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IR Sample Questions for ESE

Q. Module - 1 CO Bt M
1 Give any two advantages of using artificial intelligence in information retrieval tasks. U 2

2 Write objectives of the information retrieval system. U 2

3 Define Information Retrieval U 2

4 List the issues in the information retrieval system. U 2

5 What is the Retrieval process? U 2

6 Differentiate information and data retrieval. U 2

7 List 5 differences between data retrieval and information retrieval? U 4

8 Define precision and recall with examples. U 4

9 Explain the objectives of the IR system. U 4

10 Define precision and recall and explain the relation between measure and user overhead. U 4
Information Systems can be measured with two metrics: precision and recall. When a user decides to search
for information on a topic, the total database and the results to be obtained can be divided into 4 categories:
• Relevant and Retrieved
• Relevant and Not Retrieved
• Non-Relevant and Retrieved
• Non-Relevant and Not Retrieved
• Relevant items are those documents that help the user in answering his question. Non-Relevant
items are items that don’t provide actually useful information. For each item there are two
possibilities it can be retrieved or not retrieved by the user’s query.
• Precision is defined as the ratio of the number of relevant and retrieved documents(number of items
retrieved that are actually useful to the user and match his search need) to the number of total
retrieved documents from the query.
• Precision= Number of Relevant Documents Retrieved / Total Number of Documents Retrieved
• Example: Suppose a search engine returns 10 documents for a query, and upon manual
inspection, 7 of them are relevant to the user's information needs. The precision in this case
would be 7 / 10 = 0.7 or 70%.
• Precision measures one aspect of information retrieval overhead for a user associated with a
particular search. If a search has 85 percent precision then 15(100-85) percent of user effort is
overhead reviewing non-relevant items.
• Recall is defined as ratio of the number of retrieved and relevant documents(the number of items
retrieved that are relevant to the user and match his needs) to the number of possible relevant
documents(number of relevant documents in the database).
• Recall= Number of Relevant Documents Retrieved / Total Number of Relevant Documents
• Example: Consider a collection of 20 relevant documents. If a search engine retrieves 12 of these
documents in response to a query, the recall would be 12 / 20 = 0.6 or 60%.
• Recall is a very useful concept but due to the denominator is non-calculable in operational systems. If
the system is made known the total set of relevant items in the database, recall can be made
• Precision and User Overhead:
• Precision is inversely related to user overhead. As precision increases, the number of irrelevant
documents in the results decreases, making it more likely that the user will find the information
they need without having to sift through a large number of irrelevant documents. This reduction
in irrelevant documents decreases the user overhead.
• Recall and User Overhead:
• Recall is also related to user overhead. A system with high recall aims to retrieve a larger
portion of relevant documents. However, this may result in a higher number of total retrieved
documents, leading to an increase in user overhead as the user needs to navigate through more
results to find the relevant information.

11 Explain Information versus Data Retrieval in detail. U 4

12 List and discuss components of the information system. U 4

13 List and discuss types of information systems. U 4
14 Draw and explain a Typical IR system. U 8

15 State hierarchy of information system with suitable example. U 8

16 Explain Logical view of a document with a suitable diagram. U 8


17 Explain the Retrieval Process with a diagram. U 8

18 Explain Information System and its components. U 8

19 Explain basic concepts of the Information Retrieval. U 8

Q. Module - 2 CO2 M
1 List few Information Retrieval Models U 2

2 What is the taxonomy of information retrieval models? U 2

3 What are adhoc and filtering retrieval models in information retrieval? U 2

4 What are the formal characteristics of information retrieval models? U 2

5 What are the main differences between the Boolean model and the Vector Space Model in set-theoretic information U 2

6 What are the formal characteristics of information retrieval models? U 2

7 What is most likely to be the type of filtering technique applied? U 4

8 Explain Structured Text retrieval Model U 4

9 Compare and contrast between boolean model and Vector Model. U 4

Explain Boolean Model. State its advantages and disadvantages.

10 Explain Vector Model. State its advantages and disadvantages. U 4
11 Draw and explain the taxonomy of information retrieval models. U 4
12 Elaborate on types of browser models. U 8
13 Explain all Browsing models with suitable example U 8
14 Explain the process of Structured text retrieval model U 8
15 Explain a fuzzy model with suitable examples. U 8

16 Differentiate between Flat browsing and Hypertext browsing model U 8

17 Find the similarity and rank of the following query with Documents D1, D2, D3 by using tf-idf based vector model. A 8
D1: “Shipment of gold damaged in a fire” P
D2: “Delivery of silver arrived in a silver truck” D3: “Shipment of gold arrived in a truck” Query: “gold silver truck”

18 Find the similarity and rank of the following query with Documents D1, D2, D3 by using tf-idf based vector model. A 8
D1: “Shipment of gold damaged in a fire” P
D2: “Delivery of silver arrived in a silver truck” D3: “Shipment of gold arrived in a truck” Query: “gold silver truck

