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A Research Study

Presented by the Senior High School Department

Ichon National High School, Ichon, Macrohon, Southern Leyte


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for




Moreno, Charyl B.

Magpatoc, Erika Mae A.

Medalle, Bea Jean

Lanza, Marlyn

Catipon, Rhea Jane M.

Magpatoc, Lea Rose

Anuncio, John Alfe

Legaspi, Junie

Ravalo, Johnson
Chapter I:


Background of the Study

Financial literacy can help humans in understanding on how to manage funds. It can

improve people’s lives or lifestyle and keeps everyone in a financial stable situation. A

financially literate people can help create a stable community. Moreover, saving and

managing money is an important aspects for every humankind, as people wanted to be

financially stable, but yet does not have an enough knowledge on managing money then

people would face a problem in finances. Enabling individuals to have knowledge of financial

literacy can make each life to be better. It can set peoples mind changed regarding a financial

matters like improving their savings, and can lower their debts and understand the use of

money in daily life. One of the reasons why people has an increased debt and lack of savings

which will caused a huge financial problem not just to peoples lives but also to the nations

economic, is for not having an enough knowledge regarding financial literacy or on how

would individuals manage the money.

According to (Serina-de La Paz & Que, 2014), as a child grows, their needs grow

along with them. The ability to be able to avail certain products like food or project materials

is not the same for every child. Teenagers have different costs regarding school and personal

expenditures. According to (Elkins,2017) still in line with the previous statement, youth tend

to forget the difficulty of obtaining money. The way teenagers spend has many factors such

as; habits, upbringing, lifestyle, economic status, and many more.

Everyday gets more complex in terms of financial, multiple people suffers on how

they will manage their money. In this state, the world we lived in must learn financial literacy.

People must know how to achieve financial stability. Yes, through financial literacy they can

have an excellent plan of understanding their money better. It can influenced people to make a

financial decisions wisely, and can avoid facing financial problems. Around the world, there

were multiple countires whose been experiencing a financial problems in their economic state.

In the Philippines, a recent study by the World Bank (2015) conducted to test the

level of financial literacy of Filipinos. The results turned out that Filipinos has the lowest

financial literacy. This finding leads the researcher to issued DepEd its financial education

policy under DepEd order No. 022, series of 2021 which aims to help learners and other

teaching or non-teaching personnel to make a better financial decisions. This days the the

countries inflation rate has been increased and it deeply affects the peoples financial state. In

this scenario, we must engage individuals on learning a financial management. It is essential,

for in our country our products, gasolines, even the fruits , vegetables , meat and more has

increased, if people will not consider on learning how to manage their funds wisely, then

mankinds will experience money shortage and it will definitely affect each lives. Filipinos

should know how to budget their funds wisely to avoid the circumstances.

In Ichon National Highschool, studies tackling the level of financial literacy on the

Grade 12 students. Personal expenses are such a conflict to Grade 12 students. Students often

ends up overspending which usually resulting to a gradual yet serious damages. Though

students are still living with their parents, and maybe students is still dependent on their

finance to their parents. But, even though the students are living with their parents, having an

enough knowledge on financial literacy can help them improve their lifestyle. If students will

practice these , for saving their money wisely then students can be dependent in their finances

in different situations like school projects, or buying things they want by not asking money to

the parents to pay their purchased items. As observed there are students who are

overspending their money over some unnecessary things , considering some students

prioritize buying their wants rather than their needs. Luckily, there were still some students

who are knowledgable in managing or budgeting their money very well and wisely. Being

practically mindful on buying the things needed over wants are significant to individuals.

Moreover , it can add more understanding on how students will engage its saving habits and

spending habits wisely.

This situation of lacking the rightful financial literacy is a dash to our economic.

Financial literacy can change every mankinds view on overspending their funds, and can now

enable to budget their money, spend and save it wisely. Thus the researchers main purpose of

the study is to determine the level of financial literacy in Grade 12 students in Ichon National

Highschool, and help them assess how to manage their funds wisely.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the level of financial literacy among Grade 12 students in

Ichon National Highschool.

