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Exams 2022

A-level Biology Paper 1

194 marks

Page 1 of 69
The diagram shows the structure of two α-glucose molecules.

(a) On the diagram, draw a box around one chemical group in each glucose molecule
used to form a glycosidic bond.

(b) A precipitate is produced in a positive result for reducing sugar in a Benedict’s test.
A precipitate is solid matter suspended in solution.

A student carried out the Benedict’s test. Suggest a method, other than using a
colorimeter, that this student could use to measure the quantity of reducing sugar in
a solution.













In an investigation, a student wanted to identify the solutions in two beakers, A and B.

She knew one beaker contained maltose solution and the other beaker contained glucose
solution. Both solutions had the same concentration.

She did two separate biochemical tests on a sample from each beaker.

Test 1 – used Benedict’s solution to test for reducing sugar.

Page 2 of 69
Test 2 – added the enzyme maltase, heated the mixture at 30 °C for 5 minutes, and then
used Benedict’s solution to test for reducing sugar.

Maltose is hydrolysed by maltase.

The student’s results are shown in the table below.

Colour of solution after testing

with Benedict’s solution

Beaker Test 1 Test 2

A red red

B red dark red

(c) Explain the results for beakers A and B in the table.

Beaker A __________________________________________________________




Beaker B __________________________________________________________




(d) Use of a colorimeter in this investigation would improve the repeatability of the
student’s results.

Give one reason why.





In Test 1, the student used a measuring cylinder to measure 15 cm3 of solution from a
beaker. The measuring cylinder gives a volume with an uncertainty of ±1 cm3. She used a
graduated syringe to measure 5.0 cm3 of Benedict’s solution. The graduated syringe gives
a volume with an uncertainty of ± 0.5 cm3. She mixed these volumes of liquid to do the
biochemical test.

(e) Calculate the percentage error for the measurements used to obtain a 20 cm3
mixture of the solution from the beaker and Benedict’s solution. Show your working.

Page 3 of 69

Answer = _____________________________%
(Total 8 marks)

(a) What is a monomer?






(b) Lactulose is a disaccharide formed from one molecule of galactose and one
molecule of fructose.

Other than both being disaccharides, give one similarity and one difference between
the structures of lactulose and lactose.

Similarity ___________________________________________________________





Difference __________________________________________________________





(c) Following digestion and absorption of food, the undigested remains are processed

Page 4 of 69
to form faeces in the parts of the intestine below the ileum.

The faeces of people with constipation are dry and hard. Constipation can be
treated by drinking lactulose. Lactulose is soluble, but is not digested or absorbed in
the human intestine.

Use your knowledge of water potential to suggest why lactulose can be used to help
people suffering from constipation.











(d) Lactulose can also be used to treat people who have too high a concentration of
hydrogen ions (H+) in their blood.

The normal range for blood H+ concentration is 3.55 × 10–8 to 4.47 × 10–8 mol dm–3

A patient was found to have a blood H+ concentration of 2.82 × 10–7 mol dm–3

Calculate the minimum percentage decrease required to bring the patient’s blood H+
concentration into the normal range.

Answer = ____________________
(Total 7 marks)

(a) Describe a biochemical test to confirm the presence of protein in a solution.




Page 5 of 69



(b) A dipeptide consists of two amino acids joined by a peptide bond. Dipeptides may
differ in the type of amino acids they contain.

Describe two other ways in which all dipeptides are similar and one way in which
they might differ.


1 _________________________________________________________________



2 _________________________________________________________________



Difference _________________________________________________________


A solution contained a mixture of three different amino acids. A scientist passed an

electric current through the solution to separate the amino acids.

She placed a drop of the mixture at one end of a piece of filter paper, attached an
electrode to each end of the paper and switched on the current. She switched off the
current after 20 minutes and stained the paper to show spots of the amino acids at new

Her results are shown in the diagram.

(c) Explain what the positions of the spots in the diagram show about these amino

Page 6 of 69











(Total 8 marks)

(a) Describe how a non-competitive inhibitor can reduce the rate of an enzyme-
controlled reaction.













Pectin is a substance found in some fruit and vegetables.

Page 7 of 69
A scientist investigated the effect of pectin on the hydrolysis of lipids by a lipase enzyme.

His results are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1

(b) The scientist concluded that pectin is a non-competitive inhibitor of the lipase

Use Figure 1 to explain why the scientist concluded that pectin is a non-
competitive inhibitor.






The scientist also found that pectin stops the action of bile salts. He prepared two

• suspension A – lipid and bile salts

• suspension B – lipid, bile salts and pectin.

He did not add lipase to either suspension.

He observed samples from the suspensions using an optical microscope.

Figure 2 shows what he saw in a typical sample from each suspension.

Figure 2

Page 8 of 69
(c) Calculate the maximum length of the large lipid droplet marked X in Figure 2.

Using a ruler with millimetre intervals always includes an uncertainty in the

measurement. Use the uncertainty in your measurement to determine the
uncertainty of your calculated maximum length.

You can assume there is no uncertainty in the magnification.

Maximum length = _____________________ µm

Uncertainty of your calculated maximum length = _____________________ µm

(d) No large lipid droplets are visible with the optical microscope in the samples from
suspension A.

Explain why.









Page 9 of 69
(Total 8 marks)

(a) Describe how a peptide bond is formed between two amino acids to form a











(b) The secondary structure of a polypeptide is produced by bonds between amino


Describe how.











(c) Two proteins have the same number and type of amino acids but different tertiary

Explain why.

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(Total 6 marks)

(a) Formation of an enzyme-substrate complex increases the rate of reaction.

Explain how.











(b) A scientist measured the rate of removal of amino acids from a polypeptide with and
without an enzyme present. With the enzyme present, 578 amino acids were
released per second. Without the enzyme, 3.0 × 10–9 amino acids were released per

Calculate by how many times the rate of reaction is greater with the enzyme
Give your answer in standard form.

Page 11 of 69
Answer = ____________________ times faster

Another scientist investigated an enzyme that catalyses the following reaction.

ATP → ADP + Pi

The scientists set up two experiments, C and L.

Experiment C used
• the enzyme
• different concentrations of ATP.

Experiment L used
• the enzyme
• different concentrations of ATP
• a sugar called lyxose.

The scientists measured the rate of reaction in each experiment. Their results are shown
in the graph.

