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Mẫu TT4


TRƯỜNG THPT CHU VĂN AN Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc

An Giang, ngày 20 tháng 10 năm 2023


Giáo viên dạy: Đặng Thanh Tâm
Ngày 20/10/2023, buổi: chiều, tiết thứ 2; Lớp 11A1; Sĩ số: 48/48, vắng: 0
Môn: Tiếng anh Tên bài dạy: Unit 3: Writing
SV dự giờ: Phạm Lê Phi Hùng MSSV: DAV217375


Thời Nội dung tiết Hoạt động của Hoạt động của
Nhận xét
điểm dạy GV HS
13:53 Warm-up “How do you feel Students listen The teacher’s
activity: Bingo today?” carefully to the instructions are
“Before we start the teacher's clear, short, and
lesson, what is the title instructions and easy to follow.
of Unit 3.” participate The game is
“You learn some actively in this engaging and
information about cities activity. interactive,
in the future.” Students write allowing
“What is the name of their ideas on students to
cities in the future?” their notebooks. participate
“Before we start the actively.
lesson, I have a game Students
for you.” actively
“The game is Bingo.” participate in
“Let me tell you the this activity.
rules of the game.” The teacher asks
“Write 3 things that you a question to
can see in the cities of check the
the future.” student’s
“Can you write 4 things understanding of
or 5 things?” the rules of the
“Who’s not finished, game.
raise your hands.”
“I will show you
something that you can
see in the cities of the
“If you have, tick
“If you have 3 things,
you say bingo.”
The teacher shows
something in the future
cities: private cars,
smart street
infrastructure, high-rise
buildings, robots,
cameras in the streets,
smart sensors, traffic
jams, roof gardens,
green skyscrapers, and
public transport.
“Congratulation. Big
clap for him.”
14:02 Task 1. “In the lesson today, Ss listen to their Instructions are
Advantages: 1, you practice writing an teacher’s clear and
4, 5 article about other instructions and understandable.
Disadvantages: advantages and follow them.
2, 3, 6 disadvantages of living Students do the
in a smart city.” task in pairs.
“Let's come to the first One student gives
activity.” his answers.
“How many are they?”
“Discuss in pairs, which
one belongs to
advantages and which
one belongs to
“Give me the answers.”
14:06 Task 2. “Please, open your Pay attention and The instructions
Matching  an book on page 34.” follow the of the teacher
article outline “Do activity number 2.” teacher’s are clear and
2. A “Which one is the instructions. understandable.
1. B introduction, which one Students do the The teacher also
3-4. C is the title, which one is task in the allotted explains the
5. D the body paragraphs, time. function of parts
and which one is the in the article,
conclusion.” which can help
“2 minutes to work students write a
individually.” good article.
Ask students to give
their answers.
“Let’s discover what is
14:13 Task 3. “Now we are going to Students listen to Instructions are
Write an article write an article.” their teacher’s clear and short.
“Use ideas in task 1 and instructions and The teacher asks
the sample in task 2.” write an article by to make sure
The teacher shows themselves. students
some techniques that One student gave understand what
can help students write comments on her they are going to
better. friend’ writing do.
The teacher explains such as using the Understanding
the ‘paraphrasing original ideas and what is a
technique’ which means adding linking paraphrase will
using different words words; don’t help students
and structures to paraphrase the apply it in their
convey the same ideas. writing.
meaning. The teacher
“You got 10 minutes gives feedback
and work individually.” on student
“You work in pairs or writing and
individually? How points out
long?” something that
The teacher asks he can improve
students to take their to have better
writing photo and post writing.
it to the link given. Peer correction
The teacher asks also helps
students to give students learn
comments on their from their
friend’s writing. friends.
The teacher shows the
writing rubric and asks
students to comment on
their writing’
14:39 Consolidation The teacher summarizes Listen and take
What have you the content of today’s note.
learned today? lesson and asks students
How to write an to prepare for the next
article about the lesson.
advantages and
disadvantages of
smart cities.
Prepare for
Lesson 7 - Unit

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