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Engineering Utilities

ME 201B – CE21S3
1 Sem S.Y 2022-2023: Modular 2

Module 4: Exercise #4
Instructions: Answer the following questions based on your understanding of the lesson, make sure to
citate references that you use when answering the question. Submit it in pdf/word format. Use this
format for the file name; Surname_FirstName_ME201B_CE21S3_E4


Answer the following questions in detail:

a.) What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of water heaters?

According to the “ABC Supporting the cause, Consider it done”, Storage water heaters include
tanks and thus can run on electricity, natural gas, propane, or fuel oil. Storage water heaters have the
benefit of being obtainable in a variety of sizes, with tank selections typically ranging from 20 to 80
gallons. They're further typically inexpensive to buy and set up. They, on the other hand, have such an
average energy factor (EF) of 0.67. However, despite the benefits, it has some drawbacks, including the
following: Tank sizes have increased with the National Appliance Energy Conservation Act (NAECA)
standards, therefore these devices necessitate more space. When utilized for prolonged times, they
additionally provide a constrained supply of hot water. They can, however, waste up to 15% of their
energy via radiant heat loss. Finally, they do have average lifespan of between ten and fifteen years.

Tankless Hot Water Heaters, also recognized as immediate and perhaps demand-type water
heaters, are another type of water heater that does not have storage facilities. If a heated water tap is
turned on, electric features or gas burners heat up the water. The advantages are that they utilize 20%
to 30% fewer energy than storage tank designs. It meets NAECA requirements whereas obtaining up
little space and incurring no additional infrastructure costs. This can also be hung on a wall. They waste
very little standby energy. The drawback is that the hot water flow rate is restricted by a size of said
component, or rather tankless systems are usually more challenging and costly to implement. On the
other hand, it does provide an almost infinite supply of hot water. They also have average lifespan of 20
years or above. Finally, they have an EF rating of 0.75 on average.

b.) What are the advantages and disadvantages of each waste disposal method?

According to Hari Srinivas, The benefits of ocean dumping include the following: It is cheap and
efficient, and it is thought to be a source of nutrients, shelter, and breeding. However, the disadvantages
are that it can burden the ocean. It can deplete food resources, kill plankton, and cause desalination.

The advantages of Sanitary Landfill are as follows: volume could be increased with so little
additament of people/equipment, as well as filled land could be reusable for other community
applications. While there are disadvantages, managed to complete landfill zones can end up settling and
require maintenance, as well as preparation, design, and implementation.
Incineration has several advantages: it necessitates tiny land, it can function in every weather, it
process which enables odor-free residue, and it reduces refuse volume by half. The disadvantages are
that it is costly to construct and manage, does have a rising energy requirement, demands skilled
personnel and life long process, and is unappealing - smell, waste, vermin.

The only benefit of open dumping is that it is cheap. The disadvantages include health risks from
insects and rodents, as well as damage from air pollution and underground aquifers and run-off

Recycling has the advantage of being crucial in ensuring a habitable environment for the future.
However, it is pricey, some waste materials cannot be recycled, a technological push is required, and
detachment of useful stuff from waste is difficult.

c.) What is the difference between active and passive fire protection system

According to Fire Rite, active fire protection is simply able to detect, attempting to stop, and
escaping fire. Passive fire protection, on the other hand, refers to involving the fire and restricting it
from disseminating even farther.

d.) Which is a better system?

According to Fire trace, no system is superior to another. Active and passive fire protection are
both essential for safeguarding buildings, equipment, and people. Passive fire protection focuses on
containing the fire, whereas active fire protection focuses on putting out the fire.

e.) Discuss the different equipment for active fire protection system.

FIRE EXTINGUISHER - is an active protection against fire device which used eliminate or regulate small
fires, frequently in emergency cases.


Class A extinguishers - would therefore extinguish fires in common combustible materials including
wood and paper.

Class B extinguishers are designed to be used on flammable liquids such as grease, gasoline, and oil.

Class C extinguishers were just intended for use on electrically energized fires.

Class D extinguishers are intended to be used on flammable metals.

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