Specifically, this study will answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Strand

1.4 Civil Status

2. What is the level of financial literacy of students when grouped according to sex, strand

and age as a whole in terms of:

2.1 Saving Habits,

2.2 Financial Behaviour, and

2.3 Financial Knowledge?

3. Is there a significant difference in financial literacy among students in terms to:

3.1 Sex

3.2 Strand

Theoretical Background

Self-efficacy theory of Wood & Bandura (1989)

They believed that a belief about the abilities someone can carry out his work

successfully, because they look at the opportunity with some of the actions to obtain results.

Individuals with high self-efficacy have confidence that they are able to manage and plan

their financial successfully and better.

Financial Literacy theory by Levente Kovacs & elemer Tertak

They believes that the low level of financial literacy worldwide raises a serious

questions about the general quality of financial decision-making by households. Financial

education aims to improve decision-making by helping consumers acquire the basic

knowledge and skills they need to understand the choices they face. Improving basic financial

education at the elementary and secondary school level can provide a foundation for financial

literacy, helping younger people avoid poor financial decisions that can take years to

overcome. Strong financial literacy skills may be necessary for good and emotional coping

mechanisms that interfere personal finance behaviours are unlikely to be eradicated through


Goal Setting theory of Jack et al. (2004)

Jack believed that this theory has a big influence on the performance of the

individual in planning financial. This planning process can help individuals to control their

financial condition. Every individual, family has different conditions for planning financial to

fulfil of needs and specific goals. It is a plan that you have with your money. This goals

should give you focus and keep you accountable, no matter how long they take to make it

happen. Having a goal in mind for your budget is important when deciding how much money

to set aside and spend.

These theories relates to the variable of the researchers topic, as it has a

similar interest to the researchers topic on the importance of financial literacy to every

individuals in their decision-makings and skills to manage individuals money and spend it


Conceptual Framework


Family background
Financial Literacy

 Overspending

 Low level of



 Financial problem


Figure 1 Schematic Diagram

Presents the conceptual framework of the study. Schematic diagram showing the

independent variable (Family background) which affects the dependent variable (Financial

Literacy) and the intervening variable (overspending, low level of financial literacy, financial

problem) that disturbs the relationship of the independent and dependent variable.

The figures shows that family background as independent variables and financial

literacy as dependent variable that will help students or individuals to be financially literate

and improve its way to spend the money, wisely.

Statement of Hypothesis

1. There is no significant difference in financial literacy among students in terms to

sex, and strand.

Research Flowchart

 Respondents  Experiences of
 Research
the respondents
demographic regarding
financial literacy
 Data Collection
 Data  Significance of
 Respondents Collation learning the
financial literacy
experiences in daily lives.
 Data Analysis

regarding  Data Interpre-  Possible

intervention and
financial recommendation

 Related

theories of

the study

Figure 2 Research Process Flow

The input involves the needed information to be gathered including the respondent’s

demographic profile, related theories of the study, and the respondent’s perceptions and experiences to

the financial literacy.

The methods include the research design used, the collection and collation,

analysis and interpretation of data.

The output would be the determined perceptions and experiences of the

respondents to the financial literacy and the significance of financial literacy and the

recommendations for implementing financial literacy.

Scope and Delimitation

This research dwells on the level of financial literacy of the Grade 12 students

specifically in the area of saving habits, financial behaviour and financial knowledge.

The respondents would be the Grade 12 students in Ichon National Highschool. It

aims to know the level of financial literacy of the students. The data would be gathered using

a questionnaire prepared by the researchers and an exact of (70) respondents in Grade 12

students to be asked with the corresponding questions.

Significance of the Study

Future Researchers. They will know more about the topic and will broaden their knowledge

in the said field. They can be able to craft better questions and engaged better in other

participants, and will become more confident in their answers and have a better outcomes.

They can also help in understanding the importance of financial literacy.

