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Research question:

In what ways did the nationalism movement in the UK in the late 1800s affect the
country’s political, social and cultural changes?


Nationalism is a set of political, social, and cultural beliefs that focus on the values and
identity of a certain country or group of people. It makes people proud of their country,
and it brings them together with other people who feel the same way. Fans of a country
can feel like they are all working towards the same goal. But it can also make people close
off to others and care only about their own country, which can lead to problems and wars
around the world. Different kinds of nationalism can look and act in different ways.
Caused by things like history, society, and politics.

Nationalism in the UK changed a lot in the late 1800s because of changes in government
and money. When Ireland and Great Britain joined the UK, the UK of Great Britain and
Ireland was formed. This made the UK so much stronger. But everyone in the country
was still proud of their identity.

Scotland was called the Scottish Renaissance in the past. The Scots wanted their language,
history, and customs to live on. People became more interested in Scotland's past and

There were ights in Ireland because nationalism was so hard to understand. The Irish
rights were fought for by many people. Even though Ireland was still a part of the UK,
the Irish Parliament wanted Ireland to have more power. There were more and more
people who wanted to live alone by the end of the century, but things got worse.

In Wales, life came back to life as more people learned their language. Over the next few
years, Welsh pride grew because of this. It became clear how important it is to be Welsh.

In the late 1800s, the UK had more than one public identity. Nationalism in the UK at
that time changed how its different countries dealt with each other in the 20th and 21st

Political changes

The movement for Irish home rule was a significant turning pointx. Irish people wanted
to have a bigger say in how their government worked. Their boss was Charles Stewart
Parnell, who was part of a group called the Irish Parliamentary Party. It was important to
them that Ireland had its own government while still being a part of the UK. But people
wanted full freedom more as they became more nationalistic, especially after the failed
attempts to pass Home Rule laws.
In the early 1900s, there were big changes in politics, such as the 1916 Easter Rising in
Dublin. The Irish fight against British rule was a major event in history, and it made more
people want to be free from British rule. In 1921, the war between England and Ireland
was over. They made a deal, and in 1922, Ireland became its own country.

The UK changed a great deal because of Irish nationalism. It changed the borders and
how it connected to one of its countries. People in the British Isles learned that they can
make their own decisions when the Irish Free State came into being. Before the end of
the 20th century, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland did not have as much power as
they do now. It shows how nationalism changed the way politics worked in the UK.

Social changes

In the late 1800s, nationalism in the United Kingdom led to social changes. People started
to feel more connected to their regions and valued their cultural heritage more. In
Scotland, people became interested in Scottish language, literature, and traditions again
during the Celtic Revival and Scottish Renaissance. Groups like the Highland Land
League supported Scottish land reform. They wanted to improve Scottish culture and also
make things better for society and the economy.

Wales also had a cultural awakening during this time. Welsh language and Eisteddfod
festivals are important to Welsh identity. They celebrate poetry, music, and literature.
People wanted to keep and show off their Welsh heritage more because of the cultural
comeback. This made them feel more Welsh and proud, even though they were part of

These changes affected more than just the Celtic nations. In the UK, people were
becoming more interested in local histories, folklore, and traditions. This happened in the
Arts and Crafts Movement. They wanted to bring back old-fashioned skills and appreciate
art from the local area. People in different regions of Britain started feeling proud of
where they came from, while still considering themselves part of a bigger British group.
This made society more varied and accepting of different cultures.

Nationalism in the late 1800s changed society and made people in the UK think more
about their identity. British identity was important, but people also started to appreciate
and enjoy the different cultures in the country. These changes affected education, the
arts, and everyday activities, making people feel more included and accepting of both
their country and their local area.

Cultural changes
Nationalism in the United Kingdom during the late 1800s caused many cultural changes.
These changes included things like literature, arts, and people becoming more interested
in their own history and traditions. During this time, people became more aware and
proud of their own cultures while still being part of British nationality.

In books, people became interested in their country's stories and myths again. Writers
and poets got ideas from local traditions and added to the culture of their regions. People
like Sir Walter Scott in Scotland and the poets of the Celtic Revival in Ireland helped
make regional cultural stories popular and kept them alive.

The Arts and Crafts Movement, led by people like William Morris, wanted to bring back
old-fashioned craftsmanship and design. This movement liked handmade things and
enjoyed local art. It greatly affected art, buildings, and decorations, making people
appreciate different cultures more.

In the late 1800s, people created organisations to protect and share their country's
culture. In Scotland, they made a museum and a gallery to show and protect their old
things and pictures. Other places in the UK also had similar projects that helped bring
about a cultural revival during this time.

Also, in the late 1800s, people started having events to celebrate their country, like the
Eisteddfod festivals in Wales and the Highland Games in Scotland. These events made
people proud of their culture and traditions.

These changes in culture helped create a better understanding of what it means to be

British. It included all the different regional cultures within the country. The United
Kingdom started to think that cultural diversity and heritage were important for its

To sum everything up, in the late 1800s, nationalism in the United Kingdom caused big
changes in politics, society, and culture. People in Ireland wanted to govern themselves,
so they worked hard to become independent. This led to the creation of the Irish Free
State in 1922 and eventually more self-rule in the 20th century. People in Scotland and
Wales started to feel more connected to their regions. They began to value their language,
literature, and traditions more. People in the UK became more interested in their own
history and traditions, not just in Celtic nations. During this time, there was a lot of focus
on literature, arts, and craftsmanship. People celebrated and protected regional cultures
through movements like the Celtic Revival and the Arts and Crafts Movement. Cultural
places and events made diverse identities in Britain more recognised. In the late 1800s,
nationalism in the UK helped people understand British identity better. It included both
national and regional connections.

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