on hearing
and thus prevent hearing damage.

attenuation properties, reduce the effects of noise on hearing, thus

preventing hearing damage.

hearing damage.

Essentially, we have the following types of protectors:


They consist of caps that cover the ears and adapt to the head by means
of soft ear cushions.

soft pads, generally filled with plastic foam or liquid. The

usually lined with a sound-absorbing material. They are connected to each


by a pressure band (harness), usually made of metal or plastic. Sometimes

it is attached to each

to each cap, or to the harness near the caps, is sometimes attached a

flexible band.

Earmuffs attached to helmets:

Consist of individual caps attached to arms fixed to an industrial safety

helmet, and are

fixed to an industrial safety helmet, and are adjustable so that they can
be placed over the ears when required.

be placed over the ears when

Protective goggles:

When the shield only protects the eyes.


- Universal frame goggles: These are eye protectors whose eyepieces

are attached to/on a frame with temples (with or without side shields).

to/on a frame with temples (with or without side shields).

- Integral frame spectacles: These are eye protectors which

enclose the orbital region and the

the orbital region and in contact with the face.

-Apart from the risk against which they are designed (impacts, fine
dust and gases, liquids,

radiation or coarse dust), protective eyewear is classified according to

the following


According to the data relating to the frame of the protector:

According to the type of frame we have the following categories:

- Universal single

- Universal double

- Integral single

- Double integral

- Adaptable to the face

- Cup type

- Supplementary

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