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Reproductive BioMedicine Online (2016) ■■, ■■–■■

w w w. s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m
w w w. r b m o n l i n e . c o m

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3 bs_bs_query The role of AMH in the pathophysiology of

polycystic ovarian syndrome

5 bs_bs_query

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Q1 Deepika Garg a, Reshef Tal b,*
8 bs_bs_query

9 bs_bs_query Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York; b Division of Reproductive
10 bs_bs_query Endocrinology and Infertility, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, Yale University School of
11 bs_bs_query Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut
12 bs_bs_query * Corresponding author. E-mail address: (R Tal).

14 bs_bs_query
bs_bs_query Reshef Tal is currently completing his Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility fellowship at the Yale Univer-
15 bs_bs_query sity School of Medicine. He received his medical degree and PhD in Molecular Biology from the Sackler School
16 bs_bs_query of Medicine at Tel-Aviv University (Israel). He completed a post-doctoral research fellowship at the Samuel Lunenfeld
17 bs_bs_query Institute in University of Toronto. He subsequently completed his residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at
18 bs_bs_query Maimonides Medical Center (NY). His research is focused upon AMH as a predictor of ovarian reserve and as-
19 bs_bs_query sisted reproductive technology outcomes, and understanding the role of angiogenesis and stem cells in repro-
20 bs_bs_query ductive biology and pathology.

21 bs_bs_query

22 bs_bs_query Abstract Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) affects 5 − 10% of reproductive age women, but its pathogenesis is still poorly under-
23 bs_bs_query stood. The aim of this review is to collate evidence and summarize our current knowledge of the role of anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH)
24 bs_bs_query in PCOS pathogenesis. AMH is increased and correlated with the various reproductive and metabolic/endocrine alterations in PCOS.
25 bs_bs_query AMH plays an inhibitory role in follicular development and recruitment, contributing to follicular arrest. AMH inhibitory action on
26 bs_bs_query FSH-induced aromatase production likely contributes to hyperandrogenism in PCOS, which further enhances insulin resistance in these
27 bs_bs_query women. Elevated serum AMH concentrations are predictive of poor response to various treatments of PCOS including weight loss,
28 bs_bs_query ovulation induction and laparoscopic ovarian drilling, while improvement in various clinical parameters following treatment is as-
29 bs_bs_query sociated with serum AMH decline, further supporting an important role for AMH in the pathophysiology of this syndrome. This review
30 bs_bs_query emphasizes the need for understanding the exact mechanism of action of AMH in the pathophysiology of PCOS. This may lead to the
31 bs_bs_query development of new treatment modalities targeting AMH to treat PCOS, as well as help clinicians in prognostication and better tai-
32 bs_bs_query loring existing treatments for this disease.
33 bs_bs_query © 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Reproductive Healthcare Ltd.
34 bs_bs_query

35 bs_bs_query KEYWORDS: AMH, hyperandrogenism, insulin resistance, ovulatory dysfunction, pathophysiology, PCOS

36 bs_bs_query

37 bs_bs_query
38 bs_bs_query 1472-6483/© 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Reproductive Healthcare Ltd.

Please cite this article in press as: Deepika Garg, Reshef Tal, The role of AMH in the pathophysiology of polycystic ovarian syndrome, Reproductive BioMedicine Online
(2016), doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2016.04.007
2 D Garg, R Tal

39 bs_bs_query Introduction AMH and ovarian physiology 99 bs_bs_query

40 bs_bs_query 100 bs_bs_query

41 bs_bs_query Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common AMH aka Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS) is a homodimeric 101 bs_bs_query

42 bs_bs_query endocrinopathy in reproductive age affecting 5 − 10% of glycoprotein hormone that belongs to the transforming growth 102 bs_bs_query

43 bs_bs_query women, and is the leading cause of ovulatory dysfunction factor-β superfamily (Cate et al., 1986). It is structurally 103 bs_bs_query

44 bs_bs_query (Diamanti-Kandarakis et al., 1999; Franks, 1995; Knochenhauer related with the 35 other members of this superfamily, which 104 bs_bs_query

45 bs_bs_query et al., 1998). According to the Rotterdam 2003 consensus, two includes growth differentiation factors, inhibins and bone mor- 105 bs_bs_query

46 bs_bs_query out of three criteria are required for the diagnosis of this syn- phogenetic proteins (BMP), some of which are also involved 106 bs_bs_query

47 bs_bs_query drome: oligo- or anovulation, clinical or biochemical in the process of folliculogenesis in the ovaries (Knight and 107 bs_bs_query

48 bs_bs_query hyperandrogenism and/or polycystic ovaries on ultrasound Glister, 2006). While most of these ligands show a broad ex- 108 bs_bs_query

49 bs_bs_query (Rotterdam ESHRE/ASRM-Sponsored PCOS Consensus Workshop pression pattern and a wide range of functions, the expres- 109 bs_bs_query

50 bs_bs_query Group, 2004). It can also be associated with insulin resis- sion of AMH is restricted to the gonads and AMH is thought 110 bs_bs_query

51 bs_bs_query tance, obesity and altered gonadotrophin release. PCOS was to exert its effects only on reproductive organs (Massague and 111

52 bs_bs_query first described by Stein and Leventhal in 1935 in a series of Chen, 2000). 112 bs_bs_query

53 bs_bs_query seven patients with polycystic ovaries, amenorrhoea, infer- The gene which encodes for AMH is localized on the small 113 bs_bs_query

54 bs_bs_query tility and hirsutism (Stein and Leventhal, 1935). It is now well arm of chromosome 19 (Cohen-Haguenauer et al., 1987). AMH 114 bs_bs_query

55 bs_bs_query established that ovarian hyperthecosis and increased andro- is produced as a pro-hormone, which after secretion under- 115 bs_bs_query

56 bs_bs_query gen production are central to the endocrine disturbance in goes cleavage to generate a transforming growth factor-beta- 116 bs_bs_query

57 bs_bs_query PCOS. In addition, numerous genetic and environmental factors like noncovalently-linked biologically active C-terminal 117 bs_bs_query

58 bs_bs_query have been postulated to interact and play a role in the un- fragment (Pepinsky et al., 1988; Wilson et al., 1993). AMH in 118 bs_bs_query

59 bs_bs_query derlying pathophysiology of this syndrome (Vink et al., 2006). the female is produced exclusively by ovarian granulosa cells 119 bs_bs_query

60 bs_bs_query PCOS is clearly familial in a large majority of cases and mo- (Ueno et al., 1989), its concnetration declines with age and 120 bs_bs_query

61 bs_bs_query lecular genetic pathways have been implicated in the meta- become undetectable after menopause (Vigier et al., 1984). 121 bs_bs_query

62 bs_bs_query bolic and biochemical alterations associated with PCOS The concentration of this hormone slightly fluctuates during 122 bs_bs_query

63 bs_bs_query (Escobar-Morreale et al., 2005; Urbanek, 2007). In addition different phases of the menstrual cycle but not significantly 123 bs_bs_query

64 bs_bs_query to genetic predisposition, environmental exposure is thought enough to affect its measurement (Cook et al., 2000; Streuli 124 bs_bs_query

65 bs_bs_query to play a major role in PCOS development. This notion is et al., 2009). 125 bs_bs_query

66 bs_bs_query supported by experiments in rhesus monkeys injected with AMH is also found in Sertoli cells and plays an integral role 126 bs_bs_query

67 bs_bs_query androgens during pregnancy showing that their female in the embryonic development of the reproductive tract and 127 bs_bs_query

68 bs_bs_query offspring had polycystic ovarian morphology and various sex differentiation by inhibiting the development of Müllerian 128 bs_bs_query

69 bs_bs_query PCOS-like manifestations (Abbott et al., 2002). However, ducts (Rajpert-De Meyts et al., 1999; Rey et al., 2003). During 129 bs_bs_query

70 bs_bs_query despite many decades of extensive research, the exact ae- embryogenesis, if AMH production is absent or its receptors 130 bs_bs_query

71 bs_bs_query tiology and pathogenesis of this complex disorder remain are defective, Müllerian ducts persist to form the Fallopian 131 bs_bs_query

72 bs_bs_query largely unknown. tubes, uterus and upper one third of the vagina (Behringer 132 bs_bs_query

73 bs_bs_query Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) is an important regulator et al., 1994). 133 bs_bs_query

74 bs_bs_query of folliculogenesis in the ovaries (Visser et al., 2006). It is se- During human folliculogenesis, AMH protein expression 134 bs_bs_query

75 bs_bs_query creted by granulosa cells of the ovarian follicles and its serum begins at the primary follicle stage, highest expression is de- 135 bs_bs_query

76 bs_bs_query levels are elevated 2- to 3- fold in women with PCOS in com- tected in FSH-dependent pre-antral and small antral fol- 136 bs_bs_query

77 bs_bs_query parison with normo-ovulatory women, consistent with the in- licles of ≤4 mm in diameter, and AMH expression gradually 137 bs_bs_query

78 bs_bs_query creased number of small antral follicles in PCOS (Laven et al., declines in subsequent stages and is absent in follicles larger 138 bs_bs_query

79 bs_bs_query 2004; Pigny et al., 2003). However, it is unclear whether AMH than 8 mm (Stubbs et al., 2005; Weenen et al., 2004). Studies 139 bs_bs_query