(c) Calculate the rate of reaction of the enzyme activity with no lyxose at 2.5 mmol dm –3
of ATP as a percentage of the maximum rate shown with lyxose.

Page 12 of 69
Answer = ____________________ %

(d) Lyxose binds to the enzyme.

Suggest a reason for the difference in the results shown in the graph with and
without lyxose.










(Total 9 marks)

(a) Place a tick (✓) in the box next to the sequence that shows the correct order of
magnitude of these measurements.

50 nm < 0.5 μm < 5 × 10–2 mm < 0.5 × 10–5 m

50 nm < 0.5 μm < 0.5 × 10–5 m < 5 × 10–2 mm

0.5 μm < 50 nm < 0.5 × 10–5 m < 5 × 10–2 mm

0.5 μm < 50 nm < 5 × 10–2 mm < 0.5 × 10–5 m


The diagram below is an electron micrograph of a chloroplast.

Page 13 of 69
(b) Identify structures labelled D and E.

D ___________________________________

E ___________________________________

(c) The detail shown in the diagram above would not be seen using an optical

Explain why.







(d) Name an organelle found in both a chloroplast and a prokaryotic cell.


(e) A scientist determined the volume of a plant cell and the volume of organelles it

They found:

• the volume of a plant cell is 17 500 µm3

• the volume of all the mitochondria in a plant cell is 262.5 µm3
• the volume of all the mitochondria and all the chloroplasts in a plant cell is
44.1% of the volume of a plant cell.

Use this information to calculate the volume of all the chloroplasts in a plant cell.

Page 14 of 69
Answer = ______________________________ µm3

(f) A biologist separated cell components to investigate organelle activity. She

prepared a suspension of the organelles in a solution that prevented damage to the

Describe three properties of this solution and explain how each property prevented
damage to the organelles.

Property 1 __________________________________________________________






Property 2 __________________________________________________________






Property 3 __________________________________________________________






Page 15 of 69
(Total 11 marks)

(a) The nucleus and a chloroplast of a plant cell both contain DNA.

Give three ways in which the DNA in a chloroplast is different from DNA in the

1 _________________________________________________________________



2 _________________________________________________________________



3 _________________________________________________________________



(b) Some DNA nucleotides have the organic base thymine, but RNA nucleotides do not
have thymine. RNA nucleotides have uracil instead of thymine.

Give one other difference between the structure of a DNA nucleotide and the
structure of an RNA nucleotide.





The diagram shows a tRNA molecule.

Page 16 of 69
(c) Name the structures labelled W and X in the diagram.

W __________________________________

X __________________________________

(d) Not all mutations in the nucleotide sequence of a gene cause a change in the
structure of a polypeptide.

Give two reasons why.

1 _________________________________________________________________




2 _________________________________________________________________



(Total 7 marks)

Scientists investigated changes in the mass of fish from three populations of the same
species. The fish they used had a life cycle of one year.

The scientists set up three fish tanks, each containing a separate population. Each year
the scientists removed all the fish from each tank and determined the mean mass of the
fish removed. They then put back 10% of each population in the following way.

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Tank A – put back only the largest fish.
Tank B – put back fish at random.
Tank C – put back only the smallest fish.

During each year the fish were left to grow and reproduce.

The scientists’ results are shown in the graph.

(a) What type of selection were the scientists modelling in this investigation by putting
back only the largest or only the smallest fish in Tank A and Tank C? Give a reason

Type of selection _____________________________________________________

Reason ____________________________________________________________




(b) Explain the purpose of Tank B.









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(c) Calculate the ratio of the mean mass of fish removed from Tank A to the mean mass
of fish removed from Tank C at 1 year and at 4 years.

How much greater is the ratio at 4 years compared with the ratio at 1 year?

Ratio at 1 year = _______________________

Ratio at 4 years = _______________________

How much greater at 4 years = _______________________


(d) Sea fishing is regulated in law. The size of the mesh used in some fishing nets is
controlled so that small fish can escape but large fish are captured. This regulation
is designed to protect populations of wild fish.

Using all the information in this question, evaluate whether the scientists’
investigation supports the use of these types of nets in sea fishing.












(Total 9 marks)

Organic compounds synthesised in the leaves of a plant can be transported to the plant’s

Page 19 of 69
This transport is called translocation and occurs in the phloem tissue of the plant.

(a) One theory of translocation states that organic substances are pushed from a high
pressure in the leaves to a lower pressure in the roots.

Describe how a high pressure is produced in the leaves.







PCMBS is a substance that inhibits the uptake of sucrose by plant cells.

Scientists investigated the effect of PCMBS on the rate of translocation in sugar beet.
The figure below shows their results.

Time / minutes

(b) During their experiment, the scientists ensured that the rate of photosynthesis of
their plants remained constant.
Explain why this was important.





(c) The scientists concluded that some translocation must occur in the spaces in the
cell walls.

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Explain how the information in the figure above supports this conclusion.





(Total 7 marks)

The figure below represents a capillary surrounded by tissue fluid.
The values of the hydrostatic pressure are shown.

Arteriole Venule
end direction of blood flow end

Hydrostatic pressure = 4.3 kPa Hydrostatic pressure = 1.6 kPa

Tissue fluid
Hydrostatic pressure = 1.1 kPa

(a) Use the information in the figure above to explain how tissue fluid is formed.





(b) The hydrostatic pressure falls from the arteriole end of the capillary to the venule
end of the capillary. Explain why.



(c) High blood pressure leads to an accumulation of tissue fluid. Explain how.





Page 21 of 69


(d) The water potential of the blood plasma is more negative at the venule end of the
capillary than at the arteriole end of the capillary. Explain why.






(Total 9 marks)

The graph shows the oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curves for fetal haemoglobin (HbF)
and adult haemoglobin (HbA).

(a) Explain how changes in the shape of haemoglobin result in the S-shaped (sigmoid)
oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve for HbA.






Page 22 of 69
(b) At birth 98% of the haemoglobin is HbF. By the age of 6 months, the HbF has
usually completely disappeared from the baby’s blood and been replaced by HbA.

Use the graph above to explain why this change is an advantage for the baby.






(c) Sickle cell disease (SCD) is caused by production of faulty HbA. This results in a
reduced ability to transport oxygen to tissues. Scientists investigated the use of a
substance called hydroxyurea to treat babies with SCD. Hydroxyurea changes the
concentration of HbF in the blood.

