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Iran's Role in the Middle East: Adversary of Israel, Threats, and Tensions

Iran has a strong influence in the Middle East because of its long history and important role
in the region. Iran is important because of where it is, its history and culture, its religion, and
how its government has changed over time. This makes it a strong country in the world. Iran
has affected other countries in both good and bad ways.

Historical influence

Over the centuries, Iran has hosted Achaemenid, Parthian, and Sassanid powers. These
empires ruled over large parts of the Middle East. The area is still affected by these powers:
For example, Persian art, culture, and language have affected societies. Iran was also very
important in the growth of Islam, especially the Shia branch1, which changed the religious
landscape of the Middle East. Cities like Qom and Mashhad are important places for Shia
scholars to visit, which has increased Iran's religious impact throughout the history.

Iran is in a good spot because it's in the middle of Central Asia and the Middle East. It has
control over the Strait of Hormuz, which is an important route for shipping oil around the
world. This gives Iran a lot of power. Iran is a big country with lots of people, a strong
military, and many groups that support them. This helps Iran have a lot of power and
influence in the region. Irаn is important in the Middle East becаuse it wants nuclear
weapons and is friends with Russia. This аffects stability and relationships in the region.

Regional influence

These days, Iran's impact on the Middle East is shaped by its politicаl strength, its
involvement in wars, and its ideological goals. It is an important country in the world
because it hаs a lot of people, a strong military, and controls important places like the Strait
of Hormuz. Irаn is involved in wars and supports groups like Hezbollаh in Lebanon, Houthi
rebels in Yemen, and militias in Iraq and Syria. This helps Iran gain more influence and
compete with other countries in the region. Also, Irаn's efforts to develop nuclear
technology and the stаte of the Iran nuclear deal are very important for stability in the
region and relationships between countries. Iran has a lot of influence in the Middle East
because of its friendships with other countries, its money, and its ideаs.

Israel-Iran Relations

Israel and Irаn have had Shia Islam follows the leadership of Ali and his descendants. Shia
Islam follows the leadership of Ali and his descendants. a lot of problems аnd don't get
along. They have been enemies for a long time becаuse of their history, beliefs, and where
they are locаted.

Israel and Iran used to have good relations before 1979. Both countries were friends and
Israel helped Iran in different areas, like the military. The Islamic Revolution changed Iran
into an Islamic Republic that strongly opposes Israel, so they stopped being friends. Iran's
political landscape changed a lot, and that's when their adversarial relationship started.
Shia Islam follows the leadership of Ali and his descendants.
Their relationship problems have many different causes. Ideological differences cause
animosity. Iran's ideology, led by Ayatollah Khomeini, strongly opposes Israel's existence. The
Iranian government always supports Palestinian groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, which
oppose Israel, regardless of whether they have conservative or reformist leaders. This
challenges Israel's security interests. The Israel-Palestine conflict is a big issue. Iran supports
Palestine and criticizes Israel, making tensions worse. Israel and Iran are rivals in the Middle
East, competing for influence. Iran is trying to increase its influence in the region by using
proxy networks in Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen. This is causing conflicts with Israel. Israel sees
Iran in these areas as a security risk and has used military force to address it. Also, Iran's
desire to have nuclear technology, which could lead to making nuclear weapons, has been a
big issue. Israel sees Iran having nuclear weapons as a big threat and has been very clear
about not supporting Iran's nuclear program. They want strong actions from the
international community to stop it. Israel and Iran do not have official diplomatic ties, even
though they have an adversarial relationship. Israel tries to make Iran feel alone in the
world, while Iran uses its power in local fights to go against what Israel wants. The US is
friends with Israel but doesn't get along well with Iran, which makes things more
complicated in the region. Israel and Iran have a long history of conflict due to their
differences in ideology, rivalry for power, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The two
countries don't talk much, and their ongoing problems affect the stability of the region and
international relations in the Middle East.

Threats and Tension

Israel is thinking about using military force because they are scared, which could make a big
fight happen. The nuclear dispute has caused international worries and diplomatic efforts to
control Iran's nuclear program. This shows that the issue has global consequences.

Proxy wars cause tension. Iran supports proxy groups and militias in the region that pose
threats to Israel and its security. Hezbollah is a concern for Israel because it gets support
from Iran and is present in Lebanon. The group can launch rocket attacks, which puts Israeli
population centers in danger. Proxy conflicts have made the region more unstable, involved
different actors, and made existing conflicts worse, causing regional instability.