80 bs_bs_query is simply a marker which is increased in PCOS, or actually an measuring AMH messenger RNA (mRNA) expression in granu- 140 bs_bs_query

81 bs_bs_query important contributing factor to its pathophysiology. This losa cells of isolated human follicles and AMH protein con- 141 bs_bs_query

82 bs_bs_query article will review the role of AMH in ovarian physiology and centration in follicular fluid confirmed this pattern of 142 bs_bs_query

83 bs_bs_query the accumulating evidence implicating AMH in the pathogen- expression (Andersen et al., 2010; Jeppesen et al., 2013; Modi 143 bs_bs_query

84 bs_bs_query esis of PCOS. Improved understanding of the association et al., 2006). Baarends et al. studied in vivo the expression 144 bs_bs_query

85 bs_bs_query between AMH and PCOS may pave the way for development of AMH and anti-Müllerian hormone receptor type II (AMHRII) 145 bs_bs_query

86 bs_bs_query of new therapies for PCOS. mRNA in adult rat ovaries and suggested the role of FSH and 146 bs_bs_query

87 bs_bs_query
oestrogens in down-regulation of expression of AMH and AMHRII 147 bs_bs_query

mRNA during differentiation of small antral follicles into large 148 bs_bs_query

88 bs_bs_query Materials and methods antral follicles (Baarends et al., 1995). Cessation of AMH pro- 149 bs_bs_query

89 bs_bs_query
duction from larger antral follicles ≥10 mm, is thought to be 150 bs_bs_query

90 bs_bs_query The published literature was searched for relevant publica- essential for dominant follicle selection (Pellatt et al., 2007a; Q3 151 bs_bs_query

91 bs_bs_query tions using PubMed, Medline and Google Scholar databases Visser et al., 2006) (Figure 1). 152 bs_bs_query

92 bs_bs_query until November 2015 with combinations of the search terms It is well established that AMH acts as an important in- 153 bs_bs_query

93 bs_bs_query “polycystic ovarian syndrome”, “PCOS”, “antimullerian hibitory factor for follicular growth. AMH-null mice exhibit 154 bs_bs_query

94 bs_bs_query hormone”, “AMH”, “pathogenesis, ‘ovulatory dysfunc- accelerated folliculogenesis with increased numbers of growing 155 bs_bs_query

95 bs_bs_query tion’”, “hyperandrogenism”, “insulin resistance”, “ovula- follicles resulting in early depletion of ovarian follicles 156 bs_bs_query

96 bs_bs_query tion induction”, “IVF”, “metformin”, “laparoscopic ovarian (Durlinger et al., 1999, 2001). In-vitro, AMH treatment of rat 157 bs_bs_query

97 bs_bs_query drilling” and “treatment outcome”. Only original articles in granulosa cells leads to a reduction in FSH and cAMP-stimulated 158 bs_bs_query

98 bs_bs_query English were included. aromatase activity (Diclemente et al., 1994). In the same 159 bs_bs_query

Please cite this article in press as: Deepika Garg, Reshef Tal, The role of AMH in the pathophysiology of polycystic ovarian syndrome, Reproductive BioMedicine Online
(2016), doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2016.04.007
The role of AMH in the pathogenesis of PCOS 3


Small Large

Primordial Preantral Small Antral Large Antral Pre ovulatory

Follicle Follicle Follicle Follicle Follicle

+ - FSH -


T T Aromatase E2
Theca Cell Granulosa Cell

160 bs_bs_query Figure 1 AMH production and action according to follicular stage. AMH is secreted primarily from pre-antral and small antral fol-
161 bs_bs_query licles. The inhibitory actions of AMH are shown on the FSH-independent initial recruitment of primary follicles from the primordial
162 bs_bs_query follicle pool and on the FSH-dependent follicular maturation and selection of the dominant follicle by decreasing follicular sensitiv-
163 bs_bs_query ity to FSH. The inset shows the interplay between AMH, FSH and LH actions at the molecular level. AMH inhibits FSH-induced aromatase
164 bs_bs_query expression in granulosa cells, reducing the conversion of testosterone to oestradiol, which inhibits AMH in turn. In addition to stimu-
165 bs_bs_query lating theca cell to produce testosterone, LH acts directly on granulosa cells down-regulating the expression of AMHRII. AMHRII =
166 bs_bs_query anti-Müllerian hormone receptor II; E2 = oestradiol; T = testosterone.
167 bs_bs_query

168 bs_bs_query study, AMH was shown to reduce aromatase mRNA expres- become more sensitive to FSH leading to increased oestro- 197 bs_bs_query

169 bs_bs_query sion in cAMP-stimulated cells and LH receptor mRNA expres- gen production, follicular selection and subsequent ovula- 198 bs_bs_query

170 bs_bs_query sion in porcine granulosa cells stimulated with FSH (Diclemente tion in the normal ovary. 199 bs_bs_query

171 bs_bs_query et al., 1994). Similarly, AMH treatment has been demon- 200 bs_bs_query

172 bs_bs_query strated to result in decreased aromatase mRNA expression and

173 bs_bs_query activity as well as oestradiol production in human granulosa Role of AMH in PCOS pathogenesis 201 bs_bs_query

174 bs_bs_query cells (Grossman et al., 2008; Pellatt et al., 2007a). Consis- 202 bs_bs_query

175 bs_bs_query tent with this, AMH has been shown to reduce the growth of It is well known that PCOS ovaries comprise a higher number 203 bs_bs_query

176 bs_bs_query early growing follicles by 40 ± 50% following 4 − 5 days in of pre-antral and small antral follicles (Franks et al., 2000, 204 bs_bs_query

177 bs_bs_query culture (Weenen et al., 2004). AMH-induced decrease in granu- 2006; Hughesdon, 1982), indicating arrest of follicular de- 205 bs_bs_query

178 bs_bs_query losa cells sensitivity to FSH was also confirmed in vivo as AMH- velopment at the stage when AMH production is greatest. 206 bs_bs_query

179 bs_bs_query deficient mice were more sensitive to FSH than the wild- Indeed, several studies have demonstrated that serum AMH 207 bs_bs_query

180 bs_bs_query type ones (Durlinger et al., 2001). concentration is elevated in PCOS women compared with 208 bs_bs_query

181 bs_bs_query AMH signals through two types of serine–threonine kinase women with normal ovaries (Fallat et al., 1997; Laven et al., 209 bs_bs_query

182 bs_bs_query transmembrane receptors known as type I receptor (AMHRI) 2004; Mulders et al., 2004; Pellatt et al., 2007a). In addi- 210 bs_bs_query

183 bs_bs_query and type II receptor (AMHRII) which are present on gonads and tion, the concentration of AMH in follicular fluid from women 211 bs_bs_query

184 bs_bs_query Müllerιan ducts (La Marca and Volpe, 2006). Interaction of AMH with anovulatory PCOS was found to be 5-fold greater com- 212 bs_bs_query

185 bs_bs_query with its receptors stimulates a signalling pathway which in- pared with ovulatory women (Das et al., 2008). Moreover, 213 bs_bs_query

186 bs_bs_query volves Smad proteins (Massague and Chen, 2000). Granulosa Pellatt et al. showed that AMH production per granulosa cell 214 bs_bs_query

187 bs_bs_query cells of pre-antral and small antral follicles have a high ex- is increased on average 75-fold in granulosa cells of anovu- 215 bs_bs_query

188 bs_bs_query pression of AMH and AMH receptor mRNA (Hirobe et al., 1992). latory PCOS compared with granulosa cells of normal ovaries 216 bs_bs_query

189 bs_bs_query Interestingly, the presence of AMHRII mRNA has been iden- (Pellatt et al., 2007a). Catteau-Jonard et al. corroborated 217 bs_bs_query

190 bs_bs_query tified in theca cells along with granulosa luteal cells (GLC), these findings showing that granulosa cells of polycystic ovaries 218 bs_bs_query

191 bs_bs_query suggesting the possibility of an AMH-based signalling pathway have increased AMH mRNA expression (Catteau-Jonard et al., 219 bs_bs_query

192 bs_bs_query between these cells during folliculogenesis (Hanna et al., 2008). Taken together, these data suggest that it is not only 220 bs_bs_query

193 bs_bs_query 2006). Collectively, the role of AMH in folliculogenesis appears the increased number of follicles, with resultant increased 221 bs_bs_query

194 bs_bs_query to be the inhibition of premature recruitment and matura- granulosa cell mass, but also greater production by indi- 222 bs_bs_query

195 bs_bs_query tion of follicles. Once the follicles reach the large antral stage, vidual granulosa cells that is underlying AMH overproduc- 223 bs_bs_query

196 bs_bs_query the expression of AMH is downregulated and these follicles tion in PCOS. Several studies have demonstrated that AMH is 224 bs_bs_query

Please cite this article in press as: Deepika Garg, Reshef Tal, The role of AMH in the pathophysiology of polycystic ovarian syndrome, Reproductive BioMedicine Online
(2016), doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2016.04.007
4 D Garg, R Tal

225 bs_bs_query correlated with severity of PCOS manifestations, including warranted to directly assess the effects of inhibiting AMH 286