The scientists carried out an investigation with 122 babies who had SCD. Each baby
was given hydroxyurea for 41 months. The scientists then found the mean change in
the concentration of HbF in the babies’ blood.

Their results are shown in the table.

Mean concentration of HbF in the

babies’ blood / arbitrary units

Before treatment After treatment

with hydroxyurea with hydroxyurea
(± 1 standard (± 1 standard
deviation) deviation)

7.6 19.1
(± 4.5) (± 6.5)

The scientists concluded that treatment with hydroxyurea would increase the
concentration of oxygen in the blood of babies with SCD.

Suggest how the graph and table above support this conclusion.








Page 23 of 69
(Total 7 marks)

(a) Binding of one molecule of oxygen to haemoglobin makes it easier for a second
oxygen molecule to bind.

Explain why.











A haemocytometer is a special microscope slide which can be used to count the numbers
of blood cells in a sample of blood.

• The surface of the slide has many small, equal-sized squares marked on it.
• The depth of the liquid under each square is 0.1 mm
• When counting, cells that touch top or left lines are counted but cells that touch right
or bottom lines are not counted.

A doctor used a haemocytometer to determine the number of red blood cells per mm 3 in a
blood sample. He diluted the original blood sample by a factor of 200 times before putting
some on a haemocytometer.

The diagram shows the distribution of cells in a typical small square.

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(b) The doctor counted the red blood cells in many small squares.
The mean number of red blood cells per small square was 7
The original blood sample was diluted by a factor of 200 times.

Calculate the number of red blood cells per mm3 in the original blood sample.
Give your answer in standard form.

Answer = ____________________ red blood cells per mm3


(c) When counting, cells that touch top or left lines are counted but cells that touch right
or bottom lines are not counted.

Suggest two reasons for this rule.

1. _________________________________________________________________





2. _________________________________________________________________





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The doctor also wanted to know how many white blood cells per mm3 there were in a
different sample of blood. To do this he first diluted the sample by a factor of 20 times. He
then made the white blood cells clearly visible by using a stain that makes nuclei appear
dark blue.

(d) When counting white blood cells, the doctor only diluted the blood sample by a
factor of 20 times, instead of 200 times when counting red blood cells.

Suggest why he only diluted the sample by a factor of 20 times.






(e) Explain how the stain allowed the doctor to count the white blood cells amongst all
the red blood cells.







(Total 8 marks)

A student used the apparatus shown in Figure 1 and a digital balance to determine the
rate of water movement in a celery stalk in grams per hour per group of xylem vessels.

Figure 1

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(a) The student measured the time taken for water movement.

Give two other measurements he made to calculate the rate of water movement.

1 _________________________________________________________________



2 _________________________________________________________________



(b) Give the reason for adding a layer of oil to the water in the beaker.





(c) A different student used coloured water to investigate the movement of water in leaf
stalks of celery.

During the procedure she:

• cut equal lengths of stalk from each plant

• put the cut end of each stalk into coloured water
• left these stalks to take up the coloured water for 20 minutes
• used a sharp scalpel to cut slices from the stalks at 1 mm intervals until she

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reached a slice with no coloured water.

Figure 2 shows a slice of leaf stalk with coloured water inside groups of xylem

Figure 2

Explain why coloured water moved up the stalks.













(d) The student used a sharp scalpel to cut the celery. Describe how she should ensure
she handled the scalpel safely during this procedure.






The student measured the distance the coloured water had travelled in eight celery stalks.

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Her results are shown in the table.

Distance / mm

70 35 40 35 30 80 42 44

(e) The student had to choose whether to summarise her measurements by calculating
the mean, the median or the mode.

Circle the most appropriate measure for this set of measurements.

Give a reason for your choice and find the value using the measurements from all
eight stalks.

Mean* Median* Mode*

*circle one word.

Reason: ___________________________________________________________




Answer = ______________________________
(Total 10 marks)

(a) Figure 1 shows part of the blood circulation in a mammal.

Figure 1

Page 29 of 69
Use Figure 1 to give the letter that represents each of these blood vessels.


Renal vein

Vena cava


(b) Name the blood vessels that carry blood to the heart muscle.


(c) Figure 2 shows a photograph of part of a mitochondrion from a mouse liver cell
taken using a transmission electron microscope at × 62 800 magnification.

Figure 2

Produce a scientific drawing of the mitochondrion in Figure 2 in the box below.

Label the following parts of the mitochondrion on your drawing.

Page 30 of 69
• Matrix
• Crista

(Total 8 marks)

(a) Describe the pathway taken by an oxygen molecule from an alveolus to the blood.











(b) Explain how one feature of an alveolus allows efficient gas exchange to occur.

Page 31 of 69










Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that is present in cigarette smoke. This carbon
monoxide can be absorbed into the blood where it binds with haemoglobin.

Scientists investigated the concentration of carbon monoxide in cars in which people were
smoking or not smoking. They measured the concentration with the car windows open
and closed. The graph shows the scientists’ results as they presented them. A value of ±
2 standard deviations from the mean includes over 95% of the data.

(c) In England, in October 2015, a law was introduced making it illegal to smoke in a car
carrying someone who is under the age of 18.

Following the introduction of the law, a politician stated:

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‘It is dangerous to smoke when a child is in the car. Higher levels of deadly toxins
can build up, even on short journeys, and children breathe faster than adults,
meaning they inhale more of the deadly toxins.’

Use the information provided and the data in the graph to evaluate the politician’s



















(Total 8 marks)

(a) (i) Name the structure through which gases enter and leave the body of an


(ii) Name the small tubes that carry gases directly to and from the cells of an

Page 33 of 69

(b) Explain the movement of oxygen into the gas exchange system of an insect when it
is at rest.








(c) Abdominal pumping takes place during vigorous activity in insects. This causes
regular squeezing of the tubes of the gas exchange system.

A scientist investigated the effect of abdominal pumping on the pressure in the tubes
and the volume of carbon dioxide released by the insect.

Her results are shown below.

Describe and explain these results.






Page 34 of 69

(Total 8 marks)

(a) Explain two ways in which the structure of fish gills is adapted for efficient gas

1. _________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________


(b) Explain how the counter current mechanism in fish gills ensures the maximum
amount of the oxygen passes into the blood flowing through the gills.










(Total 5 marks)

The diagram shows part of a prokaryotic cell.

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(a) Name the structures labelled W to Z in the diagram.