Also, the bigger conflict between Israel and Iran makes the security problems in the Middle
East worse. Iran wants to increase its influence and make a Shia crescent in the area, while
Israel wants to stop this and protect its interests. Iran supports the Assad regime in Syria and
the Houthi rebels in Yemen, which has made these conflicts the main focus of their rivalry.
Power struggles in different regions have made diplomacy more difficult and have made it
harder to achieve peace, especially in relation to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They have
also caused both nations to worry more about security, so Israel has spent a lot on defense
and being prepared.

These tensions greatly affect regional stability and security. It causes instability through
proxy conflicts, increases the chance of military escalation, and makes diplomatic efforts in
the region more difficult. Israel is worried about Iran and its allies, so they have spent a lot of
money on missile defense, intelligence, and being ready for war. The Israel-Iran rivalry is a
big concern for peace and stability in the Middle East. It has important implications for the
region and international relations.

Geopolitical implication

These Tensions affect alliances and regional dynamics, which impact the balance of power
and stability in the region. Alliances are impacted. Iran doesn't like Israel, so Israel is making
friends with other countries that also don't like Iran. Israel is getting closer to Gulf Arab
states, especially Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. These countries used to not
acknowledge Israel, but now they agree with Israel on opposing Iran's expansion. This has
resulted in new diplomatic agreements like the Abraham Accords. Alliances have changed
and affected the geopolitical landscape and regional diplomacy.

The tensions between Iran and Israel have global implications. The US is a strong ally of
Israel and has a complicated relationship with Iran, which makes the situation more global.
The Iran nuclear deal is a big disagreement. The deal tries to limit Iran's nuclear program and
remove sanctions, but the U.S. and Israel are against it because they worry Iran won't follow
the rules and might make nuclear weapons. The world's size makes the geopolitical
landscape complex and affects international relations in the Middle East.

Iran strongly supports Palestinian groups and opposes Israel, which makes it difficult to have
diplomatic talks and find a long-term peace agreement. The situation in the Middle East is
important because it affects many countries, including the United States

Regional Responses and Diplomacy

The problems between Israel and Iran have caused different reactions from other countries
in the Middle East and around the world. This has affected efforts to solve the complicated
and unstable situation in the Middle East through diplomacy, negotiations, and international
sanctions. Some countries in the Middle East, like Gulf Arab states, have started to see Israel
as a strategic partner because they share concerns about Iran's activities in the region. This
change shows that we both see the same enemy and have similar goals for safety. Lebanon
and Syria are now fighting each other because of Israel and Iran. Hezbollah is connected to
Iran and works from Lebanon. This has caused problems in the region. Syria has also
received a lot of help from Iran, which has led to power struggles there.

The United States always supports Israel's concerns about Iran. The U.S. stopped being part
of the JCPOA2 (The Joint Comprehensive plan of Action) and put sanctions on Iran. This
affected the world's efforts to deal with Iran's nuclear program. The EU helped negotiate a
deal with Iran to stop their nuclear plans and get rid of some punishments. But, the U.S.
leaving the agreement has made things difficult for the relationship between the U.S. and
Europe and for keeping the agreement working.

Russia wants to be friends with both Israel and Iran because it has reasons to like them. It
helped solve problems and make deals by using its connections with nearby countries. China
(The Joint Comprehensive plan of Action) A deal between countries to stop Iran's nuclear program in return
for lifting sanctions.
is making friends with Iran because they want to do business together. They also want to
keep things balanced with other countries in the Middle East.

The United Nations put sanctions on Iran because of its nuclear activities. These sanctions
are meant to make Iran follow the rules about not spreading nuclear weapons. The United
States has put sanctions on Iran for many reasons, including its nuclear program and support
for other groups in the region. These rules have made it hard for Iran to make money and do
business with other countries. The European Union has put sanctions on Iran because of
human rights abuses and actions that make the region unstable. But the EU still wants to
stick to the JCPOA and doesn't want to fully support the U.S. sanctions on Iran.


To sum everything up Israel and Iran have a lot of problems because they have different
histories and beliefs. Israel is worried about Iran getting nuclear technology because they
think it could be very dangerous. Israel and Iran are fighting for power in the region, which
affects the Middle East. The tensions have big implications for world politics. The United
Nations and the EU have put sanctions on Iran for their nuclear program and other activities
that cause problems. Other countries and international efforts show that the conflict is
complicated and affects the stability of the region and global security.


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 “Countering Terrorism & Extremism.” n.d. Middle East Institute.
 “Iran, Israel, and War in the Middle East.” 2023. War on the Rocks. October
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 “Israel Accuses Iranian Group of Supporting Hezbollah in Cross-Border

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 “ANALYSIS - Rereading Geopolitics of Israel: Iran-Oman-Libya Triangle.” n.d. Accessed November 7, 2023.
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 Kaye, Dalia Dassa. 2016. “Israel’s Iran Policies after the Nuclear Deal.” August 29, 2016.
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