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Standard VII Geography Impacts of Tourism


What are the advantages of tourism?

Your Answer

A Foreign currency increases in our economy

B Development of tourist places

C Availability of employment opportunity to local people

Correct Answer

D All of above

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The correct option is D All of above

Tourism is an important tertiary occupation. through this occupation the

world gets introduced to a region's natural, social, cultural environment.
besides domestic tourists, foreign tourists also visit various places of interest
and therefore, foreign currency increases in our economy. Along with these
benefits, development of tourist places, availability of employment
opportunities to local people are also other good things that happen to a place.

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Q1 Fill in the blanks choosing the best alternatives from the options.
Job creation (a) ___ another spin-off from tourism. Governments
subsidise tourism projects (b) ___ the expectation of increasing
employment opportunities in (c) ___ new hotels (d) ___ restaurants. But
(e) ___ work is frequently poorly paid and is seasonal. Local people
(f) ___ neither be willing to do demeaning skill jobs (g) ___ be highly
trained enough to (h) ___ managers and entrepreneurs.

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Q2 Which of the following industries generate the largest employment

opportunities to the people?

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Q3 Statement: Unemployment is one of the main reason for the poverty of the
I. To end poverty, it is required to create employment opportunities.
II. All the people in the country are unemployed.

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Q4 Q4) Right to equality includes-

1. Equality before law.

2. Abolition of titles.
3. Abolition of untouchability.
4. Equality of opportunity in employment.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?

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Q5 What are the advantages of air currents in our atmosphere?

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