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List Of Words for B2 Listening:

Digital Podcast
Digital /ˈdɪdʒ.ɪ.təl/
Meaning of digital in English

• using or relating to
digital signals and computer

• using
or relating to computers
and the internet
Podcast /ˈpɒd.kɑːst/

• a radio programme that

is stored in
a digital form that you
can download from
the internet and play on
a computer or on
an MP3 player
Detox /ˈdiː.tɒks/
a period when
you stop taking unhealthy or harm
ful foods, drinks,
or substances into your body for
a period of time,
in order to improve your health:
Laptops /ˈlæp.tɒp/

a computer that
is small enough to
be carried around easily a
nd is flat when closed
Televisions /ˈtel.ɪ.vɪʒ.ən/
a device shaped like a box with
a screen that receives electrical si
gnals and changes them
into moving images and sound, or
the method or business of sendin
g images and sound by electrical s
displays /dɪˈspleɪ/

to arrange something or
a collection of things so
that it can be seen by
the public:
Smartphones /ˈsmɑːt.fəʊn/

a mobile phone that

has software like
the software on
a small computer, and
that connects to the internet:
Satnavs /ˈsæt.næv/
(Satellite Navigation)
abbreviation for satellite navigation:
a system of computers and
satellites, used in vehicles and
other places to tell you where
something is, where you are, or how
to get to a place:
In front of

close to the front part of

screen /skriːn/
• a flat surface in a cinema,
on a television, or
as part of a computer, on
which pictures or words
are shown:
disconnect /ˌdɪs.kəˈnekt/

• a situation in which two or more

things are not connected in the
way that they should be:

• to stop being connected to the internet:
access /ˈæ

• the method or possibility of

getting near to
a place or person:

• to open a computer file,

a website, etc. in order to look at
or change information in it:
Switch off /swɪtʃ/ /ɑːf/

to stop giving your

attention to someone
or something:
advice /ədˈvaɪs/
an opinion that
someone offers you about what
you should do or how you
should act in
a particular situation:
Log off /lɔɡ, lɑɡ/ /ɑːf/

• to stop using
a computer system or
program by giving
a particular instruction:

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