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Dr. Aswathy G P
Assistant Professor
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
TKM College of Engineering

18 September 2023

Aswathy G P Class Lectures MICROWAVE ENGINEERING - Lecture - 15


1 Travelling Wave Tube - Wave Modes

2 Wave Modes

Aswathy G P Class Lectures MICROWAVE ENGINEERING - Lecture - 15

Travelling Wave Tube

Figure: Travelling Wave Tube

Aswathy G P Class Lectures MICROWAVE ENGINEERING - Lecture - 15

Wave Modes
The wave modes of a helix type TWT can be determined by
solving the electronic and circuit equations simultaneously for
the propagation constants.
Each solution for the propagation constants represents a mode
of travelling wave in the tube.
The axial electric field due to RF input in the slow wave struc-
−γ 2 γ0 Z0
E1 = 2 i (1)
(γ − γ02 )
The convection current or ac spatial current associated with
electron beam is,
jβe I0
i= E1 (2)
2V0 (jβe − γ)2
Substitute (2) in (1)
−γ 2 γ0 Z0 jβe I0
E1 = 2
(γ − γ0 ) 2V0 (jβe − γ)2

Aswathy G P Class Lectures MICROWAVE ENGINEERING - Lecture - 15

Wave Modes
−jγ 2 γ0 Z0 βe I0
(γ 2 − γ02 )(jβe − γ)2 = (3)
This is a fourth order equation in terms of propagation constant
(γ) of axial waves. There will be four possible solutions for ‘γ’
which are called as “wave modes”.
Since this is a fourth order equation which can be solved by
using numerical methods and digital computers.
However, the approximate solution can be found by equating dc
electron beam velocity to axial phase velocity of the travelling
wave which is equivalent to setting,
γ0 = jβe (4)
Substitute (4) in (3),
−jγ 2 (jβe )Z0 βe I0
[γ 2 − (jβe )2 ][γ − jβe ]2 =
Aswathy G P Class Lectures MICROWAVE ENGINEERING - Lecture - 15
Wave Modes

Multiply by 2 in numerator and denominator in RHS,

I0 Z0
(γ − jβe )3 (γ + jβe ) = 2γ 2 βe2 ( ) (5)
Let travelling wave gain parameter be,
I0 Z0 1
C =( )3 (6)
Substituting (6) in (5),

(γ − jβe )3 (γ + jβe ) = 2C 3 γ 2 βe2 (7)

It can be seen that there are three forward travelling waves

associated with e −jβe z and one backward wave corresponding
to e +jβe z .

Aswathy G P Class Lectures MICROWAVE ENGINEERING - Lecture - 15

Wave Modes

Let the propagation constant for the three forward traveling

waves be,
γ = jβe − βe C δ (8)
where C δ << 1
Substitute (8) in (7)

(jβe − βe C δ − jβe )3 (jβe − βe C δ + jβe ) = 2C 3 βe2 (jβe − βe C δ)2

− βe3 C 3 δ 3 (2jβe − βe C δ) = 2C 3 βe2 (−βe2 + βe2 C 2 δ 2 − 2jβe2 C δ)


Aswathy G P Class Lectures MICROWAVE ENGINEERING - Lecture - 15

Wave Modes

Aswathy G P Class Lectures

Wave Modes

Since C δ << 1

−2jβe4 C 3 δ 3 = −2C 3 βe4

∴ δ 3 = = −j
δ = (−j) 3
π 1
= {e −j( 2 +2nπ) } 3 n = 0, 1, 2 (10)
= e −j 6 ; n = 0, 1, 2

Aswathy G P Class Lectures MICROWAVE ENGINEERING - Lecture - 15

Wave Modes

When n = 0

−j π6 π π 3 j
δ1 = e = cos − jsin = − (11)
6 6 2 2
The first root,

3 j
γ1 = jβe − βe C δ1 = jβe − βe C ( − )
2 2
So this becomes,

3 C
γ1 = − βe C + jβe (1 + ) (12)
2 2

Aswathy G P Class Lectures MICROWAVE ENGINEERING - Lecture - 15

Wave Modes

When n = 1;