19 Explain Extended boolean model with advantages and disadvantages U 8

20 Explain a fuzzy model with suitable examples. U 8

Q. Module - 3 CO3

1 How does keyword-based querying differ from traditional SQL querying? U 2

2 What is pattern matching in query languages and how is it used in IR? U 2

3 Explain the concept of a regular expression in pattern matching. U 2

4 Define Query Protocols in information retrieval. U 2

5 What are the advantages of using a standardized query protocol? U 2

6 Explain the role of query expansion in query protocols. U 2

7 How are structural queries different from content-based queries? U 2

8 What is a structure query? Explain different types of structure query. U 4

9 What is a Keyword based Query? Explain different type of Keyword based Query query. U 4
10 What is automatic global analysis in query operations? U 4

11 Which are the possible operators for Boolean query? U 4

12 What is the Z39.50 protocol? Explain its Benefits. U 4

13 What would the revised query vector be after relevance feedback? Apply Rocchio relevance feedback algorithm. A 8
Given: P
● Initial query = "cheap CDs cheap DVDs extremely cheap CDs".
● d1="CDs cheap software cheap CDs" is judged as relevant.
● d2 = "cheap thrills DVDs" is judged as nonrelevant.
Assume that we are using direct term frequency (with no scaling and no document frequency). There is no need to length-
normalize vectors. Assume α = 1, β = 0.75, γ
= 0.25.

14 What is user relevance feedback in query operations? Explain its types in detail. U 8

15 Explain Rocchio relevance feedback algorithm with suitable examples. U 8

16 Draw and explain Pseudo Feedback Architecture in detail. U 8

17 Write a short note on Thesaurus. U 8

Q. Module - 4 CO4 M

1 List some commonly used text compression algorithms. U 2

Commonly Used Text Compression Algorithms:
• Run-Length Encoding (RLE)
• Huffman Coding
• Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW)
• Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT)
• Arithmetic Coding
• Delta Encoding
• LZ77 and LZ78 variants
• Deflate (used in gzip and zlib)
• Brotli
• LZ4

2 What are the advantages and disadvantages of using text compression in document processing? U 2
• Advantages:
• Reduced storage space requirements
• Faster data transmission over networks
• Improved performance in document retrieval and processing
• Lower costs associated with storage and transmission.
• Disadvantages:
• Computational overhead during compression and decompression
• Loss of some information in lossy compression algorithms
• Complexity in implementation and compatibility issues
• Limited compression for already compressed or encrypted data
3 What is tokenization, and why is it important in document processing? U 2
• Definition: Tokenization is the process of breaking a text into individual units, typically
words or phrases, known as tokens.
• Importance:
• Enables analysis of the structure and meaning of the text.
• Facilitates tasks such as text search, information retrieval, and natural language
• Forms the basis for creating a bag-of-words representation of a document.

4 Explain the purpose of stop word removal in document preprocessing. U 2

5 How does stemming help in document preprocessing? U 2

6 Name some common techniques used in document preprocessing. U 2

• Tokenization
• Stop word removal.
• Stemming
• Lowercasing
• Spell checking and correction.
• Removal of special characters and punctuation
• Lemmatization
• Part-of-speech tagging

7 What is metadata? Why is it important in the context of text and multimedia? U 2

• Definition: Metadata is descriptive information about data, providing details such as the
origin, format, authorship, and context of the data.
• Importance:
• Facilitates efficient organization and retrieval of information.
• Enhances search capabilities by providing additional context.
• Supports data management, version control, and quality assurance.

Essential for understanding and interpreting textual and multimedia content.

8 Name and describe three commonly used markup languages in the context of text and multimedia. U 2

9 Write a short note on Thesaurus. U 4

A thesaurus is a reference work that lists words and their synonyms and antonyms. Synonyms are words that
have the same or nearly the same meaning, while antonyms are words that have opposite meanings.

Thesauruses are used to find words that are more precise, expressive, or appropriate for a
particular context. For example, if you are writing a formal essay, you might want to use a
thesaurus to find more sophisticated synonyms for common words like "good" or "bad." Or, if you
are writing a creative story, you might want to use a thesaurus to find more vivid and descriptive
words to describe your characters and setting.
Thesauruses can also be used to learn new words and improve your vocabulary. By exploring the
synonyms and antonyms of a word, you can gain a deeper understanding of its meaning and

Some popular thesauruses include:

• Merriam-Webster Thesaurus
• Roget's Thesaurus
• Oxford Thesaurus
• Synonym Finder

Thesauruses can be used in a variety of ways, such as:

• To improve the accuracy and precision of your writing
• To make your writing more expressive and engaging
• To learn new words and improve your vocabulary
• To help you understand the meaning of words in context

Here are some examples of how to use a thesaurus in a sentence:

• The thesaurus helped me find a more precise synonym for the word "big."
• I used the thesaurus to find a more vivid and descriptive word to describethe sunset.
• I consulted the thesaurus to learn the antonym of the word "happy."
• The thesaurus is a valuable tool for writers of all levels.