W ________________________________________________________________

X _________________________________________________________________

Y _________________________________________________________________

Z _________________________________________________________________

(b) Name the main biological molecule in:

W ________________________________________________________________

X _________________________________________________________________

(c) Name the process by which prokaryotic cells divide.


(d) Some prokaryotic cells can divide every 30 minutes. A liquid culture contained a
starting population of 1.35 × 104 cells.

Assuming each cell divides every 30 minutes, calculate how many cells there will be
after 3 hours. Assume no cells die during this time.

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Answer = ____________________
(Total 7 marks)

A student investigated the effect of surface area on osmosis in cubes of potato.

• He cut two cubes of potato tissue, each with sides of 35 mm in length.

• He put one cube into a concentrated sucrose solution.
• He cut the other cube into eight equal-sized smaller cubes and put them into a
sucrose solution of the same concentration as the solution used for the large cube.
• He recorded the masses of the cubes at intervals.

His results are shown in the graph.

(a) Describe the method the student would have used to obtain the results in the graph.
Start after all of the cubes of potato have been cut. Also consider variables he
should have controlled.








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(b) The loss in mass shown in the graph is due to osmosis. The rate of osmosis
between 0 and 40 minutes is faster in B (the eight small cubes) than in A (single
large cube).

Is the rate of osmosis per mm2 per minute different between A and B during this
Use appropriate calculations to support your answer.















(Total 6 marks)

Page 38 of 69
(a) Define each of the following terms.

Species ____________________________________________________________


Species richness _____________________________________________________


Scientists investigated the species richness of fish caught at various depths in the Pacific
Ocean close to the western coast of Chile.

The graph shows the scientists’ results. 68% of all the fish caught in this investigation
came from sample A.

(b) What is the modal value of species richness?


(c) 68% of all the fish caught in this investigation came from sample A.
A student thought this showed that sample A had a greater index of diversity than
any of the other samples.

It is not possible to draw this conclusion from the given data. Give reasons why.



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(Total 6 marks)

A group of students investigated biodiversity of different areas of farmland.

They collected data in each of these habitats:

• the centre of a field

• the edge of a field
• a hedge between fields.

Their results are shown in the graph.

(a) What data would the students need to collect to calculate their index of diversity in
each habitat?

Do not include apparatus used for species sampling in your answer.

Page 40 of 69





(b) Give two ways the students would have ensured their index of diversity was
representative of each habitat.

1 _________________________________________________________________



2 _________________________________________________________________



(c) Modern farming techniques have led to larger fields and the removal of hedges
between fields.

Use the graph above to suggest why biodiversity decreases when farmers use
larger fields.





(d) Farmers are now being encouraged to replant hedges on their land.

Suggest and explain one advantage and one disadvantage to a farmer of replanting
hedges on her farmland.

Advantage __________________________________________________________





Disadvantage ______________________________________________________

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(Total 6 marks)

Ecologists investigated changes in grassland communities on large islands off the coast of
Scotland between 1975 and 2010. On each island, they used data from a number of sites
to determine the change in mean species richness and the change in mean index of

(a) Table 1 shows plant species recorded at one site, on one island, in 1975.

Table 1

Species Number of individuals

Hydrocotyle vulgaris 3

Plantago maritima 19

Ranunculus acris 3

Hieracium pilosella 3

Calliergon cuspidatum 10

Prunella vulgaris 16

Pseudoscleropodium purum 6

Calculate the index of diversity for this site using the formula:

d = ___________

(b) Outline a method the ecologists could have used to determine the plant species
richness at one site.


Page 42 of 69







(c) Some of the ecologists’ results are shown in Table 2. They carried out a statistical
test to find out whether any differences between the 1975 and 2010 means were
significant. The values for P that they obtained are also shown in Table 2.
Table 2

Change in mean Change in mean

species index of
Island richness Value of P diversity Value of P
between 1975 between 1975
and 2010 and 2010

Islay +8.89 ≤0.001 +0.22 >0.05

Colonsay +14.70 ≤0.001 +2.68 ≤0.01

Harris −5.13 ≤0.001 −2.44 ≤0.01

Do these data show that there were any significant changes in the grassland
communities on these islands? Give reasons for your answer.








(Total 8 marks)

(a) A student prepared a stained squash of cells from the tip of an onion root and
observed it using an optical microscope.

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During the preparation of the slide, he:

• cut the first 5 mm from the tip of an onion root and placed it on a glass slide
• covered this tip with a drop of stain solution and a cover slip
• warmed the glass slide
• pressed down firmly on the cover slip.

He identified and counted nuclei in different stages of the cell cycle.

Explain why the student:

1. used only the first 5 mm from the tip of an onion root.






2. pressed down firmly on the cover slip.






Figure 1 shows the cells the student saw in one field of view. He used this field of view to
calculate the length of time these onion cells spent in anaphase of mitosis.

Figure 1

Page 44 of 69
(b) Scientists have found the mean length of time spent by onion cells in anaphase of
mitosis is 105 minutes. They also found the cell cycle of cells in the onion root
shown in Figure 1 takes 1080 minutes.

32 whole cells are shown in Figure 1.

Use this information and Figure 1 to calculate the length of time the cells of this
onion root are in anaphase and then calculate the percentage difference between
your answer and the mean length of time found by the scientists.

Show your working.

Answer = ____________________ %

(c) Tick (✓) the name given to the division of cytoplasm during the cell cycle.

A Binary fission

B Cytokinesis

C Phagocytosis

D Segregation

Page 45 of 69

(d) Describe and explain what the student should have done when counting cells to
make sure that the mitotic index he obtained for this root tip was accurate.











(e) A scientist treated growing tips of onion roots with a chemical that stops roots
growing. After 24 hours, he prepared a stained squash of these root tips.

Figure 2 is a drawing showing the chromosomes in a single cell observed in the

squash of one of these root tips in anaphase. This cell was typical of other cells in
anaphase in these root tips.

Figure 2

Use all of this information to suggest how the chemical stops the growth of roots.





Page 46 of 69









(Total 10 marks)

Iodine has many uses. One use is as an antiseptic to kill bacteria and another is helping
apple farmers decide when to harvest their apples.

Iodine solution has been used as an antiseptic on wounds for over 150 years. At first, its
use in hospitals was limited because it irritated people’s skin. In the 1950s, iodine solution
was made into providone iodine that caused less skin irritation. A surgeon investigated
how effective providone iodine was at killing bacteria on skin.

