Assingment 4

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Assignment 4

Question 1

Selecting appropriate dimensions for the cantilever retaining wall involves considering factors such as
height of the wall, the properties of the soil, and the lateral earth pressures. The following is a step-by-step
guide on how the dimensions for the wall were obtained.

Step 1 - Determining the Wall Height (H)

In this question it was provided as being 5.3 meters tall.

Step 2 – Calculating the Lateral Earth Pressure and Active Earth Pressure
Given the following data

Depth of wall (H) = 5.3 meters (maximum height)

Unit weight of soil (γ ) = 20 kN/m3
Cohesion of the clay (cu) = 200 kPa
Angle of internal friction of clay (φ ) = 0 degrees (not mentioned in question)
Surcharge load = 10 kPa
Depth of z = 5 meters (student ID number)

Now using this data can calculate the Active Earth Pressure (Pa):

Calculate Ka:
Ka = tan^2(45 - φ /2)
Ka = tan^2(45 – 30/2)
Ka = tan^2 (45)
Ka = 1/3

Calculate Pa
Pa = 0.5 * γ *H^2 * Ka
Pa = 0.5 * 20 kN/m3* (5.3)^2 *1/3
Pa = 93.633 kN/m
Now calculate the Total Lateral Pressure (Pt)
Pt = Pa + q*H
Pt = 93.633 kN/m + 10 kPa *5.3 = 146.63 kN/m

Calculating the base width B

The base width of the wall can be found by doing the following:
B = (2* Pt * H) / (γ∗(1−sin ( ω ) )¿

= 2 * 93.633 * 5.3 / 20*(1-sin(30))

= 624. 34 cm = 6.24 m

Calculating the Stem Thickness (t):

A typical range for stem thickness might be 150 mm to 450 mm. For this wall I will be selecting a stem
thickness of 300 mm (0.43 m)

Heel and Toe Dimensions:

For stability, retaining walls often have extended portions at the base called the heel and toe. The heel
extends behind the wall, while the toe extends in front of the wall. The dimensions of the heel (L1) and toe
(L2) can be determined based on engineering judgment and design standards. A common guideline is to
have L1 and L2 each be about 10% to 15% of the wall height.
As H is 5.3 meters, I will choose L1 and L2 to be approximately 0.53 to 0.795 meters each.

An illustrated diagram of this can be seen below:

Question 2

Retaining walls serve important purposes in civil engineering and landscaping, but they come with both
advantages and disadvantages. Understanding these can help in deciding whether or not to use a retaining
wall in a specific project. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of retaining walls:
1. Erosion Control: Retaining walls prevent soil erosion by holding back soil on sloped terrain. They
help maintain the stability of the land and protect against landslides.
2. Improved Land Use: They create level surfaces on otherwise steep or uneven terrain, making it
possible to use the land for various purposes, such as building structures, gardening, or creating
usable outdoor spaces.
3. Enhanced Aesthetics: Retaining walls can be designed with various materials and styles, enhancing
the visual appeal of a property. They can be decorative and contribute to landscaping aesthetics.
4. Structural Support: Retaining walls provide structural support to prevent the collapse or slippage
of soil, especially in areas with heavy rainfall or where there is a need to accommodate heavy loads
or structures.
5. Increased Property Value: Well-designed and properly constructed retaining walls can increase the
value of a property by expanding usable space and improving curb appeal.
6. Customizable: Retaining walls come in various shapes, sizes, and materials, allowing for
customization to suit specific design and engineering requirements.
1. Cost: Constructing retaining walls can be expensive, especially if they require significant
excavation, engineering, and high-quality materials. Costs can vary widely based on design and
2. Maintenance: Retaining walls may require ongoing maintenance, including weeding, repair of
cracks or damage, and addressing drainage issues to prevent water buildup behind the wall.
3. Permitting: Depending on local regulations, you may need permits to build retaining walls, which
can add complexity and costs to the project.
4. Potential for Failure: If not designed and constructed properly, retaining walls can fail, leading to
property damage, erosion, or safety hazards. Poor drainage, inadequate reinforcement, or incorrect
materials can contribute to failure.
5. Limited Lifespan: Over time, retaining walls may deteriorate due to weathering, soil pressure, and
other factors. Regular inspections and maintenance are essential to extend their lifespan.
6. Environmental Impact: The construction of retaining walls can have environmental consequences,
such as altering natural drainage patterns or impacting local ecosystems. Proper environmental
assessments and mitigation may be required.
7. Space Constraints: Building retaining walls can reduce the available space on the property, as they
occupy some of the usable land area.
In summary, retaining walls offer valuable solutions for various engineering and landscaping challenges, but
their advantages should be carefully weighed against potential disadvantages. Proper design, construction,
and maintenance are crucial to ensure the effectiveness and longevity of retaining walls while minimizing
their drawbacks. Consulting with qualified professionals is recommended to make informed decisions and
adhere to local regulations and safety standards.

Question 3

Begin by calculating K values.