Overall, a thesaurus is a versatile and useful tool for anyone who wants to improve their
writing or learn new words.

10 Explain Re-Pair method with its advantages and disadvantages U 4

The Re-Pair method is a text summarization technique that was developed by researchers at the
University of Maryland. It is a hybrid approach that combines extractive and abstractive
summarization techniques.
The Re-Pair method works as follows:

• Extractive summarization: The Re-Pair method first extracts a set of candidate sentences from the
input text. This is done using a variety of features, such as sentence centrality, sentence length, and
sentence salience.
• Abstractive summarization: The Re-Pair method then uses an abstractive summarization technique to
generate a summary from the candidate sentences. This involves reordering the sentences, combining
them, and paraphrasing them.
The Re-Pair method has several advantages over other text summarization techniques:

• Accuracy: The Re-Pair method is more accurate than traditional extractive summarization
techniques, as it is able to generate summaries that are more coherent and informative.
• Fluency: The Re-Pair method is also able to generate more fluent summaries than traditional
extractive summarization techniques.
• Flexibility: The Re-Pair method is flexible and can be used to generate summaries of different
lengths and styles.
However, the Re-Pair method also has some disadvantages:

• Complexity: The Re-Pair method is more complex to implement than traditional extractive
summarization techniques.
• Computational cost: The Re-Pair method is more computationally expensive than traditional
extractive summarization techniques.
Overall, the Re-Pair method is a powerful text summarization technique that can generate
accurate, fluent, and flexible summaries. However, it is more complex and computationally
expensive than traditional extractive summarization techniques.

Here are some examples of how the Re-Pair method can be used:

• To generate summaries of news articles, blog posts, and research papers.

• To generate summaries of customer reviews and product descriptions.
• To generate summaries of legal documents and contracts.
• To generate summaries of medical records and research findings.

The Re-Pair method is a promising new text summarization technique with a wide range of
potential applications.
11 Elaborate on documents formats for Text, Image, Audio and Video.. U 4
Document Formats for Text, Image, Audio, and Video


• Plain Text (TXT): The simplest text document format, consisting only of unformatted text
characters. TXT files are compatible with all text editors and operating systems.
• Rich Text Format (RTF): A text document format that supports basic formatting, such as bold,
italic, underline, and font changes. RTF files are compatible with most text editors and operating
• Microsoft Word (DOCX): A proprietary text document format developed by Microsoft. DOCX
files are compatible with Microsoft Word and other word processing software applications.
DOCX files can store a wide variety of formatting information, including text, images, tables,
and shapes.
• Portable Document Format (PDF): A cross-platform document format developed by Adobe. PDF
files are compatible with a wide variety of software applications and devices. PDF files can store
text, images, tables, and shapes. PDF files can also be password protected and encrypted.
• Web Hypertext Markup Language (HTML): A markup language used to create web pages.
HTML files contain text and markup tags. Markup tags are used to format the text and to add
links and other interactive elements to the web page. HTML files can be viewed in any web
Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG): A lossy image compression format that is commonly
used for digital photos and web images. JPEG files can store a wide range of colors and can be
compressed to small file sizes.
• Graphics Interchange Format (GIF): A lossless image compression format that is commonly
used for web graphics and animations. GIF files can store up to 256 colors and support
• Portable Network Graphics (PNG): A lossless image compression format that is commonly used
for web graphics and icons. PNG files can store up to 16 million colors and support transparency.
• Tagged Image File Format (TIFF): A lossless image format that is commonly used for
professional photography and graphics design. TIFF files can store a wide range of colors and
can be saved with no compression.


• Waveform Audio File Format (WAV): A lossless audio format that is commonly used for
recording and editing audio. WAV files can store a wide range of audio bitrates and sample rates.
• MP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3): A lossy audio compression format that is commonly used for
digital music. MP3 files can be compressed to small file sizes while maintaining good audio
• AAC (Advanced Audio Coding): A lossy audio compression format that is commonly used for
digital music and streaming audio. AAC files can be compressed to even smaller file sizes than
MP3 files while maintaining good audio quality.

• MP4 (MPEG-4 Part 14): A multimedia container format that can store video, audio, and
subtitles. MP4 files are commonly used for digital video and streaming video.
• MOV (QuickTime Movie): A multimedia container format that is developed by Apple. MOV
files can store video, audio, and other multimedia content. MOV files are commonly used for
QuickTime movies and other Apple products.
• AVI (Audio/Video Interleave): A multimedia container format that is developed by Microsoft.
AVI files can store video, audio, and other multimedia content. AVI files are commonly used for
Windows Media Player and other Microsoft products.
• WebM: A multimedia container format that is developed by Google. WebM files can store video,
audio, and subtitles. WebM files are commonly usedfor HTML5 video and streaming video.
There are a variety of document formats available for text, image, audio, and video. The best format to
use depends on the specific needs of the user. For example, if you are creating a web page, you might
want to use HTML to format your text and JPEG or GIF to format your images. If you are recording a
song, you might want to use WAV to store the audio. If you are creating a video, you might want to use
MP4 or MOV to store the video.
12 Compare any 5 Text Comparison Techniques U 4

Technique Description Advantages Disadvantages

Edit This technique compares Simple to Not very accuratefor
distance two strings by calculating implement and detecting semantic
the number of edit efficient. similarity.
operations (insertions,
deletions, and
substitutions) required to
transform one string
into the other.

