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Draft resolution 1.

Committee: United Nations Women Programme

Agenda: Broadening the scope of women’s citizenship, leadership and political

participation in transition and least developed countries

Signatories: Malaysia, KSA, Russia, Egypt, Pakistan, Libya, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Bangladesh,
USA, Japan, France

The General Assembly,

Recalling resolution 1325, 1820, 1888, 1889,1960, 2122, 2242 of the Security Council and
resolutions 1325, 61/143, 66/130, 68/140 of the General Assembly,

Referring to the Convention on the Discrimination of All forms of Discrimination against

women, The international covenant on civil and political rights, The international covenant of
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, The Beijing Declaration and Platform for action, The
convention on the rights of child, Istanbul Convention, The convention of the political rights of
women, and the Sustainable Development Goals as landmark documents and UN actions,

Deeply concerned about the restrictive electoral laws that implement gender specific
requirements including higher candidacy fees for women or restrictions on women running for
certain political offices,

Stressing that women undergo physical and psychological abuse as a result of gender norms and
gender discriminatory country policies,

Understanding media’s influence on the role of women perpetuating women stereotypes can
have a positive and negative role,

Noting with Deep Concern reports from the Democratic Republic of Congo on the extent of
conflict related sexual violence range from 18 to 40% among women and girls,

Further alarmed by the lack of technological infrastructure in developing countries that further
widen the digital gender divide leading to further lack of women’s representation in political and
leadership roles,

1. Affirms the “CEL” framework introduced by Malaysia that follows:

a) Clear anti-harassment policies;
b) Encourage Reporting;
c) Legal Protections;

2. Believes in the “INP” framework by KSA:

a) Introduction of gender quotas in global south countries;
b) Normalization of women entering politics;
c) Putting an end to work bases violence and harassment of women;

3. Urges “SIF” framework introduced by Malaysia that follows:

a) Scholarships and financial assistance;
b) Infrastructure development;
c) Flexible learning opportunities;

4. Recognizes the following solutions brought up by Pakistan:

a) Introducing the launching of Girl Enrollment Drive programmes to increase female
enrollments in school;

5. Understands “EP” framework mentioned by KSA that follows:

a) Establishing woman political programmes to offer financial support;
b) Providing access to political education in economy affected areas, funded by the
UNwomen and implementation under the “Saudi Arabia Human Rights Commission”;

6. Appreciates the “GEF” framework by Somalia that follows:

a) Gender quota implementation;
b) Educational initiatives;
c) Financial support

7. Further encouraging the following solutions:

a) Legislative measures to be taken by member states to encourage policies that ensure
equal political rights;
b) Using media as a positive tool to end gender stereotypes;
c) Encouraging the role of NGOs in increasing gender equality;

8. Further Recommends the ratification of CEDAW by every country.

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