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About 60% population of the world suffers with weight gain.

Liposuction is a very popular cosmetic

surgical method of removing excessive fat deposited in our body between muscle and skin. A part of
the fat cells are broken and are removed through various liposuction techniques. The reason behind
liposuction gaining so much popularity is its effectiveness. This surgery shows remarkable weight loss
by removing excessive subcutaneous fat.

Like any other ordinary surgery liposuction is also performed under anesthesia.Small incisons are
made human body to access the fat.A small suction device is inserted through the incisions and all
the extra deposited fat between the muscels and skin are removed. There are liposuction device
depending on the type of liposuction technique being used. Tradinally,liposuction is done by using a
small tube called cannula which is inserted through the incisions. A suction pump is attatched to
cannula which draws out the excess fat. In a more advanced technique of liposuction a fluid like
substance is injected through incisions or ultrasonic waves/laser is used to remove extra fat. Despite
being so much effective liposuction has some limitations. Liposuction or any diet plan cannot be a
substitute for exercise. Liposuction can’t remove the side effects of weight gain like it does not
teightens or loosens the skin or remove stretch marks from body. It just removes extra fat. Cellulite
coming out of the skin is not removed but its effect is reduced through this surgery. The suction used
in this surgery removes fat from specefic areas of the body like stomachs,hips,thighs,arms or neck. It
is not a weight loss method. Liposuction is used when body stops responding to diet that is in severe
conditions. When we gain weight the number of fat cells increases liposuction reduces the no of fat
cells in specefic areas. The amount of fat removed depends on part of the body from where fat is
removed and volume of the fat. As a result of liposuction your body shape remains same as long as
your weight is same.

Risks associated with liposuction

Consider this cosmetic surgery only if you are in a good health without any disorders that could make
surgery difficult.

Body shape difformities: Your skin may look rough, wavy, bumpy, or uneven due to variations in fat
removal and these changes in your skin may be permanent.

Fluid pockets: Fluids called seroma may form pockets under the skin which need to be drained out
using a needle.

Numbness: Your body may feel numb in the treated areas. Nerves in this area do not remain in good

Infection: Sometimes a small mistake in the surgery may lead to a life-threatening skin infection.
Although this is too rare to happen if it does it's severe.

Internal Pumpture: If a thin tube is used in the surgery and it runs deeper into any internal organ
then it may puncture it. Then you may require an emergency surgery to repair the organ.

Fat embolism: Pieces of fat may get trapped in the blood vessel during the process,as a result being
gathered in lungs or reaching the brain. This is an emergency condition.
Kidney and heart problems: When liposuction is perfoemed in a large scale fluids of the body may
shift and it may lead to kidney heart or lungs disorder.

Some more risks like excessive bleeding,trouble in breathing may occur. The above risks generally
occur if the surgeon is inexperienced and uses too many procedures during the operation or he is
wprking on a larger body surface.

Who should opt for liposuction?

When your diet plan exercise or any changes in lifestyle is not working then you should go for

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