N-gram This technique More accurate than Not very efficientfor large
overlap compares two stringsby edit distancefor strings.
calculating the number detecting semantic
of n-grams similarity.
(subsequences of n
characters) that they

Jaccard This technique compares More accurate than Not very efficientfor large
similarity two sets of elements by edit distanceand n- sets.
calculatingthe ratio of the gram overlap for
number of elements that detecting
share to the number of
elements in the union semantic
of the two sets. similarity.
Cosine This technique compares More accurate than Not as efficient as edit
similarity two vectorsby edit distance,n-gram distance and n-gram
calculating the cosine of overlap, and Jaccard overlap for large vectors.
the angle between them. similarity for
WordNet This technique compares More accurate Can be slow and
similarity two words bycalculating than other computationally
their semantic similarity techniques for expensive for large
using WordNet, a lexical detecting texts.
database of English words semantic
and theirrelationships. similarity,
especially for
words with

13 Elaborate on documents formats for Text. U 4

Text document formats are used to store and exchange text-based content. Therea re a variety of
different text document formats, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Some of the
most common text document formats include:

• Plain text (TXT): Plain text is the simplest text document format. It consists of only unformatted text
characters. Plain text files are compatible with all text editors and operating systems. However, plain
text files cannot store any formatting information, such as bold, italic, or underline.
• Rich Text Format (RTF): Rich Text Format (RTF) is a more advanced text document format that
supports basic formatting, such as bold, italic, underline, and font changes. RTF files are compatible
with most text editors and operating systems. However, RTF files may not be compatible with all
software applications.
Microsoft Word (DOCX): Microsoft Word (DOCX) is a proprietary text document format
developed by Microsoft. DOCX files are compatible with Microsoft Word and other word
processing software applications. DOCX files can store a wide variety of formatting
information, including text, images, tables, and shapes. However, DOCX files may not be
compatible with all software applications.
• Portable Document Format (PDF): Portable Document Format (PDF) is a cross-platform
document format developed by Adobe. PDF files are compatible with a wide variety of software
applications and devices. PDFfiles can store text, images, tables, and shapes. PDF files can also be
password protected and encrypted.
• Web Hypertext Markup Language (HTML): Web Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a
markup language used to create web pages. HTMLfiles contain text and markup tags. Markup tags are
used to format the textand to add links and other interactive elements to the web page. HTML files
can be viewed in any web browser. However, HTML files are not intended to be used for general
text document processing.
Other text document formats include:

• Markdown: Markdown is a lightweight markup language that is easy to read and write. Markdown
files can be converted to HTML, PDF, and other formats.
• LaTeX: LaTeX is a typesetting language that is used to create high-quality documents, such as
scientific papers and books. LaTeX files are typically converted to PDF for viewing and printing.
• EPUB: EPUB is an open e-book format. EPUB files are compatible with e-readers and other devices
that support e-books.

The best text document format to use depends on the specific needs of the user. For example,
plain text is a good choice for creating simple text documents that need to be compatible with all
software applications and operating systems. Rich Text Format is a good choice for creating text
documents with basic formatting. Microsoft Word and Portable Document Format are good choices for
creating text documents with complex formatting and images. HTML and Markdown are good choices
for creating web pages and other documents that need to be converted todifferent formats. LaTeX
is a good choice for creating high-quality documents, such as scientific papers and books. EPUB is
a good choice for creating e-books.

14 Explain Metadata and its types in detail. U 4

Metadata is data about data. It provides information about the content, format, structure, and other
characteristics of digital assets, such as documents, images, videos, and audio files. Metadata can be used to
improve the organization, discovery, and accessibility of data.

There are many different types of metadata, but they can generally be classified into three

• Descriptive metadata: This type of metadata provides information about the content of a digital asset,
such as its title, author, subject, keywords, and abstract. Descriptive metadata is used to identify and
describe digital assets, and to make them easier to find and retrieve.

• Structural metadata: This type of metadata describes the structure of a digital asset, such as its file
type, file size, and the relationships between different parts of the asset. Structural metadata is
used to manage and process digital assets, and to ensure that they are displayed or played back
• Administrative metadata: This type of metadata provides information about the management of a
digital asset, such as its creation date, modification date, and access permissions. Administrative
metadata is used to track the history of a digital asset and to ensure that it is used in a controlled

Here are some examples of metadata:

• The title, author, and publication date of a book

• The file size, resolution, and color depth of an image
• The duration, aspect ratio, and frame rate of a video
• The artist, album, and genre of a song
• The creation date, modification date, and access permissions of a file

Metadata can be stored in various formats, such as text, XML, or RDF. It can alsobe embedded in
the digital asset itself, or stored in a separate file.