The surgeon treated the forearms of 25 people in 4 ways.

Treatment A − no washing
Treatment B − washed with soap and water only
Treatment C − washed with soap and water then rubbed with Hex scrub for 5 minutes
(Hex scrub was the treatment the surgeon used at that time to wash a
patient’s skin before surgery)
Treatment D − washed with soap and water then rubbed with providone iodine for 5

After each treatment, the surgeon collected bacteria by rubbing each person’s skin with a
sterile cotton swab. He put the swab into sterile liquid agar. He then poured the agar into a
Petri dish and allowed it to set. He incubated the Petri dish and when bacterial colonies
had grown, he counted them.

The surgeon’s results are shown in the table below.

Mean number of bacterial

Treatment colonies (± standard

A 401.6 (±96.4)

B 191.4 (±63.7)

Page 47 of 69
C 25.9 (±15.6)

D 0.7 (±1.5)

(a) Suggest three factors the surgeon kept constant when sampling from the skin and
growing the bacterial colonies.

1. _________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________


3. _________________________________________________________________


(b) Calculate the percentage difference in mean number of bacterial colonies for
Treatment D compared with Treatment A. Show your working.

Answer ________________________________________ %

(c) Treatment D produced a mean of 0.7 colonies and a standard deviation of ±1.5.
What does this suggest about the number of colonies on the Petri dish?




(d) After this investigation, the surgeon wanted to test the effectiveness of providone
iodine when used on patients who were about to have surgery.
In this new investigation, the test group was given Treatment D.
Suggest and explain the treatment that he should give to the control group to ensure
that this is an ethical investigation.





Page 48 of 69
(Total 8 marks)

Page 49 of 69
Mark schemes


Accept a box drawn around any OH and H from another OH

Accept one box around two OHs

(b) 1. Filter and dry (the precipitate);

Accept: correct reference to evaporation after filtration

2. Find mass/weight;

(c) 1. A = glucose and B = maltose;

2. Because more sugar/precipitate after hydrolysis/maltase action;

Accept ‘higher concentration of sugar’ for ‘more sugar’
Accept ‘break down’ for hydrolysis

(d) 1. Quantitative
(Colour change is) subjective;
Accept: accurate/precise

2. Standardises (the) method;

1 max

(e) 16.67 − 17 = 2 marks;

(cumulative percentage error of both measuring vessels)

If incorrect final answer, accept for 1 mark:

0.167 − 0.17 (not a percentage)

evidence of

(correct understanding, but not calculated)

Ignore: ± (plus or minus) in answer

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(a) (a monomer is a smaller / repeating) unit / molecule from which larger molecules /
polymers are made;
Reject atoms / elements / ’building blocks’ for units /
Ignore examples

(b) Similarity
1. Both contain galactose / a glycosidic bond;
Ignore references to hydrolysis and / or condensation

2. Lactulose contains fructose, whereas lactose contains glucose;
Ignore alpha / beta prefix for glucose
Difference must be stated, not implied

(c) 1. (Lactulose) lowers the water potential of faeces / intestine / contents of the
Accept Ψ for water potential

2. Water retained / enters (due to osmosis) and softens the faeces;

Accept descriptions of soft faeces, eg faeces is less dry /
less hard

(d) (-) 84.1(%);;

Accept (-) 84.15(%)
Allow 1 mark for



(a) 1. Add biuret (reagent);
Accept sodium hydroxide (solution) and copper sulphate (solution)
Reject addition of other incorrect chemicals

2. (Positive result) purple/lilac/violet /mauve;

Reject other colours
Ignore references to heating

(b) Similarities

Page 51 of 69
2 max for similarities
Accept for three marks, a labelled diagram of a dipeptide showing
NH2/NH3+, COOH/COO− and different R groups.

1. Amine/NH2 (group at end);

Accept amino/NH3+

2. Carboxyl/COOH (group at end);

Accept carboxylic / COO−

3. Two R groups;

4. All contain C and H and N and O;

Accept examples of different R groups

5. Variable/different R group(s);

(c) 1. Moved to negative (electrode) because positive(ly charged);

2. (Spots move) different distances/rates because (amino acids) different

Accept size for mass.

3. Two spots (not three) because (amino acids) same charge/mass

One spot has 2 amino acids because (amino acids) same charge/mass;
Accept size for mass.

(a) 1. Attaches to the enzyme at a site other than the active site;
Accept ‘attaches to allosteric/inhibitor site’

2. Changes (shape of) the active site

Changes tertiary structure (of enzyme);

3. (So active site and substrate) no longer complementary so less/no

substrate can fit/bind;
Accept ‘no longer complementary so less/no enzyme-substrate
complexes form’
Accept abbreviations of enzyme-substrate complex.

(b) (With inhibitor) increase substrate/lipid (concentration) does not

increase/affect/change rate of reaction
(With inhibitor) increase substrate/lipid (concentration) does not
increase/affect/change lipase activity
High substrate (concentration) does not overcome inhibition

Page 52 of 69
High substrate (concentration) does not meet maximum rate
of reaction/lipase activity;
Ignore references to competitive inhibitors.

(c) (Maximum length) 8-10 (µm);

(Uncertainty) (±) 2 (µm);


(d) 1. Emulsification;
Ignore ‘micelles’

2. (Cannot be seen) due to resolution (of optical microscope);

Ignore reference to magnification.
For ‘resolution’ accept ‘wavelength of light’.

(a) 1. Condensation (reaction) / loss of water;
Accept each marking point if shown clearly in diagram.

2. Between amine / NH2 and carboxyl / COOH;

Accept between amino (group) and carboxylic / acid (group)

(b) 1. Hydrogen bonds;

Accept as a diagram
Reject N - - - C / ionic / disulfide bridge / peptide bond

2. Between NH (group of one amino acid) and C=O (group);

Forming β pleated sheets / α helix;

(c) 1. Different sequence of amino acids

Different primary structure;
If candidate assumes proteins are the same, accept effect of
different pH/ temperature

2. Forms ionic / hydrogen / disulfide bonds in different places;


(a) 1. Reduces activation energy;
Accept ‘reduces Ea’.

2. Due to bending bonds

Without enzyme, very few substrates have sufficient energy for reaction;

Page 53 of 69
Accept ‘Due to stress/pressure/tension on bonds’ OR ‘Due to
weakening bonds’.
Ignore references to ‘breaking bonds’.

