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I. Answer the following processing questions based on a consumer’s perspective.

1. From the sample advertisements, choose only three (3) products that you will consider buying
and explain why.

The three products that I will choose to buy are Milo, Kit-Kat, and Koko Krunch. I chose those products
because they are tasty and delicious and the way they advertise those products are very artistic, colorful
and creative, that is why I chose those products to buy.

2. Give the best three (3) advertisements and elaborate on the reasons. Give the three (3) least
appealing advertisements and explain the reasons.

Milo – the way it is being advertise is about giving children a chocolate drink that boosts their energy
that they need for everyday-life because it helps them to be strong and active.

Koko Krunch – it is being advertise as a nutritious breakfast to start a child’s day to be proactive and the
way they use a cartoon character as their mascot seems to be loved by kids.

iPod – It shows its main gimmick that is being small and everyone who uses it is able to put many songs
inside the iPod. It also means that you can listen to music even when you are doing some errands or
during exercise.

II. Answer the following processing questions based on a marketer’s perspective.

1. From the sample advertisements, give the top three (3) products that you will prioritize offering
the market, and explain why.

Milo, Magic Sarap, and Maybelline, because these three advertisements uses a celebrity actor/actress to
advertise their products making it popular and easily attracts customers due to the use of celebrities.

2. Give the three (3) advertisements that marketers can use as references or inspiration in creating
advertisements and promotions based on marketer’s perspective.

I guess making the advertisement of their products to be more appealing to your target customers,
showing its uses, and putting more creativity on their advertisements.

3. Give three (3) suggestions on how you can improve the least appealing advertisements tagged by
your partner.

3 suggestions to make advertisements more appealing to the customers:

Keep it simple – your advertisement does not have to be colorful to attract your customers, keep it
simple and presentable to the target customers.

Making it suggestive – your advertisement has to have a reason as to why does a customer need or
should buy your product.

Be truthful – your advertisement should be truthful to the customers as to how your product is
supposed to be used by them. Because if your product’s quality is good only in the advertisement but
terrible quality when your customers uses it then your product useless for them and your company wil
get bankrupt.

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