226 bs_bs_query oligo/amenorrhoea, hyperandrogenism and polycystic ovarian action on folliculogenesis and PCOS manifestations using in- 287

227 bs_bs_query morphology (Eldar-Geva et al., 2005; Homburg et al., 2013; vitro and experimental animal models. 288

228 bs_bs_query Lin et al., 2011; Pigny et al., 2003; Piouka et al., 2009; Tal While it is likely that elevated AMH contributes to the 289

229 bs_bs_query et al., 2014) lending support to the notion that AMH is not pathogenesis of anovulation in PCOS, the cause/s of its in- 290

230 bs_bs_query only a biomarker of disease but actually contributes to PCOS creased production remain unknown. However, factors which 291

231 bs_bs_query pathogenesis. are closely related to PCOS pathophysiology such as in- 292

creased LH, androgen levels and insulin resistance may be im- 293


plicated (Figure 2). Several studies have shown that serum 294

233 bs_bs_query The role of AMH in ovulatory dysfunctions in PCOS AMH is correlated with LH and androgen levels (Eldar-Geva 295

234 bs_bs_query
et al., 2005; Homburg et al., 2013; Lin et al., 2011; Pigny 296

235 bs_bs_query Previous studies have directed our attention towards the role et al., 2003; Piouka et al., 2009; Tal et al., 2014). LH in- 297

236 bs_bs_query of AMH in inhibiting folliculogenesis by interference with the creases AMH production 4-fold in granulosa cells of PCOS 298

237 bs_bs_query concentration and the actions of FSH in the ovaries (Josso ovaries but not of normal ovaries (Pellatt et al., 2007a). In 299

238 bs_bs_query et al., 2001; Pellatt et al., 2010; Singer et al., 2009). Inter- addition, LH has been shown to increase AMH expression in 300

239 bs_bs_query estingly, several investigators have reported that AMH con- granulosa cells of oligo/anovulatory women but not of ovu- 301

240 bs_bs_query centrations are correlated with the degree of ovulatory latory PCOS and control women, and had no effect on AMHRII 302

241 bs_bs_query dysfunction. Laven et al. showed that normogonadotrophic expression in granulosa cells of oligo/anovulatory PCOS women 303

242 bs_bs_query anovulatory women with or without PCOS have higher AMH while decreasing its expression in granulosa cells of ovula- 304

243 bs_bs_query concentrations than their normo-ovulatory counterparts, and tory PCOS and control women (Pierre et al., 2013), suggest- 305

244 bs_bs_query that serum AMH is correlated with menstrual cycle duration ing a role for LH in AMH overexpression and AMH-induced 306

245 bs_bs_query (Laven et al., 2004). Moreover, Pellatt et al. have sug- follicular arrest. Moreover, androgens play a role in stimu- 307

246 bs_bs_query gested that PCOS can be divided into anovulatory and ovu- lating early (FSH independent) stages of follicular growth 308

247 bs_bs_query latory based on the serum AMH concentrations as women with (Vendola et al., 1998; Weil et al., 1999) and may thus con- 309

248 bs_bs_query anovulatory PCOS were found to have 18 times higher AMH tribute to increased AMH production. However, Carlsen et al. 310

249 bs_bs_query concentrations than the women with ovulatory PCOS with no reported that 6-month androgen suppression with dexametha- 311

250 bs_bs_query overlapping areas (Pellatt et al., 2010). Pigny et al. investi- sone did not change AMH concentrations, suggesting that other 312

251 bs_bs_query gated the correlation of serum AMH concentrations with FSH mechanisms are likely responsible for the induction and main- 313

252 bs_bs_query in PCOS and found a positive correlation between AMH con- tenance of AMH production in PCOS women (Carlsen et al., 314

253 bs_bs_query centration and small antral follicle number (P < 0.0001) but 2009a, 2009b). Q5 315

254 bs_bs_query a negative correlation with serum FSH concentration (P < 0.04), Another candidate which may contribute to elevated AMH 316

255 bs_bs_query suggesting the role of increased AMH in the follicular arrest in PCOS is insulin. Compensatory hyperinsulinaemia second- 317

256 bs_bs_query in PCOS by inhibiting FSH early in folliculogenesis (Pigny et al., ary to insulin resistance is found in PCOS and Homeostatic 318

257 bs_bs_query 2003). They also reported that AMH concentration is tightly Model Assessment (HOMA-IR) has been shown to be corre- 319

258 bs_bs_query correlated with the 2 − 5 mm but not the 6 − 9 mm follicular lated with the AMH concentrations in this population (La Marca 320

259 bs_bs_query number (Pigny et al., 2003), implying that greater AMH con- et al., 2004a, 2004b). Nardo et al. found a positive correla- Q6 321

260 bs_bs_query centrations would reflect a greater number of AMH-producing tion between AMH and fasting insulin levels in women with 322

261 bs_bs_query 2 − 5 mm follicles. Interestingly, in a different study by the and without PCOS (Nardo et al., 2009). This could be ex- 323

262 bs_bs_query same group, the authors reported a strong negative relation- plained by an abnormal effect of insulin on AMH secretion 324

263 bs_bs_query ship between the 2 − 5 mm and the 6 − 9 mm follicular from granulosa cells as suggested by Park et al. in women 325

264 bs_bs_query numbers, suggesting the presence of a physiological nega- without PCOS (Park et al., 2010a, 2010b), or may be due 326

265 bs_bs_query tive influence from the 2 − 5 mm follicle pool on the termi- to increased androgen production in the presence of 327

266 bs_bs_query nal follicle growth at the time of selection (Dewailly et al., hyperinsulinaemia in PCOS (Park et al., 2010a, 2010b). Further 328

267 bs_bs_query 2007). Importantly, the authors noted that the 2 − 5 mm fol- research is required in this area to characterize the nature 329

268 bs_bs_query licular number was positively correlated with the severity of of the association between insulin and AMH concentrations 330

269 bs_bs_query the menstrual disorder in PCOS, being highest in women with and to delineate the mechanism for insulin-dependent el- 331

270 bs_bs_query amenorrhoea (Dewailly et al., 2007). Subsequently, Park et evation of AMH in PCOS. 332

271 bs_bs_query al. reported that adolescent girls with oligomenorrhoea have It is also possible that genetic factors may underlie AMH 333

272 bs_bs_query elevated AMH concentrations compared with normo-ovulatory overexpression in PCOS. Kevenaar et al. investigated the role 334

273 bs_bs_query
Q4 controls (Park et al., 2010a, 2010b). Moreover, Tal et al. re- of ALK2, its receptor and their encoding gene ACVR1 gene, 335

274 bs_bs_query cently reported that serum AMH concentration had a strong which are involved in AMH/BMP signalling, in the aberrant fol- 336

275 bs_bs_query predictive ability for amenorrhoea in their study population licle development in PCOS. They found an association between 337

276 bs_bs_query of women with elevated AMH, having 91.7% specificity and a genetic variant of ACVR1 with AMH concentrations and 338

277 bs_bs_query 79.4% sensitivity in predicting amenorrhoea when the thresh- folliculogenesis in PCOS suggesting the role of ALK2 signal- 339

278 bs_bs_query old AMH concentration was 11.4 ng/ml (Tal et al., 2014). Taken ing in ovulatory disturbances in PCOS (Kevenaar et al., 2009). 340

279 bs_bs_query together, these observations suggest that anovulatory PCOS Stubbs et al. investigated the role of AMH in the transition 341

280 bs_bs_query women have an increased number of AMH-producing small of primordial follicles to primary follicles in women with 342

281 bs_bs_query antral follicles (2 − 5 mm), presumably creating an extreme normal and polycystic ovaries and found AMH immunostaining 343

282 bs_bs_query AMH-dominated micro-environment, which impairs the action in fewer primordial follicles in polycystic ovaries of anovu- 344

283 bs_bs_query of FSH on the selectable follicles leading to anovulation. latory women in comparison with normo-ovulatory women with 345

284 bs_bs_query However, these observations provide only indirect evidence polycystic ovaries (Stubbs et al., 2005). However, the inten- 346

285 bs_bs_query for AMH role in PCOS-related anovulation. Further studies are sity of AMH staining in pre-antral and antral follicles was not 347

Please cite this article in press as: Deepika Garg, Reshef Tal, The role of AMH in the pathophysiology of polycystic ovarian syndrome, Reproductive BioMedicine Online
(2016), doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2016.04.007
The role of AMH in the pathogenesis of PCOS 5


Increased Elevated Elevated AGEs Genetic Factors?

Elevated LH
androgens and decrease
in sRAGE


Decreased aromatase Decreased FSH

expression sensitivity


348 bs_bs_query Figure 2 The various factors leading to elevated anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) and the downstream effects of AMH overproduc-
349 bs_bs_query tion. Overproduction of AMH in polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) could be due to several factors which are abnormally elevated
350 bs_bs_query (LH, androgens, insulin, advanced-glycation end products [AGE]) or decreased (soluble receptor for AGE [sRAGE]) in PCOS. In addi-
351 bs_bs_query tion, genetic factors such as variants of ACVR1 gene likely contribute to AMH overexpression. The abnormal increase in AMH dimin-
352 bs_bs_query ishes aromatase expression and follicular sensitivity to FSH leading to anovulation and hyperandrogenism. The exact relationship between
353 bs_bs_query AMH and insulin resistance has not been fully elucidated.

