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Confusion in a Conversation

John didn't agree to chen because he was a little cofusing. The way john say his words has
confusion to chen; he can't think clearly Also john says his words was vague.

John was also didn't expressed the message clearly. There many ways to express the message
that was been give by the speaker.

The source of the confusion in this specific conversation arises from John's choice of words—"I
couldn’t agree with you more." This idiomatic phrase in English, when understood in its literal
sense, can be contradictory to its intended meaning. The exact translation into some other
languages is misleading and can lead to misinterpretations, causing the listener to believe they
are in disagreement.

However, they both came from different places thats why it is a reason that Chen confuse to
John's words.

Chen was not good in English language because he is Chinese he can't act idiomatic
expressions clearly.

The phrase " I couldn't agree with you more " the understanding of chen was vague he didn't
know the true mean of the words john say. Also john considered Chen ideas but not all cause
others idea were confusing. Chen also was not on the right mean in his undertanding to the
phrase says by John

Simply put, the confusion arises due to the different ways in which the languages translate and
understand the phrase. The speaker, John, could have avoided such confusion by choosing a
less colloquial phrase with clearer meaning, such as "You are correct" or "I completely agree
with you".

The essay acts as a reminder to consider cultural and language differences in conversation and
promotes clear, conscious and effective communication. This is a crucial understanding to have,
given our world is rapidly globalizing and cross-cultural conversations are becoming
increasingly common. Intricacies of languages and their impact on communication is a subject
that requires further discussion and understanding

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