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Mass market:
General population or a large group of people with similar needs.
For example, a product like a phone.
Niche market:
Specific group of people with unique needs and traits.
Buyers of high-end sports shoes.
Slightly different needs, there could be different groups within the main customer segment.
A diversified market segment includes customers with very different needs.
Multi-sided markets:
Interdependent customer segments.
A credit card company caters to both their credit card holders as well as merchants who accept those cards.

• Personal assistance: You interact with the customer in person or by email, through phone call or other means. Nayatel
• Dedicated personal assistance: You assign a dedicated customer representative to an individual customer. Priority
• Self-service: No relationship with the customer but provides what the customer needs to help themselves. McDonald's
• Automated services: Automated processes or machinery that helps customers perform services themselves. Individual
Bank Customers
• Communities: Online communities where customers can help each other solve their own problems Microsoft
• Co-creation: Allows the customer to get involved in the designing or development of the product. Youtube
• Social media
• Public speaking
• Email marketing
• Networking
• SEM (Search Engine Marketing)
• SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)
• Viral marketing
• Targeted blogs
• Sales and promotions for commissions
• Affiliates
• PR
• Trade shows
• Content marketing
• Offline advertising (billboards, TV, radio)

• What are the activities/ tasks that need to be completed to fulfil your business purpose?
• The Key Activities of your business/product are the actions that your business undertakes to achieve the value
proposition for your customers.
• Questions to ask:
• What activities does the business undertake in achieving the value proposition for the customer?
• What is the resource used?
• Time and Expertise?
• Distribution of product?
• Technical development?
• What actions does it take you and/or your staff to achieve value exchange?
• Examples: Consulting, Designing, Web development, Baking, Driving
• Designing, manufacturing and delivering a product in significant quantities and/ or of superior quality.
2. Problem-solving:
• Finding new solutions to individual problems faced by customers.
3. Platform/ network:
• Creating and maintaining platforms.

• Human (employees)
• Financial (cash, lines of credit, etc.)
• Intellectual (brand, patents, IP, copyright)
• Physical (equipment, inventory, buildings)
Strategic Alliances Partnerships:
In strategic alliances, both companies agree to undertake a project that is mutually beneficial while remaining independent.
This type of partnership is helpful in a competitive environment, as both companies share liability exposure. Examples
include franchising, licensing, and affiliate marketing.
Coopetition Partnerships:
Description: Coopetition partnerships involve rival companies forming a strategic partnership to achieve mutual benefits.
This collaboration can lead to positive outcomes for both entities. An example is the cooperation
between Pfizer and BioNTech to develop and distribute a COVID-19 vaccine.
Joint-Ventures Relationships:
In joint ventures, two independent companies agree to work together on a specific project and share particular resources.
This type of partnership is focused on a single joint project, distinguishing it from other partnerships. Joint ventures may
cause conflicts between entities, and some experts advise caution with this type of key partnership.
Buyer-Supplier Relationships:
Description: Buyer-supplier relationships involve commercial agreements for the purchase and supply of goods or services.
These relationships are essential for businesses to deliver on their value proposition effectively. Buyers and suppliers are
among the most critical key partners for a business. Maintaining productive buyer-supplier relationships is crucial for a
company’s success, no matter which end of your company works is one of a business’s most important key activities.

Apple Company:
1. Key Partners: Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs)
o Type of Partnership: Buyer-Supplier Relationship
o Description: Apple relies on OEMs like Foxconn, which employs over 200,000 workers in Shenzen, China, to
manufacture its products.
2. Key Partners: App Developers and Record Companies
o Type of Partnership: Strategic Alliances
o Description: When Apple opened the iTunes Store, it formed strategic alliances with app developers and record
companies to offer a wide range of apps and music to its customers.
Airbnb Company:
1. Key Partners: Insurances, Investors, and Payment Processors
o Type of Partnership: Buyer-Supplier Relationship
o Description: Airbnb collaborates with insurance providers, investors, and payment processors to ensure
smooth transactions and provide insurance coverage for hosts and guests.
2. Key Partners: Tesla Motors
o Type of Partnership: Joint Ventures
o Description: Airbnb engaged in a joint venture with Tesla Motors to install charging stations at select hosts’
homes along the West Coast, promoting eco-friendly travel options for guests.
3. Key Partners: Companies for Sponsored Events
o Type of Partnership: Strategic Alliances
o Description: Airbnb forms strategic alliances with companies to sponsor events, expanding its brand visibility
and attracting more potential hosts and guests.
4. Key Partners: Freelance Photographers
o Type of Partnership: Not specified
o Description: Airbnb involved freelance photographers to improve the quality of property listings and increase
hosts’ retention.
E-commerce Platform:
 Key Partners: Logistics Companies, Social Media Platforms, Payment Gateways
 Type of Partnership: Buyer-Supplier Relationship (with logistics and payment partners) and Strategic Alliances (with
social media platforms)
 Description: An e-commerce platform collaborates with logistics companies and payment gateways to handle product
delivery and transactions efficiently. Additionally, it forms strategic alliances with social media platforms to boost brand
exposure and attract customers through advertising and promotions.
Ride-Sharing Service:
 Key Partners: Car Manufacturers for Fleet Partnerships, Mobile App Development Companies, Insurance Providers
 Type of Partnership: Buyer-Supplier Relationship (with car manufacturers and insurance providers) and Strategic
Alliances (with app development companies)
 Description: A ride-sharing service forms fleet partnerships with car manufacturers to expand its vehicle fleet. It
collaborates with mobile app development companies to enhance its app’s features and user experience. Additionally, it
collaborates with insurance providers to offer insurance coverage for drivers and passengers.
Health-Tech Startup:
 Key Partners: Medical Equipment Suppliers, Healthcare Institutions for Research Collaborations, Mobile Health App
 Type of Partnership: Buyer-Supplier Relationship (with medical equipment suppliers) and Strategic Alliances (with
healthcare institutions and app developers)
 Description: A health-tech startup collaborates with medical equipment suppliers to source necessary devices for its
healthcare solutions. It forms strategic alliances with healthcare institutions to conduct research and trials. Additionally,
it partners with mobile health app developers to integrate health tracking features into its platform.

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