Planting Plan

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Objective: Students will be able to identify what plants need to survive and grow their
own plant1.

Materials Needed: Seeds, soil, water, pots, sunlight or grow lights.

Lesson Procedure:

1. Introduction (15 minutes): Show students a plant. Ask them where they think
the plant came from. Review the steps of how a seed is planted. Show students
the worksheet called Plant Life Cycle and review the proper steps1.
2. Planting Activity (30 minutes): Provide each student with a pot, some soil,
and a few seeds. Guide them through the process of planting the seeds in the
soil. Make sure each pot is properly watered.
3. Discussion (15 minutes): Discuss what plants need to grow (sunlight, water,
carbon dioxide, and soil). Ask students to predict what will happen to their
4. Observation and Journaling (15 minutes daily for several weeks): Have
students observe their plants daily and record their observations in a journal.
They can note changes in the plant’s growth, color, and overall health.
5. Conclusion (30 minutes): After a few weeks, discuss the results. Did the plants
grow as expected? What factors contributed to the growth or lack of growth?
What did the students learn from this experience?

Remember, the goal of this lesson is not just to teach students about planting, but also
to instill a love and appreciation for nature and the environment2.

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