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THE CONTEMPORARY Cultural Globalization

COUNTRY - geographical regularities. • information, commodities, or even

WORLD images that have been produced in one
KENICHI OHMAE part of the world enter the global flow
I. INTRODUCTION TO GLOBALIZA- “National borders have effectively which “flattens out” cultural
TION disappeared and together with them, the indifferences of nations, regions, and
economic logic that first made them useful individuals.
GLOBALIZATION demarcation lines.” Analysts like him Political Globalization
➢ Globalization comes from the word • policy-making responsibilities have
speculate that globalization has blurred
“globe” and means that the world is been passed from national government
countries’ distinctions, creating a ‘borderless to international organizations.
➢ altogether across countries and nations. world’.
➢ The advancement of technology (a IDEOLOGY - a set of beliefs, especially the II. THEORIES OF GLOBALIZATION
process of globalization). political beliefs on which people, parties, or
➢ All countries are coming all together. countries base their actions. THEORY
➢ Interconnectedness of people, state, -explain and predict phenomena or relationships
nation DISADVANTAGES OF within a particular domain of knowledge.
- state of being connected w/ each other GLOBALIZATION -to provide a framework for understanding and
- complicated interconnectedness (what PEOPLE interpreting observations or facts by
happen to you might affect other • people in industrialized countries tend identifying patterns, regularities, and underlying
countries) to lose their jobs. principles.
➢ Technology progress = borderless • job opportunities rise for the poor → Explanation - A theory should provide a
world country. logical and coherent explanation for
➢ Able to communicate and transport due • they often remain poor and more often observed phenomena. It seeks to answer the
to globalization. than that, do not have sufficient “why” by identifying underlying causes or
insurance cover. mechanisms.
STATE - a political unit/entity ENVIRONMENT → Prediction - the ability to make predictions
4 Elements of State • ecological problems such as climate about future events or outcomes based on
o Population change. its principles.
o Defined territory • global warming. → Falsifiability - good theory is testable and
o Government can be potentially disproven through
o Sovereignty (internal & external) PHASES OF GLOBALIZATION empirical evidence. This means that a
Economic Globalization theory must be open to scrutiny and capable
NATION - a group/community of people with • Free market = single economy of being rejected if the evidence contradicts
same tradition, culture, race, ethnicity, etc. its predictions
Socialism - falls between capitalism and overall benefits and highlighting its
THE WORLD SYSTEMS THEORY (OR communism. It features public or collective negative consequences, such as inequality,
HYPERGLOBALISATIONISM) ownership, along with government intervention cultural homogenization, and
to address inequalities and provide social environmental degradation.
➢ proposed by Immanuel Wallerstein in services, Socialism aims to balance freedom ➢ often emphasize the limitations and
1974. with social equality. challenges of globalization and tend to see
➢ understanding the global system as a whole the rise of regional blocs or regionalism as
with a particular focus on the dynamics of Wallerstein divides the world into three major a significant trend.
economic and political power zones: REGIONAL BLOCS, also known as regional
➢ sees globalization as an all-encompassing o CORE NATIONS - economically organizations or economic blocs. Collaborate on
force that leads to the erosion of national developed regions with advanced various issues including economic, political, and
borders and the emergence of a truly global technology, industrial production, and security matters.
economy and culture. significant wealth. Core nations dominate → AFRICAN UNION (AU) - seeks to
➢ hyperglobalists are chief among the the global economic system. Capital- promote economic cooperation, peace and
believers of globalization. intensive production of materials and goods security, and political integration among
➢ legitimate process and a new age in human rather than extracting raw materials African nations.
history. o PERIPHERY NATIONS - comprises less → EUROPEAN UNION (EU)
➢ emphasizes the dominance of global developed areas that often provide cheap → NORTH AMERICAN FREE TRADE
markets and the diminishing significance of labor and raw materials to the core nations. AGREEMENT (NAFTA)
individual nations. They also believe that They are economically dependent to the → ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHEAST
the capitalist world system is spread across core. Focuses only on one type of economic ASIAN NATIONS (ASEAN) - regional
the entire globe. activity: extracting raw materials. bloc comprising ten Southeast Asian
Capitalism - economic system characterized by o SEMI-PERIPHERY NATIONS countries. It focuses on economic
private ownership of the means of production (such - intermediate zone that exhibits elements cooperation, political dialogue, and
as factories, and business) free markets, and of both core and periphery characteristics. regional stability. ASEAN promotes trade
competition. Individuals and businesses pursue May have growing industrial sectors but are liberalization and has established the
profits and make economic decisions based on still economically subordinate to core ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) to
supply and demand. nations. enhance economic integration in the region.