354 bs_bs_query

355 bs_bs_query different between these groups. Based on these observa- tivity in GLC. The authors proposed this interaction as a pos- 386 bs_bs_query

356 bs_bs_query tions, it may be postulated that AMH exhibits less inhibition sible explanation for the association of high AMH 387 bs_bs_query

357 bs_bs_query on primordial follicles in anovulatory PCOS women, leading concentrations and low FF oestradiol concentrations in PCOS 388 bs_bs_query

358 bs_bs_query to increased early folliculogenesis and accumulation of (Grossman et al., 2008). Similar decrease in FSH-induced 389 bs_bs_query

359 bs_bs_query pre-antral and small antral follicles, resulting in AMH aromatase mRNA expression and oestrogen production in re- 390 bs_bs_query

360 bs_bs_query overproduction. sponse to AMH has also been recently reported by Chang et al. 391 bs_bs_query

(2013). In addition to direct inhibitory effects of AMH on granu- 392 bs_bs_query

361 bs_bs_query

losa cell aromatase expression/activity leading to increased 393 bs_bs_query

362 bs_bs_query AMH and hyperandrogenism in PCOS androgen levels, it can be conceptualized that AMH may have 394 bs_bs_query

a paracrine effect on theca interna cells given the presence 395



of AMHRII in these cells, leading to theca cell dysregulation 396 bs_bs_query

364 Androgens are produced in theca interna cells and con-

in PCOS (Ingraham et al., 2000). It can be speculated that AMH-

397 bs_bs_query

365 verted to oestrogens in granulosa cells by the action

dependent inhibition of FSH-induced aromatase activity may

398 bs_bs_query

366 of aromatase (Erickson et al., 1979). LH stimulates

also lead to the abnormal follicular development in PCOS

399 bs_bs_query

367 steroidonegenesis by producing androgens from theca interna

(Jonard and Dewailly, 2004). Furthermore, a study by Kevenaar

400 bs_bs_query

368 cells. Elevated serum AMH concentration in PCOS has been

et al. provides a possible genetic explanation for a mecha-

401 bs_bs_query

369 shown to be positively associated with androgen levels such

nistic link between AMH and androgen levels. The investiga-

402 bs_bs_query

370 as serum testosterone and androstenedione (Carlsen et al.,

tors found an association between AMH gene Ile (49) Ser

403 bs_bs_query

371 2009a, 2009b; Cassar et al., 2014; Pigny et al., 2003; Piltonen
polymorphism and androgen levels in women with PCOS, which

404 bs_bs_query

372 et al., 2005), supporting the notion that AMH may contrib-
may be due to AMH influence on FSH-induced aromatase ac-

405 bs_bs_query

373 ute to the development of hyperandrogenism in women with

tivity (Kevenaar et al., 2008). Of note, the existing evi-

406 bs_bs_query

374 PCOS. While the specific mechanism/s of action of AMH leading

dence highlights the role of AMH in hyperandrogenism

407 bs_bs_query

375 to hyperandrogensim in PCOS has not yet been fully eluci-

associated with PCOS, but there are several other factors that

408 bs_bs_query

376 dated, such effect may be mediated by the reduction in

also contribute to the metabolic and hormonal dynamics in

409 bs_bs_query

377 aromatase activity in granulosa cells of polycystic ovaries


410 bs_bs_query

378 bs_bs_query (Laven et al., 2002; Pellatt et al., 2007b). di Clemente et al.
379 bs_bs_query found reduced aromatase activity and mRNA expression in re- 411 bs_bs_query

380 bs_bs_query sponse to AMH in rat fetal ovaries (di Clemente et al., 1992).
381 bs_bs_query Grossman et al. investigated the role of AMH in the expres- AMH and metabolic manifestations 412 bs_bs_query

382 bs_bs_query sion of cytochrome P450 aromatase (CYP19) mRNA and protein 413 bs_bs_query

383 bs_bs_query in human GLC and demonstrated significant reduction in FSH- The rate of metabolic syndrome in PCOS is two to three times 414 bs_bs_query

384 bs_bs_query induced oestradiol production via AMH-induced inhibition of greater than healthy women of the same age group 415 bs_bs_query

385 bs_bs_query CYP19 gene expression and cytochrome P450 aromatase ac- (Apridonidze et al., 2005). The most common metabolic 416 bs_bs_query

Please cite this article in press as: Deepika Garg, Reshef Tal, The role of AMH in the pathophysiology of polycystic ovarian syndrome, Reproductive BioMedicine Online
(2016), doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2016.04.007
6 D Garg, R Tal

417 bs_bs_query abnormalities associated with PCOS are insulin resistance (IR) nized in the ovulatory and metabolic disturbances associ- 479 bs_bs_query

418 bs_bs_query and obesity, affecting anovulatory women more than ovula- ated with PCOS (Diamanti-Kandarakis et al., 2005, 2008), and 480 bs_bs_query

419 bs_bs_query tory women with PCOS, which also play an important role in recently a link to AMH has been suggested. Advanced glycation 481 bs_bs_query

420 bs_bs_query regulation of androgen levels (Conway and Jacobs, 1993). end products are the products of nonenzymatic modifica- 482 bs_bs_query

421 bs_bs_query Although IR is amplified by increasing obesity, women with tion of proteins, lipids and nucleic acids by glucose. Their gen- 483 bs_bs_query

422 bs_bs_query PCOS are more insulin resistant than can be accounted for by eration is accelerated by conditions such as diabetes and IR 484 bs_bs_query

423 bs_bs_query their obesity alone (Dunaif et al., 1989, 1992). It has been (Unoki and Yamagishi, 2008), and AGE have been shown to 485 bs_bs_query

424 bs_bs_query suggested that IR can affect AMH concentrations and also be be elevated in serum as well as ovaries of PCOS women 486 bs_bs_query

425 bs_bs_query associated with hyperandrogensim related with PCOS (Diamanti-Kandarakis et al., 2007, 2008). Furthermore, AGE 487 bs_bs_query

426 bs_bs_query (Baillargeon and Nestler, 2006). However, evidence regard- have been shown to interfere with insulin signalling in granu- 488 bs_bs_query

427 bs_bs_query ing the association between elevated AMH and IR as well as losa cells (Diamanti-Kandarakis et al., 2015). In contrast to 489 bs_bs_query

428 bs_bs_query other metabolic manifestations of PCOS is conflicting. RAGE, the soluble receptor for RAGE (sRAGE) is an extracel- 490 bs_bs_query

429 bs_bs_query Direct correlation between serum AMH and insulin resis- lular form of RAGE which circulates in the blood binding AGE 491 bs_bs_query

430 bs_bs_query tance, as measured by (HOMA-IR), was first reported by La and reducing their free circulating levels, thus preventing the 492 bs_bs_query

431 bs_bs_query Marca et al. (2004a,b) in a study which included 14 women adverse intracellular events of AGE-RAGE interaction (Kalea 493 bs_bs_query

432 bs_bs_query with PCOS. Consistent with this observation, a cross-sectional et al., 2009). Diamanti-Kandarakis et al. demonstrated a posi- 494 bs_bs_query

433 bs_bs_query study by Fonseca et al. showed significantly higher AMH con- tive correlation between elevated AMH concentrations and 495 bs_bs_query

434 bs_bs_query centrations in PCOS patients with IR in comparison to PCOS AGE in women with PCOS. They further showed that eleva- 496 bs_bs_query

435 bs_bs_query patients without IR (Fonseca et al., 2014). Moreover, Nardo tion in both AMH and AGE was more pronounced in women 497 bs_bs_query

436 bs_bs_query et al. assessed the relationships between AMH and IR in a study with anovulatory PCOS, suggesting an interrelated role 498 bs_bs_query

437 bs_bs_query of 49 patients with PCOS and 183 without PCOS undergoing for these molecules in ovulatory dysfunction in PCOS 499 bs_bs_query

438 bs_bs_query IVF treatment and found a positive correlation between AMH (Diamanti-Kandarakis et al., 2009). Moreover, Irani et al. re- 500 bs_bs_query

439 bs_bs_query concentrations and HOMA-IR as well as insulin levels, and a ported that vitamin D supplementation, which is known to 501 bs_bs_query

440 bs_bs_query negative correlation between AMH and HOMA-B in both groups, improve various manifestations of PCOS (Irani et al., 2015), 502 bs_bs_query

441 bs_bs_query suggesting that the relationship between AMH and IR is in- led to a decrease in serum AMH accompanied by an increase 503 bs_bs_query

442 bs_bs_query dependent of PCOS status (Nardo et al., 2009). Skalba et al. in serum concentrations of sRAGE in women with PCOS (Irani 504 bs_bs_query

443 bs_bs_query also reported a positive correlation between AMH and HOMA- et al., 2014b). Recently, Merhi et al. showed that treat- 505 bs_bs_query

444 bs_bs_query IR in a study which included 87 women with PCOS and 50 non- ment of cultured cumulus cells with AGE resulted in in- 506 bs_bs_query

445 bs_bs_query PCOS controls (Skalba et al., 2011). creased mRNA expression of the AMHRII but not AMH, and also 507 bs_bs_query

