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1. WAQ to create a database with collation “French_CI_AI” (database name should

be training_db)

2. WAQ to change the collation of a database (training_db) from “French_CI_AI”

to “SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS”

3. WAQ to Changing the name of a database (training_db) to (maple_training_db)

4. WAQ to create a database snapshot.

5. WAQ to delete a database snapshot.

6. WAQ to create databases D1,D2,D3,D4

7. WAQ to drop multiple databases at a time.

8. WAQ to create a table “tbl_departmentmaster” with the following columns

Column name “DeptID” data type Int

Column name “DeptName” data type Varchar (50)

9. WAQ to create a table (table name should be tbl_empmaster) with following

columns column name “EID”, data type “int” should not allow null ,

column name “DeptID”, data type “int” can allow null,

column name “rankid”, data type “smallint” can allow null ,

column name “Salary”, data type “decimal” can allow null ,

column name “doj”, data type “datetime” can allow null ,

column name “dob”,data type “nvarchar(50)” can allow null ,

and EID as a primary key auto increment by 1.

10. WAQ to create a table with age field(column) which allows age values ranging

21 to 35.

11. WAQ to drop a CHECK constraint.

12. WAQ to add column “ADDRESS” with datatype “nvarchar(MAX)” to a


13. WAQ to drop column “ADDRESS” from a table(tbl_empmaster).

14. WAQ to modify column datatype “nvarchar(50)” to “datetime” for “dob” field in


15. WAQ to alter a table (tbl_empmaster) for adding Foreign key from

(tbl_departmentmaster) .

16. WAQ to drop a Foreign key constraint from a table (tbl_empmaster).

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