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Demographic profile of students that are usually prone

to probihited drug abuse that are inside in Cawaan high school ;

1. ) What grade level that are usually prone to probihited drug


2. ) What are the possible causes why students do such a thing

like abusing a probihited drugs?

3. ) How can school combat the issue of students abusing

probihited drugs.
(Optional) Name: ______________ Age:___
Sex: M__ F__
(Optional) Adress: _______________________


1. ) Are are using drugs other than those required on

medical reason? YES ___ NO____

If yes what type of drugs are you using other than those
required on medical reason?

2. ) What do you think are the causes of probihited drug

abuse of one person?

3. ) What do you think the posible solutions in probihited

drug abuse of one person
Examining The Prevelance and
Consequences of Drug Abuse in Society

A research proposed submitted by

Group 4
Strawhat pirates

Proposed Teacher:
Mary Grace Imperial

Cawayan High School

June 2023
1. James Benidict Arteta
2. Evan Louie Alestair Esteban
3. Jhon Ric Montero
4. Carl Justin Arteta
5. Adrian Leo Aycardo
6. Reymart Ardales
7. Esmael Jay Acuna

`No Matter How Much Mortals

Combine Their Power,It will be
nothing more than child`s play
compared to the power of gods!`
Drug abuse is a growing public health concern that
affects individuals, families, and society as a whole. It is
a chronic and relapsing disease characterized by the
compulsive seeking and use of drugs despite adverse
consequences. The misuse of drugs can lead to a range
of negative outcomes, including physical and mental
health problems, financial hardship, criminal behavior,
and social isolation.

Drug abuse is a growing public health concern that

affects individuals, families, and society as a whole. It is
a chronic and relapsing disease characterized by the
compulsive seeking and use of drugs despite adverse
consequences. The misuse of drugs can lead to a range
of negative outcomes, including physical and mental
health problems, financial hardship, criminal behavior,
and social isolation.

The prevalence of drug abuse varies across different

populations and geographic locations. According to the
2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health,
approximately 19.4 million adults aged 18 or older had a
substance use disorder in the United States. This
represents 7.4% of the adult population. The most
commonly abused substances include alcohol,
marijuana, prescription opioids, and cocaine.

Drug abuse has a significant impact on public health and

safety. It can lead to overdose, which is a major cause of
death in the United States. In 2019, there were 70,237
drug overdose deaths, with opioids being the leading
cause. Additionally, drug abuse is associated with an
increased risk of infectious diseases, such as HIV and
hepatitis, due to the use of contaminated needles. It is
also linked to an increased risk of violence, including
domestic abuse and homicide.

A range of factors can contribute to drug abuse,

including genetic, environmental, and social factors.
Genetic factors can make some individuals more
susceptible to addiction. Environmental factors, such as
stress, trauma, and peer pressure, can also play a role.
Additionally, social and economic factors, such as
poverty, unemployment, and lack of access to education
and healthcare, can increase the risk of drug abuse.

Effective prevention and treatment strategies are

necessary to address drug abuse. Prevention efforts
include increasing awareness about the risks of drug use,
promoting healthy behaviors and lifestyles, and providing
education and support services to individuals and
communities. Treatment approaches include
detoxification, behavioral therapy, medication-assisted
treatment, and peer support services.

The integration of mental health and substance use

services is also essential for addressing drug abuse.
Individuals with co-occurring mental health and
substance use disorders require a holistic approach that
addresses both conditions simultaneously. Furthermore,
access to affordable and effective treatment services is
critical for individuals struggling with drug abuse.

In conclusion, drug abuse is a complex issue that affects

individuals, families, and society as a whole. The high
prevalence and negative consequences of drug abuse
underscore the need for effective prevention and
treatment approaches. By addressing the root causes of
drug abuse and providing comprehensive and access in
the burden of this public health concern.
Drug abuse is a serious issue that has been rising
astonishingly over the years. It is alarming to note
that drug and substance abuse are becoming
prevalent among youths and even the elderly.
Substance use disorders are a worldwide problem
that is causing a considerable impact on the social,
economic, and health aspects of societies.
Addictions to drugs and other harmful substances
tend to disrupt the wellbeing of individuals and
their families. Different types of drugs have various
effects on the user, which range from mild to
extreme, depending on the dosage, frequency, and
mode of administration. The purpose of this
research is to provide an in-depth analysis of drug
abuse, its causes, impacts, and the available
treatments, as well as the measures being taken
to curb the problem. The research aims to provide
an evidence-based approach to drug abuse
prevention and management, and to highlight
effective interventions that can reduce the burden
of substance use disorders in society.
Research materials about abusing drugs
may include:

1. Books: Several books have been

written by medical professionals, researchers, and
individuals who have battled with drug abuse.
These books provide valuable insights into the
causes, effects, and treatment of substance abuse
disorders. Some of the most popular books on
drug abuse include "Beautiful Boy" by David Sheff,
"In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts" by Dr. Gabor Maté,
and "The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous."

2. Peer-reviewed articles: Peer-reviewed

articles published in academic journals provide the
most current and accurate research findings about
drug abuse. These articles often provide a detailed
analysis of the causes and effects of substance
use disorders, as well as the efficacy of prevention
and treatment methods. Some of the leading
academic journals on drug abuse include the
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, Addiction,
and Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation.

3. Government publications: The

government collects and publishes data on drug
abuse rates, drug-related crimes, and public health
consequences of substance use disorders. The
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration (SAMHSA) are two of the most
significant resources for government information.

4. Websites and online resources: Several

organizations and support groups offer online
resources about drug addiction and treatment.
These can be a helpful source of information for
individuals who are struggling with substance use
disorders, as well as their families and friends.
Websites such as the Hazelden Betty Ford
Foundation and the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
provide information about addiction and treatment

5. Documentaries and films:

Documentaries and films can shed light on the
personal experiences of people affected by drug
abuse. Some of the most profound documentaries
about addiction include "The Anonymous People,"
"Heroin(e)," and "Recovery Boys." These films can
provide insight and awareness around the
complexities of addiction.

6. Interviews with medical professionals

and individuals in recovery: Medical professionals,
addiction specialists, and individuals in recovery
offer valuable insights into the causes and
treatment of drug abuse. Interviews can provide
valuable first-hand accounts of addiction and
recovery, and share tips and advice for those
struggling with substance use disorders.

Methods for researching drug abuse may


1. Surveys: Surveys are an effective way

to gather data on the prevalence of drug use and
the risk factors that contribute to substance abuse.
Surveys may be conducted online, via mail, or in
person. Some of the most prominent surveys
include the National Survey on Drug Use and
Health (NSDUH), the Monitoring the Future (MTF)
Survey, and the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance
System (YRBSS).

2. Clinical studies: Clinical studies involve

collecting data from patients who are receiving
treatment for drug addiction. These studies can
provide insight into the effectiveness of different
treatment options and can help identify the factors
that contribute to successful recovery.

3. Observational research: Observational

research involves observing people in natural
settings to collect data on drug use. This method
can help researchers understand the patterns of
drug use, the social contexts of drug use, and the
factors that contribute to drug abuse.
4. Case studies: Case studies involve in-
depth analysis of an individual who has struggled
with drug abuse. Researchers may conduct
interviews with the individual, review medical
records, and gather information from family
members and therapists to gain a comprehensive
understanding of the individual's addiction.

5. Meta-analyses: Meta-analyses involve

analyzing and synthesizing the data from multiple
studies to gain a broader understanding of drug
use and addiction. Meta-analyses can help
researchers identify patterns and trends in drug
abuse and can provide a more comprehensive look
at the effectiveness of different treatments.

7. Focus groups: Focus groups involve

gathering a small group of people who have
experienced drug abuse to discuss their
experiences and provide feedback on different
interventions. Focus groups can be used to gather
qualitative data and can help researchers gain a
better understanding of the nuances of drug use
and addiction.
Research results from studies involving
the methods listed above have identified the
following key findings:

1. Drug abuse and addiction are highly

prevalent worldwide, affecting individuals from all
walks of life and socioeconomic backgrounds.

2. Drug use is often influenced by both

biological and environmental factors such as
genetics, social and cultural norms, and exposure
to drug use and availability.

3. Early intervention and prevention

programs can help reduce the likelihood of drug
abuse and addiction, particularly among young

4. Effective treatment programs can

help individuals with drug addiction recover and
lead healthy, fulfilling lives.