Communism -political and economic ideology → MERCOSUR - regional trade bloc in South
where the means of production are owned America that includes countries such as
collectively by the community or state. In a true THE REGIONAL BLOC THEORY (OR Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay. It aims to
communist society, there is no private GLOBAL SKEPTICISM) promote economic integration through the
ownership; and wealth and resources are shared reduction of trade barriers and the
equally among all members. ➢ Global skeptics take a critical stance coordination of economic policies.
towards globalization, questioning its
THE THIRD WAY THEORY (OR capital flow freely between countries or • THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION
TRANSFORMATIONALISM) regions. This is the rise of the industry through new
➢ A process that refers to the expansion of economic tools, like steam engines, manufacturing,
➢ globalization is a complex and dynamic firms by consolidating additional and mass production.
process that can lead to both positive and marketing functions and activities under a • THE INFORMATION REVOLUTION
negative outcomes. They emphasize the single management. This is when technology reduced the role of human
importance of governance, policies, and ➢ Central aspect of economic globalization: labor and shifted it from a manufacturing based
social movements in shaping the direction the interconnectedness of economies and economy to one that is based on service work and
and consequences of globalization societies around the world. the production of ideas matters more than goods.

According to Anthony Giddens, a modern Market Integration can take many forms including: HORIZONTAL INTEGRATION
sociologist, globalization is a phenomenon shaped - Reduction of trade barriers such as tariffs ➢ is when a business combines forces with
by “modern” capitalist forces: politics, military another company that offers similar
power, and industrialism. These forces are the TARIFF- a tax imposed by one country on the products or services
sources of globalization dimensions or aspects of goods and services imparted from another ➢ (Ex: - Facebook Inc.’s (now Meta)
world modernity such as the capitalist economy, the country acquisition of Instagram in 2012)
national state system, world military order, and o Adoption of common currency ACQUISITION - refers to the process of the
international labor. If these combined forces of o Harmonization of regulatory standards company purchasing another company- gaining
world modernity were spread across all countries in o The development of infrastructure to control and ownership
the world, the globalization process would occur. facilitate transportation and MERGE - involves the combining force of two or
communication. more (bigger or smaller) companies to form a new
MARKET - derived from the Latin word Before, people only produced for their families, but VERTICAL INTEGRATION
“mercatus” which means trading or place of today, our economy demands the different sectors ➢ is when the company expands either
transactions. to work together to produce, distribute, and forward or backward by acquiring or
exchange products and services. merging with firms in an earlier or later
INTEGRATION - a process involving attempts to • THE AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION phase of the value chain.
combine separate national economies into A period when people learned how to domesticate
larger economic region. plants and animals. This became the new There are two (2) types of Vertical Integration.
➢ Shows company’s market relationship agricultural economy that led to major BACKWARD VERTICAL INTEGRATION
developments like permanent settlements, trade ➢ is the ownership control of the products to
MARKET INTEGRATIONS networks, and population growth. a point earlier in the supply chain or the
➢ Refers to the process of creating a unified production process
marketplace where goods, services, and
➢ (Ex: If Coca-Cola Company acquires a ➢ a system of fixed exchange rates, with the ➢ culminating in the Uruguay Round, which
bottling company that will supply them U.S. dollar tied to gold, fostering stability led to the creation of the World Trade
bottles) in international monetary relations Organization (WTO) on January 1, 1995.
