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Paralejas, Michaela D.


Activity-Quiz No. 2

Writing a Paragraph about a Cell

(15 points)

Direction. Using the following words below, develop a paragraph about cell. Write
the title of the paragraph. Be guided by the rubrics below.

cell egg cell sperm cell gamete bacteria germ cell

body cell cell of the human body unicellular organism

The Cell

The cell is a cell of the human body that have a unicellular organisms. A gamete
is a reproductive cell of an animal or plant. In animals, the female gamtes are
called ova or egg cells and the male gametes are called sperm cell. The bacteria
defined as organisms that are microscopic, unicellular, independently
reproducing, and mostly free living and it is also often seen in the human body.
The body cell and germ cell have a differences, first body cell or also known
somatic cell they have two sets of chromosomes one from each parent while the
germ cell is able to create and multiply and it produce gametes.


5 points (Needs Improvement)- If the content is not comprehensive ; responses

do not address topic.

10 points ( Satisfactory). If the content is accurate. Responses are adequate and


15 points (Outstanding). If content is comprehensive and accurate. Responses
are excellent, timely and address topic. Content is clear. Specific examples are

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