Students. As the main participants of the study, they will be more knowledgeable about

managing their allowances. They can either also manage to cut costs in everyday life to better

manage their budgets. Also, it can raise their awareness on how they can hadle their money.

Parents . they are the primary source of financial support for students school and personal

life. This research can help parents understand as to where do teenagers most spend money.

Teachers. It is best if teachers know how school works affect daily budgeting and expenses of

a student. Teachers can support the students not just academically but also on financial by

giving projects that cost less.

Definition of Terms

To facilitate the understanding of this study, different terms are defined herein;

 Financial Literacy- is the ability to know how to manage your financial resources. It

helps people to become self-sufficient and achieve financial stability.

 Financially Literate- people who are aware of their habits and do not pay for services

they are not using.

 Financially Stable- it means keeping a healthy balance between your income and

expenses and can cover expenses without struggling.\

 Personal Expenses- are costs that are beyond your tuition and fees. It only includes the

necessities like your personal wants.

 Spending Habits- is the repeated and sometimes involuntary routines and practices you

have around using money to purchase experiences services and things.

 Saving Habits- frequently practiced behaviours, done without a particular sense of

awareness, with the goal of freeing up funds for saving or debt reduction.

 Financial Knowledge- awareness and understanding about finances .

 Financial Behaviour- concerns with a human actions with respect to money




Review of Related Literature

One of the articles which has attracted researcher's attention is a term paper written by

Mohamad Fazli Sabri and Maurice MacDonald (2010) entitled “Savings Behavior and

Financial Problems Among College Students: The Role of Financial Literacy in Malaysia”.

They demonstrated that students who had higher financial knowledge were more likely to

report savings behavior and reported fewer financial problems. According to them, students

with promote better financial management whether they can afford to spoil themselves during

the college years. The study done by Cunningham, (2001); Nellie, (2002) pointed out those

students entering their university education without ever having been responsible for their

own personal finances, while in the college or university students must managed their own

expenditures. Student's ability to manage their financial resources is very important for

everyday life activities. Financially educated people can make better decision, thus leads to

higher financial security (Hilgert and Hogarth, 2003). Recent studies are mostly focus on the

financial planning of university students because many of them fail to plan their expenditure

and unexpectedly experience financial problems. While many worries of the importance of

financial education.

This literature was related to the researchers topic, as it tackles the same concerns that

students who had a higher financial literacy would lessen their financial problems. Also, the

importance of being financially literate to manage their financial resources in the individuals

everyday life.

Review of Related Study

Financial Literacy and Financial Behaviour among University students by (Chen &

Vople , 1998) this research vast the majority of young people in their beginnings as university

students have begun to manage their own money in one way or another (Bidwell, 2015),

either receiving financial aid funds, such as the Pell Grant, through their work or even through

the use of credit cards. Regardless of where the main source of income comes from to pay for

tuition, lodging, and other expenses associated with their university studies, it is important to

question whether students adequately manage their money and if in fact whether they have

some kind of knowledge in basic aspects of finance. A research studies conducted in the

United States and other countries have shown the majority of students lack the necessary

knowledge or expertise in basic aspects of personal finance, such as budget preparation,

(Chen & Volpe, 1998; Eitel & Martin, 2009; Lusardi, Mitchell & Curto, 2010; Laborde,

Mottner & Whalley, 2013; Ergün, 2018).

For example, Chen & Volpe (1998) concluded that the low level of financial knowledge

of university students would preclude them from making informed decisions. Although not

focused on university students, Lusardi, Mitchell, & Curto (2010) found that young people

have a low level of knowledge about basic financial concepts. Only 27% of the young people

surveyed correctly answered three questions that covered topics on interest rates, inflation,

and risk diversification. The vast majority (80%) correctly answered the question about the

interest rates, which supposed some knowledge in financial arithmetic. Fifty-four percent

correctly answered the question about inflation, while only 47% responded correctly the

question about risk diversification, a fundamental element in making informed investment


Research has shown that individuals need to have an adequate level of financial

knowledge as well as to demonstrate a good financial behavior (Hilgert, Hogarth & Beverley,

2003). Good financial behavior can range from thinking carefully before buying a product and

paying debts on time, to establishing a plan to meet personal goals (Valencia & Valenzuela,

2017). Therefore, it can be stated that presenting positive financial behavior is intrinsically

linked to making good decisions. This is important since making good financial decisions

contributes to the increase of wealth, avoids or decreases indebtedness and protects against

any adverse outcome (Grohmann & Menkhoff, 2015). That is, the economic well-being of

people depends on how they behave financially in the short, medium and long term.