Metadata is used in a wide variety of applications, including:

• Digital libraries: Metadata is used to organize and catalog digital collections in digital libraries. This
makes it easier for users to find and retrieve the information they need.
• Search engines: Metadata is used by search engines to index and rank web pages and other digital
assets. This helps users to find relevant information when they search for keywords or phrases.
• Content management systems: Metadata is used by content management systems to manage digital
assets, such as images, videos, and documents. This includes tasks such as organizing assets into
folders, tagging them with keywords, and tracking their version history.
• Digital preservation: Metadata is used to preserve digital assets over time. This includes information
about the asset's format, structure, and content.

Metadata is an essential part of the modern digital world. It helps to organize, discover, and
manage digital assets, and to ensure that they are used in a controlled manner.

15 Describe Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) with suitable example. U 8

16 Describe types of Compression Methods with suitable examples. U 8

17 Explain with example Document Pre-processing in detail. U 8

Same as 1st chp – Logical view of document
18 Describe Text properties in detail. U 8
19 Illustrate with notes on,(i) Indexing. (ii) Mark-up languages. (iii) Multimedia file formats? U 8
Indexing is the process of creating a searchable index of a collection of data. This
index can then be used to quickly and efficiently find specific items of data within the

How it works:

• Crawling: The indexing process begins with crawling the collection of data. This
involves visiting each item in the collection and extracting its content.
• Parsing: The crawled content is then parsed to identify the important elements, such as
keywords, titles, and descriptions.
• Indexing: The parsed elements are then added to the index. The index is a data
structure that stores the elements in a way that allows for efficient searching.
• Searching: When a user searches for an item of data, the search engine queries the
index to find all of the items that match the search query.

Benefits of indexing:

• Improved search performance: Indexing allows search engines to find relevant items
of data much faster than if they had to search the entire collection of data each time.
• More accurate search results: Indexing also helps to improve the accuracy of search
results by allowing search engines to take into account factors such as the relevance
and popularity of each item of data.
• Better user experience: Indexing provides a better user experience by allowing users to
find the information they need more quickly and easily.

Examples of indexing:

• Search engines index the web to allow users to find websites.

• Databases index their data to allow users to find specific records.
• File systems index files to allow users to find them quickly.
Mark-up languages
Mark-up languages are used to add structure and meaning to text. They do this by using
special tags to identify different parts of the text, such as headings, paragraphs, lists, and

How they work:

Mark-up languages are typically used in conjunction with other file formats, such as HTML
and XML. HTML is used to create web pages, while XML is used to store and exchange
To create a mark-up language document, the author simply inserts special tags into the
text. The tags are enclosed in angle brackets (< >), and they typically have a start tag and
an end tag. For example, the following tag would indicate the start of a heading:

<h1>This is a heading</h1>
The end tag would simply be the same tag name with a forward slash at the beginning:

When a mark-up language document is displayed or processed, the tags are interpreted by
the software application to determine how the text should be displayed or handled. For
example, a web browser would interpret the <h1> tag above to display the text in a large,
bold font.

Benefits of mark-up languages:

• Improved readability: Mark-up languages can make text more readable and easier
to understand by adding structure and meaning.
• Flexibility: Mark-up languages are very flexible and can be used to create a wide
variety of documents, such as web pages, books, and technical manuals.
• Interoperability: Mark-up language documents are typically interoperable, meaning
that they can be opened and displayed by different software applications.

Examples of mark-up languages:

• HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
• XML (Extensible Markup Language)
• SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language)
• Markdown
• JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
Multimedia file formats
Multimedia file formats are used to store and exchange digital audio, video, and image

How they work:

Multimedia file formats typically use a compression algorithm to reduce the size of the file.
This makes it possible to store and transmit multimedia files more efficiently.

Types of multimedia file formats:

• Audio: MP3, WAV, FLAC, AAC

• Video: MP4, AVI, MOV, MPEG

Benefits of multimedia file formats:

• Efficient storage and transmission: Multimedia file formats use compression to reduce
the size of files, which makes it possible to store and transmit them more efficiently.
• Wide compatibility: Multimedia file formats are widely compatible with different
software applications and devices.
• High quality: Multimedia file formats can support high-quality audio, video, and

Examples of multimedia file formats:

• MP3 (audio file format)

• MP4 (video file format)
• JPEG (image file format)
• PNG (image file format)
• GIF (image file format)
• TIFF (image file format)

20 Explain Ziv-Lempel methods with suitable example U 8

Module - 5 CO5 Ma
1 List the challenges of searching for information on the web. U 2

2 How Search Engine Works? Explain. An 2

3 Define Indexing and searching. U 2

4 Differentiate between Information Retrieval and Web Search. U 2

5 How does a meta search engine work? U 2

6 What does "finding a needle in a haystack" mean? U 2

7 Explain a Generic Multimedia Indexing Approach in detail. U 4

A Generic Multimedia Indexing Approach (GEMINI) is a method for indexing multimedia objects,
such as images, videos, and audio, so that they can be efficiently retrieved and searched. GEMINI
works by extracting features from the multimedia objects and then using these features to index and
search the objects.

