Chemistry Answer

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Learning Task

Activity No. 1

Explore the objects in your house. Which among them do you think is related to
chemistry? List as many objects as you can. Besides the name of each object is the
explanation of why you say the objects are related to chemistry. Follow the format


Whitener  It contains sodium hypochlorite
which is used as a whitening
agent for clothes.
Antiperspirant or Deodorants  It controls body odors and it has
Aluminum chlorohydrate.
Ajinomoto  Ajinomoto contains monosodium
glutamate which aids as a flavor
Muriatic acid  Its relation to chemistry is that it
is used as an agent in cleaning
toilet bowls.
Mouthwash  It has hydrogen peroxide that is
utilized for personal hygiene
Medicine (Aspirin)  This object encompasses
acetylsalicylic acid that is used in
various medicine.
Pencil  Its relation to chemistry is that it
has carbon that helps the pencil
to produce the visible color black
in writing.
Vinegar  Used as a preservative and for
seasoning foods and it is utilized
also for various household
cleaning uses.
Salt  It has Sodium Chloride and is
used in seasoning for cooking
and is used also as a
Soap (Safeguard)  It has esters chemical compound
responsible for bathing and
washing clothes.
Baking Powder  It has sodium bicarbonate that is
used for baking and releases
CO2 in reaction with other
Toothpaste  Its relation to the chemistry is
that it has calcium carbonate and
sodium fluoride used for cleaning
teeth while brushing.
Hand sanitizer  It has isopropyl alcohol that is
used in killing germs.
Rat poison  Rat poison has arsenic that is
used to wipe out rats in the
Battery  The battery is related to
chemistry in the sense that it
gives power to our electronic
devices such as watches,
laptops, mobile phones, and a
variety of other power storage
LPG  Is used as fuel gas in heating
appliances, and cooking
equipment and it contains a
flammable mixture of
hydrocarbon gases, specifically
propane and butane.
Talcum Powder  It contains magnesium silicate
used as baby powder and
thickening agents and lubricant.
Sunscreen  It is an important cosmetic
product that saves us from
harmful UV rays and preserves
the natural complexion we have
as well as it has the chemical
compound titanium dioxide that
helps to prevent them from
further penetrating the deeper
layers of skin.
Coffee  Coffee has a chemical called
adenosine that slows nerve cell
activity when our mind sleeps.
Vanilla  Vanilla is an aldehyde. This
compound is what gives vanilla
its distinctive aroma.


(Atomic Structure)

1. Draw and label the parts of an atom.

2. What type of charge do the proton, neutron, and electron have?
Scientifically and empirically speaking, the charge of the proton is the
positive electrical charge, while the neutron has no electric charge,
whereas, the electron carries a negative charge.

3. Draw the atomic structure of strontium.

4. How many protons, neutrons, and electrons does Sr have?

Rendering from the previous activity, the proton of the element
Strontium (Sr) is 38 however this element also has 30 3l3ctron and its
neutrons are 38.


Elements Atomic No. Group Period Metals/Nonmetals/Metalloids

F 9 Halogen 2 Nonmetals
Rb 37 Alkali Group 5 Metals
Ga 31 Boron 4 Metals
Sb 51 Nitrogen 5 Metalloids
Sr 38 Alkali Earth 5 Metals
Rn 86 Noble Gas 6 Nonmetals


1. What is the main difference between organic chemistry and inorganic

chemistry? Cite some examples.
Organic Chemistry is the branch of chemistry that deals with organic
compounds. An organic compound is a chemical compound that
contains one or more carbon atoms as an essential component. These
carbon atom link to each other or other chemical elements via covalent
chemical bonds. Some examples of organic chemistry are baking
powder, coal, perfumes, soaps, medicine, digestion, sunscreen,
fructose, and glucose. On the other hand, Inorganic chemistry deals
with the study of compounds that do not contain carbon. Therefore,
there are no essential carbon atoms or C-H bonds in these
compounds. Examples: Iron oxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon dioxide, and

