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1. What time is it right now? (9.00)

A. It is nine o'clock
B. It is nine zero
C. It is nine past twelve.

2. What time is our plane? (7.30)

A. It is seven past quarter
B. It is a half past seven
C. It is seven past quarter

3. Jam satu siang...

A. 1.00 p.m.
B. 1.00 a.m.
C. 13.00 a.m.

4. Do you know what time we have to get to the airport? (4.20)

A. We have to get there at four past twenty.
B. We have to get there at four o'clock
C. We have to get there at twenty past four

5. Every morning I woke up at 5.15. How do you spell 5.15?

A. Fifty past five
B. A quarter past five
C. Five past quarter

6. I finished the job alone. I worked all night by….

A. It
B. Me
C. Myself

7. You should have gone to the airport….to meet the client.

A. Herself
B. Yourself
C. You

8. “Dia terjatuh dari sepeda tapi dia tidak menyakiti dirinya sendiri”
A. He fell off his bike but he didn’t hurt herself
B. He fell off his bike but he didn’t hurt himself
C. He fell off his bike but he didn’t hurt him

9. “Mereka mengerjakan PR oleh diri mereka sendiri”

A. They do the homework by themselves
B. They do the homework by them
C. They do the homework by they

10. “Apakah kamu melihat diri kamu sendiri di cermin?”

A. Do you see you in the mirror?
B. Do you see yourself in the mirror?
C. Do you see your in the mirror?

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