−j 5π 5π 5π − 3 j
δ2 = e 6 = cos − jsin = − (13)
6 6 2 2
The second propagation constant,

− 3 j
γ2 = jβe − βe C δ2 = jβe − βe C ( − )
2 2

3 C
γ2 = βe C + jβe (1 + ) (14)
2 2

Aswathy G P Class Lectures MICROWAVE ENGINEERING - Lecture - 15

Wave Modes

When n = 2;
9π 3π 3π 3π
δ3 = e −j 6 = e −j 2 = cos − jsin =j (15)
2 2
The γ associated with third forward traveling wave is,

γ3 = jβe − βe C δ3 = jβe − βe Cj

γ3 = jβe (1 − C ) (16)

Aswathy G P Class Lectures MICROWAVE ENGINEERING - Lecture - 15

Wave Modes

Backward traveling wave : The solution of ‘γ’ is assumed as,

γ4 = −jβe − βe C δ4 (17)

Finding the value of δ similar to forward travelling wave,

δ4 = −j (18)
γ4 = −jβe − βe C (−j )
γ4 = −jβe (1 − ) (19)

Aswathy G P Class Lectures MICROWAVE ENGINEERING - Lecture - 15

Wave Modes

The wave corresponding to γ1 is,

√ √
− 3
βe C +jβe (1+ C2 3 C
e −γ1 z = e − 2
z =e 2 e
β Cz
.e −jβe (1+ 2 )z (20)

The wave corresponding to γ1 is a forward travelling wave and

that its amplitude grows exponentially with distance.
The growing wave propagates at a phase velocity slightly lower
than the electron beam velocity and the energy flows from the
electron beam to the wave.

Aswathy G P Class Lectures MICROWAVE ENGINEERING - Lecture - 15

Wave Modes

The wave corresponding to γ2 is,

√ √
β C +jβe (1+ C2 3 C
e −γ2 z = e − 2 e
z = e− 2 e
β Cz
.e −jβe (1+ 2 )z (21)

The wave corresponding to γ2 is also a forward travelling wave

but its amplitude decays exponentially with distance.
The decaying wave propagates at the same velocity as that
of growing wave but the energy flows from the wave to the
electron beam.

Aswathy G P Class Lectures MICROWAVE ENGINEERING - Lecture - 15

Wave Modes

The wave corresponding to γ3 is,

e −γ3 z = e −jβe (1−C )z (22)

The wave corresponding to γ3 is also a forward travelling wave

but its amplitude remains constant.
The constant amplitude wave travels at a velocity slightly higher
than the electron beam velocity, but no net energy exchange
occurs between the wave and the electron beam.

Aswathy G P Class Lectures MICROWAVE ENGINEERING - Lecture - 15

Wave Modes

The wave corresponding to γ4 is,

e −γ4 z = e jβe (1− 4

The wave corresponding to γ4 is a backward travelling wave

and there is no change in amplitude.
The backward wave progresses in the -ve z direction with a
velocity higher than the velocity of the electron beam.
This wave can be attenuated by using attenuator at the centre
of TWT.

Aswathy G P Class Lectures MICROWAVE ENGINEERING - Lecture - 15


Derive the wave modes for TWT.

Explain the nature of forward and backward travelling waves in

Aswathy G P Class Lectures MICROWAVE ENGINEERING - Lecture - 15

Module 4 - Syllabus - Portions Covered

Microwaves:Introduction, advantages
Cavity Resonators- Derivation of resonance frequency of Rect-
angular cavity.
Single cavity klystron- Reflex Klystron Oscillators: Derivation
of Power output, efficiency and admittance.
Magnetron oscillators: Cylindrical magnetron,Cyclotron angu-
lar frequency, Power output and efficiency.
Travelling Wave Tube: Slow wave structures, Helix TWT, Am-
plification process, Derivation of convection current, axial elec-
tric field, wave modes and gain.

Aswathy G P Class Lectures MICROWAVE ENGINEERING - Lecture - 15

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