So, to the extent that students acquire more financial knowledge, more opportunities will

have to make good financial decisions (Herawati et al., 2018). This research has demonstrated

that a well-educated population on personal financial matters may contribute to a country’s

economic growth as well as promoting stability of the financial sector (Lusardi & Mitchell,

2014). Having adequate money management skills allows students to be responsible in their

decision-making and promote a better well-being while achieving a better standard of living

(Hussain & Sajjad, 2016). It is worthwhile to note that adequate levels of financial literacy

reduce the financial stress faced by individuals, including university students (Taft, Hosein,

Mehrizi, and Roshan, 2013; Heckman, Lim and Montalto, 2014)

This research study is related to the researchers topic as it has the same interest on the

researchers topic to asses that individuals should have a adequate level of financial knowledge

and asses individuals nor students in making a wise financial decision.



Research Design

The researchers used a cross- sectional survey design it was used to collect data from

different individuals based on particular variables of interest. It does not involve manipulating

variables. It allows researchers to look at numerous characteristics at once like for example

the age, gender and etc. It can provide information about what is happening in a current

population. This design was used to gather datas of Grade 12 students in every strand for

STEM, ABM, HUMSS and TVL that will assess their level of financial literacy.

Research Locale

The study was conducted in Ichon National Highschool (INHS) a public school located

at Ichon , Macrohon , Southern Leyte . Ichon National Highschool is consist of Junior

Highschool and Senior Higschool.

Research Respondents and Sampling Technique

The respondents of the study are the Grade 12 STEM, ABM, HUMSS and TVL strands

of Ichon National Highschool school year 2022-2023. The researchers will chose random

respondents in every strand : 4 respondents in STEM , 10 in TVL, 7 in ABM, and 49

respondents in HUMSS students . A total of 70 respondents has been chosen through a

proportional stratified random sampling technique. A proportional stratified random sampling

allows the researchers to obtain a sample population that best represents the entire population

being studied.

Research Instrument

The researchers conducted a survey questionnaires through an improvise checklist

made through printed questionnaire to find out the level of financial literacy in Grade 12

students. This comprises into two part; Part I is the demographic profile of the respondents/

students. Part II comprises the Saving Habits, Financial Behaviour and Financial Knowledge

checklist in scale , it is regarding on their understanding or agreement in the said statements.

The respondents would be asked to chose their preferred response by rating it from the scale

1-5. The checklist contains statements that relate to the study and these questions will be


Data Gathering Procedure

Prior to the conduct of a survey, the researchers prepared a printed questionnaire. The

researchers made sure to prepare all the instruments in collecting data since this has supported

the study. The researchers asked a total of 70 respondents in Grade 12 , each strands we asked

4 students from STEM, 10 from TVL, 7 from ABM, and 49 from HUMSS in Ichon National

Highschool to answer the questionnaire. The data will be gathered through the answered

survey questionnaire by the respondents. The respondents are required to answer the

following questions to the given questionnaires. The checklist that had been administered is

the Level of Agreement with 1 (Strongly Disagree), 2 (Disagree), 3 (Neither Agree), 4

(Agree), 5 (Strongly Agree) scale options. After that, the researchers has organize , tabulate,

and process the data. Finally, the researchers had interpret and analyze the data that has being


Statistical Treatment

The data we gathered, and analyzed statistically to find answer on the hypothesis

formulated in the study are the mean, frequency and percentage , t-test and ANOVA.