446 bs_bs_query In contrast, other studies did not find an association between led to increased AMH-induced SMAD 1/5/8 phosphorylation, 508 bs_bs_query

447 bs_bs_query AMH and IR. Eldar-Geva et al. failed to find any association effects that were suppressed by concomitant treatment with 509 bs_bs_query

448 bs_bs_query between AMH and insulin sensitivity in 19 women with PCOS vitamin D (Merhi et al., 2015). Taken together, these data 510 bs_bs_query

449 bs_bs_query and hyperandrogenism (group A), 10 women with PCOS without suggest that AGE potentiate the action of AMH in the ovary 511 bs_bs_query

450 bs_bs_query hyperandrogenism (group B), and 23 normal ovulatory women and that the combined action of AGE and AMH, which are up- 512 bs_bs_query

451 bs_bs_query (group C) as controls who underwent ovarian stimulation with regulated in PCOS, may contribute to ovulatory dysfunction 513 bs_bs_query

452 bs_bs_query long down-regulation protocol (Eldar-Geva et al., 2005). Other as well as various metabolic complications in PCOS such as 514 bs_bs_query

453 bs_bs_query small studies also failed to find an association between AMH insulin resistance. However, it is still unknown whether AMH 515 bs_bs_query

454 bs_bs_query and IR (Caglar et al., 2013; Cassar et al., 2014). While it is may directly affect insulin action locally in the ovary or sys- 516 bs_bs_query

455 bs_bs_query possible that study size may have played a role in these nega- temically, and further studies are warranted to evaluate the 517 bs_bs_query

456 bs_bs_query tive findings, several larger studies reported similar negative possible influence of AMH on the action of AGE in the ovary. 518 bs_bs_query

457 bs_bs_query findings. In a study which included 59 PCOS and 45 non-PCOS 519 bs_bs_query

458 bs_bs_query women, Pigny et al. found no significant correlation between

459 bs_bs_query AMH concentrations and fasting insulin (Pigny et al., 2003). AMH and infertility 520 bs_bs_query

460 bs_bs_query Moreover, several studies of Asian women with PCOS re- 521 bs_bs_query

461 bs_bs_query ported no significant association between AMH and IR (Chen Does AMH have a role in PCOS-related subfertility? The answer 522 bs_bs_query

462 bs_bs_query et al., 2008; Chun, 2015; Tian et al., 2014). Notably, the PCOS is not straightforward but there are several studies which may 523 bs_bs_query

463 bs_bs_query women in these studies were relatively leaner than in the provide important clues to this question. Studies have shown 524 bs_bs_query

464 bs_bs_query others. Table 1 summarizes the available evidence on the as- that AMH concentrations can be used as a predictor of men- 525 bs_bs_query

465 bs_bs_query sociation between AMH and IR. The conflicting data on the strual response after weight loss in overweight and obese 526 bs_bs_query

466 bs_bs_query association between AMH and IR may be partly explained by women with PCOS. Moran et al. studied the effect of weight 527 bs_bs_query

467 bs_bs_query heterogeneity in study populations. In addition, AMH has been loss treatment on the regulation of menstrual cycles in PCOS 528 bs_bs_query

468 bs_bs_query shown to be negatively correlated with body mass index (BMI) and found lower baseline AMH concentrations in responders 529 bs_bs_query

469 bs_bs_query in some studies but not others (Fleming et al., 2015) and since (P < 0.02) in comparison to non-responders suggesting the use 530 bs_bs_query

470 bs_bs_query insulin resistance is closely associated with obesity, the complex of pretreatment AMH as an important clinical predictor of the 531 bs_bs_query

471 bs_bs_query relationship between AMH and BMI may be an important con- response to weight loss in PCOS (Moran et al., 2007). Thomson 532 bs_bs_query

472 bs_bs_query founder in studies evaluating the association between AMH et al. also reported improvement in menstrual cyclicity and 533 bs_bs_query

473 bs_bs_query and IR. Therefore, larger studies which carefully control for ovulatory function following weight loss in overweight and 534 bs_bs_query

474 bs_bs_query BMI and other confounders are needed to further explore the obese women with PCOS who had lower pretreatment AMH 535 bs_bs_query

475 bs_bs_query nature of the interaction between AMH and IR. concentrations; however, weight loss did not result in a de- 536 bs_bs_query

476 bs_bs_query The role of increased oxidative stress as well as products crease in AMH concentrations (Thomson et al., 2009). Weight 537 bs_bs_query

477 bs_bs_query of oxidation such as advanced glycation end (AGE) products loss improved the menstrual and reproductive functions in 538 bs_bs_query

478 bs_bs_query and their receptors (RAGE) has been increasingly recog- these women with PCOS who already had lower baseline AMH 539 bs_bs_query

Please cite this article in press as: Deepika Garg, Reshef Tal, The role of AMH in the pathophysiology of polycystic ovarian syndrome, Reproductive BioMedicine Online
(2016), doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2016.04.007
The role of AMH in the pathogenesis of PCOS
(2016), doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2016.04.007
Please cite this article in press as: Deepika Garg, Reshef Tal, The role of AMH in the pathophysiology of polycystic ovarian syndrome, Reproductive BioMedicine Online

540 Table 1 Studies evaluating the association between serum AMH and insulin resistance in PCOS women.
542 Population characterstics Age (years) BMI (kg/m2) Study size Study design Factors measured Main findings
543 Authors

544 Pigny et al., 2003 Women with and without PCOS (Rotterdam PCOS: mean age 27.4 PCOS: mean BMI 26.7 104 women; 59 symptomatic Cross-sectional Serum AMH concentrations and No significant correlation between AMH
545 criteria) Control: mean age, Control: mean BMI 23.1 PCOS, 45 non-PCOS controls fasting insulin between days 2 concentrations and fasting insulin (r =
546 28.3 and 7 after the last menstrual −0.024, P = NS)
547 period
548 La Marca et al., Women with PCOS (defined by presence of Mean age 23 Mean BMI 24.6 14 women with PCOS and 15 Cross-sectional Serum AMH concentrations and Positive correlation between HOMA score
549 2004a,b oligo/amenorrhoea with hyperandrogenism) non-PCOS women HOMA-IR and serum AMH l concentrations (r = 0.621,
550 and control women P < 0.05)
551 Eldar-Geva et al., Women with PCOS (Rotterdam consensus) 20–39 GroupA: 27.7 ± 6.1 19 women in group A, 10 Prospective Baseline serum AMH and Women with PCO have higher serum AMH
552 2005 and hyperandrogenism (group A), women Group B: 27.2 ± 7.5 women in group B, and 23 fasting insulin levels concentrations during ovarian stimulation
553 with PCOS without hyperandrogenism (group Group C: 25.1 ± 4.5 women in group C than controls; No correlation between AMH

554 B), normal ovulatory women as controls and fasting insulin levels (r = −0.10, P = NS)
555 (group C) undergoing ovarian stimulation
556 with GnRHa long protocol
557 Chen et al., 2008 Women with PCOS (as per Rotterdam 26 (21–35) 23.05 99 women with PCOS Cross-sectional AMH concentrations and HOMA- Negative association between AMH and
558 criteria) (17.61 − 37.11) IR HOMA-IR (γ = −0.220; P = 0.030)
559 Nardo et al., 2009 PCOS (as per Rotterdam criteria) and non- 22–41 >19 but <30 49 patients with PCOS and 183 Prospective Serum AMH, insulin, HOMA-IR, Positive correlation between AMH
560 PCOS patients undergoing IVF without PCOS HOMA-B concentrations and HOMA-IR (r = 0.40,
561 P = 0.004), negative correlation between
562 AMH and HOMA-B in both groups (r = −0.60,
563 P = 0.046)
564 Skalba et al., Women with and without PCOS (as per 18–35 Normal weight: 18.5 to 87 women with PCOS and 50 Prospective AMH concentration and HOMA- Positive correlation between AMH and
565 2011 Rotterdam criteria) 24.9 Overweight: > 25 women without PCOS as IR HOMA-IR (r = 0.31, P < 0.001)
566 healthy controls
567 Caglar et al., Women with and without PCOS (as per Mean age: 26 Mean BMI: 22 34 women with PCOS and 21 Prospective Serum AMH, HOMA-IR, QUICKI No significant correlation between AMH and
568 2013 Rotterdam Criteria) non-PCOS controls QUICKI or HOMA-IR (r = 0.068, P = NS and
569 r = −0.010, P = NS, respectively)
570 Fonseca et al., Group A: women with PCOS (as per 20 − 44 Mean BMI: Group A: 26 women Cross-sectional Serum AMH, insulin levels, Higher AMH concentrations in PCOS patients
571 2014 Rotterdam criteria) and IR; Group B: women Group A: 28.9 Group B: 30 women HOMA-IR with IR (5.90 ng/ml) in comparison to PCOS
572 with PCOS without IR; Group C: controls Group B: 23.8, Group C: 30 patients without IR (4.45 ng/ml) and
573 without PCOS Group C: 22.6 controls (2.84 ng/m) (P = 0.001)
574 Cassar et al., Lean and overweight women with and Lean control = 27 ± 6, Lean control = 21·9 ± 4·6 22 lean and 21 overweight Cross-sectional Serum AMH and HOMA-IR Increased AMH concentrations in lean and
575 2014 without PCOS (as per Rotterdam criteria) Lean PCOS = 27 ± 4, Lean PCOS = 23·0 ± 4·7 women with PCOS; 19 lean and overweight women with PCOS and positive
576 Overweight control = Overweight control = 16 overweight non-PCOS association with hyperandrogenism but not
577 35 ± 4, Overweight 34·3 ± 5·1 Overweight controls IR (P < 0.001)
578 PCOS = 29 ± 5 PCOS = 34·2 ± 4·6
579 Tian et al., 2014 Women with PCOS (NIH criteria) and control 27.90 ± 4.14 to <25 160 PCOS women and 40 Prospective Serum AMH, HOMA-IR, QUICKI Negative correlation between AMH
580 group 29.62 ± 4.33 women in control group concentrations and HOMA-IR (r = −0.038,
581 P = NS) and a positive correlation with
582 QUICKI (r = 0.063, P = NS)
583 Chun, 2015 Women with PCOS (as per Rotterdam 18 − 33 Group 1: 21.78 ± 4.13, 95 Korean women with PCOS. Retrospective Serum AMH, HOMA-IR, QUICKI No correlation between AMH concentrations
584 criteria) Group 2: 22.62 ± 7.18 Group 1 (AMH <10 n = 53) and HOMA-IR (r = 0.121, P = NS) and QUICKI
585 Group 2 (AMH >10, n = 42) (r = 0.003, P = NS)

