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New York Intuitive Tarot Classes – Elizabeth Palladino (epalladino@yahoo.

com) Contact for information or for a reading

Reading for Others: Do’s, Don’ts, Ethics, and Laws

©2014, Elizabeth Palladino

1. Develop your own style of reading and don’t allow other people, even professional Tarot readers,
to tell you that your style is wrong or out of accord, in some way, with the proper way to read Tarot.

2. While the above is true, it is also wise to consult with other Tarot readers and books on Tarot to learn what is
considered the best practices and use these to make your own unique style the best it can be.

3. Try as much as possible to remain objective when reading for others. Remember the reading is about their
experiences, attitudes and beliefs and not about your own. When your client’s attitudes and beliefs differ
significantly from your own, remember that the cards are addressing their lives and try as much as possible not
to project your own emotions and issues into the reading.

4. Learn to trust yourself and your interpretations. Don’t automatically assume that the first idea that pops into
your head about a particular card in a reading is wrong if you don’t recall seeing this as a “correct”
interpretation for that card. Such self-criticism is one of the biggest deterrents to confidence as a reader.

5. Remember that reading Tarot is first about the cards and the direct messages you get from them. Avoid relying
on memorizing meanings from books, Tarot websites, or Tarot classes. Even if you have a great memory,
which some of us don’t, your interpretations will be limited to these sources.

6. It is also important to remember that correct card interpretation connects to the context of the situation at hand
and the life of the person you’re reading for. Don’t hesitate to ask questions of your client in order to clarify the
insights you are receiving. If you can demonstrate that you are asking these questions based on what you are
seeing in the cards, you can avoid appearing to “pump” your client for information.

7. You should also ask questions to check that your insights and interpretations accord with what your client
is experiencing. If you don’t check with your client, your interpretations, no matter how good they may seem,
may not be accurate. While it is true that some clients may disagree with your interpretation to avoid facing
troublesome issues, it is the better part of wisdom to accept when they don’t agree with your interpretations.
You may very well find that if you just move on to something else in the reading, your client may go back to the
previous point of disagreement and admit that there was some truth in your interpretation.

8. Develop a personal code of ethics if you plan to read for the public. Even though there is no overall governing
organization for Tarot card readers, developing a code of ethics will help assure your clients that you are
trustworthy and responsible. It is especially important to remember that other people will often trust you with
their most personal and private information and need to know that you will keep their information confidential.

I was certified in June 2003 as a professional Tarot reader by the American Board for Tarot Certification.
Here is a copy of my own code of ethics below:

For entertainment purposes only. No one under the age of 18 will be accepted.

No medical, legal, or financial advice will be given. Consult the appropriate experts for these matters.

I do not do fortune telling or guarantee that I can predict the future.

I cannot take any responsibility for actions that you might take based on a reading.
I reserve the right to refrain from answering any questions that I deem unethical or illegal.

I also adhere to the Code of Ethics of the American Board for Tarot Certification as outlined below.

American Board for Tarot Certification Code of Ethics:

* A Tarot reading is meant to be a positive, supportive experience.

* A Tarot reading looks at the energies that are currently surrounding the client, and at the possible outcomes if action is not
* All clients shall receive total confidentiality.
* The client will be advised to seek advice from professionals on financial, psychological, medical or legal matters.
* The client will be encouraged to make their own decisions.
* The client’s religious beliefs and spiritual path are to be respected.
* The intention of the Tarot reading is that it be for the highest good of the client. The client will receive the reader's full
attention and will be encouraged to participate in the reading process.
* The reader shall not coerce the client into making any additional purchase of any kind.
* The reader has the right to choose not to read for any prospective client if they are not comfortable doing so.

This Code of Ethics represents the minimum standards that the American Board for Tarot Certification expects of its certified
readers, committee members and Board members. All individuals are encouraged to develop their own personal Code of
Ethics, including at the minimum, the above standards.

(Even though the American Board for Tarot Certification no longer exists, their certifications are still valid and I choose to continue to
follow their code of ethics.)

Another point of ethics is how to handle information about people not physically present during a reading.
You should always refrain from performing readings on other people without their knowledge or consent.
This also includes when a client asks for information about another person. Sometimes, a client’s life and
personal issues involve other people not physically present during the reading. Even then, the reading should
focus on your client’s relationship and reaction to these other people rather than on these other people directly.

9. Become aware of the laws in your municipality/state governing fortune telling and other psychic or
metaphysical disciplines. These laws differ from one location to another. Most states have specific regulations
for fortune telling.

From the New York State Penal Code:

§ 165.35 Fortune telling.

A person is guilty of fortune telling when, for a fee or compensation which he directly or indirectly
solicits or receives, he claims or pretends to tell fortunes, or holds himself out as being able,
by claimed or pretended use of occult powers, to answer questions or give advice on personal matters
or to exorcise, influence or affect evil spirits or curses; except that this section does not apply to a
person who engages in the aforedescribed conduct as part of a show or exhibition solely for the
purpose of entertainment or amusement.

Fortune telling is a class B misdemeanor.

Basically, in New York State, fortune telling is illegal, which is why you don’t see psychic storefront Tarot
readers calling themselves “fortune tellers” on the signs in their windows. A veritable tangle of other laws and
regulations affect Tarot reading and other psychic or metaphysical disciplines. Many of these laws connect to
fraud regulations. You may not legally represent yourself as competent to give advice on medical, legal,
psychological, business or financial matters.

This is only a preliminary overview of the issues involved in reading for other people. I prefer the more
modern term “client” to the antiquated term “querent.” The use of this term is not intended to assume
that all people reading this prefer the term “client” as a description or plan on becoming professional
Tarot card readers. I live in New York State. Check out the fortune telling laws and other regulations in
your own location that may affect you as a public Tarot reader.

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