In determining the demographic profile the mean and frequency and percentage

were used. The frequency and percentage determine the percentage usually for data on profile

( sex, strand, civil status). The mean were used to determine the central value of the age.

For the problem no.2 the median were used, wherein it identifies the value in the

middle of the data set for the data gathered in Finacial Literacy: Saving Habits, Financial

Behaviour, and Financial Knowledge.

Lastly in problem no. 3 the Kruskal Wallis test is used , which is used to compare

three or more groups on a dependent variable that is measured on at least an ordinal level.



I. Demographic Profile of the Grade 12 Learners

Age of the Students

Table 1. Mean distribution of respondents based on age.


Age Values

n 70

Mean 17.9429

Standard Deviation 1.3285

Minimum 17

Maximum 23

Table 1 shows the total number of the age of the respondents total of 70 who

answered the survey questionnaire. The analysis shows that the minimum age

participated in the survey is 17 years old and a maximum age of 23 years old.

Sex of the respondents

Table 2. Frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents based on sex.

Sex Frequency Percentage

Male 37 53%

Female 33 47%

Total 70 100%

Table 2 shows that majority of the respondents were male with 37 males having

53%, while female is lesser having 33 respondents with 47%.

Strands of the Respondents

Table 3. Frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents based on strands.

Strand Frequency Percentage

STEM 4 6%

HUMSS 49 70%

ABM 7 10%

TVL 10 14%

Total 70 100%
Table 3 shows the majority strands of the respondents is HUMSS having 49 (70%),

followed by TVL having 10 (14%), then ABM with 7(10%) and lastly the STEM

having 4 (6%) of respondents. A total of 70 (100%).

Civil Status

Table 4. Frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents based on civil status.

Civil Status Frequency Percentage

Single 70 100%

Total 70 100%

Table 4 shows that all of the respondents are single.

II. Level of Financial Literacy

Table 5

Shows the Level of Financial Literacy among Grade 12 students in terms of: Saving Habits, Financial

Behaviour and Financial Knowledge

Financial Literacy Median Interpretation

Saving Habits 5 Strongly Agree

Financial Behaviour 4 Agree

Financial Knowledge 4 Agree

Table 5 presents the Grade 12 level of Financial Literacy, with a median of 5 (Strongly

Agree) in Saving Habits the respondents agreed on the importance of saving money , saving

apportion of allowances, the respondents strongly agreed that Grade 12 students must know

on spending money wisely, and controlling the expenses to save money. Then , Financial

Behaviour with a median of 4 (Agree) the respondents agreed on monitoring expenses

regularly, keeping aside some money for future and emergency use, preparing a budget plan,

having a specific goals , and buying things that are lesser in price. Lastly, Financial

Knowledge having a median of 4

(Agree) the respondents agreed on comaparing cost before purchasing, knowing the risk of

overspending money, having an enough knowledge about finances, deciding independently

whether what to buy, and reach some goals.

III. Significance difference in financial literacy

Table 6

Test for difference of financial literacy of the respondents when grouped according to sex and


Grouping Test p-value Decision Significance

Variables Value on Ho

Sex 572.000 0.664 Accept Ho Not Significant

Strand 2.175 0.537 Accept Ho Not Significant

Table 6 shows the difference of financial literacy of the respondents when grouped

according to sex and strand. Having a p-value greater than 0.05 ( sex 0.664 and strand 0.537) ,

thus the decision on Ho , accepts the Ho. Therefore, there is no significant difference of

financial literacy of the students in terms of sex and strand.




The. Study is made to determine the level of financial literacy among Grade 12 students

in Ichon National Highschool. The researchers respondents are 70 grade 12 students from

Ichon National Highschool.

Moreover, the following were obtained after gathering the datas.

1. The study found that the age range of the respondents is 17 – 23 years old. A maximum of

23 and minimum of 17 years old.

2. Majority of the respondents is male showing 37 male while female has only 33.

3. Mostly of the respondents comes from the HUMSS strand having 49 respondents ,

followed by the TVL having 10 respondents. Then, the ABM 7 respondents. Lastly, the

STEM getting the lowest respondents having 4 respondents only.

