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Activity 01

In the space provided explain in writing each of the situation cited below.

1. In general, what do you think are the benefits you will get from the subject Art
Appreciation? This topic can include future consideration like, what’s the use of this
subject to you ten years from now?
- The benefits I think I will be able to get from the Art Appreciation subject is an
improvement in aesthetical taste and a better understanding of what elements
contribute to a pleasing output. Application of art is so broad, from editing templates
to planning out buildings. In order to make art, one has to understand and appreciate
existing art. This subject will in turn give me a more elaborate understanding of the
human psyche on what pleases the eye and what mood is evoked by a piece of art.

2. Give a sample picture of each of the branches of humanities and try to illustrate each

a) Fine Arts

Van Gogh’s Starry Night

- This mid-scale, oil-on-
canvas painting is
dominated by a moon-
and star-filled night sky.
It takes up three-quarters
of the picture plane and
appears turbulent, even
agitated, with intensely
swirling patterns that
seem to roll across its
surface like waves. It is
pocked with bright orbs
—including the crescent
moon to the far right, and Venus, the morning star, to the left center
surrounded by concentric circles of radiant white and yellow light.
b) Practical Arts

Giovanni Bernini’s Il Moro - Gian Lorenzo Bernini, (born December 7,

1598, Naples, Kingdom of Naples [Italy]—died November 28, 1680,
Rome, Papal States), Italian artist who was perhaps the greatest sculptor
of the 17th century and an outstanding architect as well. Bernini created
the Baroque style of sculpture and developed it to such an extent that
other artists are of only minor importance in a discussion of that style.
The Il Moro was one of his distinct works.

c) Performing Arts

Les Mierables - Les Miserables is the masterpiece of the musical theater of Alain
Boublil and Claude-Michel Schonberg, based on the novel by writer Victor Hugo
published more than 156 years ago. It is considered one of the great novels of the
nineteenth century, a paradigm of French romanticism that analyzes the French society
of his time, by reasoning about good and evil, about law, politics, ethics, justice, and the
religion. The play takes place during the events of the June 1832 insurrection, where
Victor Hugo presents much of his own political ideology. It tells an exciting story, where
the struggle for freedom and justice is a timeless testimony of great human passions.
With some of the most beautiful songs written for musical theater, this epic and inspiring
story has become one of the most successful musicals in the history of the theater in the
great capitals of the world.
Jed Emerich I. Jumawan BSCE-2B

Activity No. 02

1. What is the purpose of Art
 Art is an expression of one’s emotion, purpose, and message. It is a
means of communication that evokes an emotional response from the
artist and the viewer.
2. How you determine beauty of Art?
 It is in the eye of the beholder. What is beautiful for one may not be
beautiful for someone else.
3. Write an essay consisting of 150-300 words on a piece of pad paper. The
title of essay is: WHAT ART MEANS TO ME


Art to me is passion. It gave me purpose for a large portion of my life and it

helped me build relationships and connections with the people around me today.
When words simply aren’t enough, I channel my emotions through different means
instead of bottling them up deep inside. This form of channeling can be through the
form of playing the guitar or drawing on a blank piece of paper. The musical notes
reflect my train of thought, as a somber song escapes the strings in my time of
melancholy the same way a joyful melody fills the room when happiness consumes
me. A blank page can turn into a chaotic landscape or a serene portrait depending
on the mood. Without art, I will have to find some other way to handle the emotions
that are brimming within.

Art, to me, is an escape. At the same time, it is acceptance. During times when
reality crumbles me, the fantasy of art eases that difficulty. It is a healthy way to bide
my time into a world where everything is up to the power of imagination. At the same
time, it is a reflection of reality once acceptance comes into play. The problems
themselves become inspiration for the art, and that in itself can also be beautiful.

This is what art is to me. Art is simply the thing that eases the journey as a way
to express the emotions within. Art is fun. Without art, the world itself is colorless,
and that in itself is a boring thing.
II. In the space below sketch a long road with a setting sun in the distance, use
only pencil or pen.
Activity No. 03
I. Shape Up Your Mind
1. As a student what do you expect of this course?
- As a student, I expect this course to enhance my knowledge on the various aspects of art and
elements used to carefully dissect what makes art stand out. I expect to learn about works from
other artists and derive inspiration from their pieces.

2. Did you have personal experiences with art before? How did you feel participating in art?
- Yes, I had personal experiences with art. I used to be a color pencil artist and I felt frustrations
when something didn’t pan out my vision, and at the same time I felt inspiration whenever I
immersed myself in my activities. It also brought forth a sense of fulfilment once I saw the final
output of my hard work.

3. Why do you study humanities?

- To expand my knowledge of the different practices, cultures, and aspects of human life. This is
in due part beneficial in learning more on how to understand humanity as a whole which gives
me an insight that will allow me to improve my approach. Studying humanities also cultivates my
knowledge into varying fields which I can derive inspiration from once I start to work on

4. Why is creativity necessary in art making?

- Creativity is what makes art desirable. If it looks the same as everything else, it dampens the
value of that artform. It offers variety and alternative routes to create a desired outcome.
Creativity is also a great tool for improvement as it makes one think outside the box and explore
unventured territories.

5. When can you say that a person is creative

- I can say a person is creative if they have the ability to develop and create original outputs. If
they are able to stretch their passion and apply imagination for the betterment of their work, I
can say that person is indeed creative.

6. What is the relevance of art appreciation to your course?

Art appreciation will aid my course because it will help enhance my creativity and sense of
various special elements when conducting my field of work. Aspects such as spacing, design,
balance, and other elements are all interconnected with engineering and as such I will benefit
from learning from this subject.

7. Why does an individual create a work of art?

In my opinion, individuals create works of art as a form of expression. It may also be as simple
as having fun, a desire that is present in all of us. Art evokes a sense of emotion one way or
another and it differs from person to person. It may also be driven for by a purpose be it
politically, spiritually, or emotionally. There is no single answer for such a question, as the
number of reasons are as vast as the number of people in this world.
8. If you want to be an artist, what type/kind of art will you be? Why?
If I were to be an artist, my art would be focused on photography. This is because I like using a
camera with lenses, the feeling of holding the dials in my hands and manipulating the settings
capturing real time moments is something I enjoy. The capturing and editing process, all of it
speaks to me in a way that immerses me.

9. Who will utilize the art you prepared? To-

a. Yourself?
I will be able to express myself and what I want to show to the world. These photographs
are a testament to my observation, and my eye for capturing moments. This will be my way of
being expressive and developing confidence, as well as social skills.

b. Your community?
With my art in the form of photography, I will be able to promote various local business
who wish to collaborate with me. This form of art also serves as an expression to showcase the
beauty of the subject or model which helps in developing confidence.

c. Your country?
With photography as an artform, I can use it in journalism to capture vital moments that
should be shared in vast communities. Photojournalism is in itself another form of art which
helps spread needed information around the country.

10. Can art be globalized? If YES, how? If NO, Why not?

Art can be globalized. In fact, it already is globalized with a simple observation of the world
around us. Architectural styles are a form of art that has already spread across the globe, you
will see French influences in building design in Asian countries for example. Digital art has also
taken an international influence as anime art styles from Japan have influenced the animation
design in China and the Philippines. There is art in technology itself, and that has already taken
the world by storm. Music and dance have influenced the youth through social media across
continental boundaries. Art is spread because people appreciate art and show it to other people,
eventually it makes its way to a widespread audience. This globalization of art is proof of that.

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