➢ Key participants in the Bretton-Woods The WTO expanded its focus to cover
FORWARD VERTICAL INTEGRATION Conference included representatives from services, intellectual property, and dispute
➢ is the ownership control of the products to 44 Allied nations. Visionaries like John resolution.
a point later in the supply chain or the Maynard Keynes and Harry Dexter White
production process played pivotal roles in shaping the THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND
➢ (Ex: Apple retail stores like PowerMac // agreement. ➢ The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Walt Disney’s theme parks and Disney+ ➢ main goals of the Bretton-Woods System was founded on December 27, 1945
streaming service) were to prevent competitive devaluations, ➢ with the aim of promoting global monetary
promote economic stability, and facilitate cooperation and stability. It was established
CONGLOMERATE INTEGRATION post-war reconstruction. at the Bretton Woods Conference to
➢ is the combination of industries or ➢ Principles included pegging currencies to address issues of currency exchange rates
businesses not directly related to each other gold and establishing the International and balance of payments.
but may operate under a unified Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank ➢ primary purpose of the IMF is to provide
management ➢ its fixed exchange rates became untenable, financial assistance to member countries
➢ (Ex: Under San Miguel Corporation are leading to its collapse in the early 1970s. facing balance of payments problems,
their San Miguel Pure Foods (food), San helping stabilize their economies and
Miguel Brewery (beverages), infrastructure THE GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS prevent crises.
(San Miguel Holdings), and energy (San AND TRADE
Miguel Power) ➢ The General Agreement on Tariffs and WORLD BANK
Trade (GATT) was established on October ➢ The World Bank was established on July 1,
IV. INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC 30, 1947, as a multilateral treaty aimed at 1944.
ORGANIZATIONS AND FINANCIAL reducing trade barriers. ➢ with the goal of reducing global poverty
INSTITUTIONS ➢ emerged in response to the need for a and supporting long-term economic
collaborative approach to promote global development.
THE BRETTON-WOODS AGREEMENT AND economic recovery after World War II. ➢ main functions and goals of the World
SYSTEM ➢ objectives of GATT included lowering Bank involve providing financial and
➢ The Bretton-Woods Agreement, tariffs, preventing discriminatory trade technical assistance to member countries
established on July 22, 1944 practices, and fostering fair competition for projects that aim to improve
➢ was a landmark international agreement among nations. infrastructure, education, and healthcare.
that set the framework for the post-World ➢ It sought to create a more open and ➢ Successful World Bank projects include
War II economic order. predictable international trading system initiatives that focus on poverty reduction,
sustainable development, and improving
living standards, such as the East Asia and Parliament, and the Council of the “Sana makapagperfrom ka nang maayos hindi
Pacific Region's poverty reduction efforts. European Union. lang sa Midterm ko at sa lahat ng mga exam
• Decision-making involves complex na it-take mo. Good luck sa ‘yo! Ipasa mo
ORGANIZATION FOR ECONOMIC processes that balance the interests of naman ‘to!” – Sr. Borj
COOPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT member states. The EU promotes economic
➢ OPEC, founded on September 14, 1960, is integration through a single market and
a coalition of major oil-producing countries customs union, facilitating the free
aimed at coordinating petroleum policies to movement of goods, services, capital, and
ensure stable prices and a reliable supply. people among member states.
➢ primary objective of OPEC is to manage
the production and pricing of oil to NORTH AMERICAN FREE TRADE
safeguard the interests of its member AGREEMENT (NAFTA)
countries. • NAFTA was implemented on January 1,
➢ OPEC influences global oil prices and 1994.
production levels by coordinating • establishing a free trade area among the
production quotas among its members, United States, Canada, and Mexico. The
responding to changes in global demand primary objectives of NAFTA were to
and supply. reduce trade barriers, promote economic
➢ Challenges and issues associated with growth, and enhance cooperation between
OPEC's role in the global oil market include the three North American countries
balancing the interests of diverse member • NAFTA significantly impacted trade and
countries, responding to geopolitical economic relations, leading to increased
tensions, and adapting to shifts in energy cross-border investments and the
markets, such as the rise of renewable integration of supply chains. NAFTA was
energy. replaced by the United States-Mexico-
Canada Agreement (USMCA) on July 1,
EUROPEAN UNION 2020, which updated provisions related to
• The European Union (EU) was established labor, environment, and digital trade,
on November 1, 1993. reflecting changes in the regional economic
• based on the Maastricht Treaty signed in landscape.
1992, aiming to foster economic and
political integration among its member
• Key institutions within the EU include the
European Commission, European

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