4. It was shown that all of the respondents are single.

5. The study reveals that the level of financial literacy of grade 12 students is high as majority

answered “strongly agree” and “agree” based on Saving Habits, Financial Behaviour and

Financial Knowledge.

6. Based on the result of the study, it accepts the null hypothesis that there is no significant

difference of financial literacy among students when grouped according to sex and strand.


The researchers then conclude that there is no significant difference of financial

literacy among students when grouped in terms of age, sex, and strand. As the results of the

study shows that from the scale of 1-5, most of the respondents answered strongly agree (5)

and agree (4) , in which shows having a no significant difference and they can manage their

money well.

As the result of the study , the researchers recommend the following:

 Students must have the willingness to learn financial management as it an affect in the

future significantly.

 Be mindful of every spendings made.

 Students should set a goal in mind to be able to practice financial management.

 Set aside some money for the emergency uses and for the future.

 Parents should also guide and speak to their children once in a while about saving

money and managing expenses for it should begins at home.


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World Bank (2015). The Philippines to Further National Financial Literacy

Dear Respondents,
We are the Grade 12 students in Ichon National Highschool who are taking up Humanities and
Social Sciences (HUMSS). We are conducting a study entitled “Level of Financial Literacy among Grade 12
students in Ichon National Highschool”, as a partial fulfillment for Practical Research 2.
Rest assured that all data that has been gathered from you would be kept in the highest level of
The Researchers
Respondents #:
Name(optional):________________________________________ Sex: Male Female
Age:______ years old Strand: STEM HUMSS ABM TVL
Civil Status: Single Separated Married Widowed

PART II. Direction: For each statement in the survey please indicate how much you agree or disagree with
the statements by putting a check mark () inside the box that corresponds to your answer. There are no
right or wrong answers.
Using a scale of 1-5 where;
1- Strongly Disagree 3- Neither Agree 5- Strongly Agree
2- Disagree 4- Agree

Statements Ratings
Statements Ratings
Saving Habits Statements 5 4 Ratings
3 2 1
Financial Behaviour 5 4 3 2 1
1. Saving Money is very necessary.
1. Monitoring my expenses regularly.
2. Saving aKnowledge
portion of my allowance regularly.
2. Keeping aside a money for my future and emergency needs.
3. I can see the importance of making savings. 5 4 3 2 1
3. Prepare a budget plan everyday.
1. Students,
4. I compareespecially
costs before I purchased.
in Grade 12 must have to know how to spend
4. Do goals on my money and discuss it with my family
money wisely.
2. Knowing the risk of overspending money.
5. I prefer buy things that is on lesser price.
is importantmytoexpenses to save
have enough a money.about finances.
4.Can independently decide whether what to buy on my own money.
5. Routinely manage my money to reach goals.





Charyl B Moreno

Address: Sto. Rosario, Macrohon, Southern Leyte

Sex: Female

Birthdate: December 13, 2004

Age: 18 years old

Place of Birth: Maasin City

Civil Status: Single


Elementary: Macrohon Central Elementary School

(San Vicente Pob., Macrohon)

(SY: 2016-2017)

Junior Highschool: Macrohon Institute Incorporated

(Sto. Rosario, Macrohon)

(SY: 2020-2021)

Senior Highschool: Ichon National Highschool

( Ichon, Macrohon)

( SY: 2022-2023)


Bea Jean Medalle

Address: San Joaquin, Macrohon, Southern Leyte

Sex: Female

Birthdate: January 18, 2005

Age: 17 years old

Place of Birth: IPHO Maasin City

Civil Status: Single


Elementary: San Joaquin Elementary School

( San Joaquin, Macrohon)

(SY: 2015-2016)

Junior Highschool: Ichon National Highschool

(Ichon, Macrohon)

(SY: 2020-2021)

Senior Highschool: Ichon National Highschool

( Ichon, Macrohon)