K value calculations:

1−sin ⁡( ∅ ) 1−sin ⁡( 30) 1

Ka= = =
1+ sin ⁡( ∅ ) 1+ sin ⁡(30) 3
1 1
K p= = =3
Ka 1

Tension crack Calculations

2c 2∗0.2
Z o= = =0.3464
γ √ Ka


Assuming fine grained soil

PA= K A γ ¿

Assuming coarse grained

1 2
P A =¿ K a γ H = 93.63 Pa

Earth Distribution Calculations

Now to calculate the earth pressure distribution, I have to be sure that the Ka coefficient applies only to the
solid’s component of the soil mass. For water the hydrostatic exists as Kwater = 1.

4 c
3 B

The following table can be generated in Excel.

Where σ = ∑ ζ A T A +ζ B T B
' '
A =1

P A =K A σ V −2 c √ K A

And U = ϑ ζ w
[ σ VB= 97.5 + (20-9.81) * 1 = 107.69 ]

In order to calculate the total active thrust, the parts of the wall were divided into sections and the pressure
was divided into more manageable sections (the 6 shown above).

P 1
A1 = ×20 × 5.3 ×1=53.8745 kN / m

P A =26.33 ×1 ×1=26.33 kN /m

P A = ×0.795 ×1 ×1=0.3975 kN /m

P A = ×9.81 ×1 ×1=4.905 kN /m

P A =6.24 ×1 ×20=124.8
P A =0.3 ×0.3 × 1× 20=1.8 kN /m

P A =∑ P A =158.2325 kN /m
In order to locate the position of P A , the first moments of the area need to be used. This can be done by:

P A ×l=∑ P A li i

Therefore, the following table can be generated:

i kN l i (m) P A li
PA ( ) i

1 53.8745 2 190.3386

2 26.33 1 152.714
5.3+ ×1=5.8

3 0.3975 2 2.3715
5.3 + ×1=¿ 5.966
4 4.905 5.3 + 2/3×1= 5.966 29.6323

5 124.8 6.3 + ½ * 1 = 6.8 848.64

6 1.8 6.3 + ½ * 1 = 6.8 12.24

Passive Earth Pressure

D 1 F 4
E 3 2

Point γ (m) '

σ Hp u
D 1 19.5 71.96 -
E 2 30.69 113.25 -
F 1 - - 9.81
Where: σ 'hp=K p σ 'v +2 c ' √ K p

[ * : σ 'VE=19.5+ ( 21−9.81 ) × 1=30.69 kPa ¿

P p 1= ×71.6 × 1× 1=35.98 kN /m
P p 2=71.96 × 1×1=71.96
p p 3= × 41.29 ×1 ×1=20.65
p p 4 = ×9.81 ×1 ×1=4.91
∴ P p=∑ P p =133.5 kN /m

i kN l i (m) P pi l i
PP ( )
1 35.98 2/3 23.99
2 71.96 1.5 107.94
3 20.65 1+2/3 34.42
4 4.91 1+ 2/3 8.18

∑ P pi li=174.53 kN /m
∴ l=
∑ P pi li = 174 .53
Pp 133.5

∴ l=1.307 m below lower ground surface

Earth Pressure Distribution as a Result of Surcharge

Using figure 1.12 the additional earth pressure can be estimated.

1−sin ⁡( ∅ ) 1−sin ⁡( 30) 1
Ka= = =
1+ sin ⁡( ∅ ) 1+ sin ⁡(30) 3
1 1
K p= = =3
Ka 1
1 2
P A =¿ K a γ H = 93.63 kN/m run of wall
1 2 1 2
P p= K p γ H = ×3 ×20 × 0.5 =7.5 kN /m run of wall
2 2

W 1=2.65× 0.3 ×20=15.9 kN /m

W 2 =2.65× 0.5 ×20=26.5 kN /m

W s=2.65 ×2.3 × 20=121.9 kN /m

V =W 1+ W 2 +W 3=15.9+ 26.5+121.9=164.3 kN /m

∑ M o¿ ¿ ¿
¿ 15.9 ×0.15+26.5 × 1.75+121.9 ×1.9+9.23 × 0.167−93.63× 1.33=157.3835 kN /m
¿ ∑ M o = 157.3 835 =0.958 m L
∴ e= −e¿ =
−0. 958=0.367
V 164.3 2 2

L 2.65
= =0.442
6 6
∴|e| within the middle third ∴ O K


μ=tan θ=tan 30=

√ 3 F=μV = √ 3 ×164.3=94. 86 kN / m
3 3

F S s=
∑ Forcesresisting sliding = F+ P p = 94 .86+7.5 = 1.089
Forces causing sliding PA 93.63

q max = = 1+
= (
6 e 164.3
1+ )
6 × 0.367
2.65 (
=113.51 kPa<200 ∴ OK )
q V
m∈¿= = 1−
L (L
= )
6 e 164.3
1− (
6 ×0.367
2.65 )
=1 0.48 kPa ¿

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