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Name of the student(s): mashiko baiadze (tamar alavidze, elene chogovadze, elene

samsiani, elisabed sulaberidze, anano modebadze, teo chaia).

Grade: myp 5
Name of activity: Healthy Habits Weekly - blog
State a community problem your SA activity will address:
*What is the issue? Why is it important? What motivates you to take an action? What are the
causes of the issue?
The problem is a lack of understanding of the importance of living a healthy lifestyle
and caring for the environment. The sustainability of our world and our well-being are
directly impacted by it, making it essential. The desire to act comes from an
awareness that even little adjustments may have a significant impact on one's well-
being. A lack of awareness, lazy lifestyles, comfort way of life, and poor education
are some of the contributing factors.

Identify possible solutions:

*What can be done to solve the issue? What are multiple solutions? What is your solution
and why have you chosen this specific solution? what makes it feasible?
We suggest the "Healthy Habits Weekly" blog as a solution to the lack of awareness
about healthy lifestyles. We want to enlighten a large audience, encourage behavior
change, and advance a healthy way of life by offering useful guidance and facts
online. We can reach more people and have a significant influence through
collaborations and social branding. We can build a better future for both the earth
and ourselves by working together.

Describe your action:

*Provide the details of your activities; who do you involve in your activities?
We are 7 students who write these blogs weekly about healthy lifestyles using
google sites. We are creating a long-term project, which aims to promote healthy
habits and environmental awareness through our blog, with weekly updates. We will
cover topics such as healthy eating, physical activities, eco-friendly living, taking care
of the environment, and more. We will provide readers with valuable and practical
tips, to get closer to the healthier and greener world.
Goal(s) of the action:
*Use the SMART (Specific; Measurable; Attainable; Realistic; Time) goal format
Specific: I want to accomplish raising awareness for a healthy lifestyle to others my
age because it is a very big part of our life and I think everybody should have
knowledge about it.
Measurable: I want to make this weekly blog consistent by posting blogs every
Monday and Friday and making it stable. I want to have lots of readers who enjoy
and love our blog - 20 readers per week would be a good accomplishment
Attainable: Focus on techniques including maximizing content, social media
promotion, and internet marketing to achieve the objective of growing the weekly
audience of "Healthy Habits Weekly".
Time: we want this campaign to be a long-term project which will be continuous and
will be always consistent with its posting blogs. We could make this project into
something big and i think in a few months it could get to the next level.

What are the learning outcomes?

*Choose at least two and explain how will you achieve them
Awareness: become more aware of their own strengths and areas for growth
I can better discover my strengths and areas for development by actively engaging
and participating in creating the "Healthy Habits Weekly" blog. I can gain important
insights into my personal well-being and lifestyle choices by reading the educational
content, considering how it applies to my own life, and putting the recommended
actions into reality. This site not only inspires readers but also its authors. I will learn
more about my flaws and talents as a result of this experience because running a
successful blog requires a variety of abilities.

Collaboration - work collaboratively with others

This blog is being created by me and my classmates, so many collaboration skills
will be gained through it. my ability to work collaboratively with other people while
working on the "Healthy Habits Weekly" blog improves because i practice good
communication, task coordination, resolution of conflicts, and the use of many

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