The Kilogram - Inertial or Gravitational Mass

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The kilogram: inertial or gravitational mass?

arXiv:2201.12136v3 [physics.class-ph] 8 Jun 2022

G Mana1,2 and S Schlamminger3

1 INRIM – Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, Torino, Italy
2 UNITO – Università di Torino, Dipartimento di Fisica, Torino, Italy
3 NIST – National Institute of Standard and Technology, 100 Bureau Drive,

Gaithersburg, MD 20899, USA


Abstract. With the redefinition of the international system of units, the value
of the Planck constant was fixed, similarly to the values of the unperturbed ground
state hyperfine transition frequency of the 133 Cs atom, speed of light in vacuum.
Theoretically and differently from the past, the kilogram is now explicitly defined
as the unit of inertial mass. Experimentally, the kilogram is realized by atom
count or the Kibble balance. We show that only the former method measures
the inertial mass without assuming the universality of free fall. Therefore, the
agreement between the two measures can be interpreted as a test of the equivalence

Submitted to: Metrologia

The kilogram: inertial or gravitational mass? 2

1. Introduction the mass of the international prototype of the kilogram,

a Pt-Ir artefact. This definition, consistent with
A constant that is never made explicit links inertial the equivalence principle, did not distinguish between
to gravitational mass of all matter and energy. The the inertial and gravitational masses. However,
inertial mass, mi , determines the force required to disseminating the kilogram by balances, we compared
accelerate an object by a given rate, mi = F/a. gravitational masses. In this sense, the quantity
The gravitational mass, mg , determines the force in that was traced back to the Pt-Ir prototype was the
Newton’s law of universal gravitation, F = Gmg Mg r2 gravitational mass.
and plays a role similar to the charge in Coulomb’s law. The 2019 redefinition of the international system
Since Newton’s unification of the Earth and of units changed this state of affairs [9]. The unit
celestial mechanics, the equivalence principle states of mass is now traced back to the stipulated values
that they are the same quantity. It implies the of the unperturbed ground state hyperfine transition
universality of free fall: in a gravitational field, frequency of the 133 Cs atom, νCs speed of light in
locally, all bodies fall with the same acceleration, vacuum, c, and Planck constant, h. Therefore, the
independently of their composition. Accepting this mass defect between the two hyperfine ground-state
principle, the constant linking the gravitational and

levels of the 133 Cs atom is exactly ∆mCs = hνCs c2 .
inertial masses must be dimensionless and can be The roots of ∆mCs are the Einstein and Planck
conveniently set equal to one. equations E = mc2 and E = hν. In special relativity,
The equivalence principle is an axiom of physics. the equality of energy and the inertial (rest) mass
Historically, the embrace of its validity led to the follows from the conservation law for the energy-
development of Newton’s theory of gravity [1], as momentum tensor [10], where gravity plays no role.
well as of its successor, General Relativity [2]. Hence, ∆mCs relates the inertial masses of the 133 Cs
Upper limits to the principle violation must be atom before and after the transition, and the kilogram
established experimentally. Suppose that, for a is now the unit of the inertial mass.
material X, the ratio of gravitational to inertial masses The object of this short communication is to
is mg (X)/mi (X) = 1 + η(X). Then, by comparing the examine how the equivalence principle underlies the
free-fall acceleration of two different materials X and practical realizations of the kilogram via counting
Y , the statement atoms and the Kibble balance.
a(X) 1 + η(X)
= ≈ 1 + η(X) − η(Y) (1)
a(Y) 1 + η(Y) 2. Atom count
can be made on the difference of the η values.
We conceptually describe how the atom counting
The experimental tests date back to Galilei [3]
method can be used to realize an inertial mass
and potentially to earlier. A large sensitivity advance
standard. The first realisation step is recoiling 133 Cs
was made when Eötvös [4] realized that the sought
or 87 Rb atoms by photons in an atom interferometer
difference, instead of being calculated from two large
to measure the ratios between their inertial masses
measurement results, a(X) and a(Y), as Galilei did,
and the Planck constant [11, 12]. Alternatively, one
can be experimentally obtained via a null experiment,
can derive the me /h ratio from the measured value of
for example, by using a torsion balance. Such an
the Rydberg constant via hydrogen spectroscopy. The
experiment produces null if ∆η(X, Y) := η(X) − η(Y)
ratio comes into the Rydberg constant from the kinetic
is smaller than its sensitivity. Since then, large
term of the hydrogen-atom Hamiltonian; therefore, me
reductions of the ∆η upper limit have been reported [5–
stands for the inertial mass of the electron. These mass
ratios fix the absolute scale of atomic (inertial) masses
It is worth noting that all tests involve at least
via relative mass spectrometry by Penning traps.
two materials, here symbolised by X and Y, and deliver
In the second step, the kilogram is realised by
only a statement about an upper limit of the specific
atom counting. To determine the count in practice,
∆η(X, Y)
a 28 Si monocrystal is shaped as a quasi-perfect ball;
In 1901, the 3rd Conférence Générale des Poids
the number NSi of atoms in it is obtained from
et Mesures declared that the unit of mass is equal to
the measurement of the ball volume V and lattice
The kilogram: inertial or gravitational mass? 3

