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We want to develop a Chitral Sports Complex Management System, where all the data related to
employees, Players are kept centralized and produced to management on demand. All the requisite reports
are electronically.

Tools used:
Oracle 11g Database.
Oracle 10g forms builder
1. Forms Builder.
2. Report Builder
3. Developer for interface design
4. Report Converter
5. SQL/SQL Plus
6. Adopted Photoshop.
MS Paint
MS Word for documentation
Operating system: Windows 8.1

Project Title: Chitral Sports Complex Management System
Undertaken By: Zahir Shah and Syed Adnan Shah
Supervised By: Sir Mir Salam
Starting Month: September 2018
Ending Month: November 2018

We dedicate our project to our beloved parents who provide us support for surviving
In this world with confidence after almighty Allah.
What we are right now, we could never
Be without the love, care and guidance of our parents.
At this moment of time we are very grateful to our entire faculty especially Mr. Mir Salam
Whose teaching, training and guidance helped us gain a lot of knowledge?
Our heartiest gratitude to all the family members and friends who offered us their
Enlightened encouragement and help.

The whole praise is to almighty Allah, the creator of the universe, who made us the super
Creatures, blessed us with knowledge and enabled us to accomplish this work. We feel great
Pleasure in expressing our deepest appreciation and heartiest gratitude to my supervisor, Sir
Mir Salam for his guidance during all the phases of this project. For his invaluable assistance
Checking the detail of the material presented in the report and giving us the vital instruction
In this regard, we wish to extend the special thanks to him, had he not render his valuable
Technical help and adequate guidance at the most appropriate occasions it would have been
Very difficult for us to achieve this end. We are thankful to Sir Mir Salam their assistance and
Support. We would not be able to complete so nicely and accurately our project without any of
These. At the end we are honored to thank once again Sir Mir Salam.

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