Steps involved in GEMINI

• Feature Extraction: The first step in GEMINI is to extract features from the multimedia objects.
Features are characteristics of the multimedia objects that can be used to distinguish them from other
objects. For example, features for images might include color histograms, texture features, and shape
features. Features for audio might include pitch, tempo, and timbre .Features for video might include
motion patterns and object recognition.
• Feature Weighting: Once the features have been extracted, they need to be weighted. The weights of
the features determine their importance in the indexing and search process. Features that are more
important should be given higher weights.
• Distance Function: The next step is to define a distance function. The distance function measures
the similarity between two multimedia objects. Objects that are more similar will have a smaller
distance between them.
• Indexing: The final step is to index the multimedia objects. To do this, each object is represented by a
point in a feature space. The feature space is a multi-dimensional space, where each dimension
represents a different feature.
• Retrieval: To retrieve multimedia objects, the user provides a query object. The query object is also
represented as a point in the feature space. The system then finds the objects that are most similar to
the query object by finding the objects that have the smallest distance to the query object.

Advantages of GEMINI

• Generic: GEMINI is a generic approach that can be used to index and search any type of multimedia
• Efficient: GEMINI is an efficient approach that can index and search large collections of multimedia
objects quickly.
• Scalable: GEMINI is a scalable approach that can be used to index and search multimedia objects on
a variety of devices, from small mobile devices to large servers.

Disadvantages of GEMINI

• Accuracy: The accuracy of GEMINI depends on the features that are extracted and the distance
function that is used.
• Complexity: GEMINI is a complex approach that requires expertise in feature extraction and
distance function design.
Applications of GEMINI

GEMINI can be used in a variety of applications, including:

Image retrieval: GEMINI can be used to index and search image databases.
Video retrieval: GEMINI can be used to index and search video databases.
Audio retrieval: GEMINI can be used to index and search audio databases.
Content-based multimedia indexing and retrieval (CBMIR): GEMINI can be used to index and search
multimedia objects based on their content, rather than their metadata.

GEMINI is a powerful and generic approach to indexing and searching multimedia objects. It is an
efficient and scalable approach that can be used in a variety of applications.

Example of GEMINI

• Imagine that you have a database of images of different animals. You want to be able to search the
database to find images of a specific animal, such as a cat.
• To do this, you could use GEMINI to extract features from the images, such as color histograms, texture
features, and shape features. You could then use these features to index the images.
• When you want to search for images of cats, you could provide the system with a query image of a
cat. The system would then find the images in the database that are most similar to the query image.
• GEMINI is a powerful tool that can be used to index and search multimedia objects based on their

8 Describe the BWT algorithm and Build the Burrows-Wheeler Transform of ‘mississippi$’. AP 4
9 In what way is the signature approach advantageous over other text retrieval methods? U 4
The signature approach is advantageous over other text retrieval methods in the following

• Efficiency: Signature files are very efficient at retrieving documents from a large database. This is
because signature files only need to compare a small number of bits from each document to the query
signature. Other text retrieval methods, such as inverted files, may need to compare the entire query to
each document in the database.
Scalability: Signature files are very scalable, meaning that they can be used to retrieve documents from
very large databases. Other text retrieval methods, such as inverted files, may become inefficient
when used to search very large databases.
• Robustness: Signature files are very robust to errors in the text. This means /that signature files can still
retrieve relevant documents even if the query text contains errors. Other text retrieval methods may be
less robust to errors in the text.
Here is a table that compares the signature approach to other text retrieval methods:

Method Efficiency Scalability Robustness

Signature files Very efficient Very scalable Very robust
Inverted files Less efficient Less scalable Less robust
Full-text search Least efficient Least scalable Least robust

The signature approach is particularly well-suited for applications where efficiency, scalability, and
robustness are important. For example, the signature approach is used in many search engines to
index and retrieve documents from the web.

Here are some specific examples of how the signature approach is used in practice:

• Google: Google uses a signature-based approach to index the web. This allows Google to search the
web very quickly and efficiently.
• Antivirus software: Antivirus software uses signature files to detect viruses and other malware. This
allows antivirus software to protect computers from known threats.
• Spam filters: Spam filters use signature files to detect spam emails. This allows spam filters to protect
users from unwanted emails.

