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‘The forms and uses of comparative and superlative adverbs are similar to those of adjectives, although most adverb comparatives and superlatives are formed with more and most rather than -er/-est: We could live more cheaply in Athens. Most importantly, we need to book our flights soon. Common adverbs which take -er/-est include hard and fast. 2 Superlatives: special cases [start point ] Thats the most convenient of the flights from London Les one of the most famous buildings in the world, ‘They're right next to the best beach on the istand. After a superlative we usually use of before plural words and in or on before singular words for places or groups. For emphasis we can put an of-phrase at the beginning of the sentence: Of the flights from London, that’s the most convenient ©) In informal contexts we sometimes leave out the after a linking verb (see page 64), particularly when the superlative is at the end of a sentence: " Which one’s cheapest? A We can't leave out the when we go on to say what group of things is being compared: - That's the most convenient of the flights from London .. When most + adjective is used without the, most means something like ‘very’: The route he took was most odd. 3 Comparisons with as... Isn't Corfu likely o be as hot as Athens at that time of the year? (= equally hot) Geiting to Corfu is just as easy as getting to Athens. (= equally easy to get to) Before the first as we can use words and phrases such as about, almost, just, just about, nearly, and informally not anything like, nothing like, nowhere near, not nearly to indicate the degree of similarity: The heat is nowhere near as bad as people say. In negative forms we can use not as in informal contexts, or less commonly not so: Corfu is certainly not as quiet as it used to be. or... not so quiet as it used to be. We use as much / many as or as little / few as to say that a quantity or amount is larger or smaller than expected: There are reasonable hotel rooms for as little as 40 euros a night. ‘There are as many as 12 flights a day to Athens from London.

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