(SY: 2022-2023)


Marlyn Lanza

Address: Sto. Rosario, Macrohon, Southern Leyte

Sex: Female

Birthdate: November 13, 2004

Age: 18 years old

Place of Birth: Maasin City

Civil Status: Single


Elementary: Macrohon Central Elementary School

(San Vicente Pob., Macrohon)

(SY: 2016-2017)

Junior Highschool: Macrohon Institute Incorporated

(Sto. Rosario, Macrohon)

(SY: 2020-2021)

Senior Highschool: Ichon National Highschool

( Ichon, Macrohon)

( SY: 2022-2023)


Erika Mae A. Magpatoc

Address: Rizal, Macrohon, Southern Leyte

Sex: Female

Birthdate: May 09, 2005

Age: 17 years old

Place of Birth: Maasin City

Civil Status: Single


Elementary: Rizal Elementary School

(Rizal , Macrohon)

(SY: 2016-2017)

Junior Highschool: Liloan National Technical Vocational Highschool

(SY: 2020-2021)

Senior Highschool: Ichon National Highschool

( Ichon, Macrohon)

( SY: 2022-2023)


Rhea Jane M. Catipon

Address: Sto. Rosario, Macrohon, Southern Leyte

Sex: Female

Birthdate: April 08, 2005

Age: 17 years old

Place of Birth: Manila Hospital

Civil Status: Single


Elementary: Macrohon Central Elementary School

(San Vicente Pob., Macrohon)

(SY: 2016-2017)

Junior Highschool: Macrohon Institute Incorporated

(Sto. Rosario, Macrohon)

(SY: 2020-2021)

Senior Highschool: Ichon National Highschool

( Ichon, Macrohon)

( SY: 2022-2023)


Lea Rose Magpatoc

Address: San Joaquin, Macrohon, Southern Leyte

Sex: Female

Birthdate: April 14, 2005

Age: 18 years old

Place of Birth: Maasin City

Civil Status: Single


Elementary: San Joaquin Elementary School

(San Joaquin , Macrohon)

(SY: 2016-2017)

Junior Highschool: Ichon National Highschool

(Ichon , Macrohon)

(SY: 2020-2021)

Senior Highschool: Ichon National Highschool

( Ichon, Macrohon)

( SY: 2022-2023)


John Alfe M. Anuncio

Address: Rizal, Macrohon, Southern Leyte

Sex: Male

Birthdate: April 14, 2003

Age: 19 years old

Place of Birth: Maasin City

Civil Status: Single


Elementary: Rizal Elementary School

(Rizal, Macrohon)

(SY: 2016-2017)

Junior Highschool: Macrohon Institute Incorporated

(Sto. Rosario, Macrohon)

(SY: 2020-2021)

Senior Highschool: Ichon National Highschool

( Ichon, Macrohon)

( SY: 2022-2023)


Johnson Eucharist Patrick O. Ravalo

Address: Sto. Rosario, Macrohon, Southern Leyte

Sex: Male

Birthdate: August 23, 2002

Age: 20 years old

Place of Birth: Manila Hospital

Civil Status: Single


Elementary: San Pedro Elementary School

(SY: 2016-2017)

Junior Highschool: Macrohon Institute Incorporated

(Sto. Rosario, Macrohon)

(SY: 2020-2021)

Senior Highschool: Ichon National Highschool

( Ichon, Macrohon)

( SY: 2022-2023)


Junie M. Legaspi

Address: Sto. Rosario, Macrohon, Southern Leyte

Sex: Male

Birthdate: April 08, 2004

Age: 17 years old

Place of Birth: Maasin City

Civil Status: Single


Elementary: Macrohon Central Elementary School

(San Vicente Pob., Macrohon)

(SY: 2016-2017)

Junior Highschool: Macrohon Institute Incorporated

(Sto. Rosario, Macrohon)

(SY: 2020-2021)

Senior Highschool: Ichon National Highschool

( Ichon, Macrohon)

( SY: 2022-2023)


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