586 AMH = anti-Müllerian hormone; BMI = body mass index; COH = controlled ovarian hyperstimulation; HOMA = Homeostatic Model Assessment; HOMA-B = homeostatic model assessment of steady state beta cell function; HOMA-IR = homeostatic model as-
587 sessment of tissue insulin sensitivity; IR = insulin resistance; MIS = Müllerian-inhibiting substance; PCOS = polycystic ovary syndrome; QUICKI index = Quantitative Insulin Sensitivity Check Index.

8 D Garg, R Tal

bs_bs_query concentrations and which was not further affected by weight 75th, or >75th AMH percentiles. Among these three groups, 650 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query loss. Moreover, response to ovulation induction also appears they found comparable fertilization rate and quantity of good 651 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query to be related to pre-treatment AMH concentrations. In a study quality embryos, but lower embryo implantation rates were 652 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query which included 68 obese PCOS women, El-Halawaty et al. observed in the high AMH group in comparison to the low and 653 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query (2007) found a significant difference in serum AMH concen- average AMH groups (P < 0.01) (Xi et al., 2012). In addition, 654 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query tration between PCOS women who responded to ovulation in- the authors found a non-significant trend towards lower clini- 655 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query duction with clomiphene citrate versus those who were non- cal pregnancy rates in the high AMH group compared with the 656 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query responders. A threshold value of AMH <1.2 ng/ml was found other two groups (Xi et al., 2012). In a different study, Sahmay 657 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query to predict response to clomiphene citrate in obese women with et al. found no significant correlation between AMH concen- 658 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query PCOS (sensitivity 71%, specificity 65.7%). Similarly, in a study trations and CPR in 150 women with PCOS who underwent IVF 659 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query of 60 anovulatory women with PCOS who underwent ovula- as CPR were 27.8%, 35.0% and 37.8% in <25%, 25%−75% and 660 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query tion induction with clomiphene citrate, serum AMH concen- >75% percentiles of AMH concentrations (Sahmay et al., 2013). 661 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query tration at baseline was found to be predictive of ovulation In a recent meta-analysis, we showed that in spite of some 662 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query and pregnancy. Ovulation and pregnancy rates were signifi- weak association of AMH with implantation and clinical preg- 663 bs_bs_query

Q7 cantly higher (97%, P < 0.001, and 46%, P = 0.034) in pa- nancy rate outcomes, AMH displayed a trend toward weaker 664 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query tients with low AMH (<3.4 ng/ml) versus women with AMH predictability of clinical pregnancy in women with PCOS 665 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query 3.4 ng/ml or greater (48% and 19%) (Mahran et al., 2013). It (pooled diagnostic OR 1.18, AUC 0.60) compared with women 666 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query may be postulated that in those women with anovulatory PCOS with unspecified or diminished ovarian reserve (pooled diag- 667 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query who have very high granulosa cell production of AMH, as re- nostic OR 2.097, AUC 0.634) (Tal et al., 2015). This particu- 668 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query flected by profoundly elevated serum AMH concentrations, larly weak association of AMH with pregnancy outcome in PCOS 669 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query the inhibitory actions of AMH on folliculogenesis cannot be could be explained by considering the association of AMH with 670 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query overcome by weight loss treatment or gentle ovulation in- the pathogenesis of the syndrome (Lin et al., 2011). AMH is 671 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query duction regimens. correlated with PCOS severity and has a good predictive ac- 672 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query Evidence for the negative role that elevated AMH plays in curacy for PCOS, making it a good candidate for being added 673 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query the fertility of PCOS women also comes from studies on IVF as a criterion for the diagnosis of this syndrome (Iliodromiti 674 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query in this population. While AMH concentrations were higher in et al., 2013). Elevated AMH concentration in PCOS is largely 675 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query the follicular fluid aspirates at the time of oocyte retrieval due to increased AMH production by individual follicles rather 676 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query from the anovulatory women undergoing IVF in comparison than increased follicle number (Pellatt et al., 2007a), which 677 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query to the ovulatory women, these follicular levels were lower may confound its association with ovarian reserve and/or 678 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query in the women who attained pregnancy (Desforges-Bullet et al., quality, thus explaining the poor predictability of AMH for preg- 679 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query 2010). nancy outcome in this population of women. 680 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query The evidence that high AMH concentrations are associ- A better understanding of the interplay between AMH and 681 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query ated with poor assisted reproductive outcome in PCOS women assisted reproduction outcomes in women with PCOS may help 682 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query may appear to contradict existing evidence that high AMH is clinicians find a distinct role for AMH measurement in this 683 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query correlated with good IVF response. However, while it is well population. 684 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query established that AMH is correlated with ovarian response and 685 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query is a good predictor of oocyte yield following assisted repro-
bs_bs_query ductive technology, it is still controversial whether it may also AMH in response to treatment in PCOS 686 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query be associated with qualitative outcomes of assisted repro- 687 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query ductive technology (La Marca et al., 2007; Muttukrishna et al., Several lines of evidence demonstrate a close association 688 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query 2005). A recent meta-analysis by Iliodromiti et al. con- between changes in serum AMH concentrations and improve- 689 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query cluded that AMH was a weak predictor of live birth outcome ment in PCOS manifestations in response to treatment, pro- 690 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query in patients following IVF (Iliodromiti et al., 2014). More- viding further support to the notion that AMH is causally 691 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query over, most of these studies have been conducted on women related to PCOS pathophysiology. 692 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query with unspecified ovarian reserve or non-PCOS women. Accu- Significant reduction in AMH concentrations was noted after 693 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query mulating data on the association between AMH and assisted 6-month metformin therapy in PCOS (Piltonen et al., 2005). 694 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query reproductive outcome in PCOS have been very conflicting. In another study, the decrease in AMH concentration was a 695 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query Aleyasin et al. investigated the relationship between AMH delayed response and recognized after eight months of 696 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query concentrations and assisted reproductive technology outcome metformin treatment (but not four months), and was pro- 697 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query in 60 PCOS patients and found a statistically significant posi- posed to be due to increased follicle recruitment in a better 698 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query tive correlation between the AMH concentrations and the endocrine environment of less insulin (Fleming et al., 2005). 699 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query number of oocytes retrieved, presence of mature oocytes and In contrast, a short duration of metformin treatment (one 700 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query embryo transfer. However, in their study AMH was not found week) in patients with PCOS did not affect AMH concentra- 701 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query to be associated with clinical pregnancy outcome (AUC = 0.543, tions despite a significant reduction in the number of antral 702 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query for cut-off of AMH >4.8 ng/ml) (Aleyasin et al., 2011). In con- follicles (Bayrak et al., 2007). The association between serum 703 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query trast, Kaya et al. showed in their study of 60 women with PCOS concentration of AMH and treatment response was also es- 704 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query that day 3 serum AMH concentration ≥3.2 ng/ml was a pre- tablished in the setting of ovulation induction with clomi- 705 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query dictor of IR and clinical pregnancy rate (CPR) with 72.1% and phene citrate in obese PCOS patients. El-Halawaty et al. 706 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query 75.6% sensitivity and 72.7% and 77.3% specificity, respec- evaluated AMH concentration in obese women with PCOS after 707 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query tively (Kaya et al., 2010). Xi et al. also investigated the pre- ovulation induction with clomiphene citrate and found a sig- 708 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query dictive value of AMH on day 3 of IVF cycle in 164 PCOS women nificant decrease in AMH concentrations in responders com- 709 bs_bs_query

bs_bs_query and divided the clinical outcomes according to <25th, 25 to pared with non-responders suggesting that AMH plays a role 710 bs_bs_query