Overall, the signature approach is a very effective way to retrieve documents from a large database. It
is efficient, scalable, and robust to errors in the text.
10 What are signature files? Explain in detail. U 4
A signature file is a small file that contains a unique pattern of characters that can be used to identify a file type or
to detect the presence of a virus or other malware. Signature files are used in a variety of applications, including:

• File type identification: Signature files can be used to identify the type of a file, such as a text file, image
file, or audio file. This is done by comparing the first few bytes of the file to a database of signature files.
• Virus detection: Signature files can be used to detect the presence of viruses and other malware. This is
done by scanning the contents of a file for known virus signatures. If a virus signature is found, the file
is flagged as infected.

Signature files are typically created using a cryptographic hash function, such as MD5 or SHA-256. A
cryptographic hash function takes a file as input and produces a unique fingerprint of the file as output. This
fingerprint is then stored in a database of signature files.
When a file is scanned for a virus or other malware, its contents are passed through a cryptographic hash
function and the resulting fingerprint is compared to the database of signature files. If the fingerprint matches
a known virus signature, the file is flagged as infected.
Signature files are a very effective way to identify file types and to detect viruses and other malware. However,
they are not perfect. Signature files can be defeatedby malware authors who develop new viruses and other
malware that are not yet included in the database of signature files.

Advantages of signature files

• Signature files are very efficient. They can be used to scan large files quickly and easily.
• Signature files are very reliable. They can accurately identify file types and detect viruses and other
• Signature files are easy to create and maintain. Databases of signature files can be updated regularly to
include new virus signatures.

Disadvantages of signature files

• Signature files can be defeated by malware authors who develop new viruses and other malware that
are not yet included in the database of signature files.
• Signature files can generate false positives. This means that a signature file may flag a harmless file as

Overall, signature files are a very effective way to identify file types and to detectviruses and other malware.
However, it is important to use signature files in conjunction with other security measures, such as firewalls
and intrusion detection systems.
11 Explain Boyer-Moore algorithm in searching U 4
The Boyer-Moore algorithm is a string searching algorithm that was developed by Robert S. Boyer and J.
Strother Moore in 1977. It is a relatively new algorithm, but it is quickly gaining popularity because it is very
efficient, especially for searching for long patterns in large texts.
The Boyer-Moore algorithm works by comparing the pattern to the text from right to left. It uses two heuristics to
skip over sections of the text that are unlikely to contain the pattern:

• Bad character heuristic: This heuristic skips over sections of the text that contain characters that are not
present in the pattern.
• Good suffix heuristic: This heuristic skips over sections of the text that contain suffixes of the pattern.

The Boyer-Moore algorithm is very efficient because it avoids unnecessary comparisons between the pattern
and the text. It is especially efficient for searching for long patterns in large texts because it can skip over large
sections of the text without having to compare the pattern to each character.

Here is an example of how the Boyer-Moore algorithm works:

Pattern: "ABCA"

• The Boyer-Moore algorithm would start by comparing the rightmost character of the pattern to the
rightmost character of the text. If the characters match, the algorithm would move the pattern one
character to the left. If the characters do not match, the algorithm would use the bad character heuristic
to skip over sections of the text that contain the non- matching character.
• In this example, the rightmost characters of the pattern and the text match, so the algorithm would
move the pattern one character to the left. The next two characters of the pattern and the text also
match, so the algorithm would move the pattern one character to the left again.
• Now, the fourth character of the pattern is "C" and the fourth character of the text is "A". The
algorithm would compare the "C" in the pattern to the "A" in the text. Since these characters do not
match, the algorithm would use the good suffix heuristic to skip over sections of the text that contain
suffixes of the pattern.
• The good suffix heuristic would tell the algorithm to skip over the entire text, because the text does not
contain any suffixes of the pattern. Therefore, the algorithm would report that the pattern is not found
in the text.
• The Boyer-Moore algorithm is a very efficient string searching algorithm. It is especially efficient for
searching for long patterns in large texts. It is used in a variety of applications, such as text editors,
search engines, and compilers.

12 Explain cross-talk problem with example. U 4

13 What are Suffix Trees and Suffix Arrays? Explain with appropriate examples. U 8
14 Find the pattern “abca” from the Text: “bacabcabca” by using Brute Force Approach with stepwise AP 8
explanation and write the Worst Case Complexity and Average Case Complexity.

15 Explain a Generic Multimedia Indexing Approach for the Two dimensional color images in detail. U 8

16 Create a signature file of the following text by using hash functions . AP 8

Hash Functions:

Search the following patterns in the signature file.

a. text b. words c. many d. text has many

17 Describe Search Engines in detail. U 8

A search engine is a software system that finds websites and other internet resources that match a user's search
query. Search engines are one of the most important tools on the internet, as they allow users to find the
information they need quickly and easily.

How search engines work

• Search engines work by crawling the web and indexing the content of each website they find. The
crawling process involves following links from one website to another until the search engine has
discovered as many websites as possible. The indexing process involves storing the content of each
website in a database so that the search engine can quickly search through it when a user enters a
• When a user enters a query into a search engine, the search engine searches its index for websites that
match the query. The search engine then ranks the results and displays them to the user. The ranking
algorithm is designed to return the most relevant results first.
Types of search engines

There are two main types of search engines: general search engines and vertical search engines. General search
engines index the entire web, while vertical search engines focus on a specific topic or industry.