5. Both behavioral and

pharmacological interventions have been found to
be effective in treating drug addiction, although no
one-size-fits-all solution exists.

6. Certain populations, including

individuals with mental health disorders and those
who have experienced trauma, are at a higher risk
of developing substance use disorders and may
require specialized treatment.

7. Substance abuse disorders can have

significant health consequences, including an
increased risk of HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C, and other
infectious diseases.

8. Stigma surrounding substance use

disorders can prevent individuals from seeking
help and perpetuate harmful societal views.
Increased education and awareness are needed to
challenge these harmful attitudes.

Overall, research on drug abuse has

helped to inform and shape public health policy
and clinical practice, leading to better treatment
outcomes and improved quality of life for
individuals struggling with substance use disorders.
Drug abuse is a complex and multifaceted issue
that has garnered significant attention from public
health officials, policymakers, and researchers.
While drug use can have short-term benefits, such
as relaxation or pain relief, the long-term
consequences of drug abuse can be significant,
including addiction, legal troubles, and serious
health complications.

One of the challenges in addressing drug abuse is

the enduring stigma surrounding substance use
disorders. Many people still view drug abuse as a
moral failing rather than a health issue, which can
prevent individuals from seeking treatment and
perpetuate harmful stereotypes. Addressing this
stigma requires increased education and
awareness campaigns that help to shift the
public's perception of substance use disorders
towards a more compassionate and evidence-
based understanding.

Another challenge in addressing drug abuse is the

complex interplay of biological and environmental
factors that contribute to addiction. Individuals
with a family history of substance use disorders
are more likely to develop an addiction, as are
those who experience early life adversity, such as
childhood abuse or neglect. Addressing these
underlying factors is critical to preventing and
intervening in drug abuse.

Research has also shown the importance of early

intervention and prevention programs in
addressing drug abuse. Programs that reach
individuals at a young age and promote healthy
behaviors and decision-making skills can help
prevent drug use from becoming a lifelong habit.
Additionally, effective treatment programs that
address both the physical and psychological
components of addiction are crucial to supporting
individuals in recovery.

Overall, drug abuse is a complex issue that

requires a multifaceted approach to address
effectively. By promoting education and
compassion, addressing the root causes of
addiction, and investing in early intervention and
treatment programs, we can work towards
reducing the prevalence of drug abuse and
supporting those who are struggling with
substance use disorders.
Drug abuse is a serious issue that affects
individuals from all walks of life. Research has
shown that drug use is influenced by biological and
environmental factors such as genetics and
exposure to drugs. Stigma against substance use
disorders is a challenge in addressing drug abuse.
However, there are effective interventions like
early prevention and intervention programs,
effective treatment programs that address
physical and psychological components of
addiction. Addressing the underlying causes of
addiction, promoting compassion and education,
investing in early intervention and treatment
programs can help reduce drug abuse prevalence
and provide support to individuals who are
struggling with substance use disorders.
The issue of drug abuse is a complex and
multifaceted problem that affects individuals,
families, communities, and society as a whole.
Addressing this issue requires a collaborative
effort involving healthcare professionals,
policymakers, law enforcement, educators, and
the general public.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all

those who have contributed to this research work
through their support, knowledge, and expertise.

First and foremost, I would like to thank my

supervisor, who provided invaluable guidance and
support throughout the research process. Her
insights and advice have been instrumental in
shaping the direction of this study.

I would also like to express my appreciation to the

participants in this study, who provided the
information and insights that made this research
possible. Their courage and willingness to share
their experiences have been critical in advancing
our understanding of the problem of drug abuse.

In addition, I would like to acknowledge the

contribution of healthcare professionals who
dedicated their lives to helping individuals affected
by drug abuse. Their tireless efforts in prevention,
intervention, and treatment have positively
impacted the lives of countless individuals.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge the families

and friends of those affected by drug abuse. Your
support, love, and care have been vital in helping
individuals overcome this problem. Your resilience
and compassion in the face of adversity inspire us
all to work together towards a better future.

In conclusion, I express my gratitude to all those

who have contributed to this research work.
Together, we can continue to raise awareness,
tackle the root causes, and develop effective
solutions to the problem of drug abuse.

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