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PART - A (25X2=50)
Q.NO Question Statement Answer Option A Option B Option C Option D
The Cost incurred to keep the Plant, Machines & Equipment's in proper Working Conditions
1 B Depreciation Maintenance cost Labour cost Material cost
is known as _____ .
Standardization of parts Excess maintenance
2 Which the below factors affect the maintenance cost. C Both (A & B) None of the above
and machines staff
To keep the machine plants & process equipment in there efficient condition, the
3 A Maintenance Wear Corrosion None of the above
maintenance activities are planned & carried out is known as _____ .
To gives us knowledge for keeping the machine plants & process equipment in there Production Maintenance
4 D Industrial engineering Automobile engineering
efficient condition, the maintenance activities are planned & carried out is known as _____ . engineering engineering
Inspection and
Maintenance of existing Proper distribution of
5 Which of the following is primary functions of maintenance department? D lubrication of All of above
plant and equipment's. utility service
Protection against fire To keep machine in
6 Which of the following is not the responsibility of maintenance department ? D Breakdown maintenance None of the above
hazards good condition
Provisional Preservice
7 Predictive maintenance Protective maintenance
Which of the following is types of Maintenance ? A maintenance maintenance
8 Corrective maintenance Scheduled maintenance Timely maintenance
What kind of maintenance is required to a belt of an electric motor, if it is broken A maintenance
Whitewashing of
9 The following is (are) scheduled maintenance D Overhauling of machine Cleaning of tank All of the above
Scheduled maintenance is _______ between breakdown maintenance and the preventive
10 B Joint Compromise Bridge All of the above
The rate at which
The way equipment Total down time of the
11 Equipment history cards are meant to record D different components All of the above
behaves equipment
wear off
12 With the increase in preventive maintenance cost, breakdown maintenance cost B Increases Decreases Remain same Any of the above
Problem – Measure –
Problem– Diagnosis –
13 A systematic approach for maintenance is A Problem – Cause – Problem– Diagnosis – Diagnosis –
Measure – Rectification
Diagnosis – Rectification Cause – Rectification Rectification
14 Total productive maintenance aims at C Less idle time Increase in productivity Zero down time None of the above
Total Productive maintenance (TPM) approach has the potential of providing almost a Quality and Production and
15 C Production and Quality All of the above
seamless integration between Maintenance Maintenance
Cost of spares and Labour and Overhead
16 Which of the below increases with the increase in degree of maintenance efforts. C Cost of down time All of the above
maintenance Cost
Total life average
17 Which of the method can be used for selection of replacement ? D MAPI method All of above
Annual cost method method
Which of the following is not an important condition for preventive maintenance of a
18 B Size Oils used Location Age
What is the ratio of preventive maintenance and total maintenance in primary-metal
19 C 1:1.27 men 1:2.17 men 1:2.37 men 1:3.17 men
20 Which of the following is not considered as a safety equipment? A Temperature reliever Alarms Flashback arresters Vacuum reliever
Q.NO Question Statement Answer Option A Option B Option C Option D
What is the ratio of preventive maintenance and total maintenance in machinery
21 B 1:10 men 1:2.69 men 1:2.37 men 1:3.77 men
manufacturing industry?
22 Which of the following is not a material handling equipment? C Cranes Lifts Tongs Hoists
23 Which of the following materials is not used as a process equipment? B Furnace Generator Pump Compressor
24 Which of the following are not considered for periodic inspection? C Tear downs Overhauls Oil burnings Replacement of parts
25 Which of the following is not good maintenance management? A Cost Rescheduling Work identification Planning Scheduling Execution Recording
26 Which of the following belongs to the work order flow diagram? B Detail of approval Date of Repair Equipment details Nature of work
27 Identify the task relates to the maintenance monitoring, execution and control? A Manpower requirements Priority Location Nature of work Material requirement
28 Identify the task not relates to the Job cards C Equipment code Nature of job Work Order Man hours spent
to Equip that requires to indicate description
29 Mention the role of tracker in Computerized maintenance management system (CMMs) D to Estimated cost of work to monitoring of work
maintenance of the work
30 Which of the following are not relates preventive maintenance B Inspection Scheduling Repair Overhaul
PART – B (5X10=50)
Explain the maintenance organization structure in detail. (OR) What are important
factors considered in maintenance planning?
Explain the methods of analysis of oil and lubricants in detail? (OR) Discuss the
different types of maintenance system?
How system approach to condition monitoring can be useful? Explain. (OR) What is
33 wear debris analysis? What are the wear debris analysis techniques commonly used
and compare their performance and uses?
i) Briefly explain the repair methods of machine beds
ii) Describe the fault tree method. (OR) i) List a few causes of failures in an
electromechanical system like compressor, pumps and elevators. ii) Discuss about
the types of failure mechanisms.
How can computers be useful in maintenance planning? Explain it briefly. (OR) i)
35 Write a short note on job order system. ii) Explain the repair methods for any three
materials handling equipments.

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