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 Banking on Basel: The Future of International Financial Regulation1

"Banking on Basel" offers a basic overview of the Basel II framework and how it affects
central banks. This literature analysis lays the groundwork for future investigation into
the dynamic interaction between regulatory frameworks, central banking functions, and
the always shifting field of international finance as central banks continue to change in
their responsibilities as supervisors and regulators.

 Risk Management and Capital Adequacy2

This book is a seminal work in the field of financial risk management, providing an in-
depth analysis of the concepts and procedures related to protecting organizations from a
range of financial uncertainties. The book, which explores the crucial nexus between risk
management and regulatory capital sufficiency and was published in 2003, is an
invaluable tool for financial practitioners, academics, and policymakers.

 International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards3

This literature provides a thorough framework for the assessment and management of
capital sufficiency in financial education. Basel II is a crucial point of reference for
central banks' supervision and control activities. The approach emphasizes how important
it is for central banks to enforce oversight and manage risks by balancing the need for
administrative capital with the inherent risks that budgetary educators must face. Basel II
highlights a risk-aware approach to capital adequacy, enabling central banks to customize
their supervision activities according to the specific risk profiles of targeted substances.
Basel II supports central banks in fulfilling their fundamental role as gatekeepers of
financial stability by outlining guidelines for good money management practices and
administrative capital systems.

 Capital Adequacy Framework 2007 (Updated July 2008)4

 Bank Supervision Report, 2019
 Core Principles of Effective Banking Supervision5
 The New Capital Adequacy Directive, CAD 3: The Transposition of the New Basel
Accord into EU Legislation6

Daniel K. Tarullo, Banking on Basel: The Future of International Financial Regulation, Washington DC: Peterson
Institute for International Economics, 2008.
Reto R. Gallati, Risk Management and Capital Adequacy, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital
Standards A Revised Framework Comprehensive Version, Basel Switzerland, bank for International
Settlements June, 2006.
Nepal Rastra Bank Accord Implementation Group, Capital Adequacy Framework 2007, Kathmandu.
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (Banks for International Settlements), Core Principles of
Effective Banking Supervision, Basel, Switzerland: September 1997 and October 2006.
The New Capital Adequacy Directive, CAD 3: The Transposition of the New Basel Accord into
EU Legislation, Consultation Document, London: HM Treasury of UK December, 2003.
 Bank Capital Regulation in Contemporary Banking Theory: A Review of the Literature 7
 The Significance of Basel I and Basel II for the Future of the Banking Industry with
Special Emphasis on Credit Information8
 Capital Requirements and Bank Behavior in the Early 1990’s Cross Country Evidence9
 Capital Regulation and Bank’s Financial Decisions10
 Credit Cycles, Credit Risk and Prudential Regulation11
 Capital Adequacy vs. Liquidity Requirements in Banking Supervision in the EU12
 Mind the Basel Gap13
 A Framework for Financial Stability14
 The Pursuit Financial Stability- an outside view15
 Do Capital Adequacy Requirements Matter for Monetary Policy16
 The Implementation of Basel II and Development in Banking and Supervision in the
Asia-Pacific Region, Report of a Public Private Sector Dialogue17
 Research on Financial Stability18

Joao A C Santos, Bank Capital Regulation in Contemporary Banking Theory: A Review of the
Literature, Basel, Switzerland: Bank for International Settlements working paper no. 90, September, 2000
Maher Hasan, The Significance of Basel I and Basel II for the Future of the Banking Industry
with Special Emphasis on Credit Information, Amman: April 2002
Patrick Van Roy, Capital Requirements and Bank Behavior in the Early 1990’s Cross Country
Evidence, International Journal of Central Banking, Vol. 4, No. 3, September 2008, 29-60
Haibin Zhu, Capital Regulation and Bank’s Financial Decisions, International Journal of Central
Banking, Vol. 4, No. 1, march 2008, 165-211
Gabriel Jimenez & Jesus Saurina, Credit Cycles, Credit Risk and Prudential Regulation, International
Journal of Central Banking, Vol. 2, No. 2, june 2006, 65-98
Karel Lannoo & Jean-Pierre Casey, Capital Adequacy vs. Liquidity Requirements in Banking
Supervision in the EU, Centre for European Policy Studies- CEPS Policy Brief No. 84/October

Karel Lannoo, Mind the Basel Gap, Centre for European Policy Studies- CEPS Commentary 17,
July 2009
Andrew Haldane, A Framework for Financial Stability, Quarterly Journal of Central Banking,
Volume XV, No. 3, February 2005, Central Banking Publications Ltd., London, 17-26
Robert Pringle, The Pursuit Financial Stability- an outside view, Quarterly Journal of Central
Banking, Volume XV, No. 2, November 2004, Central Banking Publications Ltd., London, 58-
Stephen G. Cecchetti & Lianfa Li, Do Capital Adequacy Requirements Matter for Monetary Policy?,
NBER Working Paper No. 11830
Asian Banker’s Association, Journal Of Banking and Finance, Vol. XXII, No. 1, Taipei: 2007, 1-21
Research on Financial Stability, Quarterly Journal of Central Banking , Vol. XV, No. 3, February 2005, Central
banking Publications Ltd, London, 69-75.
 Financial Stability- the New Frontier19
 The Principle of Banking Law20
 Banking Supervision and Systemic Bank Restructuring: An International and
Comparative Legal Prospective21
 Money, Banking and Financial Markets22
 The Monetary and Financial System23
 A Hand Book to Banking24
 Supervisory Risk Assessment and Early Warning Systems25

Financial Stability- the New Frontier, Quarterly Journal of Central Banking, Volume XV, No.
2, November 2004, Central Banking Publications Ltd., London, 1-4
Craston Ross, The Principle of Banking Law, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press, USA, 2002
Mwenda Kenneth Kaoma, Banking Supervision and Systemic Bank Restructuring: An
International Comparative Legal Prospective, 1st Edition, Cavendish Publishing Limited,
London, 2000
Miller Roger Leroy & Van Hoose David, Money, banking and Financial Markets, 1st Edition, South Western,
Thomson Learning, USA, 2001
Goacher David, The Monetary and Financial System, 5th Edition, Institute of Financial Services Publications, UK,
Bhuban Dahal & Sarita Dahal, A Hand Book to Banking, 2nd Edition, Ashmita Books and Stationery, Kathmandu,
Sahajwala Ranjana & Bergh Paul Van Den, “ Supervisory Risk Assessment and Early Warning
Systems” Working Papers, No. 4, Basel Committee, December 2000.

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