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Supporting Lecturer: Mr. Hendyansyah Putra, S.E., M.M

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Theme : The topic 1. How to elevate indonesia's MICE ( Meetings, Incentives,
Converence and Exhibition) industry in 2023 ?

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a very significant impact on the economy,
including tourism. Specifically, for the province of Bali, this impact has been
particularly pronounced and influential considering Bali's status as a major
tourism destination. The fear of travel and the risk of spreading the virus caused a
drastic decrease in both domestic and foreign tourists.

According to data from Bank Indonesia in 2020, the tourism sector contributed
significantly to Bali's economy. In 2019, the total foreign exchange earnings from
tourism in Bali reached USD 9,346 million, equivalent to 53.65% of Bali's Gross
Regional Domestic Product (PDRB), and contributed 55.26% to the national travel
foreign exchange.

However, since the Covid-19 pandemic emerged worldwide, the number of

tourists visiting Bali has experienced a significant decline. In the first quarter of
2020, based on data from the Central Statistics Agency, the number of foreign
tourists entering Bali decreased by 42.3% (year-on-year) from 1,819,664
international tourists in the first quarter of 2019 to 1,050,024 international
tourists in the first quarter of 2020. This decline is expected to be even greater in
the second quarter of 2020.

Various policies such as tourist entry bans, social distancing recommendations,

Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB), and the postponement of Meetings,
Incentives, Conventions, and Exhibitions (MICE) have led to a significant decline in
occupancy rates and, consequently, the closure of hotels, especially in Java, Bali,
and Nusa Tenggara.

Furthermore, the pandemic has triggered changes in market behavior in the

meeting industry. Firstly, the budget for organizing meetings has decreased due
to a reduced number of in-person participants caused by high airfare and hotel
room prices. Many meetings were postponed and eventually held virtually.
Secondly, incentives have been affected as the impact of Covid-19 led to changes
in work culture, such as working from home (WFH), which will affect the
incentives received by employees. Thirdly, conventions have been impacted as
many conferences were canceled due to social distancing measures. Lastly,
exhibitions have been affected, with many events like weddings being postponed
due to the pandemic.

The COVID-19 pandemic has severely hit the tourism and creative economy
industries in Indonesia. So, how can the tourism sector be revitalized post-
pandemic? According to Sandiaga on, one way to accelerate the
recovery of the tourism industry in Southeast Asia is through MICE. MICE has
proven to have a significant multidimensional impact, not only attracting tourists
to Indonesia.

MICE stands for meetings, incentives, conventions, and exhibitions, and it is one
of the activities in the tourism industry. As a result of COVID-19, the MICE industry
has experienced a significant decline.

Elevating Indonesia's MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions)

industry in 2023 requires a strategic approach that involves collaboration
between government bodies, private sector stakeholders, and industry players.
Here are some steps that can help achieve this goal:

1. **Investment in Infrastructure**: Enhance and expand existing infrastructure

to accommodate larger events. This includes modern convention centers,
exhibition halls, hotels, and transportation systems. The government should
consider offering incentives to attract private investment in these areas.

2. **Promotion and Marketing**: Increase promotional efforts to attract

international and regional MICE events to Indonesia. This can be done through
targeted marketing campaigns, participation in international trade shows, and
engaging with event organizers and associations.
3. **Streamlined Visa Process**: Simplify visa procedures for international
attendees and exhibitors to encourage more foreign participation. A streamlined
visa process will make it easier for international delegates to attend events in

4. **Public-Private Partnerships**: Foster collaboration between the government

and private sector to jointly invest in MICE infrastructure, marketing campaigns,
and capacity building initiatives.

5. **Quality Standards and Certifications**: Establish and enforce industry

standards and certifications to enhance the quality of MICE services and ensure
customer satisfaction. This will boost Indonesia's reputation as a reliable
destination for hosting events.

6. **Support for Local Businesses**: Provide support and incentives for local
businesses, including event planners, hotels, restaurants, and transportation
services, to cater to MICE events. Encouraging local participation will create a
positive economic impact.

7. **Sustainable Practices**: Emphasize sustainable and eco-friendly practices in

the MICE industry. Green initiatives will not only attract environmentally
conscious event organizers but also contribute to Indonesia's image as an
environmentally responsible destination.

8. **Skills Development**: Invest in training and skill development programs for

event organizers, hospitality staff, and other industry professionals. This will
improve service quality and enhance the overall MICE experience in Indonesia.

9. **Leverage Technology**: Embrace technology to enhance the overall event

experience. Utilize event management software, virtual conferencing platforms,
and mobile apps to improve event planning, attendee engagement, and
networking opportunities.

10. **Government Support and Incentives**: Offer financial incentives and tax
breaks for organizers of international and large-scale events to choose Indonesia
as their destination. Government support can significantly influence the decision-
making process.

11. **Safety and Security Measures**: Prioritize safety and security during events
to provide a conducive environment for both local and international participants.
This includes implementing health protocols and crowd management measures.

12. **Research and Data Collection**: Conduct regular research and data
collection to understand industry trends, customer preferences, and areas of
improvement. Data-driven decision-making will help identify key areas that
require attention.

By implementing these strategies, Indonesia can enhance its appeal as a premier

MICE destination and attract more significant events and delegates, thereby
boosting the country's economy and reputation on the global stage.

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