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The slide highlights the impact of the "New Normal" brought about by the pandemic

on young adults, identifying them as a particularly vulnerable population. It

presents key findings from a UNICEF study that assessed the effects of these sudden
changes on this age group.

Key Findings:

Mental Health: 27% of young adults experienced anxiety and 15% experienced
depression. Economic conditions were a significant contributing factor to these
mental health issues, affecting 30% of respondents.

Pessimistic Outlook: 43% of female and 31% of male respondents reported pessimistic
perceptions about their future.

Unmet Need for Support: While 73% of young adults felt the need to seek assistance
for their physical and mental well-being, 40% did not actually seek help.

These findings underscore the need for targeted interventions and support systems
to address the unique challenges faced by young adults in the "New Normal."

The word pessimistic means having a tendency to see the worst aspect of things or
to expect the worst possible outcome. It is often associated with a negative
outlook on life, emphasizing the bad or unfavorable aspects of a situation.

Here are some synonyms for pessimistic:


The image explains that a recent study conducted in Indonesia revealed that the
number of adolescents who perceived worse to significantly worse well-being prior
to COVID-19 increased during the pandemic. Among the problems they face include
peer relationships problems, prosocial behavior problems, conduct behavior, and
emotional problems. The factors that are associated with these problems include
mental health information, parental support, and friend's support.

This suggests that the pandemic has had a negative impact on the mental health of
adolescents in Indonesia. The increased social isolation, disruption to routines,
and uncertainty caused by the pandemic may have contributed to these problems.

The study also found that mental health information, parental support, and friend's
support are important factors in mitigating these problems. This suggests that
providing adolescents with access to mental health resources, as well as fostering
supportive relationships with parents and friends, can help to improve their well-
being during the pandemic.
The image you provided presents the results of a study that examined the mental and
emotional well-being of students during lockdown. The key findings of the study are
highlighted as follows:

Prevalence of Mental Health Issues: A significant majority of students (81%)

reported experiencing mental health issues during lockdown. These issues included
stress, anxiety, and fatigue, indicating the substantial impact of lockdown
measures on students' mental health.

Unaddressed Mental Health Concerns: A notable proportion of students (63%) were

unable to address their mental and emotional struggles during lockdown. This
suggests that many students lacked access to necessary support or resources to
manage their mental health effectively.

Impact on Academic Performance: A considerable number of students (72%)

acknowledged that their mental and emotional state had negatively affected their
academic performance. This highlights the interconnectedness between mental well-
being and academic success.

Overall, the study underscores the widespread mental health challenges faced by
students during lockdown. It emphasizes the need for proactive measures to provide
students with adequate mental health support and resources to promote their well-
being and academic success.

The conclusion of the study is that the "New Normal" has had a significant negative
impact on the young population, particularly in terms of their academic life and
performance. This suggests that the changes brought about by the pandemic, such as
remote learning, social distancing, and disruptions to daily routines, have
negatively affected students' ability to learn and perform well in school.

The conclusion emphasizes the importance of students taking care of themselves as

they navigate the challenges of the "New Normal." This could involve maintaining a
healthy lifestyle, seeking support from friends and family, and developing
effective coping mechanisms to deal with stress and anxiety.

Overall, the study highlights the need for educators, parents, and policymakers to
be mindful of the negative impacts of the "New Normal" on young people and to
provide them with the necessary support and resources to thrive in this new

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