parameter a0 according to 8V a30 , where a30 8 is the

where a is the kinematic acceleration observed by
atom volume, and 8 is the number of atoms in the measuring the traveled distance, z(t) = z0 +vo t+at2 /2.
cubic unit cell. A curve fitting procedure yields a, and g is obtained as
Making reference, for instance, to the me /h mi (ff)
quotient, the measurement equation is g= a. (5)
mg (ff)
mi (28 Si ball) 8V M (28 Si) me Alternatives to the widely used classical gravime-
= 3 , (2)
h a0 M (e) h ters are measurements using atom or neutron inter-
where mi (28 Si ball) is the ball’s inertial mass and M (X) ferometry and Bloch’s oscillations of cold atoms in an
indicates the X’s molar mass [13]. Since Si crystals optical lattice, which employ freely falling neutrons or
are never perfect, mono-isotopic, and pure, (2) is atoms [15–17].
corrected for the isotope abundances, impurities, and A careful analysis of neutron interferometers by
point defects (vacancies and interstitials). Also, the Littrell and coworkers [18] shows that the difference
ball surface is characterised to correct for the oxide of the quantum-mechanical phase accumulated by
layer, adsorbed or absorbed water, and contaminants. neutrons travelling the interferometer, ∆Φ, scales like
In principle, one should take the mass defect associated gmg (n). However, this phase difference is measured as
with the binding energy of the atoms into account, a fraction of the de Broglie wavelength, λ = h/p, with
but this correction is negligible at the present level of p = mi (n)v and v the neutrons’ velocity. Thus,
accuracy. mg (n)
∆Φ ∝ g (6)
mi (n)
3. Kibble balance Similar reasoning can be applied to atom
interferometers and Bloch’s oscillations in an optical
Tracing mass measurements back to the Planck
lattice. The only difference is that the observable is
constant by a Kibble balance does not exactly imply
not the de Broglie wavelength but the velocity and
the realisation of an inertial mass. Conceptually,
momentum changes of the free-falling atoms as probed
a Kibble balance compares the power mg (K)gv
by photon absorption [17, 19, 20]. This process is
generated by a gravitational mass mg (K) falling with
kinematical and, hence, only sensitive to the inertial
constant velocity v in a locally uniform gravitational
mass mi .
field g, with the power EI dissipated by magnet-coil
Eventually, regardless of whether the probe mass
brake that would keep the mass motion uniform (E
is a macroscopic body, a neutron, or an atom, the
and I are the electromotive force and eddy current).
measured value of g is essentially given by (5).
In practice, the balance’s measurement-equation,
Therefore, by using (5) in (3), the mass value that is
mg (K)gv = EI, (3) obtained by using a Kibble balance is
is assembled in two steps. Firstly, one measures mi (ff) EI
mKB (K) := mg (K) = , (7)
the current I necessary to hold up the mass in the mg (ff) av
brake’s magnetic field. Next, the electromotive force or, using the η symbol introduced earlier,
E is measured at the ends of the brake coil when the
mass moves with constant velocity v. The tie to the mg (K) 1 + η(K)
mKB (K) := = mi (K). (8)
Planck constant is provided by two electrical quantum 1 + η(ff) 1 + η(ff)
standards. E = nf /KJ is measured in terms of the If the equivalence principle is assumed to hold true for
Josephson constant KJ = 2e/h, where n is an integer, the dropping object but not for the weighed one, i.e.,
e is the elementary charge, and f is a frequency [14]. η(ff) = 0 and η(K) 6= 0, then the Kibble balance gives
The current I is converted into a voltage that is again the gravitational mass mg (K). Contrary, if η(ff) =
measured against KJ , passing it through a resistor η(K), which could be achieved by dropping K, i.e.,
that is a know fraction of the von-Klitzing constant ff = K, then it gives the inertial mass mi (K). Lastly,
RK = h/e2 . for the case η(ff) = η(K) = 0, there is no distinction
The local gravitational field is determined by between the two types of masses.
tracking a free-falling body, a corner-cube mirror, with A suggestion to eliminate the weighing depen-
a laser interferometer. Let’s assume that mi (ff) and dence on gravity by operating the Kibble balance hor-
mg (ff) are the inertial and gravitational masses of the izontally via mechanical or electrostatic suspensions
free falling body. It is and measuring the inertial acceleration a of the test
mg (ff)g = mi (ff)a, (4) mass was made by Cabiati [21] and further investigated
by Kibble and Robinson [22]. In this arrangement, the
inertial force mi (K)a substitutes for the gravitational
force mg (K)g in (3), and inertial mass is measured
The kilogram: inertial or gravitational mass? 4

without reference to the equivalence principle. As of received support from the Ministero dell’Istruzione,
today, Cabiati-type balances do not play a role in mass dell’Università e della Ricerca.
metrology and are not further discussed.
4. Conclusions
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Both authors want to thank the anonymous reviewers

for their comments that helped clarify the text. G M

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