(b) 1.93 × 1011;;

Allow 1 max for

578/3.0 × 10–9

1.93 × 10x when x ≠11

Correct answer with incorrect standard form e.g. 19.3 × 1010

Accept any number of significant figures ≥2, if rounding
correct (1.926• × 1011). Same principle applies to one max

(c) 31.4;;

Allow 1 max for

0.44 and 1.4




Accept any number of significant figures ≥2, if rounding
correct (31.4284714).
Same principle applies to 1 max answers.
32.8 = Both readings at 2.5 mmol dm–3 (0.44/1.34)
33.1 = Both readings at 2.5 mmol dm–3 (0.44/1.33)
30 = Incorrect reading for C (0.42/1.4)
29.3 = Incorrect reading for C (0.41/1.4)

(d) 1. (Binding) alters the tertiary structure of the enzyme ;

Max 1
if lyxose acting as an inhibitor
OR if answer linked to lower rate of reaction
OR if lyxose used an energy source/respiratory substrate

2. (This causes) active site to change (shape);

3. (So) More (successful) E-S complexes form (per minute)


E-S complexes form more quickly


Page 54 of 69
Further lowers activation energy;
Accept ‘acts as a co-enzyme’
Accept description for E-S complexes.

(a) Row 2;

(b) D - Granum/grana/thylakoid(s);

E - starch/lipid;
Accept oil for E

Accept converse in context of electron microscope

1. Light has long(er) wavelength;

Ignore: optical microscope has long(er) wavelength.

2. (So) low(er) resolution;

Accept poor resolution
Ignore: weaker resolution
Ignore references to magnification
Accept correct references to values for resolution.
E.g optical 0.2µm – 0.3 µm

(d) (70S) Ribosome;

Reject: (80S) Ribosome

(e) Correct answer of 7455 = 2 marks;;

Accept for 1 mark answers in range:

7717.5 to 7718 (44.1% of 17500)

If incorrect answer, accept for 1 mark working shows an

attempt to subtract 262.5

(f) 1. (Ice) cold to prevent/reduce enzyme activity;

For 1, 2 and 3 reject context of cell

2. Buffered to prevent denaturing of enzyme/protein;

Accept description of buffer.
Accept: prevent change of tertiary structure.

3. Same water potential/ Ψ to prevent lysis/bursting (of organelle);

Accept: isotonic for same water potential.
Reject: references to turgor or plasmolysis or crenation.

Page 55 of 69

(a) In chloroplasts
Must be comparative statements.
Accept alternatives in context of nuclear DNA

1. DNA shorter;
Accept smaller

2. Fewer genes;

3. DNA circular not linear;

Accept DNA in a loop not linear
Accept no chromosomes (in chloroplast) unlike nucleus

4. Not associated with protein/histones, unlike nuclear DNA;

5. Introns absent but present in nuclear DNA;

Ignore references to double and single stranded DNA
3 max

(b) Deoxyribose in DNA and ribose in RNA;


(c) W = amino acid binding site and X = anticodon;

W Idea of binding site needed

(d) 1. Triplets code for same amino acid

Accept: DNA/code/triplets are degenerate
Reject: codons (as question states within genes)

2. Occurs in introns /non-coding sequence;

Reject: codons (as question states within genes)
Ignore junk DNA
Reject: multiple repeats

(a) Type of selection
1. Directional;

2. One extreme selected/removed/favoured/chosen
One extreme allowed to breed;
Ignore references to adaptations/natural selection
Accept large fish/small fish for ‘extreme’

Page 56 of 69
(b) 1. As a baseline/control;

2. To show effect of no selection

To show what happens in a normal population/naturally
To show effect of/compare with tank A/tank C;
Ignore reference to type of selection
Accept not removing/not catching/not fishing for ‘selection’
Accept genetic drift for ‘no selection’
Accept no fishing/no selection/no caught fish for ‘normal
Accept to compare with other results

(c) Correct answer for 2 marks

(How much greater) 1.6 to 1.7;;

Accept for 1 mark,

1.2 : 1 and 2 : 1

Accept for 1 mark,

4.1 : 3.4 and 4.8 : 2.4

Accept for 2 marks


(d) Not supported because

1. (Sea) fishing reduces (mean) mass of fish;

2. Because large fish removed

Because small fish escape/put back
Because fishing (model) like Tank C;


3. Information from (only) one species

Sea fishing catches other/different (types of) species;

4. No statistical test;

5. Size of tank may affect fish growth;

6. Fish in tanks are all same age/sea fish not all the same age;

7. No measure of number of fish (removed)/ only measured mean mass

No measure of (total) yield of fish
No measure of reproductive success of fish;

8. Removal of 90% of population is unlikely to be replicated in the sea

Page 57 of 69

9. Sea fish do not have life cycle of one year

Sea fish do not reproduce all at the same time;
2 max for "But"
3 max

(a) 1. Water potential becomes lower / becomes more negative (as sugar enters
2. Water enters phloem by osmosis;
3. Increased volume (of water) causes increased pressure.

(b) 1. Rate of photosynthesis related to rate of sucrose production;

2. Rate of translocation higher when sucrose concentration is higher.

(c) 1. Rate of translocation does not fall to zero / translocation still occurs after
120 minutes;

2. But sucrose no longer able to enter cytoplasm of phloem cells.


(a) 1. (Overall) outward pressure of 3.2 kPa;
2. Forces small molecules out of capillary.

(b) Loss of water / loss of fluid / friction (against capillary lining).


(c) 1. High blood pressure = high hydrostatic pressure;

2. Increases outward pressure from (arterial) end of capillary / reduces
inward pressure at (venule) end of capillary;
3. (So) more tissue fluid formed / less tissue fluid is reabsorbed.
Allow lymph system not able to drain tissues fast enough

(d) 1. Water has left the capillary;

2. Proteins (in blood) too large to leave capillary;
3. Increasing / giving higher concentration of blood proteins (and thus wp).