Some of the most popular general search engines include:

• Google
• Bing
• Yahoo!
• Baidu
• Yandex
Some of the most popular vertical search engines include:

• DuckDuckGo (privacy-focused)
• Startpage (privacy-focused)
• Ecosia (environment-friendly)
• Qwant (privacy-focused)
• Wolfram Alpha (computational knowledge engine)

How to use search engines effectively

When using a search engine, it is important to use specific and relevant keywords in your query. You can also
use advanced search features, such as Boolean operators and filters, to narrow down your results.

Here are some tips for using search engines effectively:

• Use specific and relevant keywords in your query.

• Use Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to combine keywords.
• Use filters to narrow down your results (e.g., by language, date, file type).
• Use quotation marks to search for exact phrases.
• Use the site: operator to search for websites within a specific domain.
• Use the related: operator to find websites that are similar to a specificwebsite.
Search engines are one of the most important tools on the internet, as they allow users to find the information
they need quickly and easily. By understanding how search engines work and how to use them effectively, you
can improve your ability to find the information you need.

18 Explain the various text searching algorithms? U 8

19 Create a signature file of the following text by using hash functions . AP 8

Hash Functions:

Search the following patterns in the signature file.

a. made b. many c. made from letters d. letters
20 Identify the pattern “gcgcta” from the Text: “agcgcgcgcta” by using Knuth-Morris-Pratt(KMP) Algorithm AP 8
with stepwise explanation and write its time Complexity
A generic multimedia indexing approach for two-dimensional color images involves organizing and
representing visual data in a way that facilitates efficient retrieval of relevant information. This process
is crucial for tasks such as image search, content-based image retrieval (CBIR), and multimedia data
management. Here's an overview of a typical approach for indexing two-dimensional color images in
the context of informational retrieval:

1. Image Representation:
• Color Space: Convert the images into an appropriate color space, such as RGB (Red,
Green, Blue) or HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value). The choice of color space depends on the
application requirements and the nature of the images.
• Feature Extraction: Extract relevant features from the images. Common features for
color images include color histograms, texture features, and shape features. These
features capture important characteristics of the visual content and form the basis for
2. Indexing Techniques:
• Quantization: Reduce the dimensionality of the feature space by quantizing the
extracted features. This step involves grouping similar features together, which helps in
reducing the computational complexity and facilitates faster retrieval.
• Codebook Generation: Create a codebook or dictionary that represents the visual
vocabulary of the images. This involves clustering similar feature vectors into a set of
visual words. Each image is then represented by a histogram of visual words.
• Inverted Indexing: Build an inverted index that maps visual words to the images
containing them. This allows for efficient retrieval by quickly identifying images that
share common visual features.
3. Similarity Measurement:
• Distance Metrics: Define distance metrics to measure the similarity between feature
vectors or histograms. Common metrics include Euclidean distance, Manhattan distance,
or cosine similarity. The choice of metric depends on the nature of the features and the
desired similarity measure.
• Relevance Ranking: Rank the retrieved images based on their similarity to the query
image. This step ensures that the most relevant images are presented first during
4. Query Processing:
• User Query: Process user queries, which may include example images or specific visual
characteristics. Extract features from the query and use the indexing structure to
efficiently retrieve images that match the query.
• Feedback Mechanisms: Incorporate user feedback to improve the relevance of search
results. This can involve iterative refinement of the query based on user preferences and
5. Performance Optimization:
• Index Pruning: Optimize the index structure by pruning irrelevant features or visual
words. This helps in reducing storage requirements and accelerates retrieval.
• Parallel Processing: Leverage parallel processing techniques to enhance the speed of
retrieval, especially in large-scale multimedia databases.
6. Evaluation:
• Performance Metrics: Assess the effectiveness of the indexing approach using metrics
such as precision, recall, and F1-score. These metrics measure the accuracy and
completeness of the retrieval results.
• User Satisfaction: Consider user feedback and satisfaction to evaluate the practical
usability of the system.

In summary, a generic multimedia indexing approach for two-dimensional color images involves
preprocessing, feature extraction, indexing, similarity measurement, query processing, performance
optimization, and evaluation. The effectiveness of such an approach depends on the careful design of
each component and the consideration of application-specific requirements.

22 Explain a Generic Multimedia Indexing Approach for One- dimensional time series in detail. U 8

Q. Module - 6 CO6

1 What is the Role of Visualization? U 2

2 List some important differences can contribute to acceptance or rejection of interface techniques. U 2
3 What are the approches of Information access process? U 2

4 Describe any five Design principles for effective human-computer interface? U 4

5 What is the Information access process? U 4
6 Explain Non-Search Parts of the Information Access Process. U 4

7 Elaborate on types of starting points. U 4

8 What are the main interactive information visualization techniques? U 2

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