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I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, or c!

1. That is a Cat, it is…

a. {ti} {ei} {si}
b. {si} {ei} {ti}
c. {ei} {si} {ti}
2. That is a ……… {bi} [ou} [ou} {kei}
a. Book
b. book
c. kobo
3. P….N...IL, the missing letters are…
a. I and A b. E and C c. E and L
4. That is a….
a. Ruler
b. Eraser
c. book
5. {el} {ai} {ou] {en} is….
a. Leon b. Loen c. Lion
6. What letter is it? W
a. Vi b. dobleyu c. ef
7. What letter is it? T
a. Ti b. et c. te
8. The third letter of alphabet is…
a. B b. C c. D
9. We have a…
a. Fan
b. table
c. chair
10. We sit on the…
a. door
b. table
c. chair
11. “Almari” in English is..
a. table b. cupboard c. chair
12. “ penghapus” in English is..
a. eraser b. ruler c. pencil
13. “ Table” in Indonesian is…
a. pintu b. meja c. kursi
14. “ classroom” in Indonesian is
a. ruang kelas b. kantor guru c. UKS
15. “ sekolah” in English is…
a. canteen b. class c. school
16. the flag ceremony is held in the…
a. classroom b. school yard c. canteen
17. what is that…
a. broom
b. pencil
c. eraser
18. “ Jendela” in English is..
a. door b. window c. table
19. “Door”in Indonesian is…
a. pintu b. jendela c. kursi
20. There is….
a. table
b. map
c. clock

II. Mention the meaning of the following words!

1. Classroom : …………………………………
2. Table : …………………………………
3. Eraser : …………………………………
4. Door : ………………………………..
5. Pencil case : ………………………………..

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