Please cite this article in press as: Deepika Garg, Reshef Tal, The role of AMH in the pathophysiology of polycystic ovarian syndrome, Reproductive BioMedicine Online
(2016), doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2016.04.007
The role of AMH in the pathogenesis of PCOS
711 Table 2 Effect of treatment of PCOS on serum AMH concentrations.
(2016), doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2016.04.007
Please cite this article in press as: Deepika Garg, Reshef Tal, The role of AMH in the pathophysiology of polycystic ovarian syndrome, Reproductive BioMedicine Online

713 Population characterstics Age (years) BMI (kg/m2) Size Study design Intervention Factors measured Main findings
714 Authors

715 Piltonen et Women with PCOS (Rotterdam 20−41 18–41 26 women with Prospective Metformin 1500 mg daily for Effect of metformin Decrease in AMH concentrations in women with PCOS after
716 al., 2005 criteria) PCOS 6 months (n = 14) vs. on serum AMH metformin treatment with no difference between the two
717 1000 mg daily for 3 months concentrations, dosing protocols (Pre-treatment mean AMH concentration 87.5
718 followed by 2000 mg daily follicle number and vs. 81.4 pmol/l after 6 months of metformin treatment, P <
719 for 3 months (n = 12) ovarian volume 0.01)
720 Fleming et Obese women with PCOS Mean 30.2 Mean 37.1 82 obese women Prospective Metformin treatment for 4 Change in serum AMH Decrease in AMH was noted only after 8 months of metformin
721 al., 2005 (Rotterdam criteria) with PCOS randomized months and 8 months over 4 and 8 months treatment (7.9 vs. 6.1 ng/ml, P = 0.0005) and was similar
722 trial (500 mg three times daily or between the 500 mg and 850 mg dose groups; significant
723 850 mg three times daily) reduction in weight and increase in ovulation rate (P = 0.0001)
724 Bayrak et al., Women with PCOS (diagnosed 23–36 23.4–36 5 women IR + PCOS, Prospective Metformin 850 mg daily for Concentrations of No change in AMH concentrations after one week of metformin
725 2007 by oligoanovulation and 5 women with PCOS 1 week serum AMH and therapy
726 hyperandrogenism) with and without IR, 4 inhibin B, AFC; Serum
727 without IR control women concentrations of T,
728 FSH, and LH, fasting
729 glucose/insulin ratio.

730 El-Halawaty Obese women with PCOS PCOS: 28.21 ± 4.8 PCOS: 36.7 ± 5.75 68 obese women Prospective Clomiphene citrate (150 mg Serum AMH as a Marked reduction in AMH concentrations in obese women with
731 et al., (Rotterdam criteria) and obese Control: 27.65 ± 5.70 Control: 36.4 ± with PCOS and 17 daily) for 5 days beginning predictor of PCOS who responded to clomiphene citrate treatment (P =
732 2007 normo-ovulatory women as 5.67 normo-ovulatory cycle day 3 clomiphene citrate 0.0081); cut-off value of 1.2 ng/ml predicted response to OI
733 control group (BMI > 30) controls induced OI with 71% sensitivity, and 65.7% specificity)
734 Irani et al., Vitamin D-deficient women PCOS: 27.0 ± 0.9 PCOS: 27 ± 1.3 67 women with (n = Prospective Supplementation of 1,25- Serum levels of sRAGE Vitamin D3 replacement decreases serum AMH concentrations
735 2015 with or without PCOS Control: 28.7 ± 1.3 Control: 28.5 ± 22) or without (n = randomized Dihydroxy- vitamin D3 and AMH were in women with PCOS (P = 0.003), associated with increase in
736 (Rotterdam criteria with serum 1.5 45) PCOS controlled (50,000 IU once weekly for measured at baseline serum sRAGE (P = 0.03); No change in AMH in non-PCOS women
737 AMH > 4 ng/ml replacing trial 8 weeks) and 8 weeks after
738 sonographic criteria) vitamin D
739 supplementation
740 Seyam et al., Group 1- anovulatory women 25–40 20–30 Group-1 (n = 40), Prospective Laparoscopic ovarian drilling Evaluation of serum AMH concentrations decreased in PCOS group following LOD
741 2014 with PCOS (Rotterdam criteria) group-2 (n = 30), controlled (LOD) or incremental doses AMH concentrations from 5.99 ± 2.3 pretreatment to 3.4 ± 1.7, 3.2 ± 1.7 and 3.1 ±
742 undergoing LOD; Group-2 group-3 (n = 20) of CC before and after 1.5 ng/ml in one week, 3- months and 6- months post
743 received incremental doses treatment; AFC and treatment (P = 0.0001). After 6 months of LOD, 75% women
744 (50–150 mg) of CC; Group-3 summed ovarian had regular cycles with ovulation rate of 60% vs. 63.33%
745 healthy women volume (SOV) by TVS regular cycles and 63.33% ovulation rate in CC group
746 Amer et al., Anovulatory women with PCOS LOD: 28.4 (0.9) LOD: 26.9 (0.6) PCOS women Prospective Laparoscopic ovarian drilling Measurement of Significant reduction in AMH concentrations from 6.1 (pre-
747 2009 (Rotterdam criteria) CC: 28.1 (2.0) CC: 24.7 (1.7) undergoing LOD (n (LOD) or CC treatment serum AMH treatment) to 4.6, 4.3 and 4.6 ng/ml after LOD at 1 week, 3
748 = 29) or receiving concentration before months and 6 months, respectively (P = 0.003); AMH
749 CC (n = 18) and one week after concentration was predictive of ovulation after LOD with 78%
750 treatment sensitivity and 76% specificity
751 Weerakiet et PCOS (Rotterdam criteria) LOD group: 33.9 ± LOD group: 24.15 PCOS women who Cross- Laparoscopic ovarian drilling Day-3 serum anti- A non-significant trend towards lower AMH concentrations in
752 al., 2007 women with or without LOD, 4.15, PCOS group: ± 5.28, PCOS had LOD (n = 21); sectional (LOD) Müllerian hormone the LOD (4.60 ± 3.16 ng/ml) vs. the PCOS (5.99 ± 3.36 ng/ml)
753 and healthy controls 32.9 ± 3.91, Control group: 24.86 ± PCOS women (AMH) concentrations group; lower FSH in PCOS group in comparison with LOD and
754 group: 33.8 ± 4.52 6.70, Control without LOD (n = control group (P < 0.01); A non-significant trend towards lower
755 group: 23.58 ± 21); non- PCOS androgens in LOD group (P = NS)
756 4.45 women (n = 21)
757 Elmashad, Anovulatory CC resistant 18–35 26.7 ± 2.4 Anovulatory CC Prospective Laparoscopic ovarian drilling Plasma AMH Significant reduction in plasma levels of AMH and the ovarian
758 2011 women with PCOS (Rotterdam resistent women controlled (LOD) concentration and stromal power Doppler flow indices following LOD, with a
759 criteria) and healthy control with PCOS (n = 23); ovarian stromal 3D positive correlation between the two parameters (r = 0.55, P =
760 group Control group (n = power Doppler blood 0.006; r = 0.60, P = 0.002; and r = 0.016, P = 0.013 for VI, FI,
761 20) flow and VFI, respectively); Ovulation rate 73.9%, spontaneous
762 pregnancy rate 26.1%
763 Hendriks et PCOS women (as per all three 18–45 Laser group: 31.0 Women with PCOS Prospective Laparoscopic ovarian laser Serum AMH and In the first hours after surgery, both groups showed decrease in
764 al., 2014 of the Rotterdam criteria and ± 8.6 DLS group: undergoing laser controlled evaporation or diagnostic endocrine changes AMH. However, testosterone, androstenedione and AMH
765 luteinizing hormone (LH) > 6.5) 26.0 ± 9.4 evaporation (n = laparoscopy before and up to 5 remained at lower than baseline levels only in laser in
766 12) vs. diagnostic days following comparison with DLS group (P < 0.05); In laser group 41.7%
767 laparoscopy (n = 9) laparoscopic laser patients had ovulation within 28 days of the procedure, while
768 evaporation or DLS in DLS group OI was started without wait for spontaneous
769 ovulation

770 AFC = antral follicle count; AMH = anti-Müllerian hormone; BMI = body mass index; CC = clomiphene citrate; DLS = diagnostic laparoscopy; EE = ethinylestradiol; FG = Ferriman-Gallwey score; FI = flow index; FSH = follicle-stimulating hormone; LOD =
771 laparoscopic ovarian drilling; mFG = modified Ferriman-Gallwey score; MIS = Müllerian-inhibiting substance; OC′s = Oral contraceptives; OI = Ovulation induction; PCOS = polycystic ovary syndrome; SOV = summed ovarian volume; T = Testosterone; TVS
772 = transvaginal ultrasound examination; VI = vascularization index; VFI = vascularization flow index.

