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Kyle Isidro R.


A drug monograph is a document that provides detailed information about a specific medication,
including its uses, dosage, administration, side effects, precautions, and interactions. The main parts
of a drug monograph typically include:

1. Brand and Generic Name: The brand name is the name given to the medication by the
manufacturer, while the generic name is the official name given to the medication by the
government regulatory agency.

2. Indications: These are the conditions or diseases for which the medication is approved for use.

3. Dosage and Administration: This section provides information on how the medication should
be taken, including the recommended dosage, frequency, and route of administration.

4. Contraindications: These are conditions or situations in which the medication should not be

5. Precautions: This section includes information on special precautions that should be taken
when using the medication, such as potential interactions with other medications or conditions
that may affect the effectiveness of the medication.

6. Adverse Reactions: This section lists the most common side effects of the medication, as well
as more serious or rare side effects that have been reported.

7. Drug Interactions: This section lists medications and other substances that may interact with
the medication and affect its effectiveness or safety.

8. Overdose: This section provides information on what to do in case of an overdose of the


9. Storage: This section provides information on how the medication should be stored, such as
appropriate temperature and light conditions.

10. Formulations: This section lists the available formulations of the medication, such as tablets,
capsules, liquids, creams, etc.

11. Date of monograph: The date where the monograph was last updated

12. Reference: This section includes references to the studies and other sources used to create the

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