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Ysmaellah Cassandra Reguyal


No one goes to jail just for debt

Most of us have incurred debts, Borrowing money is natural and also the fastest way to
obtain needed money, but paying it back is probably the hardest thing to do.

Debt can be like ruining relationships. Relationships break down because of unpaid debts
since lending money rests upon the confidence of the creditor in the debtor that he will be able to
pay the borrowed amount on time. However, I think there is a reason why people need to have
debt or need to borrow maybe because of having children or coming from a poor family. And
also people did not easily pay back it's because they don't have money or can't get enough money
for their job. And I realized a person won't borrow money if he doesn't really need it.

In conclusion, having a debt and not paying the debt on time cannot be the reason for
filing a lawsuit immediately because we also need to think about where they will get the money
to pay. I think that people don't want to go into debt but because of the lack of money, they do it.

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