10 D Garg, R Tal

773 bs_bs_query in responsiveness to clomiphene citrate treatment terventions aimed at inhibiting AMH action such as AMH- 834 bs_bs_query

774 bs_bs_query (El-Halawaty et al., 2007). Alternatively, the decrease in AMH specific antibodies or antagonists may prove to be clinically 835 bs_bs_query

775 bs_bs_query may simply be related to follicular development to a stage useful in improving various aspects of this syndrome. The pos- 836 bs_bs_query

776 bs_bs_query associated with less AMH production, similar to that which sible use of an antibody that blocks AMH or AMHRII action in 837 bs_bs_query

777 bs_bs_query occurs following treatment with gonadotrophins (La Marca the ovary may lead to similar consequences as the knockout 838 bs_bs_query

778 bs_bs_query et al., 2004a, 2004b). of the AMH gene or its receptor in mice (Durlinger et al., 1999, 839 bs_bs_query

779 bs_bs_query Supplementation of 1,25-Dihydroxy-vitamin D3 (vit. D3) in 2001). An increase in the number of primordial follicles re- 840 bs_bs_query

780 bs_bs_query PCOS women who are vit. D3-deficient has been shown to cruited, increased antral follicle sensitivity to FSH and con- 841 bs_bs_query

781 bs_bs_query improve elevated androgen levels, insulin resistance and men- sequently improvement in ovulatory dysfunction should 842 bs_bs_query

782 bs_bs_query strual cyclicity (Pal et al., 2012; Selimoglu et al., 2010). Ab- be expected. Moreover, due to AMH inhibitory action on 843 bs_bs_query

783 bs_bs_query normally elevated AMH concentrations in PCOS women were aromatase expression, AMH inhibition may be expected to 844 bs_bs_query

784 bs_bs_query decreased following vit. D3 administration suggesting that AMH result in greater conversion of androgens to oestrogens and 845 bs_bs_query

785 bs_bs_query may be mechanistically linked to vit D3-induced beneficial improvement in hyperandrogenism. For over three decades, 846 bs_bs_query

786 bs_bs_query effects in PCOS (Irani and Merhi, 2014a; Irani et al., 2014b). different antibodies against bovine or human AMH or AMHRII 847 bs_bs_query

787 bs_bs_query This change in AMH following vit. D3 supplementation may have been developed (Legeai et al., 1986, 1988; Salhi et al., 848 bs_bs_query

788 bs_bs_query be attributed to the presence of a vitamin D response element 2004; Vigier et al., 1982). The monoclonal antibody mAb 12G4, 849 bs_bs_query

789 bs_bs_query on AMH gene promoter which has been shown to be trig- the first mAb to be raised against human AMHRII, has re- 850 bs_bs_query

790 bs_bs_query gered by the active form of vitamin D in prostate cancer cells cently shown promise for ovarian cancer immunotherapy by 851 bs_bs_query

791 bs_bs_query (Krishnan et al., 2007; Malloy et al., 2009). targeting human ovarian cancer cells in vitro and in vivo in 852 bs_bs_query

792 bs_bs_query Accumulating evidence suggests that reduction in AMH con- a nude mouse xenograft model (Kersual et al., 2014). The de- 853 bs_bs_query

793 bs_bs_query centrations is associated with treatment response following velopment of a humanized version of the anti-AMHRII anti- 854 bs_bs_query

794 bs_bs_query laparoscopic ovarian drilling (LOD) in PCOS. Several studies body 12G4, named 3C23K, is ongoing and could prove useful 855 bs_bs_query

795 bs_bs_query on PCOS women reported that serum AMH concentrations were for ovarian and other gynaecologic AMHRII-positive cancers. 856 bs_bs_query

796 bs_bs_query decreased following LOD (Amer et al., 2009; Elmashad, 2011; Experimental studies are warranted to evaluate the poten- 857 bs_bs_query

797 bs_bs_query Seyam et al., 2014; Weerakiet et al., 2007). Hendriks et al. tial of such AMH antibodies or antagonists in the treatment 858 bs_bs_query

798 bs_bs_query reported similar findings following laparoscopic laser evapo- of PCOS. 859 bs_bs_query

799 bs_bs_query ration, noting a sustained decrease in serum AMH only in PCOS 860 bs_bs_query

800 women who underwent ovarian laser evaporation but not


801 control PCOS patients who underwent diagnostic laparos-


802 bs_bs_query copy (Hendriks et al., 2014). In addition, AMH concentra- 862 bs_bs_query

803 bs_bs_query tions were significantly decreased and were correlated with This review summarizes the existing evidence regarding the 863 bs_bs_query

804 bs_bs_query reduced ovarian power Doppler blood flow indices in PCOS contribution of AMH to the pathophysiology of PCOS and its 864 bs_bs_query

805 bs_bs_query women following LOD (Elmashad, 2011). Moreover, in the study various manifestations. In conclusion, AMH plays an inhibi- 865 bs_bs_query

806 bs_bs_query by Amer et al. pre-operative serum AMH concentration was tory role in follicular development and recruitment, contrib- 866 bs_bs_query

807 bs_bs_query shown to be predictive of treatment response to LOD as re- uting to anovulation. It also likely promotes hyperandrogenism 867 bs_bs_query

808 bs_bs_query flected by significantly greater ovulation rate in women with and insulin resistance in PCOS. Elevated serum AMH concen- 868 bs_bs_query

809 bs_bs_query lower pre-treatment AMH concentration. In their study, AMH trations are predictive of poor response to various treat- 869 bs_bs_query

810 bs_bs_query cut-off level of 7.7 ng/ml was predictive of ovulation follow- ments of PCOS including weight loss, ovulation induction and 870 bs_bs_query

811 bs_bs_query ing LOD with 78% sensitivity and 76% specificity (Amer et al., laparoscopic ovarian drilling, while clinical improvement in 871 bs_bs_query

812 bs_bs_query 2009). Although the mechanism of LOD is still unclear, it is various parameters following treatment is associated with 872 bs_bs_query

813 bs_bs_query thought to be mediated by the destruction of ovarian theca serum AMH decline, further supporting an important role for 873 bs_bs_query

814 bs_bs_query cell mass associated with rapid decrease in androgen levels AMH in the pathophysiology of this syndrome. Further basic 874 bs_bs_query

815 bs_bs_query leading to the beneficial clinical effects observed in PCOS and experimental studies will be paramount in improving our 875 bs_bs_query

816 bs_bs_query women following LOD (Flyckt and Goldberg, 2011). However, understanding of AMH related pathophysiology of PCOS, which 876 bs_bs_query

817 bs_bs_query it is unknown whether the decrease seen in AMH following LOD may lead to development of new therapies for this disorder. 877 bs_bs_query

818 bs_bs_query is simply reflective of the destruction of AMH-producing granu- 878 bs_bs_query

819 bs_bs_query losa cells, or is actually mechanistically related to the clini- References 879 bs_bs_query

820 bs_bs_query cal improvement. The predictive ability of pre-operative AMH 880 bs_bs_query

821 bs_bs_query concentration for treatment success would argue for the latter. Abbott, D.H., Dumesic, D.A., Franks, S., 2002. Developmental origin 881 bs_bs_query

822 bs_bs_query It is possible that decreased local ovarian production of AMH of polycystic ovary syndrome–a hypothesis. J. Endocrinol. 174, 882 bs_bs_query

823 bs_bs_query following LOD may lead to increased follicular responsive- 1–5. 883 bs_bs_query

824 bs_bs_query ness to FSH and release from the follicular arrest. Further ex- Aleyasin, A., Aghahoseini, M., Mokhtar, S., Fallahi, P., 2011. Anti- 884 bs_bs_query

825 bs_bs_query perimental studies are needed to investigate this possibility. mullerian hormone as a predictive factor in assisted reproduc- 885 bs_bs_query

826 bs_bs_query Table 2 summarizes the studies reporting serum AMH con- tive technique of polycystic ovary syndrome patients. Acta Med. 886 bs_bs_query

827 bs_bs_query centrations before and after various PCOS treatments. Iran. 49, 715–720. 887 bs_bs_query

Amer, S.A., Li, T.C., Ledger, W.L., 2009. The value of measuring anti- 888 bs_bs_query

828 bs_bs_query
Müllerian hormone in women with anovulatory polycystic ovary 889 bs_bs_query

829 bs_bs_query Future perspectives: AMH inhibition as syndrome undergoing laparoscopic ovarian diathermy. Hum. 890 bs_bs_query

830 bs_bs_query possible treatment for PCOS? Reprod. 24, 2760–2766. 891 bs_bs_query

Andersen, C.Y., Schmidt, K.T., Kristensen, S.G., Rosendahl, M., 892 bs_bs_query

831 bs_bs_query

Byskov, A.G., Ernst, E., 2010. Concentrations of AMH and inhibin-B 893 bs_bs_query

832 bs_bs_query As previously discussed, AMH up-regulation appears to be in relation to follicular diameter in normal human small antral fol- 894 bs_bs_query

833 bs_bs_query central to the pathophysiology of PCOS. Therefore, future in- licles. Hum. Reprod. 25, 1282–1287. 895 bs_bs_query

Please cite this article in press as: Deepika Garg, Reshef Tal, The role of AMH in the pathophysiology of polycystic ovarian syndrome, Reproductive BioMedicine Online
(2016), doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2016.04.007
The role of AMH in the pathogenesis of PCOS 11

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Please cite this article in press as: Deepika Garg, Reshef Tal, The role of AMH in the pathophysiology of polycystic ovarian syndrome, Reproductive BioMedicine Online
(2016), doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2016.04.007
The role of AMH in the pathogenesis of PCOS 13

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Please cite this article in press as: Deepika Garg, Reshef Tal, The role of AMH in the pathophysiology of polycystic ovarian syndrome, Reproductive BioMedicine Online
(2016), doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2016.04.007

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