(a) First oxygen binds (to Hb) causing change in shape;
(Shape change of Hb) allows more O2 to bind (easily) / greater saturation with
Cooperative binding;

Page 58 of 69
(b) 1. (HbA has) lower affinity for O2 at low partial pressures;
(HbA has) lower affinity for oxygen at pp found in tissues;
2. Easier unloading of O2 for (aerobic) respiration;

(c) 1. A large/significant increase in HbF;

2. (HbF has) higher affinity for O2 (than faulty HbA);
3. Higher proportion of HbF in blood so more oxygen carried;
More oxygen carried after treatment;

(a) 1. Binding of first oxygen changes tertiary / quaternary (structure) of
Ignore ref. to ‘positive cooperativity’ unqualified
Ignore ref. to named bonds
Accept conformational shift caused

2. Creates / leads to / uncovers second / another binding site

Uncovers another iron / Fe / haem group to bind to;
Reject ref. to active site

(b) 5.6 × 106 (red blood cells per mm3);;

Award 1 max for one of

2.8 × 104 (standard form but ignoring dilution)


5 600 000 (correct but not standard form)


5.6 × 105 (failure to use depth of liquid on slide);


(c) 1. To avoid dealing with parts of cells;

2. To avoid counting same cells twice / more than once;

3. To be consistent / get comparable results;

Accept more accuracy
Ignore reliability / repeatability / reproducibility / precision /
2 max

(d) There are fewer white cells, so no need to dilute (further to see enough);
Accept converse of too few to see if greater dilution / at 200

Page 59 of 69
Do not accept ref. to numbers of red and white cells
Ignore ref. to white cells larger

(e) White cells have a nucleus (that stains but red cells do not);
Accept converse for red cells

(a) 1. Initial and final mass (of beaker and all contents);
Accept change in mass/weight
Ignore volume
Reject change in mass of celery/beaker/water alone

2. Number of (groups of) xylem vessels;

Accept amount for ‘number’

(b) Prevent evaporation/water loss

(So) evaporation/water loss/transpiration only from celery;

(c) 1. Water evaporates/is transpired (from leaves/ stalk/celery/plant);

2. Water potential gradient/lower water potential creates

tension/pulls up water
Osmosis creates tension/pulls up water;
Accept negative pressure for tension

3. Hydrogen bonds/cohesion/adhesion maintains column;


(d) 1. Cut away from body;

Accept description of cutting technique to avoid cutting fingers

2. Against hard/non-slip/flat surface;

Accept named hard surface eg tile/board

(e) Median (no mark)

1. (Presence of) outliers/80/70

Small sample size/8 (measurements);
Accept anomalies / extremes for ‘outliers’

2. 41;

Accept for 1 mark,

Mean of 47

Page 60 of 69

Mode of 35

(a) D;

(b) Coronary arteries;

Accept coronary artery
Ignore aorta, arteriole and capillary
Reject coronary veins
Do not accept coronary by itself
Accept phonetic spelling

(c) 1. No sketched / hanging / crossing lines / shading;

Ignore stippling
2. Must look similar;
3. Matrix and crista correctly labelled;
Ignore any other labels
4. Correct scale stated (x 62 800);
Accept other suitable scale given

(a) 1. (Across) alveolar epithelium;

2. Endothelium / epithelium of capillary;

Incorrect sequence = maximum of 1 mark

(b) 1. (The alveolar epithelium) is one cell thick;

Reject thin membrane

2. Creating a short diffusion pathway / reduces the diffusion distance;

2 max

(c) For

1. Significantly higher concentrations of CO (compared with no smoking) with

closed window (as no overlap in 2 × SD);
Accept higher concentrations of CO with closed window are
not due to chance
Idea of higher is required, not just difference

2. Any increase in CO could be dangerous;


Page 61 of 69
CO causes less oxygen to be carried / provided (which could be deadly in

3. (significantly) higher levels after (just) 5 minutes (with closed windows

supporting short journey statement);
Idea of higher is required, not just difference


4. No idea if (roughly) 5ppm is ‘deadly’;

5. No significant difference with open window (as 2 × SD overlaps);

Accept difference with open window could be due to chance

6. No data on child breathing rates;

Idea that children breathe faster but have smaller lung volume, so overall
volume of CO inhaled could be similar;
4 max

(a) (i) Spiracle;
Accept: Spiracles

(ii) Tracheole/trachea;
Accept: Tracheoles/tracheae
Ignore: System

(b) 1. Oxygen used in (aerobic) respiration;

2. (so) oxygen (concentration) gradient (established);
Accept description of gradient
Ignore: ‘along gradient idea’ unless direction is made clear
Ignore: movement through gas/water
Reject: gradient in wrong direction
3. (so) oxygen diffuses in; 2 and 3.
Accept: oxygen moves down a diffusion gradient for 2 marks

(c) 1. Abdominal pumping/pressure in tubes linked to carbon

dioxide release;
MP1 relates to description of link shown in graphs
2. (Abdominal) pumping raises pressure in body;
Needs idea of causation, not just description of correlation
3. Air/carbon dioxide pushed out of body /air/carbon dioxide
moves down pressure gradient (to atmosphere);
Reject ref to concentration gradients/diffusion


Page 62 of 69
(a) 1. Many lamellae / filaments so large surface area;

2. Thin (surface) so short diffusion pathway;

1 & 2 must each have a feature and a consequence

(b) 1. Water and blood flow in opposite directions;

Allow diagram showing counter-flow

2. Blood always passing water with a higher oxygen concentration;

3. Diffusion gradient maintained throughout length (of gill)

Diffusion occurs throughout length of gill
If water and blood flowed in same direction equilibrium would be reached;

(a) W – (cell surface) membrane
X – cell wall
Y – capsule
Z – flagellum
Four correct = 2 marks.
Three or two correct = 1 mark.
Y - Ignore references to slime/mucus
Y - Reject capsid
Z - accept flagella

(b) W - Phospholipids;
X - Murein / glycoprotein;
X - Accept peptidoglycans.
Accept phonetic spellings

(c) Binary fission;

Reject binary fusion

(d) 8.64 × 105;;

Accept 864 000 however expressed, e.g. 864 × 103
Allow one mark for
26 = 64
64 / 26 × (1.35 × 104)

(a) 1. Method to ensure all cut surfaces of the eight cubes are exposed to the

Page 63 of 69
sucrose solution;
Credit valid method descriptions to fulfil mp1, 2 and 3 (no
explanation is required).