2. Why would a firefighter, pastry chef, expert in electricity, environmental health

inspector, and dental assistant need to understand chemistry?
In my schemata, a firefighter needs to understand chemistry for
personal and public safety, to enhance the effectiveness of their efforts,
and to prevent adding too many hazards present during a fire. A
firefighter uses his or her understanding of the chemistry of building
materials and furnishing as well as the interaction of suppression of
chemicals with fire. Meanwhile, pastry chef needs to understand
chemistry to aid in designing and developing new food products for
industries. Through this, the pastry chef could be used the chemistry to
initiate an array of chemical reactions that could lead to the formation
of either new or improved food products and the improvement could be
taste enhancement, new aroma, color, or increased chef life. However,
an expert in electricity needs to understand chemistry in a means that it
is pivotal in their chosen field because it helps them to know more
about the materials that they are using as well as inculcating
themselves in chemistry will be a great avenue to shape their
knowledge about properties of compounds, elements then they can
apply their understanding for the future purpose to know the working
and mechanism of things that are related to electricity. Moreover,
environmental health inspector also needs to elucidate themselves
about chemistry for a reason that being exposed to high levels of air,
water, and soil pollution can cause a broad range of adverse health
issue, and utilizing chemistry in their career will pave them to find the
solution in solving global public health problems by providing detailed
information on managing environmental pollution. On the other hand,
dental assistant needs to enlighten themselves concerning the vital
means of chemistry because they bring significant value to dentistry
and it can only achieve if they have proper knowledge about chemistry
especially in taking care of the patient, treatment, and giving
prescriptions which are the dental assistant's imperative roles that is
why they need to understand chemistry to avoid wrong diagnosis and
remedy to their patient as they uplift as the assistant they must be a
responsible one.

3. How are various compounds formed by carbon?

Various compounds are formed by Carbon through chemical reactions
and chemical bonding processes. Carbon is the only element that can
form so many different compounds because each carbon atom can
form four chemical bonds to other atoms and because the carbon atom
is just the right, small size to fit in comfortably as parts of very large

4. What is the general characteristic of Organic compound

Upon scrutinizing and understanding the reference, I found out that
some of the general characteristics of organic chemistry are: first,
Organic compounds contain carbon atoms. Usually, these compounds
are soluble in an organic solvent but not in water. Second, another
general characteristic of organic compounds is that they are volatile,
inflammable, possess low boiling points and melting points, as well as,
exhibit isomerism, and, are non-conductors of electricity. Third, organic
compounds include complex structures and high molecular weights.
Fourth, organic compounds mostly depend on only three elements
which are carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen. Lastly, this organic
compound is combustible.

5. (Periodic Table Quiz is on the next page)

6. (Properties and Changes of Matter Quiz is on the next page)
Module 2
Give the formula and structural formula of the following:

a. Heptane
b. Butane
c. Methane
2. Why is Carbon considered unique?
Anchored from the module, carbon is considered unique in the sense
that carbon has the ability in forming very strong covalent bonds. The
small size of the carbon atom makes the compounds of Carbon
exceptionally stable. Aside from that, this element also is referred to as
incomparable because proteins, DNA, carbohydrates, and other
molecules that distinguish living matter are all composed of carbon
compounds as well as they can form large, complex, and diverse
molecules. In addendum, carbon is denoted as inimitable for a reason
that this element can form a variety of stable compounds which can
exist freely in nature that why it is highlighted as the backbone of life.

3. Do some research work. Answer the following questions:

a. Name and describe at least 2 commercial products obtained from
petroleum including their uses.

Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)

 According to the study of Advances in Colloid and
Interface Science (2006), Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
is the liquefied form of petroleum gases released during
the extraction of crude oil and natural gas or during the
refining of crude oil. Liquefied petroleum gas is a
hydrocarbon gas that exists in a liquefied form. LPG is a
colorless, low-carbon, and highly efficient fuel. Supplied
in two main forms, propane (C3H8) and butane (C4H10),
LPG has a range of uses—from providing fuel for leisure
parks, crop-drying, BBQs, heating homes, and much
more. Aside from that, LPG is commonly used as fuel for
gas cooktops, ovens, gas fireplaces, and portable
heaters. It is also used as an engine fuel and for backup
Diesel Fuels
 Anchored in the U.S Energy Information Administration
(EIA), diesel fuels are the common term for the distillate
fuel oil for use in motor vehicles that use the compression
ignition engine. It is also refined from crude oil and
biomass materials. Furthermore, diesel fuels are complex
hydrocarbon mixtures, containing all the classes of
hydrocarbons: paraffin, naphthene, aromatics, and in
small concentrations, olefins. Moreover, diesel fuels are
essential in almost all industries and can be used as
mechanical engines, power generators, or mobile drives.
Apart from that, diesel fuels are widely used by every
mode of transport-rail, sea, air, and road across every
conceivable industry.

b. What environmental problems arise from the use of petroleum

products as fuel?
 According to the noteworthy writer Nivendita Sharma,
“Nothing is perfect in this world, everything has its pros
and cons.” This citation is a simple reminder that
everything that we create in this world will always draw a
negative impact not only on us but also on the
environment for a reason that consuming and utilizing
petroleum products as fuel will create adverse effects on
the community and surrounding that might tarnish the
strong pillar of our environment. With this, excessive
consumption of petroleum products can create air
pollution, water contamination, detrimental impacts to
soils, surface and ground waters as well as acid rain that
leads to the continued development of climate change
across the globe.

c. Importance of studying hydrocarbon in your field (firefighter, police,

 In my perspective, studying hydrocarbon in my field
which is being a police officer is very significant because
it is another key factor that will serve as an avenue to
solve the crime faster as well as to determine who is the
real culprit. For a reason, hydrocarbon is an organic
chemical compound of carbon and hydrogen, are one of
the world’s most crucial energy sources. With this, if the
police officer has ample knowledge about hydrocarbon
surely, he/she can solve the crime as early as possible
because through the different elements and matters he
can easily formulate ideas that will support the
investigation of the existing menace that he/she wants to
resolve. Aside from that, hydrocarbons are easily
combustible and form an explosive mixture which is
another imperative function of the hydrocarbon to the
police officer because they will be more particular about
those chemicals that leads to exposition such as
bombing, ambush, and so on.



1. Nonyne
2. Heptene
3. pentyne
4. decene
5. butane
6. Hexene

2. What is meant by saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbon?

As explicated in the module, saturated hydrocarbon is one in which all
of the atoms are connected by a single bond. Saturated hydrocarbons
are also called alkanes because they contain the maximum number of
hydrogen atoms per carbon. In contrast, Unsaturated hydrocarbons are
compounds that contain fewer than the maximum number of hydrogen
atoms per carbon. Unsaturated hydrocarbons also have double or triple
bonds and are quite reactive, alkenes and alkynes are called
unsaturated hydrocarbons.

3. Compare and contrast; Alkanes, Alkenes, and Alkynes?

Highlighted and explained in the reference, Alkanes are hydrocarbons
having only C-C and C-H single bonds. Alkanes are open-chain
hydrocarbons with single covalent bonds between carbon atoms with a
general formula CnH2n+2. In naming alkanes, the suffix is always
“ane”. The prefix is depending on how many carbons are present.
Meanwhile, Alkenes are compounds that contain a carbon-carbon
double bond. The general molecular formula of an alkene is CnH2n, so
an alkene has two fewer hydrogens than an acyclic alkane, ethylene
(C2H4) is the simplest alkene. Alkene also is an unsaturated
hydrocarbon with two carbon atoms connected by a double bond. On
the other hand, Alkynes are open-chain hydrocarbons with single
covalent bonds between carbon atoms with a general formula CnH2n-
2. An alkyne is identified by the suffix -yne. Alkyne is a saturated
hydrocarbon with two carbon atoms connected by a triple bond.

4. (Assessment of common hydrocarbon and uses is on the next page)

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