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Nama : Cut Aida Ella Fadliaty

NIM : 2281131437

Semester/Prodi : 2 (Dua)/S1 PJJ PAI

Dosen Pengampu : Bapak Hendi Hidayat

Kode/Mata Kuliah : Keterampilan Bahasa Inggris 2


1. 4.

(A) Baking some pies (A) A florist

(B) Climbing some trees (B) A barber

(C) Having some dessert (C) A chef

(D) Picking some apples (D) A gardener

2. 5.

(A) There are thirty questions on the test. (A) She failed the test.

(B) About a half hour remains. (B) She's not exactly sure about the exam.

(C) The test will begin soon. (C) Her statistics were quite exact.

(D) Thirty students are taking the test. (D) She received a passive a passive grade.

3. 6.

(A) She agrees with the man. (A) In a fast-food restaurant

(B) They should visit their friend. (B) In a grocery store

(C) It would be a good idea to play billiards. (C) In an airport

(D) The bills have already been paid. (D) In a service station

(A) Going down to the bottom of the lake

(B) Swimming in the lake

(C) Riding a boat across the lake

(D) Taking a picture of the beautiful lake


(A) He asked a number of questions.

(B) He felt that the expression was true.

(C) He is an honorable man.

(D) He said what he really felt.


(A) He would like a cold drink, too.

(B) The woman should repeat what she said.

(C) He doesn't like the taste of the drink.

(D) It's too cold to stop for a drink.


(A) He wants to have some water.

(B) The grass is quite dry.

(C) He's waiting for the loan to be approved.

(D) He's going to mow the lawn this week.

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