2. Method of controlling temperature;

Accept ‘at room temperature’ for method

3. Method of drying cubes before measuring;

4. Measure mass of cubes at stated time intervals;

Accept time intervals between every 5 minutes with
maximum of every 40 minutes.
Accept ‘weigh the cubes at stated time intervals’
3 max

(b) Yes or No (no mark)

Calculation of rate per mm2 for both sets of data, accept answers in the range
1.6 × 10–5 to 1.8 × 10–5 and
1.5 × 10–5 to 1.6 × 10–5;;; Both correct = 3

One correct = 2

Neither correct – look below for max 2

Allow 1 mark for calculation of surface area of two (sets of) cubes 7350 (mm 2) and
14700 (mm2)

Allow 1 mark for calculation of both rates of osmosis shown in first 40 minutes –
between 0.12 and 0.13 and between 0.22 and 0.23

If surface area and/or rate of osmosis is incorrect then, allow 1 mark for (their)
calculated rate divided by (their) calculated surface area
Accept answers not given in standard form or to any number
of significant figures ≥2sf as long as rounding correct.
3 max

(a) 1. Species = (A group of) organisms that are able to produce fertile offspring;
2. Species richness = the number of (different) species in a community;
2. Accept in a habitat / ecosystem / area
2. Reject in a population
2. Ignore ‘types’ unqualified

(b) 5;

(c) 1. Number of individuals of each species not known;

2. Almost all (of sample A / the 68%) could be of the same species;
3. Two / other samples have a higher number of species / higher species
richness but a lower number of individuals / fish;
4. Other samples may have more individuals of each species;
2. If not stated otherwise, assume MP2 relates to sample

Page 64 of 69
A / 68%
3 max

(a) (Number of species and) number of individuals in each species (in each
(Number of species and) population of each species (in each habitat);
Accept organisms for individuals
Ignore frequency.
Accept abundance of each species.

(b) 1. Random samples;

2. Large number (of samples)

(Continue sampling) until stable running mean;
Both marks can be awarded on one line.
Ignore other answers unless they contradict mark points.
Accept many/multiple. Ignore several.
If a specified number is given, it must be 10 or more.
Accept ‘large sample (size)’.
Accept organisms for individuals

(c) (Larger fields have relatively)

More centre
Less edge
Less hedge
Fewer species;
Ignore removal of hedge (as given in stem).

(d) Advantage -

1. Greater (bio)diversity so increase in predators of pests

Increase in predators of pests so more yield/income/less pesticides/less
damage to crops
Increase in pollinators so more yield/income
May attract more tourists/subsidies to their farm so more income (from

Disadvantage -

2. Reduced land area for crop growth/income

Page 65 of 69
Greater (bio)diversity so increase pest population
Increase pest population so less yield/less income/(more) need for
pesticides/(more) damage to crops
Increased (interspecific) competition so less yield/income
More difficult to farm so less income;
Accept description of yield eg crop growth.
For ‘crop’ accept ‘plant’.
Accept other valid suggestions with explanation that will affect the
farm as a whole.
Examples of ‘more difficult to farm’ – can’t use large machinery,
more difficult to plough/seed/harvest.

(a) Correct answer of 4.92, 2 marks;
If N(N-1) = 3540, OR ∑n(n-1) = 720, then award 1 mark
Accept 4.916 / 4.917 / 4.9

(b) 1. A method of selecting sampling sites at random;

2. Use of quadrat;
3. Identify (plant) species (at site / in each quadrat)
Count number of (different plant) species (at site / in each quadrat);
1. E.g. grid with coordinates selected using random
number table
2. Frame or point
3. Reject refs to % cover, or counting individuals

(c) 1. Significant increase in species richness on Islay and Colonsay and

(significant) fall on Harris;
2. Change in diversity on Islay not significant;
3. Greater than 0.05 / 5% probability of getting this change / difference by
chance (on Islay)
(For other differences) less than 0.001 / 0.1% probability of getting this
change / difference by chance (for species richness on Colonsay, Harris,
Less than 0.01/1% probability of getting this change/difference by
chance (for diversity index on Colonsay, Harris);
2. Accept converse about significance of differences in
other cases
3. Reject results are due / not due to chance
3. Ignore refs to P unqualified

Page 66 of 69
(a) 1. Where dividing cells are found / mitosis occurs;
No dividing cells / mitosis in tissue further away / more than 5 mm from tip;
To get (soft) tissue that will squash;
Length that will fit under cover slip;
Accept most dividing cells

2. Single / thin layer of cells / spread out cells so light passes through (making
cells / nuclei visible);
Accept thin layer of tissue
Ignore to see cells clearly

(b) 3.57 / 3.6 / 3.7 / 3.71 / 3.8 (%);;

If the answer includes additional decimal places, award the
marks if it would round to a correct answer
There are 3 cells in anaphase
Accept for 1 mark, 101.25 / 101 (students estimate in
3.75 (difference between scientist estimate and student’s
estimate in minutes)
Ignore plus or minus signs

(c) Cytokinesis;

(d) Description;



1. Examine large number of fields of view / many cells;

Mark as pairs only
Accept large number / 20 or more for many

2. To ensure representative sample;

Accept typical / reliable

3. Repeat count;

4. To ensure figures are correct;


5. Method to deal with part cells shown at edge /count only whole cells;

6. To standardise counting;
2 max

Page 67 of 69
(e) 1. Stops anaphase / cell division / mitosis;
Accept prevents telophase / cytokinesis

2. (By) stopping / disrupting / spindle fibres forming / attaching / pulling;

Ignore affects anaphase

3. Preventing separation of (sister) chromatids;

Ignore chromosomes separate / split
Accept chromatids split

4. (So) no new cells added (to root tip);

3 max

(a) 1. Size of cotton swab;

2. Dampness of cotton swab;

3. Size of area of skin;

4. Time rubbed on skin;

5. Part of the body / skin sampled;

6. Volume of agar / nutrient concentration of agar;

7. Incubation time;

8. Incubation temperature;
3 max

(b) 99.8;


57 271;
1 mark for writing out correct calculation: (401.6 – 0.7)/401.6
× 100 OR (401.6 – 0.7)/0.7 x 100
1 mark max for incorrect rounding
Accept answers to any number of significant figures as long
as rounding is correct

(c) 1. Spread here greater above the mean than below;

2. Some / many Petri dishes had no colonies;

Accept idea that data are not normally distributed / is
1 max

(d) 1. Treatment C / treatment normally used at the time;

2. (Because) using untreated / soap and water / treatment

A / treatment B would have too great a risk of infection;

Page 68 of 69
Accept C has least / lower risk of infection
Accept description of ‘infection’

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