Comm 203 Assignment - Docx656b7f466e52033087

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Hi professor.

We both decided to done this interview and, Rajdeep Singh and Gagan because
have a a lot of knowledge about YouTube therefore we we also prepared a record interview, which we
will submit with this assignment. I asked Gurbir that why he spend more time on YouTube, he replied
that he find a good ways to spend their free time on this as well as he gain a knowledge from YouTube
about study purpose bacause it helps very to get good marks in both exams and assignments and the
best feature he showed me that we can earn money from this platform therefore we need thousand
subscribers and views and our channel then we can easily make money than other social media
Furthermore, I bring some questions related my last assignment, I asked his views ,
What is it that turned YouTube from its humble beginnings where it featured only single
uploads per user, to its current position as one of the most used platforms today and where it
boasts of more than 2 billion monthly logged-in users?
Gagan said that
Numerous things have contributed to YouTube's success.
First of all, a broad spectrum of consumers might utilize it due to its simpli
city and convenience of use.
Furthermore, the platform's expansion to permit numerous submissions b
y a single user allowed for greater participation and diversity of material.
The next question I asked him that What strategies have YouTube used to
influence the emergence of an attention economy on the internet, and how are they
He said that
YouTube has put a number of techniques into practice to support the onli
ne attention economy.
The algorithmic recommendation system, which makes tailored content re
commendations to consumers based on their watching interests and histo
ry, is one important tactic.
Users are encouraged to spend more time on the site and are kept engage
d as a result.

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