Assignment 1 v1

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Assignment #1

Object Oriented Programming

Deadline: 24th March 2023

Q 1: What are classes and objects? Explain.

Q 2: List the drawbacks of classes with all public data members.

Q 3: What is meant by function overloading?

Q 4: Write a c++ program to find the area of a circle, rectangle, and triangle using
function overloading. Assume the function name is “AREA”.

Q 5: Write a c++ program to add two complex numbers by passing objects as

arguments into the functions and returning object. Explain the concept in short.

Q 6: Create a class to represent a bank account, including the following members:

1. Data members:
i. Name of the depositor
ii. Account number
2. Member functions
i. Deposit an amount
ii. Withdraw an amount
iii. Display name and balance

Q 7: List the difference between

1. Call by value & call by reference
2. Structure and class
Q#8: Write C++ Program to display the cube of the number up to a given integer using
constructor overloading

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